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☪️ Quran: Chapter 2 The Cow - سورة البقرة Verses (1--242 ⏭️)

Writer's picture: Mohamed ElgayarMohamed Elgayar

Updated: Oct 28, 2024

Revelation place: Medina

Revelation order: 87

Number of verses: 286

The Holy Quran (Period 609-632 CE) can only be in Arabic.

· The texts in Red are Translations.

·       The texts between brackets are (Interpretations).

·       The translation is faithful to The Quranic Arabic Language.

·       The Quran styles itself as divine speech by employing the first person singular or plural (“I” or “We”) in statements that refer to Allah.

·       Utterances by Prophet Muhammed are generally introduced by the command “Say,” thus emphasizing that the Prophet is speaking on divine injunction.

·       Ultimately Allah knows best.

The Arabic Holy Quran revealed upon the prophet Mohamed (PBUH) during the years 609-632 CE is divided into 114 chapters, of which 86 chapters were revealed in Mecca, and 28 chapters were revealed in The Madinah

Those revealed in Mecca deal primarily with the "Islamic Creed" including belief in Allah, the Omnipresent and Eternal, His angels, His books, His messengers, the Resurrection and Judgment Day, and the divine preordination of good and evil.

Those revealed in The Madinah deal mainly with moral principles, legislation, community development, and warfare.

Allah Knows Best

Before reading the Quran say:

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the condemn

1- Alif, Lam, Meem.

(Often written as ALM, begins certain chapters of the Quran. These standalone letters without being part of a sentence, making their exact meaning unclear. Over the centuries, scholars have pondered their significance, but without direct guidance from Allah, their meanings remain hidden."

When a word is part of a sentence and that word is new or has multiple meanings, it helps to compare that word when it appears again in other sentences in the Quran, to understand its meaning.

But these “Standalone letters” are not part of any sentence to shed light on their meaning, even if repeated they are still “stand-alone”.

My point of view are these Standalone letters serve as a powerful reminder of our dependence on Allah's guidance. Without His insight, much in life, including these standalone letters, remains a mystery. They exemplify our need to seek understanding through the Quran, Allah's Straight Path.

It's important to remember that the Prophet was illiterate, and the Quran was revealed to him verbally. He conveyed it in the same manner, including 'Alif Lam Meem.' If these letters had been written down by the Prophet or a literate person, they would appear as 'ALM,' which means 'Did you not”

Alif Lam Meem." Reiterate the importance of humility in the face of divine mystery and the continuous pursuit of knowledge through the Quran.)

(Allah knows best)

2- This is The Book (speech) with no suspicion in it (No fishiness, does not cause feelings of dubious confusion and doubts, no hidden under-the-surface deviousness), guidance for the pious. (Who shielded themselves from Allah’s torment by obeying Him).

(Note 2: The Piously-Believers)

3- Those (Pious) who believe in absentia (absent from our sensors, unseen, e.g. Allah, his angels,

judgment day, preordainment by Allah good and bad ), and performing prayers, and spending from what We have provided them.

4- And who believe in what was descended (Quran), upon you (Muhammed (Pbuh)), and what was descended before you (Torah, Gospel), and of the hereafter are faithfully certain. (to be certain to an extent based on faith)

5- Those are upon guidance from their God, and those will cultivate their good deeds.

(Note 3: The Infidel)

6- For those who are infidel it is the same for them whether you warn them or do not warn them, they will not believe.

7- Allah had applied a seal on their hearts and hearing and on their visions a velum. and for them great torture.

(Note 4: The Deceivers-Hypocrites)

8- And Among the people are those who say,“ We believe in Allah and the Last day” but they are not believers.

9- They are trying to deceive Allah and the believers, but they deceive none but themselves without feeling it.

10- In their hearts is sickness, so Allah increased their sickness, for them painful torture due to their lies.

11- And when it is said to them “Do not cause corruption on earth”, they say but we are reformers.

12- However, they are the corruptors, and they do not feel it.

13- And when it is said to them “Believe as the people have believed”, they say, “Shall we believe as the lowlifes/foolish have believed”, in fact, they are the lowlifes/foolish but they do not know it.

14- And when they come across those who believe, they say, “We believe” but when they are alone with their evil ones, they say we are always with you, we were only mocking.

15- Allah mocks them and prolongs them in their self-tyranny to wander blindly.

16- Those are the ones that purchased misguidance by guidance, so their trade brought no profit, and they were not guided. (No profit and lost the “guidance asset” too).

17- Their example is that of one who kindled a fire, and when it illuminated what was around him, Allah took away their lights and left them in darkness without sight.

18- Deaf dumb and blind. They will not return.

19- Or like a rainstorm from the sky within it darkness, thunder, and lightning, they keep their fingers in their ears from thunderbolts, wary of death. But Allah surrounds the disbelievers.

20- The lightning almost snatches their sight away. Whenever it lights for them, they walk in it, and when it darkens on them, they stand still, and if Allah had willed, He could have let go-away their hearing and sights. Indeed, Allah is capable of everything.

(Note 5: God's Advice)

21- O people, worship your God who created you and those before you, that you may become pious.

22- Who made the earth a cushion for you, and the sky a structure, and sent down from the sky water to bring out with it fruits of livelihood, for you. So do not attribute with Allah pars, while you know. (there are no pars to Allah that claim they created the earth/sky etc.…).

(Note 6: Allah's Challenge)

23- And if you are in doubt that We are sending it (The Quran) down on our servant, then bring a chapter similar to it, and you can call upon your witnesses, other than Allah if you are truthful. (Truthful in your claim of doubt).

24- But if you do not do, and you will not do, then fend yourselves from the fire whose fuel is people and stones, is ready for the disbelievers.

(Note 7: Good News)

25- Bring good tidings to those who believe and do righteous deeds, that they have gardens under which rivers run. Every time it provides them with the provision of fruits, they will say, “This is what we were provided before”. It was brought to them in resemblance (happy Nostalgia). And they will have therein purified spouses and they will be in it eternally.

(Note 8: Losers)

26- Indeed Allah is not shy to strike an example of a gnat (Mosquitos, Culex) and what is above it (smaller, or on top of it). As for those who have believed, they know it's the truth from their God, but those who disbelieved say,” What did Allah want by that parable?”, by it many will let go astray, and many will be guided, but only the dissolute will by it stray.

