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☪️ Quran: Chapter 16: The Bees – Al Nahl سورة النحل

Writer's picture: Mohamed ElgayarMohamed Elgayar

Updated: Jan 18

Revelation place: Mecca

Revelation order: 70

Number of verses: 128


This chapter was revealed during the final period of the Prophet Muhammad’s time in Mecca, just before the Muslims migrated to Habasha (Ethiopia). This chapter highlights the concept of Tawhid, which is the belief in the Oneness of Allah, and counters polytheistic beliefs by pointing to evident signs in the universe and human creation. Additionally, it guides the Prophet and his followers in responding to hostility and persecution from non-believers.


I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the condemned.

With the name of Allah, the gracious the merciful.


1- Has come Allah’s command (His decree for the Prophet and the Muslims to defeats the infidels), so do not rush it. Exalted He and high above what they associate with


2- He sends down the angels with the spirit from His command (Command “Be so it becomes” with the spirit that contains life and convey Allah’s message) upon whomever He wishes from His worshipers, that “Warn that indeed there is no deity but Me, so be pious to Me”


3- Created the heavens and the earth in truth, High above what they associate with (Far high above all no one helped Him to associate with)


4- Created human from a sperm, then he is a clear opposer (Rebels against His creator argue and even denies that is a God, adverse against each other)


5- And the cattle He has created it for you, in them warmth and benefits and from them you eat


6- And for you in them beauty and when send out (To graze and eat) and when they come back


7- And carries your loads to a land you would not be reaching, except with the rift of breathes, indeed your God is compassionate Merciful


8- And the horse and the mules and the donkeys to ride them and as an adornment, and creates that which you do not know


9- And upon Allah is the direction of the way (To guide to paradise through faith and reward for good deeds in this world) and from it (Deviate out of it) what is unjust, and if He had willed, He would have guided you all


10- And He who sent down from the sky water form it you drink and from it is foliage in it you pasture (grazing your livestock)


11- He causes for you with it (sky water) the crops, and olives, and palm trees, and grapevines, and from among all what is fruitful, indeed in that is a sign for folks who give thoughts


12- And subjugated (As they choose from the get go to be subjugated rather be judged later) for you the night and the day, and the sun and the stars are subjugated with His command, indeed in that are signs for folks who can reason


13- And what He multiped (Creation created that reproduce itself, e.g. humans, animals, plant.) of varying colors, indeed in that are a sign for folks who remembers (Research)


14- And is He who subjugated the sea so you can eat from it tender meat and extract from it ornaments that you wear, and you see the ships plowing in it so you may seek from His bounty, that maybe you give thanks


15- And He casted, in the land anchors, let it shakes with you, and rivers and ways, that you may be guided. (Find your way with it, and to who had created for you)


16- And signs (Landmarks to guide you to believe in God who created them for your benefit), and by the stars they (Meccan, Quraish) they guide themselves


17- Is that who creates is the like who does not create, cannot you remember (Visualize That you created these idols that you now worship)


18- And if you count Allah’s blessing you could not account them, indeed Allah is Forgiving Merciful


19- And Allah knows what you conceal and what you declare


20- And those who you call upon other than Allah (Idols), they do not create anything and they are created


21- Dead not alive (were never alive), and they (idols) do not feel where they (the idol worshipers) will be resurrected


22- Your deity is One, and those who do not believe in the hereafter, their hearts are in denial (They suppressed their true innate nature by rejecting and denying the inevitable reality of what will occur after death, hoping to avoid any form of judgment) and they are haughtily(arrogant)


23- Is not a crime (It is an established right, It is a must) that indeed Allah knows what they conceal and what they declare, indeed He does not like the haughtily


24- And if was told to them, what have your God sent down (Quran), they say “Legends (fables, lies, fairy-tales) of the formers (Ancients)


25- So, they may carry their burdens in full on the day of resurrection and from among the burdens of those they lead astray, with no knowledge(Those who just followed blindly without searching for the truth), Oh worse what they are bearing (theirs’s and others burden)


26- Had plotted those from before them, so came Allah at their build up  from its foundations so fell the roof upon them from above , and came to them the torments from where they did not feel (suddenly)


27- Then on the day of resurrection He disgrace them and Say” Where are my partners that you used to split with (Side apart with them, away from the Allah and the believers)”, said those who were given the knowledge (Message and faith from Allah)”Indeed the disgrace today and what is bad is upon the disbelievers”


