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☪️ Quran Chapter 3: The Family of Imran - Al Imran سورة آل عمران

Writer's picture: Mohamed ElgayarMohamed Elgayar

Updated: Jan 13

Revelation place: Medina

Revelation order: 89

Number of verses: 200

Chapters revealed in Medina, deal mainly with moral principles, legislation,

community development, and warfare.

The Holy Quran (Period 609-632 CE) can only be in Arabic.

· The texts in Red are Translations.

·       The texts between brackets are (Interpretations).

·       The translation is faithful to The Quranic Arabic Language.

·       The Quran styles itself as divine speech by employing the first person singular or plural (“I” or “We”) in statements that refer to Allah.

·       Utterances by Prophet Muhammed are generally introduced by the command “Say,” thus emphasizing that the Prophet is speaking on divine injunction.

·       Ultimately Allah knows best.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the condemned.

With the name of Allah, the gracious the merciful.

1- Alef, Lam, Meem

(Often written as ALM, begins certain chapters of the Quran. These standalone letters without being part of a sentence, making their exact meaning unclear. Over the centuries, scholars have pondered their significance, but without direct guidance from Allah, their meanings remain hidden."

When a word is part of a sentence and that word is new or has multiple meanings, it helps to compare that word when it appears again in other sentences in the Quran, to understand its meaning.

But these “Standalone letters” are not part of any sentence to shed light on their meaning, even if repeated they are still “stand-alone”.

My point of view are these Standalone letters serve as a powerful reminder of our dependence on Allah's guidance. Without His insight, much in life, including these standalone letters, remains a mystery. They exemplify our need to seek understanding through the Quran, Allah's Straight Path.

It's important to remember that the Prophet was illiterate, and the Quran was revealed to him verbally. He conveyed it in the same manner, including 'Alif Lam Meem.' If these letters had been written down by the Prophet or a literate person, they would appear as 'ALM,' which means 'Did you not”

Alif Lam Meem." Reiterate the importance of humility in the face of divine mystery and the continuous pursuit of knowledge through the Quran.)

(Allah knows best)

2- Allah, there is no deity but Him, The living The upholder (Sustainer)

3- Brought down upon you (Muhammed (pbuh)) the book with the truth (The Quran’s individual verses over 23 years ), confirming to what between His hands (Prior Books same religion), and brought down The Torah and The Gospel (They were given down each in one shot)

4- From before guidance to the people (at the time of The Torah and The Gospel), and brought down the criterion (The entire complied Quran, guidance and criterion of true and false), Indeed those who disbelieved in Allah’s signs, for them intense torment, and Allah is Mighty with revenge. (capable of retribution and vengeance)

5- Indeed, for Allah, nothing is hidden from Him in the earth nor in the heaven.

6- He who forms you in the wombs as He wills, there is no deity but Him, the mighty the wise

7- He (Allah) who brought down upon you the book (Quran),

among it, are firm verses (leaving no room for multiple interpretations),

they are the mother of the book (Collectively they are the clear commands of the Quran, even if translated to other languages will render the same meaning and message),

and others allegorical (Verses that are more symbolic or metaphorical, often not involving direct commands but requiring one's belief or guidance through Allah or the Prophet's example e.g. the examples of Allah’s attributes to bring us close to the understanding of Allah which “Nothing like Him” so an allegorical verse will help us come close and heartfully visualize Allah),

as for those who in their hearts aberration (straying due to following whims or desires),

 they follow what is allegorical among it,

seeking dissension (by conflating allegorical and clear commands)

and just referencing it, (To cause discord)

and yet none knows its interpretation (the firm meaning of the allegorical verses)

except Allah,

and those who are firm in knowledge (both in intellect and in heart)

say “we believed in it”

all is from our God, (both the clear firm and the allegorical),

and none remembers (When reciting and interpreting the Quran)

but those of kernels (of sound understanding)

8- Our God, do not stray our hearts after You have guided us, and grant us from Yourself mercy, Indeed You are the bestower

9- Our God, You are gathering the people for a day no doubt in it, indeed Allah does not back in the appointment

10- Indeed, those who disbelieved, will not enrich them their wealth or their children, from Allah anything, and they are the fuel of fire.

11- Like the perseverance of Pharaoh folks and those before them, they denied Our signs (Through the Messengers), so Allah seized them (Punished them In this world) for their wrongdoing, and Allah is severe in punishment

12- Say to those who disbelieved, you will be overcome and crammed to Ghanem (Hell), and a grim crib

13- There was for you a sign in two groups who met (battle of Badr), a group who fights in the path of Allah and the other disbelievers, they see them there twice by eyesight (Disbelievers see the believers twice their real number), and Allah support with His victory whom He wills, in that is a telling (example) for those of sight (Vision)

14- Garnished to the people (Addressing the believer's volunteers men during Badr battle), the love of desires for women and children and heaped-up heaps of gold and silver and well-bred horses and cattle and tilth, that is the enjoyment of the worldly life, and Allah has with Him the best return

15- Say “Shall I inform you better than these”, for those who are pious, at their God garden that flows beneath it rivers, abiding eternally in it, and purified spouses, and contentment from Allah, and Allah is seeing of the worshipers. (What they deserve)

16- Those who say “Our God we have believed, so forgive for us our wrongdoing, and protect us from the torment of fire

17- The patients, and the truthful, and the obedient, and the spenders, and the seeking forgiveness by daybreak (the last part of the night)

18- Allah witnessed that there is no deity except Him and the angels (Also witnessed), and those of knowledge (Also witnessed),upholding justice (Distributed livelihood, duty etc. among all creation in just), There is no deity but Him the mighty the wise.

