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📚 Essay 1: Resurrection Day

Writer's picture: Mohamed ElgayarMohamed Elgayar

Updated: Mar 9, 2024

Today, the topic is a difficult one, I will take you with me on a journey,

to the future.

Years from now, it may be short or it may be long,

the important thing, is that all expected major

signs will have been fulfilled?

The Divine command:

The Day when We (God) will fold the heavens, like the

folding of the sheets of a book.

As We began the first creation, We will repeat it.

That is a promise binding upon Us.

The horn is blown, and everyone in the earth and the heavens are stunned.

The angel of death will collect the souls of those who were stunned.

God will command the angel of death, to take the souls of all the angels.

Nothing will be left in the entire universe, except the angel of death.

God will command him to die.

Only The One Devine, who does not die, will remain.

There is no prince or king, minister or ruler, there is no oppression, no freewill,

and there is no one around, fighting for life.

Just like that, it's all over.

And after the whole universe collapses, and in the midst of the cosmic void, the situation will continue to be silent, for forty years.

Then suddenly.

Silence breaks, and the whole universe will shake at once.

God will call

Who owns today?

God will answer Himself,

Belongs to The One The Omnipotent.

God will revive the angel of death, and orders him to blow

the horn for one last puff.

A murmur from its intensity will cause all the dead to awaken.

This awakening will happen by germinating your skin from the soil, like plants that comes out of the ground when watered.

“And when the Horn is blown, at once,

from the graves, to their Lord they (humans) will hasten.

They will say” O woe to us!

Who has raised us up from our sleeping place?

The reply will be,

This is what the Most merciful had promised

and the messengers, told you the truth”

I mean, you and I, and everyone who died in your era,

and those who preceded you, and those who followed you, we will all wake up.

This is the beginning of “The Day of Resurrection”.

You and I will begin to move, along with all humans towards the land of congregation.

On this land, the sun will not be as far from us as it is now, but rather closer.

All the people will congregate, standing barefoot and completely naked, preoccupied with their own condition.

In straight long lines, we will start advancing, one by one.

A loud firm voice, that is understandable to all of us will echo from within each of us:

“Indeed, the convulsion of the final hour is a terrible thing.

On the Day you see it every nursing mother will be

distracted from that child she was nursing,

and every pregnant woman will lose her pregnancy,

you will see the people appearing intoxicated,

while they are not.

On the Day, each person, will flee from his brother, his

mother, his father, his companion, and his children, for every person will be a matter occupying him.

Faces, will be bright, laughing, rejoicing from the expected good news.

And other faces will have upon them dust.

Blackness will cover them.

Now Imagine, how many humans there are, and they are all

stacked next to each other, waiting.

The Arabs, the Westerners, the Asian, the atheists, the

believers, the Muslims, the Jews, the Christians,

the blonds, the browns,

the poor, and the rich,

they are all the same,

standing just waiting.

The sun will remain very close to our heads, and it will stick to us, to the point

that its rays will start to eat in our flesh.

But luckily, there are seven, whom God will shade with His shade, when there

will be no shade left, but God’s.

Theses seven are, perhaps you will be one of those.

A just person.

A person, who grew up in obedience of God.

Two people, who loved each other for the sake of God.

A person, who gave charity with his own money, secretly and publicly.

A person, whose heart is attached to the love of the house of worship.

A person, whose eyes wept upon the remembrance of God.

A person, at power who showed mercy to others.

For the rest, they will stay standing under the sun,

drowning in their sweat, and it will not be tolerated,

but there is no running or escaping, just standing for the next

fifty thousand earth years.

I mean, you will live as long as you live,

you will not live as you will live after you die.

This is an idea that you don't want to let go, as you read the lines to come.

All the history of humanity, from the creation of Adam and Eve,

to Cain’s killing of his brother, passing through

the flood of Noah and the surviving ark, the whale of Jonah,

the prophet Abraham destroying the idols,

the prophet Moses splitting the sea,

the prophet Jesus in front of the disciples at the table,

and the prophet Mohamed reciting the revealed Quran.

The empires one after the other

and you, and me.

All there, standing and waiting.

We will all be grouped;

Some groups will mash together those who worshiped others beside God:

A group of those who worshipped idols,

A group of those who worshipped this life,

A group of those who worshipped Jesus,

A group of those who worshipped Buddha,

A group of those who worshipped the Sun,

groups after groups after groups

And above all, a firm voice repeating:

“And mention the Day, that God will gather them, along with the ones they

worship besides Him.

