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☪️ Quran: Chapter 2 The Cow - سورة البقرة Verse (196-286 End)

Writer's picture: Mohamed ElgayarMohamed Elgayar

Updated: Oct 24, 2024

(Note 27: Pilgrim & Visit rituals during the conflict with Mecca ruler


196- And complete your pilgrim and visit (To Mecca),

and if you were prevented, whatever feasible offering (will do),

and do not shave your heads until the offerings reached their intended place (make sure it is delivered to the needy),

and whoever among you was sick or had an ailment from his sculpt, so redeem (the shaving) by fasting or charity or offering (scarify animal for food ),

and if you are secure, then whoever completed the visit and (also) the pilgrim,

then offer what is feasible (afford),

and if he cannot find that, then fast for three days during his pilgrimage and seven if you return (back to his people, and family),

those are ten complete days (Arab affirmation habit e.g. seen with my eyes.),

 this is for those whose family is not present at the sacred worship place (non-residents of Mecca)

and be mindful of Allah,  and know that Allah is stern in his punishment.


197- The pilgrimage is well-known months, so whoever imposes therein to pilgrim,

no sexual behavior, no violations (to Allah’s commands), nor altercations during the pilgrimage,

and whatever good you do Allah knows,

and take provisions, indeed the best provision is piousness, and be mindful of ME O people of reason.



198- There is no blame on you for seeking livelihood (e.g., trading) when you overflow from Arafat (A mountain by Mecca)

praise Allah near the sacred place (another mountain in Muzdelefa Mecca) for what he guided you (to pilgrimage rituals and his commands),as you were before it (Allah’s guidance) among the astray.



199- Then flood (depart) from where the people flooded (per Ibrahim’s practice in the past), and ask forgiveness of Allah, for Allah is forgiving and merciful.


200- And if you completed your rituals, commemorate Allah, as you used to commemorate your fathers (laud in pride their ancestors) or with greater (vigorous) commemoration,

 as among the people is who says “ Oh God give me (grant me) in this world (life)” and he will have no share in the hereafter.


201- And Among them who says” Our God brings to us in this life good (deeds) and the hereafter good (rewards), and protect (immune, shield) us from hellfire torment.


202- Those will have a share of what they have earned and Allah is swift at reckoning. (both groups wish, and God can reward and punish swiftly in this life and also the hereafter as he wishes)


203- Commemorate Allah during the numbered days, whoever hasten in two days (instead of three days) no blame onto him,

and whoever extends no blame onto him, for whoever is pious (it’s not the day count, it’s by who is Mind full of Allah during his stay), and fend  from Allah,

and know that you unto him will be crammed.

(Comparison to cramming during crowded pilgrim time)


(Note 28: Alert the prophet of hypocrite individuals: Al Akhness)


204- And among the people whose saying will please you in this worldly life (Hypocrites, Praise you in perishable worldly matters only) and he calls Allah to witness as to what in his heart (he swears by Allah’s name, cross my heart), yet he is a fierce (manipulative) opponent. (holds hidden enmity to you and himself)


205- And if he rules (become of authority) he strives in the lands to spoil in it and destroys the tilth and the breed (e.g., crop for land, offspring for humans), and Allah does not love mischief.


206- And if told to him fear Allah, (you been exposed, stop mischief, hypocrisy & fend yourself form Allah torment) pride (arrogance) in his inequity takes over him (to persist), his payoff is Gehenna (hellfire) what a miserable cradle.


207- And among the peoples who sell themselves desiring Allah's approval (surrender to Allah),  and Allah is kind to the worshippers.(Devotee, believers)


208- O who have believed, enter into all the peace (Submission to Allah leads to peace with Allah, his creation, yourself.) and do not follow in the footsteps of Satan, he is for you a clear enemy.


209- If you deviate (from Allah's right path) after what has come to you from clear signs, then know that Allah is invincible (unavoidable), wise (in his judgments).