19- Indeed, the religion with Allah is Islam (Submission, surrender and obey, only One God) and did not differ, those who were brought the book, except after came to them the knowledge (Submission to the one God), transgressing among themselves (by following their whims ), and whoever disbelieves in Allah’s signs, then indeed Allah is swift to reckon

20- So if they bring excuses (argue with excuses), so say “I surrender my face to (Myself) to Allah” and those who follow (surrender too), and say to those who were brought the book (Jews and Nazarene-Christians)and the illiterates (Who had no holy book, polytheist Arabs at the time), “Did you submit”, if they submitted then they were guided, and if they took over (Walked away and took matters by their own whims), then upon you the notification, and Allah is seeing the worshipers.

21- Those who disbelieve in Allah’s signs, and kill the prophets with no right, and kill those who order justice, from the people, then bring them good tidings of painful torment

22- Those are whom their deeds were thwarted (lost, not rewarded by Allah) in this world and the hereafter (as they do not attribute their works due to Allah) and for them no helpers

23- Have you not seen (It’s a fact like seeing), those who were brought a portion of the book (acquired only a true portion of the book, of the Torah and Gospel), were invited to Allah’s book (Quran) to judge between them (as they differed with time, and even keep corrupting the true portion they had), then a party of them took over while siding away (walked away with their whims in oppositions)

24- That is because they (Jews) said “Fire (Hell) will not touch us except for numbered days (The forty days of worship the calf)” and get deluded in their religion with what they slandered

25- So how will it be when We gather them for da day no doubt about it, and each soul will be compensated for what it earned, and will not be wronged

26- Say” Allah owner of the ownership (absolute kingdom, sovereignty), You bring the ownership to whom You will and strip the ownership from whom You will, You exalt whom You will and humiliate whom You will, in Your hand is good, You are over everything able

27- You roll the night into the day and roll the day into the night, and bring out the living from the dead and bring out the dead from the living, and provide to whom You will, without account

28- Let not the believers take the disbelievers as custodians (in charge of their affairs) among lower (rather) than the believers, and whoever does that so nothing from Allah to him (no support from Allah to him), except (The believers) to take precaution from them in piousness (While maintaining piously to Allah), and warns you, Allah, from Himself (To only take precaution for the sake of Allah, not oneself or hypocrisy), and to Allah is destiny

29- Say if you hide what is in your chests (secret intentions, e.g precaution not for the sake of Allah) or reveal it, Allah knows it and knows what is in the heavens and in the earth, and Allah above everything able.

30- The day when every soul finds what it did of good deeds present, and what it did of wrongdoing, it wishes if there is between itself and that a far duration and Allah warns you from Himself, and Allah is compassionate to His worshipers

31- Say “If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will make you love (Love to follow Allah’s path for your own good) and forgive for you your wrongdoing, and Allah is forgiving, merciful

32- Say” Obey Allah and the messenger, then if they took over (Walked away and took matters by their own whims), then indeed Allah does not love the disbelievers. (by not guiding them)

33- Indeed, Allah has sifted (Chosen, as Allah knew they will be obedient) Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham and the family of Imran (Father of Mariam/Marry) over the world (From the people at their time)

34- Offspring, some from others (passing religious values among each other), and Allah is hearing knowing

35- When Irma’s woman (wife) said” My God I have vowed to You what is in my belly freely (dedicated for service of Jerusalem Holy house), so accept it from me, You are the hearing knowing

36- And when she delivered, she said” My God, I delivered a female” and Allah most knowing of what she delivered, and the male is not like the female (For servicing the holy house, or she is a unique female), and I have named her Mariam (Marry the worshiper), and I refuge her in You and her offspring’s from Satan the accursed.

37- So, her God accepted her (Mariam) with good acceptance, and grew her a good growth, and sponsored her Zachariah, every time Zachariah enter upon her in the sanctuary (praying chamber) he found with her provision, he said “O Mariam, from where you have this” she said “ it is from Allah, indeed Allah provides whom He wills without an account”

38- Then there called upon his God and said” y God grant me from Yourself good offspring, You are the hearer of the callings

39- So, called him the angel while he was establishing prayer in the sanctuary, “Indeed Allah gives you good tiding in Yahya (John the Baptist) believing in a word from Allah (John was first to believe in his cousin Jesus) and a master, and confined (stranded, abstain from what is forbidden), and a prophet among the righteous”

40- Said (Zachariah)” My God how will be for me a boy, when old age has reached me, and my woman is barren, He said “Like that Allah does what He wills”

41- Said “ My God make for me a sign,” he said “ Your sign that not to talk to people (Mute) for three days except in signs, and remember your God much ( Greatness and perfection) and praise (Allah able to do what no reason and no one can do) at the evening and morning

42- And as said the angels “Oh Mariam, indeed Allah has sifted you (chosen you for your faith, righteousness, and good manners)and purified you, and sifted you over the women of the worlds (Only one will give birth with no male)

43- Oh Mariam humble to your God (Persistent prayer) and prostrate (Exaggerate in reverence) and bow with those who bow

44- That is from the news of the absence, that We reveal to you (Muhammed (phub)), and you were not among them as they throw their pencils (Cast their ballots), of which of them will sponsor Mariam, nor you were among them as they quarreled.