27- Who (the dissolute) rescind Allah’s covenant after its binding, and sever that what Allah ordered to be joined, and cause corruption on earth, those are the losers.

28- How can you disbelieve in Allah? when you were dead, then gave you life, then will cause you to die, then bring you to life, then to him you shall be returned.

29- Is he who created for you all that is in the earth, then leveled himself to the sky and leveled them into seven heavens, he is The All-Knower of everything.

(Note 9: Adam Eve & Allah's Viceroy on Earth, purpose on Earth)

30- As your God said to the angels, I am making in the earth a successor (A successor following others from before, a viceroy with free will, a procreating new being. Adam and Eve were created to live on earth following others from before, to procreate and be in charge of the earth, as Allah has subjugated the earth for them with Allah’s permission), they said, "You will make in it who will commit corruption in it and sheds blood (Linguistically seems that Allah told them from the structure of the sentence, or the angels concluded by nature, experience, or just reasoning, that a successor with free will, free choice, a self-leaning ruler would lead to conflict, corruption and bloodshed, or based on their observation of the corruptions done by the Jinn or previous being who were created before Adam and lived on the earth. Allah knows best), while we glorify your praises, and sanctify You". Allah said, “I know what you do not know”. (I have a plan and among them will be messengers, prophets, believers, poise, righteous peoples, etc.)

31- And taught Adam all the names (necessary nouns of things around him to act as a successor also as he is a learning new creation), then displayed them upon the angels and said, “ inform me of their names” if you are truthful.(About your complaint and concerns about this new free will self-learning creation).

32- They said, “Your glory” we have no knowledge except what You had taught us, You are the all-knowing the all-wise. (Angels obey God with no free will or self-learning ability, Allah knows best)

33- Said “O Adam inform them of their names, and when he informed them of their names, Said “ Did I not tell you that I know the absentia of the heavens and earth, and know what you appear to reveal, and what you have concealed. (mainly about their concerns about this Adam the new successor).

(Note 10: Eblees-Satan)

34- And as We told the angels “prostrate to Adam”, they prostrated, except Eblees (Satan) refused and was haughty proud, and became of the disbelievers.

35- And We said “O Adam dwell you and your couple (Hawa, Eve) in paradise (garden) and eat both of you from it delightful wherever you want, and do not approach this tree then you will be of the unjust. (Do unjust to yourself, by disobeying God, it’s a practice for them to learn to exercise their free choice, and make decisions by themselves ).

36- So Satan (Elbees) made them (Both Adam and Eve ) slip from it (the garden by eating from the tree ) and get them out of what they were in. (status of living well in the garden of paradise)

And We said “ Descend (Go now you are ready, decline from living well in the garden to the lower life status to carry out the duty and purpose that I God created you for as Viceroy on Earth,  note: they were not penalized and expelled to the earth from paradise nor God was worried about their acquired knowledge from the tree), some of you (Adam, Eve, and all of their future off-springs, and Satan), will be foes some to others” and you will find in the earth settlement, and sustenance (enjoyment) for a time.

37- Then Adam was indoctrinated (was taught by Allah) with some words (On how to repent) from his God, so He (His God) then repented upon him, indeed He is the repentance the merciful. (Like this when Adam came down to start his mission in life. He carried no original sin on his shoulders and was taught also how to ask Allah for repentance when he sins)

38- We said, “ Descend from it, all of you” (Descend in status from living well in the garden of paradise, All of you Adam Eve, and all of their future off-springs within Adam and Eve, and Stan), and when guidance comes to you from Me, then whoever will follow My guidance, there is no fear on them, nor they shall grieve.

39- And those who disbelieve (cover the truth) and belie (deny) Our signs, those are the owners of the fire, and they are in it eternally.

40- O Children of Israel, mention my boon, which I bestowed on you, and fulfill my covenant; I fulfill your covenant and only awe (fear) me.

41- And believe in what we have sent down ratifying what you have, and do not be the first disbeliever (Cover the truth) of it, and do not buy with my revelations small price. (Worldly benefits, by covering up Mohamed PBUH prophecy per their Torah, to try and keep religious advise in their lineage, to sell and alter it for worldly gain, turned God revelations into worldly currency $$).

42- And do not enclose the truth with void (falsehood), and silence the truth while you know. (Know it is the truth)

43- And establish prayer (Maintain connection with Allah at all times not only by performing prayers at its times) and bring back (payback) Zakat and kneel with the kneelers.

44- Do you order people to be obedient and forget yourselves, yet you recite the book (Torah), do not you comprehend? (understand the consequences of your acts)

45- And seek help through patience and prayer, it is (patience & prayer together as one) a big task except for the reverence.

46- Who suppose/think that they will meet their God, and to Him (most human thinks of God as He/Him) they will return.

47- O Children of Israel recall my boon that I bestowed (material boon) on you (Your ancestors), and I favored you (made messenger & revealed books in your lineage) over the worlds (of that time).

48- And fend (yourselves) from a day, where no soul (1) will give tribute on behalf of another soul (2) for anything, and no intercession will also be accepted from it (1), and no redemption will be taken from it (2), nor they will triumph (2). (Soul 1 good & Soul2 bad)

49- And when We saved you from the people of Pharaoh, who inflicted on you range of prosecution, they slaughtered your sons and spared your women and in that was a great ordeal/trial from your God.

50- And as we parted with you the sea (12 parts for 12 groups of Israel), and drowned the people of Pharaoh, while you look. (Before your eyes)

51- And as we had an appointment with Musa (Moses) for forty nights, then you took (worshiped) the calf in his absence and you are wrongdoers. (Borrowed Egypt jewelry before they left and made a Calf God with it, to anger God)

52- Then We forgave you after that (stealing Egypt Gold to make calf), so you can be thankful.

53- So as we brought to Moses the book and the criterion (Between right and wrong) so you may be guided.

54- And as Musa said to his folks you had wronged yourselves by taking the calf (Worship), so repent to your maker and kill yourselves (one another) (return back to him that self that disobeyed), which is better for you at your maker. Then He repented upon them, He is the repentance the merciful. (gave them another chance 1- Repent 2- Do action Kill yourselves for eternal reward)

55- And as you said “O Musa will not believe you until we see Allah overtly” (Outright in the open, Materialize to us/ that shows lack of faith need to see the material to trust), so the thunderbolt snatched you (you're sole) while you are looking.

