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☪️ Quran Chapter 4 The Women – An Nisaa سورة النساء

Writer's picture: Mohamed ElgayarMohamed Elgayar

Updated: Aug 18, 2024

Revelation place: Medina

Revelation order: 92

Number of verses: 176

Chapters revealed in Medina, deal mainly with moral principles, legislation,

community development, and warfare.


The setback in the Battle of Uhud enabled the pagan Arab clans, the neighboring Jews, and the hypocrites in Medina to threaten the Muslims from all sides.

Allah commanded the building of a strong Islamic community.

Main theme:

Allah's commandments are given to stabilize the family structure.

Rules for marriage and the rights of the wife and husband.

The status of women in society and the rights of orphans is made.

The importance of having a high moral character

Laws and regulations are laid down for the distribution of inheritance.

Instructions are given to reform the economic system.

The foundation of criminal laws is laid down.

Instructions are given for cleanliness and purification

Drinking is prohibited.

instructions are given regarding dealing with the hypocrites,

the Jews, and the Christians.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the condemned.

With the name of Allah, the gracious the merciful.

1- O’ People be pious of your God, who created you from one soul and created from it (same kind) is pair, and dispersed from them many men and women, and be pious of Allah whom you ask (swore) by him and the wombs (also swore by your relatives), indeed Allah was over you an observer.

2- And give to the orphans their properties and do not substitute the malice for the good, and do not devour their properties to your properties, indeed it (orphan properties) was a big source (of good and or evil deeds)

3- And if you feared not being just with the orphans (girl orphans),

then (if you wish) marry what pleases you (other than the orphans that

you guard) from the women, second and third, and fourth (Limits marriage up to four)

and if you feared not being just then one

or what your right-hand possess, (already in charge of her livelihood)

and that is nearer than you may not support. (marring what you already possess is a better choice than overstretching and not being just)

(This right-hand possession practice existed before Islam on individuals who were captured during the war. Islam gave human rights to these individuals e.g., to be set free, to be ransomed, to have marital status, etc.)

4- And bring to the women their dowery, a gracious obligation, and if they offered (let go) to you from it something willingly, then consume it with blessed appetite.

5- And do not bring your property to the feeble-minded, which Allah made for you in it sustenance, and provide them with it and clothe them, and say to them kind sayings.

6- And trial the orphans until they attain puberty, and if you sensed in them rationality, then give to them their properties, and do not devour it by squandering it, and early on before they grow up, and whoever was rich then refrain, and whoever was poor then consume with what is commonly accepted, and if you released to them their properties then bring witness among them, and sufficient is Allah reckoner.

7- For men, a share of what the parents left and close relatives, and for women a share of what the parents left and close relatives, of which is little or much, an obligated share.

8- And if arrives at the division relatives (who do not inherit), and orphans, and the needy, then provide them from it, and say to them appropriate saying.

9- And those who fear who left behind them weak offspring (weak orphans) that they feared for. Let them fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice.

10- Indeed those who devour the property of the orphans unjustly, they but devour in their bellies fire, and they will burn in the blaze.

11- Allah entrusts you concerning your children, for the male equivalent to the portion of two females, and if they were women and above two for them two third of what was left, and if she were one for her one-half and to the parents each of them sixth of what was left if he (deceased) left children, and if he had no children and had his parents inherited him, to his mother third, and if he had bothers (including sisters) to his mother sixth, after a bequest that was bequeathed with or debt, your parents or your children you do not know whom of them nearer to you in benefit, an obligation from Allah, indeed Allah is knowing wise. (It is an obligatory rule, so do not set the share based on what you think has or will benefit you)

12- And for you half of what was left by your wives if they have no child, but if they had a child, then for you fourth of what they had left after a bequest that was bequeathed with or debt, and to them (wives) fourth of what you left if you have no child, but if you had a child for them eighth of what they have left after a bequest that was bequeathed with or debt, and if the man or women had no distant (no living parents or children) and had a sister or brother then to each sixth, and if there were more than that, then they share the third after a bequest that was bequeathed with or debt, without harm (with no prejudice or intent to deceive), is a trust from Allah, and Allah knowing forbearing. (Allah knows the true intention behind your action)

(The inheritance distribution objective in Islam is to equalize all recipients among the deceased family based on their proximity to the deceased, and their financial responsibility, not based on gender. E.g. Women inherit less than men in 4 situations, women inherit equally to men in 10 situations and women inherit more than men in 16 situations.

Based on proximity to the deceased, it passes on the financial duty to the male to care for the near-disadvantaged family members, to the best of his ability.)

13- This is Allah’s boundaries, and whoever obeys Allah and his messenger, will admit him into gardens beneath it rivers flow, eternal in it, and that is the greatest winning.