45- As said the angels” O Mariam, indeed Allah gives good tiding, with a word from Him, his name The Messiah (The child title, not born in sin, sinless, who wipes sickness), Issa (Jesus first name) son of Mariam (Surname) notable (distinguished) in this world and the hereafter and among the close (to Allah)

46- Ans speaks to the people in the cradle (a miracle to defend against Mariam’s acquisitions) and in maturity and will be among the righteous

47- She said “My God, how will be for me a child, when no human has touched me (as Jesus’ surname has no male), said “Like this (with no human involvement), Allah creates what He wills, if He decreed a matter, then indeed He says to it Be then it becomes”

48- And teach him the book (writing and, previous books e.g. Psalm, Abraham scriptures) and the wisdom and The Torah and The Injil (The Gospel, The good tidings)

49- And a messenger to the children of Israel, “I have come to you with a sign from your God, I create to you from clay as it is a bird, then I blow in it then it becomes a bird (live flying) with Allah’s permission, and cure the born blind and the leper and revive the dead with Allah’s permission, and inform you of what you eat and what you store in your houses, indeed in that is a sign to you if you are believers. (In God)

50- And to certify to what between my hands (What came from before and now between my hands) and untie (allow) to you some of what was forbidden upon you, and brought you a sign from your God, so be pious to Allah and obey me

51- Indeed, Allah is my God and your God, so worship Him, that is a straight path

52- When Jesus felt from them the disbelieve, he said “ Who are my supporters (for the sake) of Allah ?, said the disciples “We are supporters of Allah (Cause), we believe in Allah, and we testify that we are muslims (submitters to Allah)

53- Our God, we believed in what you brought down and we followed the messenger, so inscribe us among those who witness (That Allah’s message has been conveyed)

54- And they schemed (Disbelievers twisted by deceit to get rid of Jesus), and schemed Allah, and Allah is the benevolent (best for goodness) schemer

55- As said Allah “O Issa (Jesus), I will take you (body and soul) and lift you to Myself, and purify you, and make those who follow you (who followed Allah’s true scriptures, that you and who before and after you followed) above (In proof and argument) those who disbelieve to the day of resurrection, then to Me your return to judge between you in what you used to differ

56- As for those who disbelieved Will torment them with severe punishment in this world and the hereafter, and shall be for them no helper

57- As for those who believed and did good deeds, Will honor to them (as promised) their pay, and Allah does not like the unjust

58- That We recite upon you (Muhammad (pbuh)) from the signs (wonders, of Jesus miracles) and the precise mention (Quran)

59- Indeed the example (Similitude) of Jesus with Allah the like of Adam created him from dust then said to him Be so he becomes (Adam created from dust with the word Be, with no father or mother, same Jesus with the word Be with no father. Note Adam and Jesus are mentioned equally 7 times up to this chapter, and an equal total of 35 times in the entire Quran)

60- The truth from your God, so you do not be among the doubters (Argumentative, disputers)

61- So, whoever argues with you in it (Jesus’ nature) from after its knowledge has come to you, say “ Come, let us bring our children and your children and our women and your women and ourselves and your selves, then invoke (diligence in prayer to be cursed) to make Allah’s curse upon the liars

62- Indeed, this is the true narration, and no but of a deity but Allah, and indeed Allah is The Mighty, The Wise

63- And if they turn back (From the invoke challenge), then indeed Allah is all-knowing of the corruptors

64- Say” O people of the book come to an alike word between us and you, not to worship except Allah and not to partner with Him anything, and not to take some of us others as Gods (Priests, Rabi, lords, idols, humans master) that are lower than Allah, so if they turn back, then say we witness that we are Muslims (Submitters to Allah)

65- O people of the book, why do you argue about Abraham (As being a Jew or Christian) while did not come down the Torah and the Gospel but after him, do not you reason

66- Here you of those have argued about what you have in it knowledge (Prophecy of Muhammed (pbuh)), so why do you argue in that that you have no knowledge (In Torah and Gospel), and Allah knows and you do not know

67- Was not Abraham (Patriarch of all prophets) a Jew nor a Christian, but was a tilting submitter (Hanif pure monotheism, renunciate, a Muslim submitter inclining on Allah’s path) and was not among the polytheists

68- Indeed, the most worthy (deserving, guardian of his belief)of the people to Abraham are those who followed him (in belief regardless of descended lineage to him) and this prophet (Muhammed (pbuh) in belief and in lineage) and those who believed (the Muslims), and Allah is the guardian of the believers

69- Yearned a sect among the people of the book if they can mislead you, but they do not mislead but themselves, and they do not feel it (and its consequences)

70- Oh people of the book why do you disbelieve in Allah’s signs while you witness (The description of the prophet Muhammed (pbuh) in your Torah)

71- Oh people of the book why do you comingle (dress up) the truth by falsehood, and conceal the truth while you know (Deny Muhammed (pbuh) as the messenger of Allah per their books)

72- And said a sect among the people of the book” believe in what was brought down upon those who believed (Muslims) at the face of the morning (during the morning), and disbelieve at the end (claim they are not convinced by end of the mornings to cause confusions and doubts among Muhammed (pbuh) followers), maybe they will return (abandon their religion)

73- And do not entrust (this scheme) except to those who followed your religion, say indeed the guidance is Allah’s guidance, lest bring someone same like you have been brought (Knowledge of the Torah and Gospel) or they argue with you at your God (in the matter of faith), say indeed the bounty is in Allah’s hand (No one can take it except Allah), He brings it to whom He wills and Allah is all encompass knowing (Capable for all and knowing who deserve His guidance)