56- Then we resurrected you after your death so that you may be thankful. (As you will have another chance to repent).

57- And We shaded you with clouds and sent down to you the Mann (sweet mist) and quails, eat from the goods we provided you (as sustenance, no effort on your part),

But and they (Children of Israel) did not wrong Us, but they were wronging themselves. (Told to eat all, they ate some and saved some, they had no trust in God’s promise to help them) (disobeyed God and wronged themselves)??

58- And We said, “Enter this village and eat from its abundance (varieties) wherever you will, and enter the gate prostrating and say “lift our sins”,

We will forgive your wrongdoing and (also) add (rewards) to the well-doers.

59- So substituted (similar to look original but not the same) the wrongdoers’ the sayings by other than what has been said to them (By Allah), so We brought down upon the wrongdoers’ filthy punishment (Plague) from the sky (Above) for their disobedience.

60- And as Musa asked for water (from God only provider of water in this condition) for his people, We said to strike with your staff the stone(visible material miracle to firmly believe in the hearts of the Israelites), and there gushed from it twelve springs, (for the 12 tribes of the 12 children of Jacob/Israel) already all people knew their drinking spot. Eat and drink from Allah’s sustenance and do not overly (intentionally corrupt) corrupt in the earth. (They kept the staff and stone in Moses Arch, they need material proof of God)

61- And as you said” O Musa we will not have patience on one kind of food. So call for us your God to bring for us from what the earth grows/sprouts of its legumes and cucumber and grist and lentils and onions (Slaves' food). Said (Musa) you replace what is lower (earthly- materialistic needs labor) with what is well-being (heavenly/gift from God).

Fall down to a town ( To where you were before enslaved by Pharos), you will get what you asked for.

And was sealed (labeled) onto them hardship humiliation and misery (poverty characteristic) and they get Allah’s epidemic anger (anger equal to the disobedient, passes from generation to generation until they change their ways, Or until they follow what is in their Torah including that Mohamed is the final messenger), because they disbelieved in Allah’s signs and killed the prophets without any right, and that they disobeyed and they were transgressors.

(Went back to slavery where the strong work hard labor, the week pays taxes to Pharaoh, that is why they pretended poor, then looked poor and stingy)

62- Those who believed (At that time Muslims were called believers), and those who were guided (Anyone before Muhammed time who were guided by Moses original monotheistic way, including Judah Israelite linage) and Nasara (Nazarene, From Al Nasera where Jesus was born, the first supporters and believers of Jesus are called “Nasara in the Quran” as they originally supported the prophet Jesus then later became Christians dominations who worshiped the triune God of the Trinity (God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit), and further split into more denominations variations of Christians)”, and Sabians (converts, reverts, people who abandoned old false believes),who believed in Allah and the last day and did righteous deeds,

for them is their rewards at their God, and there is no fear on them, nor they shall grieve.

(For times before Muhammed (Pbuh)).

63- As (Recall, children of Israel) when We took your covenant when We lifted on top of you the mountain (To shade you from the sun an unforgettable event to seal the covenant).

Take what we brought to you (Torah) forcefully (seriously), and recite what is in it,

maybe you will become pious. (Obey God and fend yourself against judgment day punishment)

64- Then you turned away after that, if not for Allah’s excess boon upon you and His mercy, you would have been with the self-losers.

65- And you (Jews) had knowledge (from your Torah) about those who transgressed in the Sabbath, We said to them be despised apes.(manners and could physical, Allah know best)??

66- We made this punishment (despised apes) for those who own it (transgress at that time) and who come afterward. (future generations) and as an exhortation (an admonition, example) for the pious.

(Do not disobey Allah like people of the Sabbath who became apes, Manner or Physical??

67- As when Musa told his people, that Allah commands you to slaughter a cow (It's a belief command to do Allah’s commands first, then Allah’s command reason will be revealed later), they said do you take us in mockery, he said I take refuge in Allah, that I will be among the ignorant/mockers. (Of Allah’s commands)

68- They said call upon your God to clear to us what is she (Vague question),

He (God) said it's a cow not old nor too young or in between, so do what you are commanded.

69- They said call upon your God to clear to us its color,

He (God) said its yellowish cow bright colored pleasing to the observers.

70- They said to call upon your God to clear to us which one, the cows look alike to us, and we, if Allah willing will be guided.

71- Said (Moses), He (God) says “It's a cow not subservient from plowing the earth, nor watering the tilth, sound without blemish.

They said now you have brought the truth, so they slaughtered her,

and they had persevered not to do it. (tried to avoid manipulation, and almost did not obey God’s command and slaughter the cow)

72- And as you killed a soul, and you denied among yourself but Allah brought forth what you concealed. (Concealed the identity of the killer to avoid paying blood money, per Torah Commands)

73- So We said, “Strike with a part of it” (strike the dead person with part of the slaughtered cow), this is how Allah revives the dead and shows you his signs (this is the reason for slaughtering the cow) so you may acknowledge. (Acknowledge how Allah has knowledge of the future, and a reminder that he can revive the dead, another physical miracle to the children of Israel)

74- Then (after all the aforementioned visible miracles) your hearts hardened/dried after that, like rocks or even harder, and thought from some rocks, river bursts, and some of them split and water comes out, and some of it (rocks) falls form fear of Allah, and Allah is not unaware of what you do. (E.g when Moses stroked the rock with his staff for water, when a mountain fell when Allah appeared to, or rocks soften so water comes out of it)

75- Do you (believers/Muslims) covet (Aspire), that they (Israelites) believe you, while a group of them heard Allah’s words, (Torah) and then distorted it after they rationalized it knowingly (Distorted the Torah Intentionally).

76- And as they (Jews in the Medina, during Mohamed times) meet those who believed they say, “we believed”, and when they meet each other in private they say “ Do you converse with them (believers) of what Allah had revealed to you!(In the Torah about Mohamed's attributes), that they may use it as argument (Against you) at your God, cannot you reason! (The Jews said among themselves, Do not reveal to the believers/Muslims what is in our Torah, so they do not use against us, as an argument in favor of the prophet Mohamed PBUH prophesy and the Quran)

77- But do not they (Jews) know that Allah knows what they keep secret and what they declare?