14- And who disobey Allah and his messenger and transgress His boundaries, will admit him to fire, eternal in it, and for him humiliating tournament.

15- And those who come to obscenity (adultery) from your women, call to witness four from among you, and if they testify, then hold them to the houses until death takes them, or Allah make to them a way.

16- And those who come to them (adultery or homosexuality) from you (men), harm them, if they repent and amend then side away from them, indeed Allah was ever repentance merciful.

17- Indeed, repentance is by Allah, is upon those who do no good deeds in ignorance then repent soon, it is those whom Allah will repent on them, and Allah was ever knowing wise.

18- Repentance is not for those who do no good deeds until when death comes to one of them, he says “I repent now”, or those who die and they are disbelievers, for those we have prepared a painful torment.

19- O you that have believed, you have no rights to inherit the women (as an object) by compulsion and do not muscle them to take away some of what you brought them, except if they commit clear immorality (obscenity), and consort with them in what is common, and if you hated them, it may perhaps that you hate something and Allah makes for you in it much good.

20- And if you wanted to replace one wife in place of another wife, and you have brought one of them a quintal, do not take anything from it, would you take it in falsehood and iniquity

21- And how can you take it, that you had opened up unto each other, and they have taken from you a sturdy covenant.

22- Do not have intercourse (in marriage) with those with whom your fathers had intercourse, except what has already occurred (before Islam), indeed it was immoral, detested, and ill way.

23- Prohibited unto you your mothers and daughters and sisters and father’s sisters, and your mother’s sisters, and your brother’s daughters, and your sister’s daughters, and your mothers who breastfed you, and your sisters from nursing, and your wives’ mothers, and your step daughter’s whom under your guardianship from your women whom you have entered (consummated) with, but if have not entered with them, there is no offense upon you, and allowed (wives) of your sons from your loins, and to combine between two sisters, except for what has already occurred (before Islam), indeed Allah was every forgiving merciful

24- And the fortified among the women (free chaste married women)

expect what your right-hand possesses (This right-hand possession practice existed before Islam on individuals, in this case, women who were captured during the war. Islam gave human rights to these women e.g., to be set free, to be ransomed, to have marital status, etc.)

decreed Allah upon you,

and allowed you beyond these (beyond the disallowed women due to lineage, breastfeeding, and marriage) that you can seek with your money in a fortified not unruly manner (addressing men to be chaste), and what you have enjoyed from them (during the pleasant engagement period)bring to them their pay (dowery for marriage) as an obligation, and there is no blame upon you for what you mutually agreed upon beyond that obligation, Indeed Allah was ever knowing wise

25- And whoever among you cannot reach (have the means) to marry the free believers, then from whom the (other than yours) right-hand possessed of believing girls, and Allah is most knowing of your belief, you are some from another (All the same from Adam), marry them with their people (Guardian) permission, and bring to them their pay with what is common (pay dowery direct to the women) chaste not of unruly manner (adultery) and who do not take lovers (boyfriends), so if they became Muslim then commits obscenity(adultery), then upon them half of those free women (non-right-hand possessed ) punishment,

And that (rule) for those (believer men) who fear hardship (morally, physically, and financially) among you, and if you become patient (wait to marry freewoman) is better for you and Allah is forgiving merciful

26- Allah wants to make clear to you, and guide you the ordinance of those before you, and repent upon you (relieve you and show you the right path), and Allah is knower wise

27- And Allah wants to repent upon you and wants those who follow the desires that you tilt great tilting. (Far away from the right path)

28- Allah wants to relive for you (lighten, alleviate, ease), and human was created weak, (toward desires)

29- O you have believed do not devour your properties between you unjustly, except that it is in trading by mutual consent, and do not kill yourselves, Indeed Allah is unto you ever merciful

30- And who does that through aggression and injustice, will roast fire and that for Allah easy

31- If you side away from the majors that you were forbidden from, will cover your bad deeds (minor, shameful) and admit you a noble entrance.

32- And do not wish what Allah has favored some of you over others, for men a share of what they earned and for women share of what they earned, (Men and women has balanced roll) and ask Allah from his bounty, Indeed Allah is of all things ever knowing.

33- And for all, we made frate (like brothers), from what left by the parents and relatives whom an oath has bounded to you (been promised inheritance), bring to them their share, Indeed Allah over all things a witness

34- Men are overseeing women (take charge of protection and livelihood) with what Allah has favored some over others, and with what they spend from their wealth.

The righteous (wives), obedient (To Allah), guardians of the absence (of husband) according to what Allah has guarded. (in accordance with Allah’s rules).