And God will say to the worshiped ones, "Did you mislead

these groups to worship you, or did they stray from the way on their own will?"

The worshiped ones will say, "Exalted are You mighty God,

It was not for us to take besides You any partners.

But You provided comforts for them and their fathers in the worldly life,

until they forgot your divine messages,

and became impotent people, doomed to loss.”

Each group will comprehend their own message:

“The Day that the soul and the angels will rise in rows, they will not speak, except for the one whom the Most Merciful permits, and he (individually) will say what is on target (say the absolute truth)”

“And beware the Day when God will say, "O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, 'Take me and my mother as deities besides God?

"Jesus will say, "Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that which I have no right.

If I had said it, You would have known it.

You know what is within myself,

and I do not know what is within You.

Indeed, it is You who is The All Knower of the unseen.

I said not to them, except what You commanded me

"to worship God, my Lord and theirs."

And I was a witness over them, as long as I was among them;

but when You took me,

You were the observer over them,

You are, over all things, witness.

If You should punish them - indeed they are Your servants;

but if You forgive them, indeed it is You who is the Exalted in Might,

the Wise.”

God will say, "This is the day when the truthful, will benefit

from their truthfulness, for them are gardens beneath which rivers flow,

wherein they will abide in it forever, God being pleased with them,

and they are with Him. And this is the great reward.”

Luckily for some, the prophets of every nation will appear.

With them, a basin, of inexhaustible water, from which they will water the

good of their nation, whoever drinks from this basin will never get thirsty again.

The sky will darken, a big cloud will appear out of nowhere.

Thunder will break, and books like rain will fall from them.

Each of us will get to hold a book, some will hold their book

with their righthand, other behind their backs.

Whoever holds a book on his right, will be among the people of the right destined for paradise, and whoever holds a book behind his back, will be destined for hell.

Imagine the moment, when these books fall from the sky,

and you are waiting for them, to pick you up, right or behind you.

Every deed that you did, will be exposed to all humanity, so you start to making excuses, that is frantically making a lot of excuses, to try and defend yourself.

But behold, you will now meet your hands, that will start to

bare witness for you or against you, that you did


also, you will meet your feet, witnessing that you

did such-and-such.

Every part of your body will join the witness stand,

for you or against you.

You are in the face of the deaf truth, that truth that is not

subject to the justifications of psychologists or social reformers

This book will have your name on it, all your actions and words,

every lie, every truth you told, and everything you did, a precise

account, of your past mortal life.

Now start reading. Everything of your entire life in front of you,

also every true scripture, every Quranic rule, that has been

asked of you to do, from honoring parents, prayer, charity,

fasting, and every guidance that was for your benefit.

You wish you could go back to the mortal worldly life you

left behind for a minute, to do more good deeds.

But now is too late, that life has ended.

Oh! look there,

A lot of angels coming from far, pulling in their hands a very strange thing.

That strange thing has seventy thousand bridles,

and each and every bridle will be pulled by seventy

thousand angels.

Oh! No

This is Hell.

You will run in panic, with all the people towards your prophet, asking them,

to intercede for you.

The Prophets will come forward, and intercede to God

for only their good of their nation, those who followed

their true message.

I hope, if you had met or heard of God’s prophets and messengers (peace be upon them), you had listened and followed their example, and true message;

Prophet Abraham Pages

Prophet Moses Torah

Prophet David Psalm

Prophet Jesus Gospel

Prophet Mohamed Quran

I personally followed the true message of all of the of the above prophets, and that by following the last of thousands of prophets and messengers, Prophet Mohamed ``peace be upon him".

“Whoever is guided, is guided for his own self, and who ever stray, has strayed upon it, and no self-weight burden will be bared by another, and We would not punish, until We send a messenger”

Prophet Mohamed will ask “Allah have mercy on my nation,

for everyone who had fell short on his good deeds in life,

but had an ounce of true faith, to eventually enter paradise,

and not perpetuate in the fire forever”

But, for now the greatest intercession, is to hasten the

reckoning on this Day of Resurrection.

Now the resurrection is in action:

As you know by now

When you died, that certain preset by God arrow,

called destiny, of our worldly past trial life, has hit its targets.