210- Do they look (watch, wait) until Allah comes to them into shades of clouds and angels, then the matters are settled, and to Allah return all matters. (Too late if you did not return to Allah's path before, resurrection time)


211- Ask the children of Israel how many clear signs (visible miracles) we brought to them,

and whoever replaces Allah’s boon (Torah, Gospel, Quran) after it came to him, then Allah is severe in punishment.


212- Embellished (beautified with sparkles) to the dis-believers this worldly life  

 and they mock those who believe,

and the pious are above them on the day of resurrection,

and Allah provides to whom He wills without account.

(Gives freely as Allah answers to no one).


213- The people were one nation (Adam Eve & their offspring),

then Allah raised the prophets promising (bearer of good news) and warning,

and brought down with them the Book within it the truth (scriptures with one message)  

to judge with it, between the people in what they differed in

and non-differed over it (scripture) except those whom it was given to (The Jews Torah and Nazarene /Christians), and (even) after they have received clear evidence (miracles)

and that (differ or conflict) is out of hostility among themselves.

So, Allah guided those who believed, in what they have differed from of the truth (guided those who believed away from falsehood to the truth), with his permission

and Allah guides whom he wills to the straight path



214- Or did you figure (Muhammed’s (Pbuh) later followers) that you will enter paradise without coming to you similar to those who have passed on, (early believers)

they were touched by hardship and harm and were shaken (by one hardship trial after another e.g., in battle) until the messenger who believed with him said “When is Allah’s support” (believer says), indeed “Allah’s support is near” (say the prophet)


215- They ask you (Muhammed (Pbuh)) what should they spend,

say what you spend from good (must be a good legal source)

is for the parents (biological parents) and relatives (close) and orphans and destitute and the wayfarer (traveler, foreigner), and whatever you do of good Allah is with it aware.



216- Prescribed (imposed to believers) upon you fighting, and it is hateful for you,

but conceivably that you hate something that is good for you (better than oppression by disbelievers that can deviate you from Allah’s path),

and conceivably that you love something, and it is evil for you,

and Allah knows and you do not know.


217- They ask you about combat in the sacred month (7,11,12 months of the Islamic calendar)

say combat in it is big (banned)

and repelling  from Allah’s path

and disbelief in him and the sacred worship place (Mosque in mecca)

and expelling its people (worshippers) from it is bigger at Allah,

and temptation (via persecution or allurement to disbelieve) is bigger than being killed (better dead believing than tempted and living as a disbeliever)

and they (disbelievers) will continue to fight you (If they are winning despite the sacred month fighting ban) until they turn you back from your religion if they are able,

and whoever of you (Muslims) return back from their religion and dies a disbeliever

so those their deeds have collapsed in this life and the hereafter

and those are companions of the fire,  in it for eternity.


218- Those who believed and those who emigrated (from their hometown Mecca because of oppression by the Meccan pagans) and strove in Allah’s path,

are those who hope (with humility) for Allah’s mercy and Allah is forgiving merciful.


219- They ask you (Muhammed (Pbuh)) about the intoxicant (any substance that eventually veils the brain's ability, to reason)

and gambling,

say “ in them great misdeed (harm, errors, sins, evil) and benefits for people (yet some benefits, easy winnings, financial trading, some health benefit)

but their misdeed (e.g. Physically, morally, and spiritually) is greater than their benefits,

and they ask you what should we spend, say “the excess” (over what you need, that was before Alms prescribed),

this is how Allah makes clear to you his signs that you may contemplate.

(In this life and afterlife,

Keep what money you need to live now i.e., this life, and spend donate the excess for the eternal afterlife)



220- In this life and the hereafter,

and they ask you about the orphans say “improvement for them is best” (be righteous &, if possible, enhance their affairs according to Allah’s borders)

and if you mix (your affairs due to necessity) they are your brothers (treat them like caring brothers)

and Allah knows the corrupt from the reformer

and if Allah has willed, He could have burdened you (By not allowing mixing your affairs with the orphans) As Allah is mighty wise.