74- He selects his mercy for whom He wills, and Allah is of the (the possessor of infinite) great bounty

75- And among the people of the book those, if you entrust them with a quintal (about 100 pieces of gold currency), will perform it (as promised) to you, and among them, if you entrust them with a dinar (single coin) will not perform it to you, except if you continued standing over him, that because they said “ there is no upon us regarding the unlearned (people of Mecca, the Muslims and who are not people of the Torah book, gentiles) a recourse (no shame in wrongdoing them), and they say about Allah lies and they know

76- No, whoever fulfills his covenant while pious (obeys God’s rules), then indeed Allah loves (the actions of) the pious

77- Indeed those who purchase with Allah’s covenant and their oaths (To relay Allah’s message about the messenger of Allah Muhammed (pbuh)) a small price, there is no share for them (of goodness, bounties, or treatment) in the hereafter, nor will Allah talk to them nor look at them the day of resurrection, nor purify them and for them a painful torment

78- There is among them (the people of the book Torah, Gospel) a team that twists their tongues with the book (to sound and alter the text), so you can count it from the book, and it is not from the book, and they say “this is from Allah” and it is not from Allah, and they speak lies about Allah, while they know

79- It was not for a human, that Allah brought to the Book and wisdom and prophethood, then he says be worshiper for me, that is lower than (instead) Allah, but (he says) be a godly educator of what you teach from the book, and what you study (understand, reflect, contemplate)

80- And does not order you to take the angels and the prophets as Gods, would he order you to disbelieve after you are Muslims

81- As Allah took the covenant with the prophets, for what I brought to you of the book and wisdom, then comes to you messengers (new messenger) confirming what you have (in the books), you must believe in it (the message) and support him (the messenger).Says (Allah to the prophets) did you acknowledge and took over that a knot (a tight commitment), they (The prophets) said “We acknowledge” Said (Allah) “bear witness and I with you among the witnesses” (The prophets testify against each other, and the prophets testify against their nations, then Allah’s testimony over the prophets)

82- And whoever turns back (from the people, away from the prophets after Allah’s covenant and acknowledgment and witness ) after that, then those are among the exudes. (who existed from Allah’s obedience and path and follows his whims to corruption)

83- What, other than Allah’s religion they desire, and to Him submitted those in the heavens and the earth willingly (e.g. Humans, Jinn)and by compulsion (e.g. angels, the universe, animals, plants) and unto Him you will return. (Look at the obedient creation around you who submitted and obeys Allah’s order religiously )

84- Say (Muhammed (pbuh) “We believe in Allah and what was brought down on us (Quran) and what came down on Abraham, and Ismaeel and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes (12 children of Jacob), and what was given to Moses, and Jesus and the prophets from their God, we do not differentiate between one of them, and we to Him (Allah) are submitters (Muslims).

85- And whoever follows other than the Islam as a religion (Legislation contradicts what Allah has ordained), will not be accepted from him, and he in the hereafter, shall be among the losers.

86- How come, should Allah guide folks (from People of the book) who disbelieved after they had believed, and witnessed that the messenger (Muhammed (pbuh) is true, and came to them the signs (Muhammed (pbuh) description and signs in their Torah and Gospel), and Allah does not guide the wrongdoing folks

87- Those their recompose, that upon them Allah’s curse and the angels and the people altogether (Even the disbeliever will curse the wrongdoers)

88- Abiding in it eternally, and will not lighten for them the torment nor they will respite

89- Except for those who repent after that and corrected (did good deeds), indeed Allah is forgiving merciful

90- Indeed those who disbelieved after they believed, and then increased in unbelief (by spreading disbelieve), their repentance will never be accepted, and those who are the astray

91- Indeed, those who disbelieved and died disbelievers never will be accepted from any of them full of the earth of gold, even if he ransomed with it (even if he had spent his life doing good deeds the volume of gold that fills the earth), for those painful torment, and they have no supporters. (The disbeliever who spent his money, which was indebted to him by God whom he disbelieve, had spent his money for his self-gratification and the sake of the people and to further misguide the people whom they ultimately can not reward him in the hereafter)

92- Never will you attain abundance (piety, obedience, paradise) until you spend from what you cherish, and whatever you spend of anything (you cherish or not), indeed Allah with it, all-knowing

93- All the foods were allowed for the children of Israel except what disallowed Israel (Jacob) on himself before the Torah was sent down, Say “Bring the Torah and recite it, if you are truthful”

94- So whoever slanders about Allah lies (about the disallowed food), after that, then those are the wrongdoers

95- Say “ Truthful is Allah” so follow the creed of Abraham tilting (Hanif, tilting towards Allah’s path, pure monotheism) and was not among the polytheist. (unlike the polytheist Jews sect who believed in Uzair son of God, and Christians who believed in Jesus as God and son of God)

96- Indeed the first house put for the people (for worship) is that, at Bakkah (which means the crowded place where people come ie Makkah) blessed and guidance for the worlds. (this life and guidance to paradise)

97- In it (The house-Kabbah)clear signs (marks), the standing of Abraham (Abraham’s footmark on the stone pedestal to overreach in rebuilding the Kabbah), and whoever enters it is safe, and Allah for the people (duty) pilgrim (Hajj) to the house, who is able to it a way, but who disbelieve (It is a matter of faith, so whoever believes in pilgrim (Hajj) is a believer, and whoever opposes the pilgrim and denies it is a disbeliever. And the believer who performs the Hajj is obedient, and the believer who does not do it while able is disobedient.) then indeed Allah is of no need of the worlds (Whether they believe, disbelieve perform pilgrim or not)