28- Those who the angels take them wrongdoing themselves (Only seeking this temporary wordily enjoyment with disregard to the lasting hereafter pleasures), so they threw in submission (Surrendered) “we were not doing any evil” indeed not. Allah is knowing of what you were doing (No you were evil doing, and Allah knows)


29- So, enter the gates of hell (Gate for the denier of the hereafter, the disbelievers, gate for hypocrisy, bribery, usury etc..) abiding in it eternally, so wretched is the residence of the haughtily (Arrogant)


30- And was said to those who were pious “What had your God sent down” they said” Goodness for those who did well in this wordily , live in good (For what good they have striven in their worldly life), and the home of the hereafter is even better, and what a blessing is the home of the pious


31- Gardens of perpetuity they enter it, below which rivers flow, for them in it what they wish, like this Allah reward the pious


32- Those who takes them the angels in good, they (the angels) say “Peace upon you, enter paradise for what you used to do”


33- Do they await but the angels come to them, or comes your God’s command, like this did the ones from before them, and Allah did not wrong them, but they were wrongdoing themselves (They disobeyed Allah and missed out on this world and the hereafter)


34- So struck them the evil of what they have done, and encompassed them what they used to ridicule


35- And said those who partnered (Polytheist , and those who associate partners with All) “If wished Allah, we would not had worshiped from among what is lower than Him anything, neither we nor our fathers, nor did we forbid from what is lower than Him anything (Allah made me do it, but Allah created you fit for good and evil, and gave you the clear guidance and method for the rewards of good and punishment of evil for you to choose)


36- And We did resurrect (Reraised the same message and reminder) in every nation a messenger “To indeed worship Allah, and side away from the oppressors” so among them whom Allah guided (As they obeyed Allah’s message), and among them who encompassed upon him misguidance (The deniers), so pass through the land and observe what was the consequence of the deniers


37- And if you (Muhammed) are careful to guide them, indeed Allah does not guide who had strayed (Choose to disobey and deny to not “To indeed worship Allah, and side away from the oppressors”), and there is no for them any helper


38- And they swore by Allah with their exerted oath (with exaggeration), that Allah will not resurrect who dies, rather yes, a promise upon Him that is a right, but most people do not know


39- So, to make clear to them (Allah) what they differed in (In the matter of resurrection, as it is the just thing, that is clear by time to end thing right) and to know (later at judgement day) those who disbelieved that they were lairs


40- Indeed, Our saying to a thing if We intend it, that indeed We say to it “Be” so it becomes


41- And those who migrated to Allah from after being wronged, We shall return to them in this world good, and that indeed the reward of the hereafter is greater, is they knew


42- Those who were patient and upon their God relied


43- And We did not send from before, but men (Human males)We revealed to them, so ask the companions of the reminder (previous revelations), if you did not know


44- With the clear proofs (miracles, or natural signs e.g. sun, moon etc.) and the precious writing (Deserve to be preserved, e.g. Psalm), and We sent down upon you (Muhammed) the Reminder (Quran) to make clear to the people what was sent to them (From before and now through the Quran) that they might think (God honored human with choice and intelligence, so whatever God intended as a forced ruling, He imposed it in an explicit text that is not disputed, and whatever He intended in due diligence ways, He leaves to interpretation were error in it does not lead to corruptions)


45- Have they felt secure those who plotted the ill-deeds, that Allah (will not) eclipse with them the earth or bring to them torments from where they do not feel (Perceive, expect)


46- Or He seize them during their fluctuation (activities), and they will not be disabling (Allah’s command)


47- Or seize them upon fear (Catastrophizing, expecting dreadfulness), surely you God is Clement Merciful


48- Have not they seen, that what Allah had created of anything that rebounds its shades (Back to the sun) on the right and the lefts (singular or plural) they prostrated to Allah while humbled (Things are managed and determined by Allah, All obey Allah sun, mountains, animals plant etc.)