78- And among them (Jews) are illiterates, who have no knowledge of the book (Torah) except hopes (misguided/ wishful thinking) but they are only assuming. (assume that they are right, with no understanding of the Torah)

79- So woe to those who are writing the book (Torah) with their hands, then they say “it is from Allah” to purchase with it a small price (worldly price).

So, woe to them from what their hands have written, and woe to them from what they earn.

80- And they (Jews) said the fire (Hellfire) will not even touch us, except for countable days (some claims it’s the 40 days they worshipped the golden calve),

Say (Mohamed) if you have taken a pact from Allah?

Allah will never return on his pact.

But do you say about Allah what you do not know. (making it up)

81- No, who earned a sin (e.g., Polytheism, changing Allah’s words, etc..) and are engulfed in its wrongdoing, they will be the hellfire companions, and they are in it eternally.

82- And those we believed and did good deeds; they are companions of paradise they are in it eternally.

83- And as we took the covenant from the children of Israel, do not worship except Allah, and to parents be (Generously) kind, and to your relatives, and to the orphans, and those in need,

and say what is righteous to the people, and uphold prayers, and bring alms (Deliver Zakat religious tax),

Then you (Children of Israel) turned back (On your covenant), except a few of you,

and you were refusing/averse (you intentionally, disobeyed and turned away on your covenant).

84- And as we took your covenant, not to shed each other’s blood, and do not expel each other from your homes (All of them e.g. 12 tribes of the sons of Jacob/ Isreal are to be treated as oneself/people) then you endorsed it while witnessing it.

85- Then here you are killing yourselves (each other’s/they are one group/self 12 tribes of Israel), and expelling a group of yours, from their homes, and you support one another against them in sinfulness and aggression,

And if they come to you as captives (war hostages) you ransom them, and it was forbidden on you to expel them (in the first place).

Do you believe in part of the book (The Torah, ransom part) and disbelieve in part (not to expel them)?. The penalty for who does that among you will be but humiliation /disgrace in the worldly life (humiliation will not erase the sin), and on the day of resurrection will be sent back to severe torment. And Allah is not oblivious of what you are doing. (As you claim Allah is busy and depends on you for doing his work on earth)

86- Those are the ones that bought this worldly life with the hereafter. Neither their torment will be lightened, nor they will be aided. (to avoid torment).

87- And we brought to Musa the book (Torah) and followed after him (one after the other) with messengers, and we brought to Isa son of Mariam the clear evidence (miracles) and strengthened (attached, support) him with the sacred spirit (Gabriel), and every time a messenger comes to you (Children of Israel/Jews) with what yourselves do not desire, you became arrogant, a group you fib (claim they are liars) and a group you are killing.

88- And they said (Children of Israel/Jews) our hearts are wrapped (already sealed on the knowledge we have from God/ through the Torah, we need no more new revelations),

no Allah has cursed them with their disbelieve, (sealed their hearts by their disbelieve, not to believe in new revelations) so little what they believe. (A few of them believe in little/some of what they got)

89- And when there came unto them a book from Allah (Quran) ratifying with what they have (Torah), and they were before that (Mohamed arrival) used to invoke against the disbelievers (threatening with the coming messenger, that will support them to rule over the non-Jews, disbelievers)

and when came to them what they knew (Expected messenger based on the Torah description which is Mohamed PBUH) they disbelieved in him,

So Allah’s curse upon the disbelievers.

90- Misery is what they sold their soul for, by disbelieving in what Allah brought down (Torah), and by grudging in what Allah is bringing down from his grace (Quran) upon whomever he wishes from his worshippers (Mohamed PBUH).

(They built excess envy as they expected the coming messenger to be in Israel lineage, not their brother Ismael. That will lead to a loss in status “as chosen people” including material financial loss from their alleged religious advisory status as the chosen ones),

So they incurred wrath upon wrath (wrath for disbelieving-not following the Torah for concealing its truth about the future messenger Mohamed PBUH and another wrath for not believing the Quran),

and for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment.

91- And as was said to them (By Mohamed in the Quran) believe in what Allah brought down, they said we believe in what was brought down on us (Torah), and disbelieve in what follows,

while it (Quran) is the truth ratifying what they have, Say so why you kill Allah’s prophets from before

if you were believers.

(They are not even following the Torah)

( They used to kill Allah’s prophets whom they are a good human example to follow, but Allah would not allow them to kill his messengers “Moses, Jesus, Mohamed” who are prophets with a holy message/ Book e.g. Torah, Gospel, Quran).

92- And indeed Musa had come to you with the clear signs (miracles), then you took (worshiped) the calf after him (He left meet Allah on the mountain), and you were wrongdoers.

93- As we took your covenant and raised above you Al Tur (mount Tur),

take what has been given to you with force (I believe 10 commandments), and listen/Obey,

they (Children of Israel/Jews) say we heard and disobeyed, and their hearts were absorbed by the calf (warship) and disobedient, say miserable what your believe commands you to do if you are believers.

94- Say if the hereafter habitat (paradise) at Allah is for you, purely from other people, then wish (ask) for death if you are truthful (in your claim).

95- They will never wish for it ever, because of what their hands put forth, and Allah is all knower of the wrongdoers.

96- You will find them the most careful of people, for life (fear of the afterlife due to their deeds) and even (more) than the polytheists/pagans (as pagans wrongly believe that there is no afterlife and no judgment to fear),

would love each of them (Jews) if he lasts a thousand years,

even if he will, it will not budge him from the torment (punishment) if he lives it (the max number at the Arab that time was 1000), and Allah is all-seeing what they are doing.

97- Say whoever is an enemy to Gabriel (Jews view Gabriel as the bearer of bad news /enemy, vs Mikael)

it is he (Gabriel) who brought it (Quran) on your heart, by Allah’s permission,

sealing to what is in his (Allah) possession ( confirming and finalizing what is in the Torah then Gospel before that) and guidance and glad tidings for the believers.

98- Whoever (Allah declares and reminds) is an enemy to Allah and his angels and his messengers and Gabriel (Naming angel Gabriel to firm the claim) and Mikael (angel), then Allah is an enemy to those disbelievers.

99- And we sent down to you clear signs/verses (to you Mohamed in the Quran, knowledge, guidance, mercy, miracles, future, etc..) and none disbelieve in them except the dissolute (wonder away/rebel from Allah’s way/commands).

100- Or every time they make a covenant, a group of them (Not all Children of Israel/Jews) threw it away, Nay but most of them do not believe.