98- Say “O people of the book why do you disbelieve in Allah’s signs (The news and description of prophet Muhammed's (pbuh) arrival, were written in the Torah and the Gospel, and they believed in them before prophet Muhammed (pbuh) came. And when prophet Muhammed (pbuh) actually came they denied him) yet Allah is witness over what you do”

99- Say” O people of the book, why do you repel from the way of Allah those who believe, you desire it crooked (in meanings and values) while you are witnesses (of Muhammed (pbuh) message and character per your scriptures), and Allah is not oblivious of what you do

100- O you have believed if you obey a team of those who were brought the book, they will turn you after you have believed into unbelievers

101- And how could you disbelieve, while the verses of Allah is recited upon you, and among you is His Messenger, and however cling to Allah then has been guided to a straight path

102- O you have believed shield from Allah (safeguard by following his commands) be true to His piety (be sincere and respectful to Allah’s value, and do not be apologetic when it comes to Allah and his path), and do not die unless you are Muslim.

103- And cling to Allah’s rope (The Quran) altogether, and do not separate, and remember Allah’s boon upon you as you were enemies so he familiarized (harmonized) between your hearts, so you became with His boon brothers, and you were on the lip edge tip of a pit of fire, so He rescued you from it, like that Allah show to you his signs, that you may be guided

104- And let there among you be a nation (group) calling for good and commands with what is known (What is known by commands, reason in the Quran and Muhammad (pbuh) example, ) and disallow what is denied, those are the prosperous

105- And do not be like those who separated and differed after came to them the clear evidence and for those great torment

106- The day that faces blackened (Dark), and faces whitened (Bright), as for those whose faces blackened “Did you disbelieve after your belief?” so taste the torment with what you used to disbelief

107- AS for those whose faces whitened, within Allah’s mercy they are in it eternally

108- These are Allah’s verses, We recite them upon you in truth, and Allah does not want injustice (From Allah nor among His creation) to the worlds

109- And to Allah what is in the heavens and earth, and to Him returns (all) matters

110- You (Muhammad (pbuh) community, nation)were the most benevolent nation produced for the people (knows what is allowed and what is not by Allah), commands by what is known (rational and what people are proud to do) and do not pursue (ends, bans) what is denied (what people are ashamed of) and believe in Allah, and if had believed the people of the book, would have been better for them, among them the believers, and most of them are exude (exited their beliefs, dissolute, ungodly)

111- They (disbelievers, dissolute, exudes)will not harm you (Harm the faith of the believers and the few from the people of the book that believed in prophet Muhammed (pbuh)) but a little hurt (Mocking and insults), and if they fight you they will give you their backs (flee) then (eventually) they will not be victorious

112- Stricken on them (were stamped, those exude of the people of the book) self-humiliation, wherever they are overtaken (by force of power, knowledge, or culture), except with a rope (covenant) from Allah, or the people (protection from others), and they were plagued with anger (to fall out of mercy) from Allah (in what they schemed), and was stricken upon them self-humiliation (self-poverty, needy character even if rich, stingy, no self-esteem), that is because they disbelieved in Allah’s signs and kills the prophets without right, that (reason stricken by self-humiliation )with what they disobeyed (e.g disobeyed Moses despite the clear miracles from Allah)and were transgressors

113- They are not the same (some believe others disbelievers), among the people of the book erect community (standing, upright)reciting Allah’s verses during periods of the night and they prostrate. (Like Muslim night prayers)

114- They believe in Allah and the last day and commands by what is known (rational and what people are proud to do) and do not pursue (ends, bans) what is denied (what people are ashamed of), and speed to do good deeds, those are among the righteous. (Allah honored those of the people of the book who believed in Muhammed‘s (pbuh) message and do the right thing)

115- And what they do of good deeds, will not be denied, and Allah is all-knowing of the pious (fend and Secure themselves from God’s torment by obeying His commands)

116- Indeed, those who disbelieve, will not enrich away from them their wealth, or their children from Allah anything, and those are the companions of the fire, they are in it abiding eternally (They sent their wealth which Allah indebted them not seeking Allah’s blessing, but human admiration, and prestige in this lower world)

117- The likeness of what they spent in this lowery life, is the likeness of frosted eolian (intense, cold and violent) wind, that stroked the harvest (deeds) of people whom they wronged themselves (They disbeliever spends their wealth which Allah indebted them not seeking Allah’s blessing, but human admiration, and prestige in this lower world, is the like of harvest deeds destroyed by wind) so it perished it, and Allah did not wrong them, by they are wronging themselves

118- O you have believed, do not take an underlay (intimate and close protector) from those lower than you (from the disbelievers, hypocrites, other claimed beliefs or religions, instead of the believers), they will not strive you but to derangement, they wish if you struggled (fall into hardship, abandon your beliefs, be discomfort in life and faith e.g. with psychological inconsistency and swings between their whims and fable believes that leads to struggle and e.g. sadness, suicide, etc..), has appeared the hatred from their mouth, and what is concealed in their chest is greater, We have made clear to you the signs (advice), hopefully, you with reason

119- There you are, to those you are loving them (By trying to spare the unbelievers the troubles of disbelief in this world and the Hereafter), and they do not love you, and you believe in the entire book (Allah’s scriptures, the Quran), and if they meet you they say “we believe” and when they alone (In a non-Muslim society) they bite at you their fingertips from the rage, say “ Die from your rage” indeed Allah is Knowing of what within the chests