And those (righteous obedient to Allah wives) whom you fear their bulging (crossing Allah’s boundaries, getting out of tune with Allah e.g. arrogantly refusing to pray, note: bulging also applies to husbands. Verse 131)

(stage 1) advise them,

(stage 2) abandon them in bed,

(stage 3) strike them (lightly in a discontent manner),

Then if they obey you (reverse course),

do not seek a way against them,

Indeed, Allah is ever Hight ever Great

35- And if you feared schism between them (husband and wife), send an arbitrator from his family and an arbitrator for her family, if they want to amend Allah will apt between them, Indeed Allah is ever knowing aware

36- Worship Allah and do not partner with him anything and with your parents’ kindness, and your relatives and the orphans and the needy, and the near neighbors and your side companion and the wayfarer, and those your right-hand possessed, Indeed Allah does not like every swaggering proud

37- Those who are stingy, and enjoin the people to be stingy and conceal what Allah has brought to them from His bounty, and We prepared to the disbelievers humiliating tournament

38- And those who spend their wealth showoff to people, and do not believe in Allah or in the last day, and whoever was Satan to a consort, then a dreadful consort to him he his.

39- And what upon them if they believed in Allah and the last day and spent from what Allah has sustained for them? and Allah is about them knowing.

40- Indeed, Allah does not unjust an atom’s weight, and if it (atom) was a good deed He multiples it and brings from Himself a great reward

41- How then if we brought from every nation a witness (prophet), and brought you (Muhammed (Pbuh)) over them (these prophets and these nations) as a witness

42- That day (judgment day) will wish those who disbelieved and disobeyed the messenger, that the earth be leveled with them and they cannot conceal from Allah an event

43- O you who have believed do not approach prayer while intoxicated so you may know what you are saying, or defiled, except road crossers (passing travelers), until you wash, and if you were ill or on a journey and come one of you from the reliving place or touched women (intercourse) and did not find water, then seek (rub) a pure surface then wipe your faces and hands, Indeed Allah is ever pardoning, forgiving

44- Have you not seen, those who were given a share of the book (Torah), purchasing misguidance (selling misguidance for guidance), and want you to stray the way

45- And Allah most knowing of your enemies and sufficient is Allah guardian and sufficient is Allah supporter

46- Among those Jews who skew words from their place (in mockery and depict), and say “we heard (publicly) and disobeyed (secretly) ” and “hear a non-hearer (deaf)” and “ wait for us (frivolity)” twisting their tongues and stabbing in the religion, and if they had said “we heard and obeyed” and “ we hear and see (understand)” would have been bountiful for them and upright, but Allah cursed them with their disbelieve, so they do not believe except a little (Few of them believe and or belief in some parts and disbelieve other)

47- Oh you that have been brought the book (Torah), believe with what we brought down (Quran) verifying to what you have before We efface faces and turn on its back (flatten it), or curse them as We cursed the Sabbath companions, and Allah’s command is ever done

48- Allah does not forgive partnering with Him but forgives what is below that to whom He wills, and whoever takes partner with Allah, has forged a great sin

49- Have you not seen those who commend themselves (Christians and Jews claimed they are God’s children and His beloved)? Rather Allah commends whom he wills, and they will not be unjust a date’s thread.

50- Look how they forge lies about Allah, and sufficient is that a clear sin

51- Have you not seen those (a group of traitors) who were brought a share of the book (Torah), they believe in idols and oppressors (names of Mecca disbelievers' stone idols), and they say to the disbelievers those (idols) are better guidance than the believers (Muhammed (Pbuh)’s followers, Muslims) way

52- Those are the ones that Allah had cursed, and whomever Allah curse you will not find for them supporters

53- Or to them a share of the dominion (Allah’s dominion), and if so, they would not give people a speck.

54- Or they envy the people (Believer Muslims) for what Allah has brought them from His bounty (Muhammed (Pbuh) and the Quran), We did bring to The Abrahams (also Isaac lineage brother of Ishmael), the book and wisdom and brought them a great kingdom (Via Joseph, Solomon, and David)

55- And among them (Abraham’s lineage) who believed in it (Abraham's way and the following messengers) and others who repelled it, and suffice for them hell blaze

56- Indeed, those who disbelieved in Our signs (Holy Books, physical or spiritual revelations) will sear them fire, every time their skin matures (Burn until no sensation), We replaced them with other skins so they taste the torment, Indeed Allah is ever mighty, wise

57- And those who believed and did good deeds will admit them gardens that flow under it rivers, abiding in it forever, for them in it purified pairs (spouses), and admitting them to shaded shades.