101- And when came to them (Children of Israel) a messenger (Mohamed) from Allah, confirming to what they have (in the Torah). A group of whom had received the book (The Jews and the book is the Torah) discarded Allah’s book (Quran) behind their backs as if they do not have knowledge. (The Torah contains Mohamed's description as a messenger of Allah, or just disobedient to make their own rules)

102- And they (Jews) followed what the devils recite upon the reign of Soliman (Solomon),

and Solomon was not infidel,

but the devils were infidels, they teach people magic/sorcery and what was revealed by the two angels at Babylon Harut and Marut, whom they (Harout and Marut) did not teach anyone until they say “We are temptation (To test your level of belief and can cause apostasy), so do not disbelieve (beware it is trial from God will lead to disbelief if you follow our teaching- magic)

they (However learn The magic) learn from them (Harout and Marut) what causes a divide between man and wife,

but they (However learn The magic) are not harming with it anyone without Allah's permission,

and they (However learn The magic) learn what harm them (Leads them to Disbelieve) and does not benefit them, and they (However learn The magic) were told (had knowledge from the Torah) what they bought (Learned that Magic to use also for financial gain) will have them no share in the afterlife,

Misery for what they sold their soul for if they knew. (By Abandoning their Torah Knowledge to follow the temptation and financial gain of the learned Magic)

103- And if they (magic doers) kept their faith and fended (themselves from God, by obeying Him) a reward from Allah would have been better, if they know. (They knew what was better but did not follow, worse than ones who did not know at all)

104- O you who has believed (Muslims) do not say Raina (It's an accent /slang word the Jews used its double meaning in Hebrew means (Trivial/Frivolity/foolishness) to decisively insult the prophet and his message) but say guide us and then listen (Listen to obey)

and to the unbelievers (Jews who says Raina and did not listen and obey) a painful torment.

105- Would love not the unbelievers from the people of the Book (Jews) and the polytheist, that would come down upon you any good from your God,

but Allah will specialize/customize his mercy to whomever he wills,

and Allah is the possessor of the greatest generosity.

106- We do not abrogate a verse (sign) or cause it to be forgotten (For revelations that came before the Quran e.g. in the Torah, Gospel that was later abrogated by The Quran or timely ones that were caused to be forgotten in due time), we bring a better than it (In The Quran) or similar to it, Did you not Know that Allah is above everything able?

107- Did you not know that Allah has the dominion (authority) of the heavens and earth, and you do not have any guardian except Allah, nor a supporter? (love you and has all power to support you)

108- Or do you (Muslim believers) want to ask your messenger (Mohamed) like Moses was asked before (e.g. Can we see God believe, ask a lot of questions to avoid obedience like in the aforementioned case of the cow ). And who exchange to disbelief from belief, so certainly has gone astray from the midst path. (The balanced mid path, not far right nor far left, around the middle is the best road)

109- Would love, many (a big portion) of the people of the book (Torah), if they can turn you back, after you had believed to a disbeliever, out of envy from their selves after the truth became clear to them, (in the Quran and, also that Mohamed is the messenger of Allah)

so forgive and put behind you, until Allah brings his command, Allah is the capable over everything. “Allah's command is surely coming”

110- Establish prayer, and bring Zakat, and whatever good you present forward for yourselves you shall find with Allah, for Allah with what you do is seeing.

111- And they (Jews & Christians) said “None shall enter paradise unless who was a Jew ( Only the Jews will enter paradise said the Jews) or Christian (or Only a Nazarean/Christian will enter paradise said the Christians).

These are their hopes.

Say bring (both of you) your proof if you are truthful. (Confident in your claim).

112- NO, (Allah is answering direct, Both Jews and Christians are wrong) who surrenders his face (self) to Allah while good-doer (truthful), has his wages at his Lord, and no fear will be upon them (both surrendered & /or good-doer) nor they will grieve.

113- The Jews said “The Nazarene (Christians) are upon nothing” and The Nazarene (Christians) said, “ The Jews are upon nothing”, and they (both) are reciting the book (Torah & Gospel),

Like this said who has no knowledge similar saying. (e.g. Shame on them they had a book but still pointing fingers with no guidance).

Allah will judge between on the day of resurrection in what they differ.

114- And who is most unjust, then who prevent the prostrate places of Allah to have his name mentioned in it (Places of worship, Mosques, Temples, Churches, The entire earth is Allah’s prayer places, means freedom of prayer everywhere), and strive to destruct them, it was not rightfor them to enter them (to destruct) except with fear (fear of the power of the united Muslims defending Allah’s places of worship),

for them in this world of opprobrium,

and for them in the hereafter great torment.

115- And to Allah belongs the sunrise and the sunset (Their Directions/Entire world), so wherever you face, there is Allah’s Face (Direction) for Allah is all-spacious, all-knowing.

116- And they (the most unjust) said “Allah has taken a child”, Praise to him (Allah by his name which does not include being Father nor having children), notify for Him belongs whatever in the heavens and earth, all for him are obedient.

117- Originator of the heavens and earth.

And if He decrees a matter (As all matters are readily Available/Exits by Allah)

He but say to it “Be” so it becomes. (Available/exits available to us)

118- Said those who have no knowledge (Of Allah books i.e.: The Pagans of Mecca) Why not Allah speak to us or bring us a sign,

likewise said the ones before them the same saying, their hearts are alike (Jews who had knowledge of the Torah asked Moses to see Allah, so the one that does not know ( The Pagans) and the ones that knows also (The Jews), both alike even if we show them sign and miracles like the Jews, they still will not believe & has doubts),

we have shown our signs for those people who undoubtedly believe (people who are open to believing to become faithfully certain).

119- We, have sent you (Mohamed) with the truth (The Quran), bearer of glad tidings and a warner, And (you) will not be questioned about the companions of hellfire. (It is not your mission to make people believe or disbelieve, just deliver Allah’s message in the Quran and follow Allah’s path).

120- Never will the Jews be satisfied with you (Mohamed), nor the Nazarene (Christians) until you follow each one denomination (The Jews & Christians are at odds- so you will be asked by them to choose a side and choose from multiple denominations –so regardless what you choose you will Lose),

say Allah’s guidance is The Guidance, and if you (Mohamed and Muslims)

follow their (Jews & Christians) whims (which is/distorted beliefs), after what you received from knowledge (Quran) you will have no guardian nor helper from Allah. (If you do not follow Allah, you will lose All. (The Jews, The Christians & Allah)

121- Those whom We brought to them the book (scripture) (Jews, Christians & Muslims) that recites it a right recital, those do believe in it, and whoever disbelieves in it, those are losers.