That same arrow, that flattened the plains for all humans to offer each of us equal opportunities to choose to follow God’s path or deny it, which is no more.

Now it is fair game, for all to be judged, based on our

choices in life.

Still in the background the firm voice echoes:

“No calamity strikes, upon the earth, or among yourselves,

except that it is (predestined) in a book before We bring it into being.

Indeed that, for Allah, is easy.

So that you may not grieve for what has escaped you,

nor be exultant at what God has given you;

and Allah does not love any arrogant boasters”

“God does not charge a soul except within its capacity.

It will have the consequence of what good it has gained,

and it will bare the consequence of what evil it has earned”

I hope you were among God's believers, as when they were hit with

the arrow of destiny they used to say:

God, do not impose blame upon us, if we have forgotten or errored.

God, do not lay upon us a burden the likes that You have laid upon those before us.

God, do not burden us with what we have no ability to bare.

and pardon us;

and forgive us;

and have mercy upon us.

You are our protector,

and give us victory over the disbelieving people.

By Now:

Hell has arrived, and everyone is standing with his book in his hand.

For the meantime, you will re-live some memories from the

life left behind, and recall how Satan has deceived you,

and how you deceived yourself.

Stand up in your place!

God will order all to reveal their legs, and everyone will be ordered to prostrate.

Some of us will know how to prostrate, because we were

accustomed to reaching out to God in prayer, some, will find it a little difficult as they were not committed to prayer,

and some will not be able to prostrate at all and they will stay standing stiff in regret trembling and crying.

They will think every time they heard the call to prayer and did not pray.

OH! These humans really had short changed themselves.

A terrible scream from nearby will echo.

A horrible scream from a very large number of people,

these are the people who suddenly become blind

“They will say, My Lord, why have you raised me blind,

while I was seeing in life.

God will say “Thus did our signs come to you, and you

forgot them; and thus, will you this Day be forgotten”

You turned away from God’s signs over and over, God gave you chances and guidance,

but you became arrogant, and attributed His mercy and these chances to yourself.

Started using these chances to oppress others, away from God’s path, and finally you oppressed yourself, you did not feed the poor, and used to enter into vain

discourse about God and his messengers.

You strayed far from God path, so God sealed on your

heart, not to see His path till judgment day.

Now Judgment Begins:

Every person in his turn will enter alone, holding his book,

and publicly in the open in front of all humans the accounting of your deeds starts.

“The day which all rises, and is read, what is hidden in the hearts”

Your records are now public:

If you had hurt someone, he will meet you there,

and he will take revenge on you,

so he will take from your good deeds

and decrease your balance, and if you do not have enough good deeds,

you will take from his bad deeds.

That is not all, your Lord will not only confront you with

sins against others, but will also confront you with the sins against yourself.

Listen! your name is called.

I could have been before you, or I could have been after you.

When your first sin is called, you are about to melt

in shame, your face meat will fall to the ground, so the Lord will bring it back on your

face again and again.

I hope your sins are few, we all had them

You will think of every sin you have committed;

you will be ashamed to be

exposed in front of all humanity,

exposed about situations you committed

in secret, you have not revealed,

and now imagine what will happen?

You will think that our Lord will confront you publicly with the worst

of your sins only?

No, He will also confront you with the least of them, and will

exchange these petty sins against yourself to good deeds.

See now, you gained some more little good deeds,

for just believing in him.

But, it doesn't mean you do not still have major sins against yourself and others

to answer for, nothing will be overlooked.

God willing can forgive sins against yourself, but sins against others.

God, please help us! to settle them before we depart the worldly life.

And when each of us deeds reconciliation ends.

Humans will be distributed under separate banners,

each crowded with those alike:

One of the banners will cram the infidels together.

Those are the gathering that forgot God’s sign and their ego led

them to Satan.

Now the infidels, realizing their imminent destination.

They start quarreling among each other, pointing fingers,

questioning who led them to this evil settlement.

Yelling and screaming, where is Satan? so we can stone

him for what he led us to this evil settlement.

Not far away, Satan on his knees being whipped by cruel

angels, who obeys only God, and do what ordered with no mercy.

Satan cries back to the infidels, "do not blame me, I had no power onto you,

all I did is that I whispered to your ego lies about God, and you followed me."