120- And if good touched you it harms them, and if harm strikes you they rejoice at it, and if you be patient and pious, will not harm their plot anything, indeed Allah with what they do all encompass

121- And when you (Muhammed (pbuh)) depart (daybreak for battel) from your family, posses for the believers a seat for battle (assign anchor for battle), yet Allah is all-hearing all-knowing

122- And as two sections from you intended to fail (not to battle) and Allah is their guardian (stopped them from acting on their intention), and upon Allah should rely on all the believers

123- And Allah had given you victory in Badr (battle of Badr) while you were in humiliation (Few and weak), so be pious to Allah that hopefully, you will be thankful

124- As you say to the believers “Is not it sufficient that your God extended to you three thousand among the angels sent down”

125- Yes, if you be patient and poise, and they (disbelievers' enemy) come to you from overspilling (boiling point at the tense of battel, utmost anger), will extend you your God five thousand swooping (distinct for battel) angels

126- And Allah did not make it except good tiding to you, and to comfort your hearts with it, and victory is not but from Allah, The Mighty The Wise

127- To cut a tip (wealth, power, pride, disbelief) from those who disbelieved, or suppress them, so they overturn disappointed

128- Not for you in that matter anything, to forgive them or torment them, for indeed they were wrongdoers. (You Muhammed (pbuh) is only a messenger, not responsible for the outcome of their belief)

129- For Allah what is the heavens and earth, forgives whoever He wills and torments whoever He wills, and Allah is Forgiving Merciful

130- O you have believed, do not devour usury (e.g. hardship personal loans) doubled and redoubled (compounded usury), and be pious (Secure and fend from His torment) of Allah, hopefully, you will prosperous

131- And be pious from the fire that is prepared for the disbelievers

132- And obey Allah and the messenger, hopefully, you will obtain mercy

133- And speed to forgiveness from your God, and a paradise its width as the heavens and the earth, is prepared for the pious

134- Those who spend in pleasantness (Spend in what is pleasant, in times of prosperity, ease,) and adversity (Spend in what is pleasant, in times of hardship and distress), and who tighten rage, and who pardons people, and Allah loves the good-doers

135- And those who when they do an obscenity (Great sin that inflicts on others too) or wronged themselves then mentioned Allah and asked forgiveness for their sins (Violation of Allah’s commands), and who forgives sins but Allah ?, and did not persist on what they have done while knowing (Redo the sin again with the intention to ask for forgives again)

136- For those, their rewards are forgiveness from their God, and gardens beneath which rivers follow, abiding in it eternally, and blessed wages for those who work

137- Had emptied (passed) from before you ways (civilization, clashes of right and falsehood), so explore (march, reflect, observe) in the earth and see how were the consequences of the deniers. (Of Allah and his commands)

138- This is a statement to the people and guidance and wisdom (insight, advice) for the pious

139- And do not weaken and do not grief, and you will be the higher if you are believers

140- If you would be touched by a wound, indeed had touched the folk (The enemy in the battle of Badr) a similar one, and these days (battel days of victory and defeat) We alternate between the people, so to know (establish worldly evidence) Allah those who believed, and take among you witness (On those whom evidence-based believed, and also martyrs), and Allah does not like the wrongdoers (Unjust, oppressors, hypocrites who spread lies and darkness)

141- And to scrutinize (purify, sift) the believers, and annihilate the disbelievers

142- Or have you thought you would enter paradise, till Allah knows (scrutinize to establish reality evidence-based for judgment day), those who strived (In Allah’s path) among you and know the patients (In times of weakness and hardship)

143- And you had wished for death from before (Those who missed the prior battle with the messenger) before you met it, now you have seen it while looking at it

144- And Muhammed is not but a messenger, that has passed from before him messengers, so if he dies or gets killed (Rumor during the battle that he was killed) you turned over your heals (flee from battle and consequently your faith in Allah) and whoever turns back on their heel will not harm Allah anything, and Allah will reward the thankful. (for being scrutinized)

145- And it was not for a soul (not allowed by the person) to die, except with Allah’s permission, a determined decree (ultimately Allah allows it), and who wants the reward of this world will bring to him from it (For his effort), and who wants the reward of the hereafter we will bring to him from it, and We will reward the thankful. (Who is thankful for Allah’s rewards in this world and the hereafter)

146- And how many there were a prophet (how much it happened, with a lot of prophets) with him fought godly followers (Also ones experienced in the art of battle) they did not ease (take lightly, in their belief and in battel) for what has stricken them in the path of Allah and did not weaken and did not settle, and Allah likes the patient

147- And was not their calling (they said in asking God nothing), but that they said “ Our God forgive for us our sins, and our excess in our affairs and firm our feet and give us victory upon the disbelieving folks

148- So Allah brought them the reward of this world and the good rewards of the hereafter, and Allah likes the good doers

149- O you have believed if you obey those who disbelieved they turn you back on your heals, so you turn over to losers

150- But indeed Allah is your guardian (In charge of your affair, Helper, supporter, protector, patron) and He is the best the helpers

151- We shall cast horror in the hearts of those who disbelieved, with what they partnered with Allah (As they cannot help them over Allah) that He did not bring to authority and their habitat (refuge, final place of settlement) is the fire, and what a miserable settlement of the unjust (For themselves and others)