122- O Children of Israel, mention my grace that I bestowed on you and I had favored you (by my messengers in your lineage) over other nations.

123- And fend a day when no self would tribute to another self anything, and no justice will be accepted from it (no one will bear your burden your sins), nor intercession will avail, nor they will be victorious. (No option of e.g., I will pay for my sins, or someone will take my place, or Jesus will save me, or we can unite and fight back)

124- When Ibrahim was tested with words (commands) by his God,

he fulfilled them,

Said (Allah) I will make you for the people an Imam (The Forefront/Role Model),

said (Ibrahim) and my offspring,

Said my covenant is not extended to the unjust. (Who would not follow my path from your offspring).

125- We made the house (Kabbah at Mecca) a place of return for the people and a sanctuary,

take (Oh believers /Muslims) Ibrahim’s standing-place a prayer site.

We made a covenant to Ibrahim and Ismael, to purify my house for those circumambulating it and staying and those who bow and prostrate.

126- And as Ibrahim said “My Lord make this a peaceful spot and provide its people with fruitfulness, whoever believe from them in Allah and the last day”,

and whom disbelieve Shall grant him little enjoyment (in this life), then compel to the torment of fire,

and a miserable fate. (The hereafter)

127- As Ibrahim lifts the foundations of the house and Ismael,

Our lord (They chant) accepts from us, You are the hearing all-knowing.

128- And our Lord, makes us submissive to you, and our offspring a submissive nation to you,

and show us our rites and accept our repentance, you are the repentant the merciful.

129- Our Lord raise (resurrect) among them a messenger from their own who recites unto them your verses and teaches them the book and wisdom and sanctifies them, you are the all-mighty the all-wise.

130- And who desire away from Ibrahim’s way (religion), are but that who ineptitudes their self,

and We sifted him (Ibrahim) in this world, and in the hereafter among the rightness.

131- When his God said to him to submit, he (Ibrahim) said, I submit to the god of all beings.

132- And Ibrahim bequest it (The Legacy of submission to god) to his sons (Ismael& Isaac) and Jacob, O my sons, Allah has sifted for you The religion, so do not die unless you are submissive. (i.e., Muslims, always live submissive to Allah).

133- Or were you witnesses (anyone who disputes) when death came to Jacob,

when he said to his sons “what will you worship after my death?”

They said “will worship your God and the God of your fathers Ibrahim and Ismael and Isaac

One God and we to him are submissive.

134- That was a past (ended) nation, onto it what it earned, and onto you (current nations) what you are earning, and you will not be asked what they have done. (No lineage favor, only god favors the ones who believe and follow his path regardless of their heritage or lineage)

135- They say “ To be guided be a Jew or a Nazarene (Christians) ‘ Say rather be Ibrahim’s straight religion (centered not only materialistic or only spiritual), and he was not a polytheist. (worship the material world or worship Jesus. as a partner to God)

(Note 11: What Muslims believe)

136- Say we (Muslims) believe in Allah and what was sent down to us (Quran)

and what was sent down to Ibrahim and Ismael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes (twelve sons of Jacob=Joseph-Benyamin etc..)

and what was brought to Moses (Torah-10 commandments)

and Jesus (gospel/godsend innate at birth)

and what was brought to the prophets (via revelations/David's book Psalm- Zaboor etc..) from their God, we make no distinction between any of them,

and we to Him (Allah) are submissive.

(i.e., All messengers and prophets had the same message and were submissive to the one God)

137- So if they believe in the like what you believe in, they are rightly guided, and if they turn away then they are in schism,

Allah will suffice you, He is the all-hearing the all-knowing.

138- Allah’s dye (Quran is ingrained in Muslims' innate sense ) and who is better than Allah in dyeing

And we (Muslims) are to Him, are worshipers (Muslims are submissive to Allah, who ingrained the Quran and Islam in their innate senses)

.139- Say (Mohamed) do you (People of the book, Jews and Christians) debate us about Allah,

and He is our God and your God, so for us our deeds and for you your deeds

and we to Him are faithful.

140- Or you say that Ibrahim and Ismael and Jacob and the tribes were Jews or Nazarene (Christians)

say are you more knowing or Allah,

and who are most unjust than who conceal a testimony they have from Allah (Mohamed Prophecy), and Allah is not oblivious of what you are doing.

141- That was a past (ended) nation, onto it what earned, and onto you what you are earning, and you will not be asked on what they have done.

142- Will say the foolish among the people, what turned them away from their Kiblah (Prayer direction) which they were on,

say to Allah is the Sunrise and Sunset directions, he guides whom he wills to the straight path.

143- And thus we made you (Muslims) a midmost nation (best of both, materialism of this world with values of Allah) that you will be witnesses(reference) over the people (when the far left and far the right collapse) and the messenger (Mohamed) will be a witness over you (did we follow Allah message),

and we did not make the Kiblah that you were on, but to show who will follow the messenger from who will flip (falls of faith) on his heels,

and it (change of Kiblah) was huge (big event to argue its reason),

except for whom Allah has guided, and Allah would not waste your faith (previously prayed to Kuds – Jerusalem before changing prayer direction to Mecca) Allah is to people kind and merciful.

144- Indeed we see your face turning in the heavens (towards mecca looking for Gabriel) will turn you to a Kiblah that content you, so turn your face towards the sacred mosque (Kaabah),

and wherever you are turn your faces towards it,

those who have been brought to the book (Jews & Nazarene/Christians) know that he is the truth (Mohamed, the messenger that will pray and turn in 2 directions)

and Allah is not oblivious of what they are doing.

145- And even if you (Mohamed) brought to the people of the book all signs,

they would not follow your Kiblah (Direction of prayer, your path, and way)

nor you are following their Kiblah (Direction and way of praying, e.g. facing the statue of Jesus),

nor some of them follow one another’s Kiblah, (They are in conflict among themselves on the way and direction of prayer)

and if you follow their whims, after what has come to you of knowledge,

thus you are among the wrongdoers.