"I was jealous and full of ego. I disobeyed God when he created you in a better

stature than me, and asked me to bow to you.

As I was already condemned to hell,

I vowed to take as much of you with me this day,

So stone each other, you already overindulged in vanity,

got paid in full in the past world, and left nothing of what God asked you to do for this

immortal afterlife, and now follow my path to hell.

The firm voice Says:

“We will gather them on the Day of Resurrection on their faces blind, mute and deaf.

Their refuge is Hell; every time it subsides We will increase them with blazing fire.”

Quarreling ended, for all the infidels on their faces.

A loud Command:

God will say, “seize them and shackle them.

Then throw them in the blazing fire,

Then into a chain, whose length is seventy cubits,

insert them


they did not used to believe in God, the most great”

They did not give charity, or ask for guidance.

but denied and spread lies,

rejected the truth, and turned away,

and used what God loaned in life, to oppress and misguide others,

now you pay back your loan.

You used to go to your people, swaggering, in pride and arrogance.

Did human think that they will be left neglected,

without purpose, or being rewarded or punished, for the life and duties that

was bestowed upon them by their God,

or you think you were created from nothing,

or you created yourself,

and also created the heavens and the earth.

Did not God unravel the mysteries of the universe to you,

and alternated them among you, as He sees needed,

or you think you unraveled it on your own.

What arrogance yourself concatenated, to deny

and worship your desires,

and then you said:

There is no creator,

There is no God,

and if there is a God, He is busy.

or I will shape my destiny,

you attributed everything God gave you, from your life,

eyes, family, health, money, etc. to yourself,

you claimed you made it happen,

and said I control my destiny.

I am the greatest,

and when I die, I will reincarnate myself in a better status,

or just go to nirvana.

or if there is judgment, I will go to paradise,

or go a few days in hell, then to paradise,

or someone will intercede for me,

or carry my sins,

or someone had died for my sins,

or I will just be nothing,

or freeze my brain till technology catches up,

or live as a digital identity on the Web.

or, or..

Was not you a drop of semen shed?

Then did you become a leech-like clot;

then did He God, make and fashion you in due proportion.

Still did not believe that God is capable to revive you from death.

You denied God guidance, and path, so Satan mounted you

so do not blame Satan, now blame yourself, both of you in hell.

I hope you know that your true purpose comes from

worshiping The creator not His creation.

I hope you had remembered, during your gone life:

That God created life and death to test us on how we use our freewill to live our lives and act in times of good and bad.

Oh! That Freewill that we all humans freely had accepted its burden!

But, since we humans are so diverse,

we perceive good and bad differently,

we cannot decide on a unified standard for our life.

So, God sent to us scriptures, prophets and messengers,

as examples to follow.

And finally, the Quran, the ultimate undisputed standard of right and wrong,

that covers all aspect of live and leaves nothing out (Life, death, family, finance,

love, mental health, character, hardship etc.)

No one has a perfect life, God created us with different

strength and weakness,

what we do with what we have matters how we use what God loaned us

is what makes us favorable in the eyes of God

not what color or gender race or status,

and when we fulfill our purpose, we get peace

Just some thought if you missed your purpose in life, but

now it's too late, life on earth is no more.

Now in groups and under banners passing over a narrow road

Prophet Mohamed, and all other prophets are carrying a banner, followed by his

followers in life, heading on the road to their designated destination.

This road that will pass over hellfire, has people among us who will have light,

and every person light, is according to their own deeds.

One who will have a bright light,

and one who will have a dim light,

and one who will have no light.

Because of this light there are people who are able to walk across the road

and people who cannot, those who cannot will say for those with light:

Wait for us that we may acquire some of your light.

It will be said back to them, in sarcasm,

“Turn back to your past worldly life and seek your own light”.

Forcefully a doored wall will separate them, its interior containing

mercy and exterior torment.

The door is slammed, and the ones on the exterior of the door with

no light will start falling into hell.

Each of them will get into his designated Hell level, made of 7 levels.

God will ask hell fire, on each level

On the Day We will say to Hell, “Have you been filled”

and it will say, are there more

At the end of this road, for the survivors there will be The Path.

The first person who will walk on The Path, is the prophet Mohamed,

and as he is passing, he is saying, “O God, peace, peace, peace.”

Can you imagine walking on the path with me?

Will pass from the path, only the ones, who our Lord has forgiven their sins.