221- Do not marry polytheistic women (worship more than one God) until they believe (Truly In Allah as one god)

and a believing slave is better than a polytheist even if you liked her,

and do not marry polytheistic men (addressing Muslim women )  until they believe

and a believing slave is better than a polytheist even if you liked him,

those  (polytheistic) invites to the fire and Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness by his permission and He makes clear his signs for people perhaps that they may remember.

(To remember to make the clear, righteous choices in life)


222- And they ask you about menstruation say its harm,

so, retire from women in menstruation and do not approach them (for intercourse) until purify (menstruation ends)

so, once they have purified (cleansed) then come onto them from where Allah commanded you,

indeed, Allah loves the repentant (spiritual purification)

and loves who purify themselves (physical purification).



223- Your women are a tilth for you (To nourish and labor into them, will result in a good life and good offspring, like well-treated soil tilth)

and come to your tilth (place of procreation vagina) how you will (from any position, to deny a culture believes about positions by e.g., Jews)

and set forth for yourselves (Plan before your marriage, and preserve yourself physically and spiritually during marriage)

and be pious (Be mindful and shield yourself from Allah’s punishment by obeying him)

and know that you shall meet Him

and give good tidings to the believers. (Reminder to be patient to earn the rewards in this life and hereafter for obeying Allah)

224- Do not make Allah (name) an obstacle in your oath not to do good (go out of your way to do good deeds, and do not say I already swore by Allah’s name no to) and to be pious, and mend (relations) between people,

and Allah is hearing knowing.

225- Allah will not obligate you (take your word) on idle swears (e.g., empty swears at anger or ignorance, etc..)

but will obligate you with what your hearts have earned (well-established and intended swears)

and Allah is forgiving forbearing. (For not obligating you to empty idle swears)

226- Those who swear on their women (e.g: no intercourse due to e.g., dispute)

lurks (wait closely-crouch) for four months,

if they revert (resume marital relation within these four months) then Allah is forgiving merciful.

227- If they are determined (after four months either men or women) to divorce,

then Allah is hearing and knowing (Their determination and intention).

228- Divorced women hold on to their selves for three purifications (waiting period apart from their husband, and from remarrying,)

and it’s not allowed for them to conceal what Allah created in their wombs (either the count of her period, or pregnancy) if they believe in Allah and the last days,

and their husbands have more right to return them back (during the three-month waiting period e.g. over someone else who proposed)

if they want to mend (Both agree to truly reconcile)

then due to them (wives) what is expected of them per what is known (reasonably common and also acceptable to Allah)

and men (strong able men) are a step above them (in obligation to care for them, stewardship, not ownership) 

and Allah mighty and wise.

229- Divorce (verbal with intent) is twice (two times then the husband has no more right to return her back - retract, unless she agrees),

either grasp (to return back to each other) in an acceptable manner,

 or release with kindness        (as long as during the three-month waiting period),

and it’s not lawful to take anything that you have given them (e.g. dowry, jewelry),

unless they (husband and wife) fear that they cannot keep Allah’s boundaries

and if you feared (husband wife and maybe guardians) that they will not keep Allah’s boundaries,

so no blame upon them on which she ransoms herself (forgo her dowry, e.g. she still wants divorce despite her husband following Allah’s commands),

these are Allah’s borders so do not cross them,

and whoever crosses Allah’s borders they are the unjust.

230- If he divorces her (verbal for a third time) then she is not lawful to him

until she remarries a husband other than him,

if he divorces her (the latter husband) there is no blame upon them (women and her former husband) to return if they (both) will to uphold Allah’s boundaries,

and these are Allah’s boundaries He makes it clear for people that know. (Knows these boundaries).

231- And when you divorce women and they reached their term (Three purifications) hold to them according to common terms

and do not hold to them to harm than to transgress,

and who does that has certainly wronged himself,

and do not take Allah’s verses for a mockery,

and remember Allah’s favor (Divorce legislation) upon you

and what he brought down from the book and wisdom to preach you with,

be pious and know that Allah is aware of all things.