146- Those unto whom we brought the book they know him (Mohamed attributes as a prophet) as they knew their own sons, and a party of them conceals the truth (direction of prayer to Mecca in their books) and they know it.

147- It is the truth from your god, so do not be among the wavers.

148- For each their view which they sponsor ( each Muslim or Religious group has their direction, aim, or goal whether religious or financial, etc…- Allah knows best)

so race to all that is good (So start, praying and goods giving to your new Kiblah),

wherever you will be, Allah will bring you (all on judgment day)

for, Allah over everything able.

149- And from wherever you come out (To pray), assign your face towards the sacred Mosque (Kiblah in Mecca) it is the truth (Direction, way, path) from your God, and Allah is not oblivious of what you are doing.

150- And from wherever you come out (To pray), assign your face towards the sacred Mosque, and wherever you are, assign your face towards it,

so that people (Jews, Christians & Hippocrates) may have no argument with you,

except the unjust from them,

so fear them not, but fear ME,

so I may complete my blessing upon you (To believe, follow new Kiblah,

that perhaps you may be guided. (Guidance via freewill)

151- As we have sent unto you (Mecca people) a messenger of your own (Mohamed, a Mecca citizen well known to you) reciting onto you my verses and purify you, and teaching you the book (Quran) and wisdom (e.g. Islamic law, jurisprudence)

And teach you that which you did not know.

152- So invoke (remember) Me, I remember you and be thankful to Me, and don't disbelieve. (Humble yourself)

153- O who believed, seek assistance through patience and prayer; indeed, Allah is with the patient.

154- And do not say for those who were killed in Allah’s way they are dead,

No, they are alive but you do not perceive them (feel).

155- Will inflict some fear and hunger and decrease in funds and souls and rewards,

but promise good tidings to the patient. (test you with hardship)

(Note 12: Who is the patient and guided:)

156- Who (The believer and patient) if a calamity (disaster/harm) strikes them they say “ We belong to Allah (God) and to Him we shall return”.

157- Those (patience) upon them prayers (forgiveness-blessing) from their God and mercy and those are the guided. (on the straight path)

158- The Safa and Marwa (2 Mecca mountains of Hager) are rituals by Allah (is not part of the pagans a ritual anymore, in honor of Hager mother of Ismael the son of Ibrahim),

so whoever pilgrim to the house or visit, no offense to float (walk) by them,

and whoever volunteered for (extra) goodness, surely Allah is thankful and all-knowing.

(Note 13: Damned by Allah:)

159- Those who conceal what We sent down of clear evidence and guidance

after We have revealed it to the people in the book (in Torah and Gospel E.g. Ones of God, Clues Mohamed prophecy & characteristics),

those who are damned by Allah and condemned by the condemners. (every creature)

160- Except those who repent and amend and openly declare (the truth),

those whom I will accept their repent,

I am the ever-acceptor of repentance All-merciful.

161- Those who disbelieve and die while they are disbelievers,

Allah’s damned upon them, and (also) the (damned of) angels and all people.

162- Eternally endure in it (Damnation-Hell), their punishment will not be lightened nor they will be looked at. (forgotten in damnation)

(Note 14: Who is God?:)

163- Your God is One God (Undivided), there is no God except him, the all-merciful the all-compassionate.

164- In the creation of the heavens and earth and alteration of the night and the day,

and the ships that sail in the sea with what benefits people,

and what Allah sent down from the sky of water reviving with it the land after its death

and propagate in it every kind of pounding creature (moving, crawling, flying, etc..)

and the veering of the winds and the clouds that are subservient between the sky and the earth,

are signs for people who can reason. (Intellect)

165- And among the people are those who take from lower than Allah as peers, (other than, e.g., Idols, Angels, images, statues, )

they love them as they love Allah,

and those who believed are stronger in their love for Allah,

and if the ones that wronged (themselves) would have seen (then, in their current lower worldly life) as they see (now the hereafter life after the resurrection) the torment,

and that all powers belong to Allah

and that Allah’s torment is severe. (At the hereafter)

166- When those who were followed (falsely worshipped) disown (vindicate, disassociate) those who followed them (wrongdoer, worshippers) and they all saw the torments, and their ties (relations) were cut off.

167- And said the ones that followed (wrongdoer, worshippers)

if we only had another round (return back to the worldly life),

to disown them (falsely worshipped) as they have disowned us (abandoned us now in the hereafter),

thus Allah shows them their own deeds as anguish upon them (to intense their sorrow)

and they will not be leaving hellfire. (To go back to their worldly life as they wish)

(Note 15: Satan)

168- O people eat from what in the earth that I allowed that is good,

and do not follow the footsteps of Satan (The devil), he is to you a clear (revealed) enemy.

169- He (Satan) only orders you to what is harmful and obscene and to say upon Allah what you do not know. (deceive to say what Have no knowledge about to stary you away)

(Note 16: Blind Followers)

170- And if it is said to them, follow what Allah sent down (uncorrupted books & gospel),

they say, no we follow what we were accustomed upon from our parents,

even if their parents do not make any sense

and they (who follow blindly and their parents ) were not being guided. (lose the way)

171- The likeness of the disbelievers is like who caw (like goat herder) with what he does not listen to, except calls and cries (senseless sounds), deaf, dumb, blind so they do not make sense. (they just repeat without thinking or making any sense)

(Note 17: Halal Food)

172- Oh you who have believed, eat from the allowed good things which We have provided you and thank Allah if is He you worship.

173- He has forbidden upon you dead animals (who is not slayed alive), and blood, swine flesh, and what was invoked upon with other than Allah’s name (e.g., slaughtered for idols), but however was compelled not to excess (eat for necessity only) and do not return (seeking to eat it again), no guilt upon him, Allah is forgiving merciful.

(Note 18: Who try to conceal Allah's message

174- Those who conceal what Allah has sent down of the book (Torah, Gospel ) and buy with it small price (small earthly rewards), those who are not eating in their bellies but fire (their reward for concealing) and Allah will not speak to them on resurrection day nor purify them, and for them a painful torment.

175- Those who bought deception with guidance (in exchange for), and torment for forgiveness, what patience them to (seek) hellfire. (What were they doing, they sought they can tolerate hellfire!)