As much as you do of good deeds in life, you cannot fulfill God’s blessing onto you,

but these good deeds will qualify you for God’s forgiveness.

Afterall God knows best and does what he wills.

Just imagine, there will be people we knew in the past life who will fall into hell until God forgive them, others will abide in it forever.

God have mercy on us

And those who say, "Our Lord, avert from us the punishment of hell.

Indeed, its punishment is ever adhering addiction

Indeed, it is an evil settlement.”

Hell punishment, is like the relation between the drug addict and the substance, and it is a love hate miserable dwelling that will adhere and stick to him like debt collector, or passionate lover.


Have you crossed the path?

Rest assured, you have gone through every difficult thing and all to come is bliss

Fifty thousand years of reckoning has ended.

Your past trial life in which you have chosen your purpose in it with your own freewill to believe and follow Gods path, or disbelieve and worship your desire.

That life ended with everything in it.

Now we stand in front of the gates of Paradise.

The guardian of Paradise, standing waiting for the divine command to open the eight gates of paradise.

And the angels chanting:

“God, forgive those who have repented and followed Your way and protect them from the punishment of Hellfire.

Our Lord, and admit them to gardens of perpetual residence, which You have promised them, and whoever was righteous among their fathers, their spouses and their offspring.

Indeed, it is You who is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.

Then the command will come, and the gates of Paradise will open,

We will be greeted one by one, to our most satisfaction, by the paradise guardians.

We will enter paradise, each heading to his designated gate.

Not believing what we see, my Lord, this is generous, absolute generosity.

And, Yes, we were short sighted for running after the ephemeral pleasures

in the past life.

Each of us will receive his own property, a property based on his deeds in the past world.

I hope you have a big one, so that I can come and sit with you for a while,

and meet your family.

“And those who believed and was followed by their

off-springs in believe, We will join to them, and their

off-springs, we will not deprive them from their deeds anything,

everyone with his deeds are pawned.”

Paradise contains what no eyes has seen and no ears has heard, and as long as you reach here, you deserve it.

Because you have certainly been patient, you have certainly been hurt, surely you had also done what you can do to make someone happy, you had taken responsibility for someone and had not failed them, you believed in God and this moment, and refrained from the forbidden by God.

You really tolerated much in that past perishing world, you held on to your believes, followed its rules, and you kept your promise to God, in times you held to your believes in your hands like holding onto a burning coal.

You see now, all that you did well, how all is returned back to you in perpetual never ending bliss in paradise.

I hope you have seen now, how this world we live in, is short, and that it is a trial for the day of resurrection.

I mean if you reflect on this last pause and feel it well, setting aside your ego and prejudice, from now on you will appreciate the value of the opportunity you are in, at this mortal moment, and start to reconsider and maybe earn more good deeds to feed your light when crossing the path over hell fire, or just go on your own way.

You wake up every day, and you are still alive.

The universe, the world, the stars and the galaxies, the sun and the earth, the moon and the mountains, trees, rivers, seas, animals, plants, flowers, breeze, sound, silence, light, darkness, joy, turmoil, calm and drowsiness, everything in this universe has a perfect set purpose, working in perfect harmony, and was created by God for you.

So did you, were created with a set purpose, but you also had one more thing over all these creation, you had Freewill, so you either can choose the perfect purpose set for all humans by God, or each of us can create their own diluted purpose, their own personal right and wrong and in-between that will eventually lead to conflicts, crimes, anxiety, depression, suicides and chaos by our own hands, and not to us only but chaos to all other creations that serve us, including plants, animals, earth, universe etc.

If you do not switch path to God’s path during your trial life, in the end you will stand Judgment for that.

“Have you seen the one who takes as his God his own desire?”

Oh! That trust called Freewill, that we all humans freely had accepted its burden!

God had offered His Trust to have some of his attributes borrowed by his creation, and also for them to have Freewill to believe and to choose their faith,

The heavens, the earth, the mountains, and all of God’s creation, choose not bare this burden and were afraid to accept this offer.

They choose to obey all God’s demands from the get-go, with no judgment later.

But humans accepted this trust offer, the promise to choose to believe to obey or disobey, to be free to decide as they go and to be judged at the end.

Humans were unjust to themselves and ignorant of the significance of this trust and its consequences.