232- And when you divorce women (twice) and they reached their term (three purifications) do not prevent (block e.g., parent, relatives, friends) them from re-marrying their husbands (ex-husbands) if they kindly agree among themselves

this is the advice  to whoever of you believes in Allah and the last day,

that is wiser for you and purer

and Allah knows and you know not.

(Knows innate of humans and what is concealed and what is best for you)

233- Mothers would breastfeed their children for two whole years for those who want to complete a nursing period,

and for the offspring upon him (father) to provide and clothing (offspring and mother) in a common manner,

no soul (mother and father) would bear except its capacity,

no birth giver (mother) would be harmed by her child,

and no father by his child,

and upon the heir like that (the same for the heir in case father or mother dies,

and if they want to separate (divorce) through mutual consent and consultation,

no blame upon them (parents) and if you wanted to complete breastfeeding your offspring (mother to breastfeed after divorce or by a wet nurse )

no blame upon you to give (e.g. payment) according to what is common,

and be pious

and know that Allah is aware of what you do.

234- At those who die among you and leave wives,

they crouch with themselves (wait) for four months and ten (nights) and if they reach their term,

 there is no blame upon you for what they do with themselves in what is common (acceptable manner) and Allah is informed of what you do.

235- There is no blame upon you in what you insinuate of to propose to women (widows) or conceal within yourself,

Allah knows that you will mention to them (your interest to marry the widow once the four-month and ten nights pass),

but do not promise them in secrecy except to say proper saying (e.g. delicately show interest)

and do not determine the knot (contract of marriage) of consummation until the decreed period ends, and know that Allah knows what is in yourself,

so beware (of Allah)

and know that Allah is forgiving forbearing.

236- No blame upon you if you divorced women you have not touched (unconsummated marriage)

or specified for them an obligation (dowry)

and lavish them

the flourishing (affluent) to his capacity and the scant (poor) to his capacity,

lavishing according to what is common is a duty upon the good doers.

237- If you divorced them before you touched them and had committed to them a commitment (dowry), then half what you have committed

unless they (women) forego,

or forego who holds the consummate marriage tie (Husband forego the half to his wife)

and if you forego (husband or wife half) is nearest to the righteousness,

and do not forget favoritism (kindness) between you,

Indeed Allah of what you do is the seer. (First-hand aware)

238- Maintain the prayers and the midmost prayers and stand before Allah in obedience (submission).

239- And if you feared (enemy attack while praying during a conflict with Mecca Pagans) on foot or riding (pray on foot or riding),

but when secure then praise Allah as he taught you that you did not know.

240- And those who die and leave behind partners (wives)

bequest unto their wives provision for a year without turning them out, (three months and ten days including bequest for up to one year)

if they leave there is no blame upon you for what they do with themselves in a common acceptable manner

and Allah is mighty and wise.

241- And the divorced (women) provision as common (within reasonable and ability) a duty upon the pious.

242- Thus Allah makes clear to you his verses (signs) that you might understand. (Reason and manage your life and impact on the afterlife)

243- Have you not seen (if Allah says it, it's true like seeing it yourself even if you did not)

those who left their homes in the thousands were warned of death (to avoid dying e.g., Israelites from Egypt)

Allah said to them “Die” (death is in Allah's hand only), then he revived them

for Allah is of excess upon people (has bounty over what you planned or expected)

but most people are not thankful.

244- And fight in Allah's path

and know that Allah is All-hearing all-knowing.

(no fear as death is in Allah's hands only,

and if you die in Allah’s path, you will get excess bounty better than fleeing or disbelieving)

(Note 30: Guaranteed no worry capital gain loan to Allah:)

245- Who is that that loans Allah a well loan (righteous source, guaranteed loan, in the form of obeying Allah and offering his self in Allah's path)

He (Allah) will multiply it for him many multiple times

And Allah collects (personally collect the loan) and extends (personally pay back the loan) and unto him, you return.