58- Allah commands, to perform the trust to whom it is due, and when you judge between people to judge with justice, Allah’s noble advise to you, Indeed Allah is ever hearing seeing

59- Oh, you have believed, obey Allah, and obey the messenger and those of authority among you, and if you dispute over something, return it to Allah and the messenger, if you believe in Allah and the last day, that is better and a finer interpretation. (consequence)

60- Have you not seen those who claim that they believed in what was sent down to you, and what was sent down before you, they want to resort to judgment by tyrants while they were commanded to reject them, and Satan wants to stary them far astray

61- And when it is said to them come unto what Allah has sent down and to the messenger, you see the hypocrites they deflect from you with aversion. (misguide others away)

62- So how then if they (hypocrites) are struck by a calamity of which their hands had put forth, then they came to you swearing by Allah, that we intended nothing but kindness and conciliation

63- Those are the ones whom Allah knows what is in their hearts, so side away from them and advise them and say to them into their soul (privately) reaching saying (deep warning)

64- And We did not send any messenger except to be obeyed by Allah’s permission, and if they did wrong themselves then, came to you, and asked Allah for forgiveness, and the messenger asked on their behalf for forgiveness, they would have found Allah ever forgiving merciful

65- But no, by your God they will not believe until they make you judge what has tangled between them, then they find no tightness within themselves of that you ruled, and they submit submittingly (As a final mandated and judicial ruling)

66- And if We had decreed upon them to kill yourselves or leave your dwellings, they would not have done except a little among them, but if they have done what they have been advised with, would have been better for them (In this life and the hereafter), and firmer stability. (within themselves and faith)

67- And then, We would have brought to them from Us a mighty wage

68- And guided them (gifted them) a straight path

69- And whoever obeys Allah and the messenger are among those whom Allah has bestowed upon with the prophets and the companions (prophet sincere followers) and the martyrs and the righteous, and what a better companion

70- That is a bounty from Allah, and sufficient is Allah as ever knower

71- Oh you have believed, take precautions, dispense (for battel) in groups, or dispense all together

72- And indeed, among you who linger, so if disasters strike you, says Allah has blessed me, as I was not a martyr among them

73- And if bounty strikes from Allah, they would say, as there was never between you and him affection, “I wish I was with them so I win great winnings” (Faith has no value for him only material winnings)

74- So will fight in the path of Allah those who purchased by the worldly life the hereafter, and who fights in Allah’s path and is killed or overpower, We will bring him a mighty wage

75- And how is it you do not fight in the path of Allah and the oppressed among the men and women and children, who say “ Our God takes us out of this village of oppressive people, and appoint for us from You a protector and appoint for us from You a helper

76- Those we believed fight in the path of Allah, and those who disbelieved fight in the path of tyranny, so fight the allies of Satan, Indeed Satan’s scheme is ever weak

77- Have you not seen those who were told to “restrain your hands (from fighting until it is decreed by Allah, first believe in Allah then fight) and establish prayers and bring zakat (charity)” but when fighting was decreed upon them, then a team of them feared the people as they fear Allah or even tougher, and say” Our God why have you decreed upon us to fight if only you postpone us for a near term (until our normal death), say enjoyment in this worldly life is little, and the hereafter is better for the pious, and will not be unjust a thread (dates skin)

78- Wherever you are death will realize you (catch up with you), even if you were in fastened towers, and if good strikes them they say that is from Allah, and if mischief strikes them, they say it is from you, say all from Allah, so what with those people that they can barely comprehend this speech

79- What of good strikes you (out of your control), is from Allah, and what of mischief strikes you (with your control, and allowed by Allah) is from yourself, and we have sent you to the people as a messenger (what Muhammed (Pbuh) does is also from Allah), and sufficient is Allah a witness (on your side)

80- Whoever obeys the messenger has obeyed Allah, and who side away, We have not sent you over them as a caretaker

81- And they say “obedience”, then when they stick out from yours, a group among them housed (within themselves) other than what you say, and Allah writes what they are housing, so side away from them, and rely upon Allah, and sufficient is Allah supporter

82- Do they not contemplate the Quran? And if it were from someone other than Allah, they would have found in it many contradictions/contradiction. (Challenge of contradiction in meanings, and the Arabic word Contradiction is also mentioned Once in the entire Quran)

83- And if came to them a matter of security or fear they broadcast it, but if they had deflected back to the messenger and those of authority among them, they would know what to extrapolate from it, and if not for Allah’s favor upon you and His mercy, you would have followed Satan but for a few

84- So fight in Allah’s path, (Oh Muhammed (Pbuh))do not charge except yourself, and urge the believers, hopefully, Allah will cease the might of those who disbelieved, and Allah is stronger in might and stronger by example (to make an example of them)

85- Who intercedes in a good intercession will have a share of it, and who intercedes in mischievous intercession will have his portion of it, and Allah was over everything ever sustainer