152- And was truthful Allah’s promise, as you felt them (Killed, captured them in Badr battle) with His permission, until you failed and conflicted in the matter (On the instructions of the prophet regarding dividing the battel booty prematurely), and disobeyed after He had saw you what you love (The Battel bounty within sight), among you who wants this world and among you who wants the hereafter, as He distracted you from them (away from the enemy, You became preoccupied with the bounty) to afflict you (test, scrutinize, and teach you to always obey Allah and his messenger), and He pardoned you, and Allah is of bounteous on the believers

153- When you climbed (fleeing in the battle of Uhud) and did not twist to anyone, and the Messenger called you from behind so He rewarded you anguish with anguish (sadness, shame, and humiliation) so you do not grief on what has passed you (battel spoils) or what stricken you (injuries and death), and Allah is quarantined with what you do

154- Then He sent down upon you after the anguish, serenity of slumber to overlay a faction of you, and a faction cared for themselves, they wondered about Allah other than what is true, the thought of the time of ignorance ( polytheism thought before Muhammed (pbuh) message) they say “we had no saying in this matter” (point fingers and blame, say should not have done that), say “All matters belong to Allah” they conceal in themselves what they do not show to you and say “if this matter was up to us we were not have been killed right here, say” if (even) you were at your homes would have jut those who been decreed upon to be killed to their bed (death bed), and so to inflict Allah what in your chest (Expose what you hide) and to scrutinize what in your hearts, and Allah is all-knowing of what within the chests

155- Indeed those who have turned back among you they day the two gatherings, not but Satan cause them to slip (Like Satan did to their forefathers Adm and Eve when Satan made them slip and eat from the forbidden tree) with some of what they earned (Due to their action), and Allah had pardoned, indeed Allah them (Same like what He pardoned Adam and Eve), indeed Allah is forgiving forbearing

156- O you have believed do not be like those who disbelieved and said to their brothers when they strike in the earth (For the sake of Allah) or were invaders if they were among us (stayed behind) would have not died or have been killed, to make that heartbreak in their heart (As they deep down know it is not up to them where or how a person live or die) and Allah gives life and causes dying, and Allah with what you do is seeing

157- And if you were to be killed in the path of Allah for died, forgiveness from Allah, and mercy better than what they amass

158- And if you die or get killed, unto Allah you will be crammed

159- So, by a mercy from you God, you became lenient for them, and if you were boor thick-hearted, they would threw away from you, so pardon for them and ask forgiveness for them and consult them in the matter (Of battel) and if you became determined then rely upon Allah, indeed Allah loves those who rely (On Allah)

160- If Allah should aid you to victory there is no defeater on you, and if He forsake you then who will cause you victory after Him, and upon Allah should the believers rely

161- It was not for a prophet to conceal (Take battel booty secretly, embezzle ) and whoever conceals, will bring what he concealed on the day of judgment, and every spirit will get what it earned, and they will not be wronged

162- Is that who follows Allah’s satisfaction (satisfies his commands) is like one who returned with discontent from Allah and his refuge is Gehenna (Hell) and miserable fate

163- They are stages (levels and degrees, according to their deeds, and actions in life) at Allah (In the hereafter) and Allah is Seeing of whatever they were doing

164- Certainly, has conferred (Did you a favor) Allah upon the believers, as he raised (brought into life, sent) a messenger among them (That you know his lineage and character, also as human like you, so you would have no excuse to follow his example) that receipts upon them His verses and purify them and teach them the book (The Quran) and wisdom, as they were before that in clear stray

165- And if when a calamity strikes you (Uhud battle, when you disobeyed the messenger and lost lives and booty), that has stricken you a similar one from before (Badr battle from before, when you obeyed the messenger you ended victories and bountiful) you said “How come that?”, say “that from yourselves” (as you did not obey the Allah and the messenger in battle), indeed Allah over everything capable

166- And what has struck you the day met the two gatherings (Two armies in Uhd battel), as with Allah’s permission, so the believers would now

167- Should know, those hypocrites, when was said to them, come fight or defend, said ”if we knew how to fight we would have followed you”, they were that day nearer to disbelieve than to believe (Hidden hypocrisy), they say with their mouths what is not in their hearts, and Allah most knowing of what they conceal

168- Those (Medina Hypocrites) who said to their brothers (to the group of Medina hypocrites who decided to go battle for just its booty)and had stayed, if they have obeyed us they would have not been killed, say “Ward off from yourselves death if you were truthful”

169- And do not count those who were killed in the path of Allah as dead, rather they are alive at their God, being sustained. (Their rewards and life have not ended when they got killed as martyrdoms)

170- Rejoicing with what Allah has brought to them of His bounty, glowing (happiness of good news) for those (martyrdoms) who have not yet followed them from behind, “there is no fear upon them nor they grieve”. (Allah declares)

171- Rejoicing with a boon from Allah and bounty, and Allah does not lose the wages of the believers

172- Those who responded to Allah and the messenger after being stricken by injuries, for those who did good (in their response) among them and were pious, great wages

173- Those whom the people (Hypocrites, spread rumors) said to them the people (Meccan disbelievers) have gathered for you, so fear them, it increased them (believers) in faith and said “sufficient for us Allah”, and what a guardian

174- So they returned with grace (For sticking to their belief) from Allah and bounty, and were not touched by harm and they followed Allah’s acceptance and is of the great bounty

175- Is that but Satan is attempting to cause fear among you from his supporter, do not fear them and fear Me if you were believers