49- And to Allah prostrate (in submission) what is in the heavens and in the earth from among the pounders (Creatures, even trivial moving things) and the angels and they are not arrogant (With humility)


50- They fear their God (majesty) from above them, and they do what they are commanded (Complete obedience, No choice)


51- And said Allah “Do not take two deities, indeed no, He is but one deity, so only fear Me


52- For Him what is in the heavens and the earth and for Him the religion continuously (For Him obedience and submission always), then to other than Allah you should be pious


53- And whatever in you of a bounty, it is from Allah, then if harm touches you, to Him you cry aloud


54- Then if He clears away from you the harm, then a team among you with their God the take partners


55- To deny what We have brought them, so enjoy, you are going to know (The results of your actions)


56- And they assign to what they do not know a share (offering to Idols), of what We have provided them, by Allah you will be asked about what you used to slander


57- And they assign to Allah the daughters, exalted is He (For anything to be assigned to Him sons or daughters), and for them what they desire (sond)


58- And if any of them was given a good tiding (the birth) of a female, becomes his face blackish (Shaded and congested with anger) while suppressed


59- Hiding from the people from the bad (birth of a female), of what he was given (By God) as good tidings, do he hold it in ignominy or he shoves it in the ground (bury it alive), it is indeed ill what they judge (Execution upon the newborn female)


60- To those who do not believe in the hereafter is the ill similitude (Example of vile qualities of disbelieve, denying the certain hereafter for the uncertain short life), and to Allah the highest similitude, and He is the Mighty Wise


61- And if Allah takes (Collect now from) the people by their wrongdoing, He would not leave upon it any pounding (Even creatures created for human benefit), but He defers them to a named term (Judgment time), and when comes their term, they will not be delayed an hour nor advanced


62- And they assign to Allah what they hate (e.g. give what they despise as charity), and their tongues describe lies (Intentionally spread lies, e.g. Ezra is the son of God, Christ is the son of God, angels are daughters of God) and that all good things for them, so it is no crime that indeed for them is the fire, and they are in it hastened


63- By Allah, We have sent to nations from before you (Muhammed), so ornamented to them Satan their deeds, so he is their sponsor today, and for them painful torment


64- And We have not sent down upon you The Book (Quran), except  to make clear for them what they differed in (The followers of the previous messengers who had dispute among themselves), and guidance and mercy for people who believe


65- And Allah has sent down from the sky water so He revived with it the land after its death, indeed in that signs for people who listen


66- And indeed, for in the livestock (Grazing) a passage (of knowledge, lesson), We make you drink from what in its belly, from between excretion and blood, pure milk palatable to the drinkers


67- And from the fruitfulness of the palm trees and the grapevines you take from them intoxicants (introduction to forbid alcoholic drinks)and good livelihood, indeed in that are signs for people who reason


68- And inspired you God to the bees (female bees) to take from among the mountains houses and among the trees and from among what they (humans) build (apiary beehives)


69- Then eat from every fruitfulness and follow the paths of your God humbly (freely paved for you), emerges from her stomachs drinks, varying in color, in it healings for people, indeed in that are signs for people who give thoughts


70- And Allah created you then He takes you, and among you who is returned to the meanest age so he will not know from after he had known anything, indeed Allah is Knowing Able


71- And Allah has favored some of you over some others in livelihood (health, talent, inelegance, courage, power, wealth etc..) so those who were favored do not return (asked to share) their livelihood upon those that their right hand possess, so they (both) be equals, so how come by Allah’s blessing you are ungrateful (After giving and not asking to share, you denied God’s right to servitude and divinity and also shared it with the idols and statues)


72- And Allah made form yourselves pairs (Mates. It has two possible meanings, that God created Eve from Adam’s part e.g. rib, or God created Eve as He created Adam, as an independent creation of the same human kind in different sexes, then He paired/married them together)and made for you form among your pairs children and grandchildren and provided you from among the good things, then in falsehood (idols) they believe and in Allah’s blessings they disbelieve?


73- And they worship from among that whom are beneath Allah, who does not possess for them provisions from the heavens and the earth, anything, and they are unable


74- So do not strike to Allah similarities (peers, images, likenesses), indeed Allah knows and you do not know


75- Strikes Allah a similitude (example), a salve who is owned and unable to do a thing, and he to whom We provided to him good provision so he spends from it secretly and publicly, do they level (equate), praise to Allah (now you understand), but most of them do not know (about the Quran for now)


76- And strikes Allah a similitude of two men, one of them is mute not able on anything, and he is a burden upon his guardian, wherever he directs him he does not come with what is good, does he equate and the one who commands in justice and he is on a straight path?