86- And when you are greeted by a greeting, greet with a better one, or return it. Indeed Allah is over everything takes account

87- Allah there is no deity by Him will assemble you to the day of resurrection no doubt in it, and who is more truthful the Allah in statements (True speech and events)

88- And why are you about the hypocrites' (divided into) two categories, and Allah has returned them (to their original disbelieve) with what they have earned, do you want to guide whom misguided (himself) away from Allah, and who had stray from Allah you will not find for him a path

89- They (hypocrites) wish if you would disbelieve as they have disbelieved so you would be at the same level, so do not take among them allies till they migrate to Allah’s path, and if they renegade (turn back, betrayal), then take them (prisoners) and kill them (in battle)wherever you find them, and do not take among them ally (in charge of your affairs) nor helper

90- Except those who reach to people between you and them a covenant, or they came to you with strained hearts between fighting you or fighting their own people, and if Allah has willed, He would have spur them (empowered) upon you so they fight you, so if they seclude themselves and did not fight you and cast to you peace, then Allah had for you no way against them

91- You will find others who want to seek safety from you and safety from their own people, and every time they are returned to trial (to choose sides) they fail in it, so if they do not seclude from you and do not cast to you peace, and restrain their hands, so take them (prisoners) and kill them where you overtake them, those we made for you against them a clear authority

92- And it was not for a believer to kill a believer except by mistake, and whoever killed a believer by mistake then, then freeing a believing slave and the delivering of a ransom (reparation) to his people unless they (deceased family) give it as a charity, and if he (deceased)was from the people of your enemies and he was a believer then freeing a believing slave, and if he was from people that you have between them a covenant so delivering a ransom to his family and freeing a believing slave, and whoever did not find (cannot afford),the fasting two consecutive months a penance from Allah (forgiveness from Allah) and Allah is ever knowing wise

93- And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is hell abiding in it eternally and Allah’s wrath upon him, and cursing, and prepared from him a mighty torment

94- Oh you have believed if you strike on earth (In battel) in Allah’s path, clarify, and do not say to whoever threw at you the peace greeting, you are not a believer, seeking these worldly perishables (by killing him to take his spoils), for at Allah’s many spoils, like this you were before (Killed for your spoils if declared you are a believer), then Allah conferred on you, so clarify, Indeed Allah is with what you do ever acquainted

95- Not as equal, the sitting (not sharing) of the believers who are without harm, and those who strive in Allah’s path with their wealth and selves, favored Allah the strivers with their wealth and selves over the sitters by a degree, and both (the unable sitters and who strive)Allah has promised the fairest (reward), and favored Allah the strivers over the sitters a mighty wage

96- Degrees from Him, and forgiveness and mercy, Indeed Allah is ever forgiving merciful

97- Those whom the angels collect (in death) while they have wronged themselves (who believed in Allah and his commands but still disobeyed) they said (The angels) “In what were you”, they said “we were oppressed in the land” (weak and trivialized so we disobeyed), they said (The angels) “Was not Allah’s land spacious for you to emigrate within it, for those their refuge is hell and what an ill fate

98- Except the oppressed (weak and trivialized) among the men and women and children who are unable to ploy, and not guided on a path

99- As for those, may Allah forgive them (as Allah knows their true condition), and Allah was ever pardoning forgiving

100- And whoever migrates in Allah’s path will find on earth much despite (that will spite the oppressor) and abundance, and whoever exits from his home migrating to Allah and his messenger and death catches up with him his wages falls on Allah, and Allah is ever forgiving merciful

101- And when you strike on earth (travel, wartime), there is no blame upon you to shorten the prayers, if you fear being distressed by the disbelievers, Indeed the disbelievers are for you a clear enemy

102- And if you (Muhammed (Pbuh)) were among them and stood for prayer, let a sect among them stand with you, and let them hold unto their weapons when they prostrate, then let from behind them comes forward (alternate) another sect who have not prayed and pray with you and take their precaution and their weapons. Wishes those who disbelieved if you become unmindful (distracted away) about your weapons and gears, then they slant over you in one slant (one swift attack), and there is no blame upon if you had trouble from rain or were ill to put your weapons, and take precautions, Indeed Allah has prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating torment

103- And when you have performed the prayers (then back to battle) remember Allah ( with heart and tongue e.g. Allah is Great) while standing and sitting and on your side (if the next prayer time falls during a battle engagement), and if you become secure (after battel engagement)establish prayers, indeed prayers were upon the believers a timed decree

104- And do not weaken in purposing (seeking) the folk (with enmity to Allah’s path), if you are suffering, so are they suffering as you are suffering, and you aspire (hope) from Allah, which they do not aspire, and Allah was ever knowing wise

105- Indeed, We brought down to you the book with the truth, so to govern between the people, with what Allah has shown you and do not be for the betrayers an advocate

106- And seek forgiveness from Allah, Indeed Allah is every forgiving merciful

107- And do not argue for those who betray themselves, Indeed Allah does not love who is a frequent traitorous wrongdoer

108- They hide from the people (what they have done in shame or deceit), but they cannot hide from Allah as He is with them as they connive unpleasing (By Allah) speech, and Indeed Allah is what they are doing, encompassing

109- Here you are arguing for them in this lower life, so who is going to argue with Allah for them on resurrection day, or who will be for them a representative?