246- Have you not seen the filling (overcrowded assembly) of the children of Israel after Moses (time after Moses) as they said to their prophet

send (ask God to appoint) to us a king and we will fight in Allah’s path,

he said (the prophet) had you hoped if fighting is prescribed upon you that you would not fight,

they said why would we not fight in the path of Allah,

when we have been driven out of our homes and children (their homes & children taken is the reason to fight not for Allah path),

and when fighting was prescribed to them (children of Israel)

they turned away

except a few of them

and Allah knows the unjust.

247- And their prophet said to them that Allah has sent to you Talut (Saul) as king

they said how can he has a kingdom over us, and we are more right (worthy) of kingship than him

and he has not gotten ample money,

he said (prophet) that Allah has filtrated him (fine selected) over you

and increased and extended to him knowledge and body (physical strength)

and Allah gives his kingdom to whom he wills

and Allah is all- ample all-knowing. (has wide choices and knows the right choice)

248- And their prophet said to them, the sign of his (Talut, Saul) kingship is that the casket (Lost Ark of the covenant) will come to you in it tranquility (assurance) from your God and remnant of what left by the household of Moses and Household of Aaron,

carried by the angels,

indeed this is a sign for you if you are believers.

249- When Talut detached with the soldiers he said that Allah will scourge you (test you) with a river whoever drinks from it is not of me (will not stay with me for battle)

and whoever does not taste it, is of me, except who scoop a scoop with his hand,

but they drank from it except a few of them,

and when they crossed he (Saul) and those who believed with him they said we have no energy today against Galut (Goliath) and his soldiers,

and said the ones that thought they would meet Allah (got strength from their belief in Allah)

how many times have a few groups overcome many groups

by Allah's permission and Allah is with the patient.

250- And when they emerged to Galut (Goliath) and his soldiers,

they said our God pours on us patience and firm our feet and gives us victory over the disbelieving folk.

251- They defeated them (Goliath) with Allah’s permission

and David Killed Galut (Goliath)

and Allah brought him (David) kingship and wisdom and taught him what he wishes,

Had not Allah thrust (shaved in conflict) people some against some,

the earth would be corrupted (By People freewill in matters they control creates conflict,

which Allah allows these conflicts to eliminate the dominance of one power, especially unjust power,

David vs Goliath, Persia & Rome US & Russia, Good vs Evil or Evil vs Evil) but Allah is gracious upon the worlds. (Good eventually wins, by Allah's permission)

252- These are Allah’s verses (signs) we recite them upon you

with the truth and you are among the messengers.

253- Those messengers We favored some over some

among them who spoke to Allah (Moses)

and lifted some of them in ranks

and brought to Issa the son of Mariam clear proof (miracles to confirm his prophecy) and supported him with the holy spirit (Gabriel),

If Allah had willed those after them (The generations that followed these messengers) would not to have fought (among themselves),

after that, they received these clear proof,

but they differed

and among them who believed and among them who disbelieved,

and if Allah has willed they would have not fought

but Allah does what he wants.

254- Oh you have believed spend from what we provided you

before comes a day no selling (trading) nor friendship nor intercession

and the disbelievers are the unjust (losers, unjust to themselves as that day is self-judgment day)

(Note 31: Who is Allah)

255- Allah no Deity except Him (One God his name is “Allah)

the living (Immortal, ever-living)

the upholder (Hands-on and the only sustainer)

no sleepiness takes Him, nor sleep, (Always present)

to Him belongs what in the heavens and in the earth, (Originator and providing of everything)

who is that to intercede by Him except by His permission, (The ultimate Judge)

He knows what is between their hands (Knows, what we do and will do, What is seen in front of them and the unseen future ahead of them)

and what is behind them (the unseen past)

and they do not encompass anything of His knowledge, (Uncontained)

except what He wills, (Provide knowledge as He wills to whom He wills)

Encompass (contain with immense space left) His seat (throne) the heavens and the earth, (Full oversight within His grasp)

and does not burden Him to preserve them (The all Maintaining)

and He is the most-high most great. (Above All)

256- No compulsion in religion,

the guidance (to the truth) is clear from the wrong path (way to physical and spiritual destination in this life and the hereafter)

so who disbelieve in the tyrannous (tyrants, including false gods, devil oppressors, hypocrites, etc.)

and believes in Allah has grabbed the trustworthy handle (tightly braided rope – Allah’s religion)

no schizophrenia to it (tightly balanced religion that does not tear & no unsettled delusions or contradiction)

and Allah is hearing and knowing.