77- And to Allah is the absent (unseen) of the heavens and the earth, and the command of the hours is not but like the glance of the eye or closer, indeed Allah is over earthing able


78- And Allah extracted you from the wombs of your mothers not knowing anything, and made for you the hearing (first) and sights (second) and hearts (comprehension), that you may be thankful


79- Or have not they seen the birds subjected in the atmosphere of the sky, none holds them but Allah, indeed in that are signs for people who believe (The necessity of the existence of intelligence designer)


80- And Allah made for you from your homes a place of rest, and made for you from the skins of the chattels homes of light loads for the days of your travel and encampments, and from its wools and its furs, and hairs furnishing and enjoyments for time


81- And Allah made for you from what He created shadings and made for you from the mountains shelters (caves) and made for you garments to protect you from the heat and garments to protect you from your strength (Armors), like this to complete His blessing upon you, that you might submit (Trust in Allah who set and is guiding everything for your existence)


82- So, if they turn away (took matters only by their own hands), indeed its but only upon you is clear notifications


83- They know Allah’s blessings (That He created them and the heavens and the earth and all) then they deny it, and most of them are disbelievers


84- And the day We resurrect from every nation a witness (That he conveyed to them Allah’s message), then it will not be permitted to those who disbelieved (to apologies), and they will not reproach (to go back on their disbelieve)


85- And when seen those who wronged the torment, it will not be lightened for them, nor they will be reprieved


86- And when seen those who associated their partners (whom they associated with Allah), they said “Our God, those our partners whom we used to call upon from among the lower than You, so was thrown to them the saying (respond), “indeed you are lairs”


87- And they tender to Allah that day in submission, and strayed from them what they used to slander (Their claims of gods and intercessors besides Allah)


88- Those who disbelieved and repelled (others) away from Allah’s path, We increased them torment over the torment with what they used to corrupt


89- And the day We resurrect in every nation a witness from themselves, and We brought you (Muhammed) as a witness over those (Muslim from his nation) and sent down upon you the book as clarification for everything (The must-do rules and principles, and gave us the right to exercise independent reasoning in whatever branches as long as it does not contradict the Quran) and guidance and mercy and good tidings for the Muslims (Who followed and surrendered)


90- Indeed, Allah commands justice and kindness (good morals, be fair, forgiving even be kind for those who wronged you for the sake of Allah), and bring to relatives, and forbids obscenity (adultery) and what is denounced (Openly declared, and denounced by people), and oppression, He admonishes you that you may remember


91- And fulfill the covenant of Allah if you covenanted, and do not ruin oaths after its confirmation, you have made Allah upon you a surety, indeed, Allah knows what you do


92- And do not be the like of she who unraveled her spun thread from after strength into shreds, you take your oaths with inners in between you (with interwind fluff fillers of impure of intentions to deceive), because one nation (community, party) is more plentiful than another nation (Deception and intention of deception by oaths, greed and seeking increase at the expense of others, especially from the stronger party, or for a more plentiful future offer) for indeed Allah is trying you with it (The oath), and He will surely make clear to you on Resurrection day, what you used to differ in


93- And if Allah had willed, He could have made you one nation, but to stray whom He wills, and guides whom He wills (Through their choices and actions), and you will be questioned about what you used to do (your actions)


94- And do not take your oaths as inners in between you (Prohibition of taking oaths for fraud, deception and trickery), lest slip a foot after being firm, and you taste the torment with what you repelled away from the path of Allah (discourage people from doing good) and for you a great torment (also in the hereafter)


95- And do not purchase (break) with Allah’s covenant a small price (Prize In this worldly life), indeed what is with Allah is better for you, if you knew


96- What you have will run out, and what with Allah lasts, and We will recompense those who were patient their wage with the best of what they used to do (according to the highest rate)


97- Whoever does righteousness (well-being), be it male or female while a believer, We will cause to a good life (In this world and the hereafter) and will recompense those who were patient their wage with the best of what they used to do


98- So, when you recited the Quran, seek refuge in Allah from Satan the expelled


99- Indeed, for him no authority upon those who believed, and upon their God they rely


100- Indeed, only his authority is upon those who ally him (Appoints him as a guardian and obey his commands) and those who by him are associating (Through him Associate him and partners with Allah, or by him are led to associate, polytheism)


101- And if We replaced a verse in place of another verse (Example replacing the direction of Muslim’s prayer to Mecca, gradual prohibition of Alcohol. Allah prior to the Universal eternal Quran revealed verses gradually according to its circumstances, nation, environment, place and time e.g. Torah, Gospel ), and Allah is most knowing of what He sent down, they (disbelievers) said “You (Muhammed) are slandering (Quran not Allah’s revelations), rather most of them do not know