110- And whoever does wrong (Against others), or wrong to himself (e.g. not pray), then seeks forgiveness of Allah, will find Allah ever forgiving merciful (suicide has no recourse),

111- And whoever earns wrongdoing (against others) he had earned it against himself, and Allah is ever-knowing wise

112- And whoever earns an offense (mistake) or wrongdoing (premeditated) and throws with it an innocent then he had loaded (himself) with an appalling and clear iniquity

113- And if it was not for Allah’s favor upon you (Muhammed (Pbuh))and mercy, a sect of them (Traitor wrongdoers) would have concerted to stray you, and they do not stray but themselves and they would not stray you in anything. Allah has bought down on you the book and wisdom and taught you that which you did not know, and Indeed Allah favor upon you was great

114- There is no good in much of their secretive speeches, except who ordered for charity or what is recognized (As ordered by Allah) or repairment between people, and whom does that aspiring for Allah’s approval, will bring him a great wage

115- And whoever cracks (separates, splits) from the messenger after the guidance was made clear to him and follows other than the path of the believers, will appoint (bring closer) to him what he appointed and drive him to hell, a bad destination

116- Indeed Allah does not forgive partnering by him (Polytheism), and forgives that is below that (wrongdoings against self and others) to whom He wills, and whoever partners with Allah then he has strayed far astray

117- But they call upon what is below Him (instead of Allah) none but females (fragile deities mainly with female names), and they but call upon except a slippery (smooth, rebellious) devil.

118- Cursed him (Devil, Satan) Allah, and said I shall take from your worshipers (Adam and Eve offspring’s) a portion for sure. (since Satan already figured out how to lure Adam and Eve)

119- And shall astray them (mislead), and shall dupe them in false wishes, and I shall command them to slit the cattle ears (a pagan practice to offer the cattle to an idol and his priests), and I shall command them to alter Allah’s creation (Alter, distort human inborn instinct, roll, gender, and what Allah allowed or forbid), and whoever takes the devil as an ally, in lower (instead) of Allah then he lost a clear loss

120- Promise them and wishes them (Stir false wishes), but promise them not the devil except delusion

121- Those their refuge is hell, they will not find from it salvation

122- And those who believed and did righteous shall admit them gardens beneath wish rivers flow, abiding in it forever, Allah’s true promise, and who is more truthful than Allah sayings

123- Not by your (Muslim believers)wishes nor the wishes of the people of the book (Jews and Nazarene/Christians), who do wrongdoing will be recompensed with it, and will not find for him from lower than Allah an ally of helper

124- And whoever does of righteous whether male or female while being a believer, will enter paradise and will not be wronged a dates peck

125- And who is on a better religion, than whom he submits his face to Allah while a well-doer, and following the way of Abraham tilting to the truth, and Allah took in Abraham as a close follower. (Chosen for his true way to Allah)

126- And for Allah what in the heavens and what in the earth, and Allah is with everything ever encompassing

127- And they inquire from you (to clarify) about women, say Allah will decree concerning them and what is recited upon them (the inquirers) in the book (from before) concerning the orphan women whom you did not bring to them what was written to them (Of Inheritance due to age or other reason) and would desire (Out of love) to have intercourse (marriage), and also for the weak children, That you rise for these orphans in justice (act in justice and with good intention), and whatever you do of good, indeed Allah is of it ever knowing

128- And if a woman fears from her husband bulging (crossing Allah’s boundaries, getting out of tune with Allah e.g. arrogantly refusing to pray, showing aggression) or siding away (shunning her or his marital obligations) there is no blame on them to set right between them rightfully (seeking repairment in private) and repairment is good,

and then bring out the mingy self (The next step is to discuss the conflict between their families, and finally court), and if you act beneficent and pious, then indeed Allah is with what you do is ever informed

129- And you will never be able to be equitable (physically and emotionally) between women (wives) even if you were keen, so do not incline all inclinations (all the way from her) and scatter her like suspended, and if you do what is right and be pious, indeed Allah is ever forgiving merciful