176- And do not be saddened by those who speed in disbelieve (hypocrites), those will not harm Allah in anything (These hypocrites who are at odds with Allah’s), Allah wants not to make for them a luck (share) in the hereafter, and for them a great torment

177- Indeed those who purchased disbelieve with belief, shall not harm Allah anything, and for them a great torment

178- And let not those who disbelieve counts that We extend to them good for themselves (By surviving Uhd battel), but we extend to them so they increase in inequity, and for them a humiliating torment

179- Allah was not to leave the believers on that they are in until He distinguish the meliaceous from the good (Expose the hypocrites),and Allah was not to make you (the believers) look upon the unseen (Just allow the hypocrite to expose their selves), but Allah choose among His messenger whom He wishes (To look at the unseen future), believe in Allah and His messenger, and if you believe and be pious, for you a great wage

180- And let not those who are miserly (greedily, hoard, withhold) of what Allah has brought to them from His bounty, count it is good for them, rather it is bad (worse) for them, they will be collared with what they withheld (miserly hoarded, uncharitable) with the day of resurrection, and to Allah the inheritance of the heavens and earth, and Allah with what you do is aware

181- Certainly, Allah had heard the saying of those who said” Indeed Allah is poor and we are the rich” (Some Jews mocking, giving charity means Allah of the Muslim is poor), We will write down what they said and their killing of the prophets with no right, and say taste the torment of fire

182- That with what your hands had put forward, and indeed Allah is never unjust to the servants

183- Those who said, that Allah covenanted to us, not to believe in a messenger until he brings to us an offering that fire shall devour (Jews claim in the Torah Allah told them not to believe in a messenger until he present an offering that fire comes from the heavens and devour it), say” had come to you from before me messengers with the clear signs and what you are saying, so why did you kill them if you are truthful” (About your claim of the offering)

184- Then if they deny you, indeed was denied messengers before you, who brought the clear signs (clear miracles), written edge of wisdom, and the enlightening book

185- Every soul shall taste death, and you will be honored your wages on the day of resurrection, and who was stirred away from the fire(By Allah’s permission, his belief, and deeds), and was admitted to paradise, then has won, and the lower life is but the enjoyment of vanity

186- You shall be tried in your possessions and selves and shall hear from those who were brought the book from before you (Torah, bible) and from those who associate (Idol worshipers, polytheists) mush hurt (abuse, harassment, mayhem, insult), and if you become patient and pious, indeed that is of the determination of matters (Steadfast, adherence, in wise self-control)

187- As took Allah a covenant (Through the scriptures and prophets)of those who were brought the book (Torah, Gospel) to make it clear to the people (The description of the final messenger Muhammed (pbuh) and his message in their scriptures) and not to conceal it, they tossed it (discarded that covenant) behind their backs, and they purchased with it (The covenant and their scriptures) a small price (Changed their scriptures to gain small wage in this world and lose big on judgment day), what misery they purchased

188- And do not count that those who rejoice with what was brought to them (People of the book, trail from Allah), and like to be praised for what they have not done, they are in a winning position from the torment, and for them painful torment

189- And to Allah the dominion of the heavens and earth, and Allah over everything capable

190- Indeed in the creation of the heavens and earth are signs for those with understanding (minds, brains, knowledge)

191- Those who remember (commemorate, praise, worship) Allah standing and sitting and on their sides, and think in the creation of the heavens and earth “Our God you did not create that in vanity, Glory to You, guard us against the torment of fire.

192- Our God, indeed You whom You admit to the fire, You have shamed him, and none to the wrongdoers any helpers

193- Oh our God, indeed we heard a caller calling to faith “Do believe in your God” so we believed, our God forgive for us our sins (disobedience between the person and God, e.g. not praying) and cover for us our misdeeds (cover, pay for us our misdeed balance to whom we have wronged in life), and take us (honor us, end up after judgment) among the righteous

194- Our God grant us what you had promised us upon your messengers (through their speech and scriptures) and do not disgrace us on resurrection day, indeed you do not lapse the timing (promise)

195- So responded to them (to their calling) their God “Indeed I do not let lose the work of the worker among you of male or female some of you among other (equally male and female in do and do not), so those who migrated and was driven from their homes, and were harmed in the path of Allah, and fought and were killed, indeed I will cover for them their misdeeds, and shall admit them to gardens that flow beath it rivers, reward from what Allah has, and Allah has the best reward

196- Do not be deluded by the flux of the disbelievers in the land

197- Little enjoyment, then their refuge Gehenna (Hell) and a miserable cradle

198- But those who were pious to their God (secured and fend themselves from God’s torment by obeying Him), for them gardens beneath which rivers flow accommodating in it eternally from Allah, and what at Allah is best for the righteous

199- And, indeed among the people of the book, those who believe in Allah and what came down onto you (pondering your message), and what came down upon them, submissive to Allah, and do not purchase with Allah’s signs small price, for those their wage at their God, indeed Allah is swift in account

200- Oh you have believed be patient and stay patient (endure the disbelievers) and be tied (Alert, ready in strength, knowledgeable, and united ) and be pious to Allah that you may be prosperous


The Holy Quran can only be read in its original Arabic language. No translation or interpretation of the Holy Quran can be used as a replacement for the Arabic Holy Quran. I am not a scholar nor do I have any Islamic diplomas. I have tried to provide a Quran translation and contemplations that are faithful to the Quranic Arabic language using an empirical approach that is based on my readings of selected scholars’ interpretations, my personal experiences, and my understanding of The Holy Quran as a Muslim native Arabic speaker.

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