176- That is because Allah had sent down the book with the truth, and those who differed over the book (Idol worshipers, Jews & Christians, and their denominations) are in far schism. (Irreconcilable moral values and belief differences)

(Note 19: How to be Righteous, Sincere & piously:)

177- Righteousness is not to inaugurate (direct) your faces towards sunrise (east) or sunset (west) (Address all. including Muslims who changed their Prayer direction from Kuds Jerusalem West to Mecca East, And Jews who pray to West to the Kuds, while Christians prayed East),

but righteousness is who believed in Allah, and the last day and the angels, and the book, and the prophets, and bring forward their money over their love to it ( gave their cherished money or sustenance to the needy, despite their love to it, out of their love to Allah) to relatives, orphans, needy poor (destitute), wayfarer (travelers), askers (beggars), ransom captives (pay to free slaves – war prisoner), and perform prayers, and give Zakat (financial alms- Islam taxes), and be loyal to their covenant (true to their promise) when they promise, and who are patient in misery and sickness and during distress (of battle), those are the sincere and those are the piously ( Who Shielded themselves from Allah’s displease by obeying & being mindful of God).

(Note 20: Retribution – Blood Money)

178- O you who believe, written (prescribed) upon you retribution for those murdered, the free for the free, and the slave for the slave, and the female for the female, and who pardons,

for him from his brother anything (If the slain Muslim guardian, pardons the killer who happens to be Muslim), should follow-up in common conduct (to collect blood money and not to overburden the Muslim killer), and perform (payment) in gratitude, this is alleviation (mitigation) from your God and mercy, but whoever (either party) transgresses after that

for him a painful torment. (from God)

179- And you have lived in retribution (it preserves life), Oh People of reason, that you may become pious. (mindful & obeying god)

(Note 21: Wills & Bequests)

180- Prescribed upon you when death approaches, if he leaves good (excess of value) to bequest (in addition to natural inheritance) to the parents and near relatives in reasonable value, a duty on the pious.

181- Whoever alters it (the Bequest) after hearing it, then its retribution (sin, penalty) is upon those who alter it, indeed Allah all-hearing all-Knowing.

182- Who (third party) fears from the bequeathed unjust inclination (favoritism) or unjust (intended unjust) and corrected between them(reconciled between the bequeathed and inheritors), there is no blame on him (not to be blamed by them for his effort or the outcome), Allah is forgiving and merciful.

(Note 22: Fasting Ramadan)

183- O who believed, fasting was written (prescribed) upon you, like it was written upon those before you so you may self-restraint. (self-fend)

184- Numbered days, so whoever among you is ill or traveling, so fast other numbered days (missed days)

and upon those who can endure it (to fast with difficulty e.g., old, pregnant) a ransom by feeding a poor person, and who voluntarily do more good (feed more) is good for him, yet to fast is best for you if you knew.

185- Month of Ramadan in which the Quran was sent down, guidance for people, and clear statements of guidance and criterion, so who witnessed among you the month fast it, and who was ill or traveling, so (fast) other numbered days (missed ones),

Allah wants for you ease and does not want for you distress,

and to complete the count (do not miss days) and glorify Allah for what he guided you to (gifted you) and be thankful. (maybe attain the gift and you will be thankful)

(Note: Where is God:)

186- And if my worshipers ask you about Me, I am near I answer the invitation (calling/prayer) of the caller if he calls Me, so respond to Me(follow my answer) and believe in Me that they (my worshipers) may be guided. (reach intended destination)

(Note 22: Fasting Ramadan –continue)

187- It is made permissible (used not to be) for you the night of fasting to copulate to your women (wives) they are raiment (sanctuary) for you and you are raiment for them,

Allah knew that you used to betray your selves (copulate and do not resist the desire) he repented you and forgave you,

so now go ahead (as ordinated skin on skin) and seek what Allah has written for you,

and eat and drink until it becomes clear to you the white thread of the dawn from the dark thread of the dawn, then complete fasting till the night (sunset),

and do not copulate them while in retreat in the mosque,

these are Allah's borders do not approach it, like this Allah makes clear his signs that you may become pious.

(Note 23: Financial Ethics

188- And do not devour your funds between you in ephemeral falsehood, and do not pour it onto the ruler (bucket it – as bribes) to allow you to devour funds of a group of people unjustly while you know. (even if the ruler allows what Allah forbids do not)

(Notes 24: Be Pious)

189- They ask you about the new moons, say its time periods (monthly lunar calendar) for people and for pilgrimage, and it’s not righteous to enter houses from the back (it’s a superstition that pagans used to do), but the righteous is to be pious (ward off yourself) and enter the houses from the front door and ward off Allah (fear Allah, not fear superstations) that you may flourish.

(Note 25 Fighting In Allah’s Path)

190- And fight in Allah’s path (defend within Allah’s boundaries) those who fight you (aggressors who attack you within Allah’s path), and do not transgress (over Allah’s boundaries), for Allah does not love the transgressors.

(Note 26: Fighting aggressors within Mecca)

191- And kill them (It’s permission to Mohamed and the believers to fight the aggressors of Mecca after enduring hardship and torture for 13 years in Mecca) where you find them (only within Allah’s path to edify it) and expel them (Meccan pagan aggressors)

from where they expelled you (From your hometown Mecca),

and temptation is far more severe than killing ( To force you to disbelieve via torture and allurement is worse than killing),

and do not fight them within the sacred worship area (sanctuary area of Mecca) until they fight you there,

and if they fight you then kill them, such is the penalty for the disbelievers.

192- If they cease (their aggression on Allah’s Path), Allah is forgiving and merciful. (It’s a chance for the aggressors to get guided to follow Allah’s path and believe.)

193- And fight them so there be no temptation (they do not spread allurement, deception, aggression to saw you off Allah’s path) and until the worship is for Allah (alone),

so if they cease (fighting) so no aggression except upon the oppressors. (who act to oppress you away from Allah’s path)

194- The sacred month for the sacred month (they are selected Islamic months that fighting is forbidden e.g Pilgrim month ) and retribution for sacred things in a similar manner,

and whoever assaulted you then assault him in a like manner as he assaulted you,

and be pious and know that Allah loves the pious.

(All Actions have to be done within Allah’s boundaries)

(Note 26: Spend in Allah’s path)

195- And spend in Allah’s path (be well prepared ), and do not throw with your own hands into destruction (Spend wisely) and do good as Allah loves the good doers.

Verses 196-286 End see next POST ⏭️

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