“And mention when your God took from the children of Adam from their backs their descendants, and made them testify of themselves, saying to them "Am I not your Lord?"

They said, "Yes, we have testified."

This lest you should say on the day of Resurrection,

"Indeed, we were of this unaware."

Or lest you say, "It was only that our fathers, associated others in worship with God before, and we were but descendants after them.

Then, would You destroy us for what (our fathers) the falsifiers have done.”

God sent thousands of reminders, scriptures, and guidance with prophets, and messengers, to all of us through history, and put signs in the world all around us, to remind us of our promise, and what we accepted, that one day we will meet Him to be asked.

Do not you question sometimes, and feel the existence of God and his soul in you, and some time feel that you met someone before, like sole mate in another life, that believe in the supernatural unexplained that happens to you. So do not say the unseen is not visible at least through your heart or innate senses, and please be compassionate to yourself and do not deny the unseen Resurrection Day.

Your first day in Paradise,

the biggest prize is

to see God.

But for now.

is the Quran.

The Beginning.

Quran: Chapter 75: The Resurrection (609-632 CE):

Quran Text Translation:

(Between brackets text, is an attempt to explain the meaning of the Quran verse)

1- Not swearing (affirm) by the day of resurrection. (God does not swear to by the resurrection day, as it is a sure thing that is coming, it is clear that dose not even require to swear by it to assert it existence)

2- And not swearing by the reproaching spirit. (The reproaching sprit is an innate sense of blame, that is constantly in a state of check and balance of a human with itself, it is as strong guide to God’s truth.

The believing spirit that is in balance with itself to do the best and once falter it regrets and repents.

The wrong demanding spirit that will repress a human in favor of wrongdoing. Theses human innate spirits with his freewill is an indication that humans has the tools to stand judgment at resurrection)

3- Did the human (The infidel human creature who denies and doubt resurrection) count (figure, calculate and concludes in error to explain and settle itself, that there is no resurrection) that We will not add (gather) their bones. (resurrect them again)

4- Nay, able to arrange (match, align, even) his fingertips. (Did they count, reconsider that Allah can reconstruct them exactly down to their unique fingerprints, a scientific fact that was discovered recently that each person has a unique fingerprint that identify them, that is also a rebuttal against reincarnation in different forms)

5- Nay, but the human wants to transgress ahead. (Wants to do what they wish with no repercussion resurrection nor judgment. The unbeliever denies what is ahead of him of the resurrection, nothing deters him, and never repents).

6- Asks (the disbelieving human asking), when is that day of resurrection? (A question of mockery and denial, and procrastination to repent)

7- When the sight glare (Eyesight lighting, stare, stunned do not blink puzzled from the horror of resurrection day)

8- And the moon eclipse

9 - And the sun and the moon are added (brought together)

10- And the human say then, where to flee?

11- No, there is no burden refuge. (No where to flee or hide from the burden on that resurrection day)

12- To your God that day is your settlement.

13- Will be informed that day, the human, of what he presented (Set forth do for that resurrection day of good and bad deeds) and delayed (Held back, did not do for that resurrection day good deeds, and did not hold back on doing bad deeds )

14- Indeed the human is upon himself eyewitness. ( The day when their tongues, hands and feet will bare witness against them as to what they used to do)

15-Even if he tossed (jumbled and presented haphazardly, hoping one would work) his excuses.

16- Do not move your tongue with it (O’H Mohamed, hold your tongue while Quran is revealed to you) to hurry with it (you will remember it do not rush and be anxious)

17- It is on us to collect it, and its reciting. (Is upon God to preserve its collection and recitation, so you will not forget)

18- When its read (By angel Gabriel) then follow its recitation.

19- Then its upon us its clarification. (Explain it, and inspire you with its meaning)

20- Nay, indeed you (humans) love the hasty. (Current quick moving and fading worldly life)

21- And neglect the hereafter.

22-Faces that day (resurrection day) radiant.

23-To its God looking. (Waiting for its reward)

24- And Faces that day gloomy.

25-Expecting to be done with it, spondylitis. (backbreaking wreaking calamity)

26- No (Did not I told you that will happen), when it reached (the soul) the collarbone.