130- But If they separate, Allah is able to enrich (compensate) each, from His abundance, and indeed Allah is ever capacious wise

131- And to Allah, the dominion of the heavens and earth, and We had bequest to those who were brought the book from before you and yourselves, to be pious (God-fearing), and if you disbelieve, to Allah what in the heavens and what in the earth, and Allah is ever sufficient praised

132- And to Allah what in the heavens and earth and sufficient Allah as guardian

133- If He wishes to send you people (perish you disbelievers) and bring others, and Indeed Allah on that is ever capable

134- And whoever wants this lower-world reward, then with Allah the reward of this lower world and the hereafter, and Allah is ever hearing seeing

135- Oh you have believed be stand-ups for justice, witness for Allah (for the sake of Allah) even if it is against yourselves or your parents and relatives. If they were rich or poor (despite the person’s condition) Allah is more aware of them (has precedent and knows their condition), do not follow your wimps that you may be unjust, and if you twist or side away (your testimony), Allah is with what you are doing is ever aware

136- Oh you have believed, believe in Allah and his messenger (Muhammed (Pbuh)) and the book that We brought down on his messenger (Quran), and the book (scriptures) that We brought down from before, and whoever disbelieves in Allah and His angels and His Books and His Messengers and the Last Day, then has certainly strayed far astray

137- Indeed those who believed, then disbelieved, then believed then disbelieved, then increased in disbelief, Allah will not forgive for them, nor guide for them a way

138- Give tiding to the hypocrites, that for them a painful torment

139- Those who take the disbelievers as allies as lower than (instead) the believers, do they desire at them glory (strength), indeed glory belongs to Allah entirely

140- And has come down onto you in the book, that if you hear Allah’s verse being disbelieved with and mocked with, not to sit with them until they go deep into another talk, otherwise indeed you are like them, indeed Allah will gather the hypocrites and the disbelievers in hell all together

141- Those who lurk by you, so if there is a victory for you from Allah, they say “were not we with you”, and if there was for the disbelievers a share they say “did we not overtake you” (pretend to overpower you) and prevented you from the believers (saved you from killing by the believers), Allah will judge between you on the day of resurrection, and Allah will not allow for the disbelievers over the believers a path (For true believers in this life and hereafter)

142- Indeed the hypocrites seek to deceive Allah, and He deceives them, and when they rise for prayers they rise lazily, to showoff to the people, and they do not mention Allah except a few (part of showoff only)

143- Oscillating between that (believing and disbelieving), not to those (believers) and not to those (disbelievers), and whoever strays (loose)Allah, you will find for him a path

144- Oh you believers do not take the disbelievers as allies of lower than (instead of) the believers, do you want to make Allah against you a clear authority (if disobey Allah)

145- Indeed the hypocrites are in the lowest tier of hell, and will not find them helper

146- Except for those who repent and repair and adhere to Allah, and devote their religion to Allah, then those are with the believers, and Allah will bring to the believers a mighty wage

147- What will Allah do with tormenting you, if you were thankful and believed (would not rather you thank and believe), Indeed Allah was ever thankful knowing. (Then Allah will be pleased if you do)

148- Allah does not like the loudness of bad words (acquisitions) except by whom was wronged, and indeed Allah was ever hearing knowing

149- If you show good or conceal it or pardon it (had the ability to pardon) an offense, indeed Allah was ever pardoning able

150- Indeed those who disbelieve in Allah and His messengers, and want to separate between Allah and his messengers (deny Allah’s message and His messengers) and say we believe in some and disbelieve in some, and want to take in between that (believe and disbelieve) a path

151- Those are the true disbelievers, and we prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating torment

152- And those who believed in Allah and His messengers and did not separate (in believing) between any of them, those will bring to them their wages, and indeed Allah was ever forgiving merciful

153- Asks you (Muhammed (Pbuh)) the people of the book (Torah), to bring down on them a book from the heavens (a special book for them with the Quran). They did ask Musa (Moses) greater than that as they said “show us, Allah, out in the open”, then took them the thunderbolt with their wrongdoing (what they asked for), then they took the calf (worship it) after that had come to them the clear proof, We then pardoned that, and brought to Musa a clear authority

154- And lifted above them the mount with the covenant (to consummate the covenant) and We said to them “Enter the gate (Jericho village in the Levant) prostrating” and said to them “ Do not chase in the sabbath (Stay still day)(preserve sabbath for worship), and We took from them a firm covenant

155- And for demolishing their covenant and disbelieving in Allah’s signs, and the killing of the prophets with no right, and their saying “our hearts are wrapped”. Rather Allah sealed on it with their disbelief, so they do not believe except for a few