102- Say” Brought down the pure spirit (Gabriel) from your God with the truth to make firm those who believed, and guidance and good tiding to the Muslims (Who surrendered to Allah)


103- And We know that they say “It is a human who is teaching him” the tongue that they refer to is foreign, and that (Quran) is a clear Arabian tongue (language)


104- Indeed, those who do not believe in Allah’s verses (signs), Allah dose not guide them (help them into His guidance) and for them a painful torment


105- Indeed, rather slander lies those who do not believe in Allah’s verses (signs), and those are the lairs


106- Whoever disbelieved in Allah after his belief, except who was hated to (forced under compulsion) while his heart is secure in faith, but such that who expanded with disbelieve his breast (His heart became satisfied and happy with disbelieve), so upon them (who disbelieved, and who is heart is satisfied with it) anger (wrath) from Allah, and for them a great torment


107- That is because they loved (preferred) the worldly life over the hereafter, and indeed Allah does not guide the disbelieving folks


108- Those whom Allah sealed upon their hearts and their hearings and their sights and those are the heedless


109- It is no crime, that they are in the hereafter, they are the most losers


110- Then indeed your God for those who migrated from after being compelled (To superficially disbelieve, after being tortured and severely punished because they had believed), then they strived (in the path of Allah) and were patient, indeed your God from after it, is indeed Forgiving Merciful


111- On the day when every soul will come to squabble for itself, and every soul will be comprehensively paid for what it did, and they will not be wronged


112- And stroked Allah a similitude, a village which was safe and secure, comes to it its provision in abundance from everywhere , so it disbelieved in Allah’s blessings, so Allah made it taste the garment of hunger and fear with what they had been doing


113- And had come to them a messenger from among themselves, so they denied him, so overtook them the torment while they were unjust


114- So, eat from what Allah had provided you which is lawful and good, and be thankful for Allah’s blessing, if it is Him you worship


115- Indeed, has forbidden upon you dead animals, blood, and the flesh of the swine, and that which was cheered for other than Allah, and whoever was in need while not desiring and not transgressing (Over the portion allowed to sustain life), so indeed Allah is Forgiving Merciful


116- And do not say what you tongues describe as lies, that is allowed and that is forbidden, to ascribe about Allah lies, indeed those who ascribes about Allah lies, will not succeed


117- A brief enjoyment, and for them a painful torment


118- And upon those who are Jewry, We have prohibited that which We had related to for from before, and We did not wrong them, but they were wronging themselves (They violated God's commands)


119- Then, indeed your God for those who did wrong out of ignorance (foolishness), then they repented from after that and rectified , indeed your God from after that is Forgiving Merciful


120- Indeed, Abraham was a nation (he embodied all good qualities) obedient to Allah, inclining (toward the truth and away from corruption), and he as not among who associate (Partners with Allah, polytheist, idolaters)


121- Thankful for His blessings, and chose him and guided him to a straight path


122- And We brought him in this world good, and indeed in the hereafter he is among the righteous


123- Then We revealed to you (Muhammed) to follow the way (Monotheism) of Abraham inclining (toward the truth and away from corruption) and he as not among who associate


124- Indeed, was made the Sabbath (day of rest and worship) for those who differed in (Moses recommended Friday, but they choose Saturday), and indeed your God will judge between them on the day of resurrection, in what they used to differ in


125- Invite to the path of your God with wisdom and good preaching, and debate them with what is best, indeed your God is the most knowing of who has strayed from His path, and He is most knowing of the guided


126- And if you punish (penalize), punish with the equivalence of what you have been punished with, and if you are patient, it is better for the patients (to end disputes)


127- And be patient (Muhammed), and your patient is but by Allah (with intension and Allah will help you), and do not grieve over them, and do not be in distress of what they plot


128- Indeed, Allah is with those who are pious and those who are good-doers


The Holy Quran, in its essence, is a divine revelation that can only be fully appreciated in its original Arabic language. Any translation or interpretation, including the one presented here, is not and cannot be a replacement for the Arabic Holy Quran. I intended to offer an English rendering that remains faithful to the original Arabic. I am neither a scholar nor do I possess any formal Islamic qualifications. My approach to this translation is empirical, drawing upon my readings of selected scholarly interpretations, personal experiences, and understanding of the Holy Quran as a Muslim native Arabic speaker. 

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