257- Allah is the guardian of (guide protect) those who have believed,

brings them out from darkness (all darkness) to light (one light)

and those who disbelieved their guardians are the tyrannous (tyrants, and false gods, devil oppressors, hypocrites, etc.)

shall bring them out from the light to darkness,

those (disbelieve, guardians & tyrannous) are the companions of the fire (hellfire)

they will be in it eternally.

258- Have you not seen who debated Ibrahim about his God,

that Allah brought him kingship (just because Allah give him kingship)

when Ibrahim said my God is who gives life and death,

said (the disbeliever king) I keep life and death (order to kill of let freedom),

said Ibrahim then Allah brings the sun from the east so bring it from the west

so fail (fade pale his face & argument) who disbelieved

and Allah does not guide the unjust people.

259- Or as who passed by a village (Al Uzier, a Hebrew) and it is empty upon its roofs, (fallen in ruins) said how can Allah revive this after its death?

So Allah deaden him (cause him to die) for a hundred years,

then revived him

Said (Allah) how long have you remained?

said I remained a day or a part of a day

Said no you remained a hundred years look at your food and drink did not age

and look at your donkey,

and will make you a sign (miracle) for the people,

and look at the bones (of your dead donkey) how we build it then clothe it with flesh,

when it became clear to him (How can Allah re-give life)

said I know Allah is over everything able.

260- As Ibrahim said “God show me how you revive the dead”

Said (Allah) have not you believe,

said yes (I believe) but to comfort my heart,

Said (Allah) take four birds and conjoin them to you (recognize them, then slaughter and mix their parts)

then put on each hill a part (of the mixed parts)

then invite them

they will seek you back (on foot not flying)

and know that Allah is mighty wise.

261- The example of those who spend their money in the path of Allah,

is like a seed that sprouted seven spikes, in each spike a hundred grain,

and Allah multiplies for whom He wills

and Allah is ample and knowing. (has wide choices and knows who spends).

262- Those who spend their money in the path of Allah,

then do not follow what they spent by gloating or injuring them (brag and oppress the charity receiver) they will have their wages at their God,

they will have no fear nor they will have sorrow.

263- Favorite (common good) saying and forgiveness

better (rewarding)

then charity followed by injury and Allah affluent forbearing.

264- O you believed do not revoke your charities by gloating and injuries

as does those who spend their money to embellish (themselves) among the people,

and does not believe in Allah and the last day,

the like that of a stone (smooth & pore-less) upon it dust was struck by a rainstorm which left it bare, they are unable of anything they earned ( to keep their charity, earnings deeds are washed off and lost) and Allah does not guide the disbelieving folk.

265- And the like who spend their money seeking Allah satisfaction and confirmed by themselves (inner self-approved a sincere donation),

is like a seed on a hilltop (its roots do not rot from the flood)

stricken by a rainstorm that yields its produce in two doubles,

and if not stricken by rainstorm then a dew (little mist be sufficient to produce the same result)

and Allah of what you do is seeing.

266- Would one of you like to have a garden of palms and grapes,

underneath it, rivers flow, and has in it all kinds of fruits,

then (He) was stricken by old age

and he has weak offspring,

then was stricken (garden) by a tornado within it fire and it burned,

thus how Allah makes clear to you his signs that you may reflect.

(the result of spending your money, not in Allah's path ).

267- O you have believed, spend from your righteous earnings (labor earnings)

and from what we provided to you from the earth (e.g., knowledge)

and do not allot inferior to spend

while you would not take unless with closed eyes (do not just give away what you would not take for yourself) and know that Allah is all-sufficient praiseworthy.