27- And said, “who is ascending”. (declared by angels, that the soul is leaving the body and ascending from this worldly life)

28- And realized (The dying person) it's the parting. (Separation from the body and world and its positions)

29- And intertwined the leg with the leg. (Mix, soul/spirit transition out of the life of this world to the life of the hereafter, leg in this world and leg in the next world)

30- To your God that day (Dying day) will be the driving. (heading, herded, propelled to destination)

31- Did not believe nor pray. (the gloomy face person denied, did not pray, nor reach out to God)

32- But denied and turned away. (Took matters in his own hands, and followed his own whims)

33- And then went to his folk stretching. (Stretching, twisting his back, and swaggering in arrogance and haughtiness. e.g. Abu Jahel, the prophet nonbeliever uncle.)

34- Woe to you Woe. (Threat after threat)

35- Then Woe to you Woe. (Promise after promise)

36- Do humans count on being left neglected? (No purpose, wild to roam at will, not commanded by laws, free to harm and sodomize others, then left in their graves expected not to be resurrected for judgment.)

37- Was he (human) not a drop of semen shed? (In the womb)

38- Then was leech clot, so created (shaped, and gave life) then straightened. (stages of pregnancy)

39- And make from him (the new human creation) the pairs the male and female. (Male and female children)

40- Is not that (Allah) capable to revive the dead. (on resurrection day for judgment)


The Holy Quran is the only revealed by God book that exists today unchanged, in its original language - Arabic. The Holy Quran (Total 114 Chapters Period: 609-632 CE) revealed over 23 years to Prophet Mohamed, can only be read and recited in Arabic.

No translation of Quran can be used as a replacement of the Arabic Holy Quran. No translation or interpretation of Quran can be used as a replacement of the Arabic Holy Quran.

I have tried to provide a Quran translation and interpretation as acceptable as possible, based on my readings of selected scholar’s interpretations, my personal upbringing, education, life experiences and understanding of the Arabic Quran text.

Ultimately Allah knows best.


· Translation derived from the Holy Quran, to my best ability and understanding.

· Quran Sage Translation and interpretation

· Prophet Hadith

· Several Islamic scholars, theologians since the 6th century.

Recommendations when reading The Holy Quran:

· Read slowly, be humble, think, contemplate, meditate, use your heart, your logic, your senses, your imagination, be critical of yourself and be patient to understand beyond your limitations and knowledge, and use all your faculties as they develop over time, tame your ego and prejudice. The Holly Quran is a lifetime guide that will keep guiding you in this life and beyond. Most important ask Allah to Guide you.

· The Arabic Quran is not a linear storybook, it is a circular multidimensional non-chronological oral text that covers all aspects of knowledge over time whether ethical, logical, historical, moral, scientific, culture, jurisprudence, financial, mystical etc.. to all humanity despite their individual differences.

· Translations, regardless how good they are, are an attempt to offer a narrow glimpse in the Arabic Quran, often these translations seem repetitive, boring and miss the point, but it's a good start, if any consolation even Arabic natives needs to learn almost all meanings of a single classical Arabic word or even a letter to capture the richness and meaning of the text.

· The Quran is to be recited as recited by the prophet using rules and inner connection of words, it has hypnotic melody that will force itself on your innate self when recited whether you understand it or not, speaks Arabic or not, literate or not literate, after all most of the first believers in the Quran including the prophet Mohamed “peace be upon him” were not literate. Just leave your ego and prejudice at the front door and enjoy the journey.

· No one can claim to comprehend the entire Quran even in Arabic, as parts of it evolves in meanings in time and through the ages, thought jurisprudence of Quran is fixed in time; they are drawn from human innate senses, dyed in human DNA at birth, what is right and what is wrong never changes, live by them will lead to happy life and afterlife.

· Sometimes you cannot get answers from humans as it is beyond our knowledge at the time, so ask Allah for understanding or spikes of understanding.

· At the end of the day only Allah can guide you to the meaning and benefit of the Quran if the reader is humble patience and believe its Allah talking.

· The Quran is not a summer reading it's a life reading, that will always have answers and guidance, as it had to billions of people through all times and until judgment day.

· The Quran has been vetted over the past 1400 years by all walks of life, and Allah demands you to keep vetting, as itis the naked Truth.

· Read slowly indepth and be patience inquire do not brush aside what you do not understand, there always a reason you have been forced to stop and further inquire.

· Quran is not a philosophy it's a guide for all bodies and souls.

· This is my attempt to translate; it keeps changing, as I better understand.

Resurrection Day Audio:




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