156- And their unbelief, and their saying on Mariam (Marry other of Jesus) a great washed-out. (Fading fierce lies)

157- And their saying “Indeed, we killed the messiah, Issa (Jesus) son of Mariam the messenger of Allah” They did not kill him and did not crucify him, but resembled to them (a lookalike of Jesus, so looked like they killed Jesus), and those who differed in it (the killing and crucifying of Jesus) are in doubt about it, they have no knowledge of it, but to follow guessing, and they did not kill him for certain

158- Rather Allah lifted him (Jesus) to Himself, and indeed Allah is ever mighty wise

159- And none of the people of the book (Christians, Jews), but shall believe in him (Jesus as human messenger) before his death (During Jesus’ second return and then actual death), and the day of resurrection will be (Jesus) against them a witness. (E.g. the Christian false claim of Jesus’ divinity, and the Jews denying Jesus as a messenger)

160- For the wrongdoing of those Jews (That broke their covenant), We prohibited for them goods, which were allowed for them, and for their repelling from Allah’s path many (Misguiding many people)

161- And their taking usury, that they were forbidden from it, and their devouring people’s properties unjustly, and We prepared for the disbelievers among them a painful torment

162- But those who are firm in knowledge among them (people of the book), and the believers who believe in what was brought down to you (Quran), and what came before you (Undistorted Torah and Bible), and the establishers of prayer, and bringing Zakat (charity), and the believers in Allah and the last day, those We will bring to them a might wage

163- Indeed We have revealed to you (Muhammed (Pbuh)), as We revealed to Noah and the prophets after him, and revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and his tribes (12 children), and Issa (Jesus), and Ayoub (Job), and Younis (Jonah), and Haroon (Arron), and Suleiman (Solomon), and brought to Dawood (David) a Zabur (Psalms, 150 words of wisdom and preachings)

164- And messengers We narrated to you from before, and messengers We did not narrate upon you, and spoke Allah to Moses in speeches. (for sure directly)

165- Messengers with good tidings and warner’s, so that humans will not have against Allah an argument after the messengers, and Indeed Allah is ever mighty wise

166- But Allah witness of what He brought down to you, He brought it down with His knowledge, and the angels testify, and sufficient is Allah as a witness

167- Indeed those who disbelieved and repelled from Allah’s path have strayed far stray

168- Indeed those who have disbelieved and do wrong, never will Allah forgive for them, nor will He guide them a road

169- Except for the road to hell, abiding in it forever, and that was for Allah an easy-going.

170- Oh people have come to you the messenger (Muhammed (Pbuh)) with the truth from your God, so believe better for you, and if you disbelieve, then indeed for Allah what in the heavens and the earth, and Allah is ever knowing wise

171- Oh, people of the book do not exaggerate in your religion and do not say about Allah except the truth, that Messiah Jesus son of Marry is not but Allah’s messenger and his word, cast to Marry (Created by Allah’s word “Be” like other creations) and a soul from Him. So believe in Allah and His Messengers (Monotheism), and do not say “Three”, desist better for you, Allah is but One deity, Exalted to be for Him a son, for Him whatever in the heavens and earth, and sufficient is Allah a guardian.

172- Never will the Messiah be disdain (haughty) to be a servant (worshiper) of Allah, nor the nearby angels (who only praise Allah), and whoever disdains from His (Allah’s) worship and be arrogant, Will cram them to Him altogether

173- As for those who believed and did righteous deeds, Will render to them their wages and increase to them from His bounty, As for those who disdained and were arrogant, will torment them a painful torment, and they will not find for themselves who is lower (instead) than Allah, a guardian or helper. (To save them from Allah’s torment)

174- O people, there has come to you the proof (The Prophet with the Quran as his miracle) from you God, and We brought down to you a clear light (The Quran within it the bright out-of-darkness guidance)

175- As for those who believed in Allah and adhered to Him, He will admit them in mercy from Himself, and bounty, and guide them to a straight path

176- They ask you for a ruling, say Allah gives ruling in close kins (Who has no father or child), if a man perishes and had no child and has a sister, for her half what he left, and he inherits her if she has no child, and if they were two sisters for them two third of what he left, and if they were brothers, men, and women, then for the male same share of two females, Allah make clear to you so not to stray, and Allah of all things knowing


The Holy Quran can only be read in its original Arabic language. No translation or interpretation of the Holy Quran can be used as a replacement for the Arabic Holy Quran. I am not a scholar nor do I have any Islamic diplomas. I have tried to provide a Quran translation and contemplations that are faithful to the Quranic Arabic language using an empirical approach that is based on my readings of selected scholars’ interpretations, my personal experiences, and my understanding of The Holy Quran as a Muslim native Arabic speaker.

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