268- Satan promises you poverty (Satan whisper to you, e.g. If you donate you will become poor, why share what yours)

and commands you with obscenity (immorality, malice, stinginess)

and Allah promises you forgiveness (of your obscenities)

and abundance (More of what you like)

and Allah is ample giving (encompassing everything) all-knowing.

269- Brings (Allah) wisdom to whomever he wills

and whoever was brought wisdom been brought much good

and none will remember except the mind-full. (People who can reason and follows Allah’s guidance).

270- And whatever you spent of spending or vowed a vow (To spend above Allah commanded)

Allah knows it, and the unjust have no supporters (good deeds to vouch for them).

271- If you disclose your charity is a blessing (others will follow suit, good for you & Society)

and if you conceal it and bring it to the poor (directly)

is good for you (spiritually)

and will redeem against your faults (bad deeds)

and Allah is in whichever you do is an aware expert.

272- Not upon you (Mohamed) their guidance (Not responsible to guide them)

as Allah guides whom he wills

and whatever you spend of good is for yourself

and whatever you spend is only for seeking Allah’s face (guidance and acceptance)

and whatever you spend of good will be trusted back to you

and you will not be unjustified (wronged, short-changed).

273- The poor who has been besieged in Allah’s path,

who are unable to strike in the earth (to Seek livelihood e.g. due to physical or mental illness etc..)

the ignorant account them as rich (self-sufficient) because of their chastity (they abstain from asking for donations)

you recognize them by their demeanor ( modest but look in need)

they do not ask people unless blanketed (fully surrounded by need)

and whatever you spend of good Allah of it is knowing.

274- Those who spend their funds (charity, labor & not stingy) by night and day secretly and publicly for them their pay at Allah no fear upon them (All capital & means created by Allah, earth, life, etc.

humans are paid labor by Allah) nor they will be sad

(grieve, sorrow regret, in this life Karma and afterlife Allah justice).

275- Those who devour inflated/usury (i.e. Inflation of capital by adding interest, and also charging excess interest by taking advantage of the needy or situations that cause hardship and inflation) do not rise (at judgment day) except like the ones that been stumbled by Satan’s touch (shoved aimlessly around, in panic and hysteria lost his way and balance not in harmony bewitched by Satan) that because they said that trading is like inflated/usury (trading is buying e.g. a car from a trader $1000 and paying $1200 installments including interest paid to the trader as extra business gain, while the value of the car does not change in the market stays $1000.

Inflated/usury is Inflation from borrowing capital/cash from a lender/bank $1000 and paying back with interest to the lender $1200, and buying the same car for $1000, here bank causes the purchasing value of cash to decrease and causes inflation, and subsequently, the value of the car becomes more expensive $1200 in the open market, as I had to buy a $1000 from the bank/lender by paying $1200, that causes inflation by the 20% usury)

and Allah allowed trading and forbidden inflated/usury (Trading is interest increase from the exchange of money for commodity, inflated/usury is interest increase from the exchange of money for money, that creates imbalance inflation in society due eventually increase of the value of products and the decrease purchasing power of money, that will cause hardship, some guidance is the transaction should cause no harm to me nor the other party of the exchange and also nor to the society at large.) whoever gets his God’s admonition (follow God’s advice) and desists (taking inflated usury), for him what past (capital & gains) and his affairs (future) rest with Allah,

and whomever returns than those are the companions of the fire they will abide in it eternally.

276- Allah annihilates (gradually wipe out) inflated/usury

and inflates truthful (deeds in Allah’s Path)

and Allah does not love every unrighteous infidel.

277- Those who believe and do righteous deeds

and establish prayer

and bring back Zakah (alms)

for them their pay at Allah (This world and afterlife)

no fear upon them (for themselves and from others – Fair world)

nor they will be sad (in this life and afterlife that is Allah's justice).

278- O believers fend from Allah (shield yourself from Allah by obeying his commands)

give up what remains of the inflated/usury

if you are believers.

279- If you do not do

then listen (forceful warning to confirm the action) of war from Allah and his messenger (Mohamed)

and if you repent

then for you your principal (original capital without interest)

so you do not inflict unjust (on borrowers)

nor you be unjust.(get your original principal and Allah’s support).

280- And if was (borrower) insolvent

so look for easement (try to install)

and if you give it up (the principal) as a charity this is better for you if you knew.

(the reward you will get from Allah).

281- Fend against a day you will be returned back to Allah

and tendered (compensated) as promised for what you earned (in the worldly life)

and will not be wronged.

282- Oh you who have believed if you commit to a debt for a named term (agreed future time)

write it

and let a scribe (experienced third party) write between you in justice,

and no scribe refuses to write as Allah has taught him,

and will be dictated by the obligated (the person with the burden)

and would fend for himself (the obligated & scribe obey Allah not dictate or write with the intention to deceive) Allah is his God (Remember Allah is the God, not the lender)

and not scoff anything

and if the one upon which the right (the debtor) is mentally incompetent or weak or incapable of dictating himself (e.g. mute, absent) allows his guardian to dictate justly

and bear witness

two witnesses (present credible witnesses and write it down) from your men (believers)

and if they were not two men

then one man and two women that satisfy you as witnesses

that one of them (women witness) might stray (witness needs to be available and in touch with the trading society) then the other one (woman) can remind the other (without duress),

no witnesses refuse to if they are called

and do not get bored writing any small or big (details) concerning future terms

that is more premium ( just, equitable) at Allah

and more upright for the testimony,

and the least to not be suspicious (do not overdo) if it is an available trade (present exchange)

you manage in between you

so there is no blame upon you not to write it,

and take a witness when you settle a transaction (e.g. paid)

and let no scribe or witness be harmed (physically financially or emotionally)

and if you do that (harm the scribe) that will be immoral in by you (dis obeying Allah )

and attain piety (fend yourself from Allah’s torment)

and Allah teaches you and Allah of everything is all-knowing.

283- And if you are on a journey and cannot find a scribe,

then a security deposit in hand

and if one trusted the other then the entrusted should perform his trust and act in the piety of his God (fend against Allah’s torment, fear Allah)

And do not conceal a testimony

and whoever conceals it he has tainted his heart and Allah of what you do all-knowing.

284- For Allah what in the heavens and earth,

and if you reveal what is within yourselves or conceal it

Allah will bring you to account with it,

and forgives whomever He wills

and punishes whomever He wills

and Allah over everything capable.

285- The messenger has believed in what was brought to him from His God

and the believers (The Muslims believed too) all of them believes in Allah

and His angels

and His books

and His messengers

we do not differentiate

between any of His messengers

and they (believers) say” We hear and obey” your forgiveness our God (we are doing our best and all up to your mercy) and to You our fate. (All for you and all distend to you)

286- Allah does not charge a soul except for its broaden (its capacity),

for it what earned

and upon it, what was acquired (via disobedience).

Our God (Believers prayer)

do not take against us if we forget or erred,

Our God do not hold to us a covenant (that causes hardship)

as what you uphold upon those before us (Jew asking for more unnecessary details that burdened them and Christian committed to priest celibacy on their own that they cannot uphold)

and do not hold on us with what we have no energy by it (to withstand hardship)

and pardon us

and forgive to us

and have mercy upon us

You are our patron

so support us over the disbelieving people.

(Truth from Allah the mighty)


The Holy Quran can only be read in its original Arabic language. No translation or interpretation of the Holy Quran can be used as a replacement for the Arabic Holy Quran. I am not a scholar nor do I have any Islamic diplomas. I have tried to provide a Quran translation and contemplations that are faithful to the Quranic Arabic language using an empirical approach that is based on my readings of selected scholars’ interpretations, my personal experiences, and my understanding of The Holy Quran as a Muslim native Arabic speaker.

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