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☪️ Quran: Chapter 23 The Believers سورة المؤمنون

Writer's picture: Mohamed ElgayarMohamed Elgayar

Updated: Aug 18, 2024

Revelation place: Mecca

Revelation order: 74

Number of verses: 118


This chapter invites the people to accept and follow the message of the Prophet Mohamed PBUH.

The Prophet Mohamed PBUH remarked, ' Ten such verses have been sent down to me, that the one who measures up to them will most surely go to paradise.'

Then he recited the first ten verses of this chapter."

Major points:

Lists the seven characteristics of the true believer – (Guidance List)

Seven Stages of Human creation – (Verifiable scientific facts)

Creation of Earth – (Verifiable facts)

History of prophets - (Verifiable history)

Guidance to seek the protection of Allah against Satan and repel evil with good.

Resurrection and judgment day – (Future unseen beliefs)

The disbelievers will not get salvation. (Warning and Promise)

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the condemned.

With the name of Allah the Gracious the Merciful.

(Acknowledge and declare that Allah is the author of the Quran)

Start: Translation and Interpretation

1- Certainly, the believers had reaped.

(Allah assures that the believers will reap the rewards of their belief)

2- Whom they in their prayers, are reverent submissive.

(These believers are the ones who empties their heart and humbles themselves, to pray to Allah)

3- And those from idle talk (vain, no purpose, forbidden by Allah), side away.

(And those who avoid, walk away from talk for which they do not receive for, any reward from Allah)

4- And those who do Zakat. (Islamic Charity, which will do you good and raises the faculties of good in yourself and hence the community)

5- And those who guard their private parts.

(Take care of their private parts, by keeping them on the purpose for which they were created, and not doing with them what God forbids e.g., adultery)

6- Except upon their spouses and what their right hand possesses, they will not be blamed.

(Their private parts are allowed upon their spouses, and what their right hand poses.

This right-hand possession practice existed before Islam on individuals who were captured during the war.

Islam gave human rights to these individuals e.g., to be set free, to be ransomed, to have equal marital status, etc.)

7- And who desire beyond that, then those are the transgressors.

Those who seek beyond what was aforementioned, regarding guarding their private parts, are the aggressors who transgressed what Allah legislated for them.

8- And those who are to their trusts and promises attentive.

9- And those who maintain their prayers.

10- Those are the inheritors.

11- Those who will inherit The- Firdous, they will abide in it eternally.

(The Firdous is the name of the highest level of paradise, it indicates an abundance of gardens that is where Adam dwelled until he disobeyed Allah, and was expelled from it, and Allah knows best).

12- And We created man from a strain of clay.

(Seven Stages of Human creation

Allah created the first human, Adam from the extraction of the finest elements of a selected strained clay.

The human body is comprised of 11 earthly elements, Oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium)

13- Then We made him sperm in an enabled base.

(Then, the off-springs of Adam, were reproduced from sperms that settle in the women's well-suited womb

14- Then We created the sperm into a clinging clot

We made the clinging clot into a lump

We made the lump into bones

We clothed the bones with flesh

Then we established him as another creation.

(The fetus at birth is separated from its mother’s umbilical cord, then becomes an independent creation)

So blessed be Allah the best creator.

15-Then after that you are sure to die.

16-Then you in the Day of Resurrection will be resurrected.

(The evidence for the unseen Resurrection is clearer so it is not overemphasized in this verse)

17-And We created above you seven layers, and we were not of the creation inattentive.

(We built the expandable heavens, on arrangements that protect you and ensure your safety)

18-And we sent down from the sky water in measure,

We settled it in the earth,

and We are to drive it surely, able.

(Allot the water and rain as We see fit)

19- And We established to you with it gardens of palms trees and grapes, and for you, in it abundance of fruits, and from it, you eat.

20-And a tree that springs from Mount Sinai, that sprouts with oil and pigment for those who eat.

(An olive tree that sprouts olives within it its oil, that oil is a soft fat edible dip)

21-And for you in the cattle an infer (example)

We quench you from what in its bellies,

and for you in it numerous benefits,

and from it, you eat.

22-And upon them and the ships, you are carried.

23-And We sent Noah to his folks,

and he said “Oh my people worship Allah,

you have no deity other than Him,

will not you be pious?

24-Said the dominant who disbelieved, from his people

“This is not but a man like yourself, who wants superiority over you

and if Allah had wanted,

He would have sent down angels.

We have never heard of that among our first forefathers.

(That we have no deity than Allah the one)

(The dominant disbeliever, prestigious people in a society, usually are the beneficiaries of inequality and corruption in it, and it is in their best interest that their status continues as is,

Therefore, they are the first to meet Allah's messages with denial)

25- He is not but a man within him madness, so wait on him for a time.

(Wait on Noah, till he may come to his senses, said the dominant disbeliever of his folks)

26- Said (Noah), “My God triumph me by what they denied”.

27- So We revealed to him, to make a ship with Our observations and revelations

And when our command comes and the oven overflow

(It's Noah’s sign when his oven gushes with boing water.)

Insert into it from every two pairs,

and your family (family in faith)

except those of them who had been decreed upon

(Noah brought with him his other believing wife and his children: Shem, Ham, and Japheth and their wives. and with them are seventy-two believers, Allah knows best)

And do not address Me about those who transgressed

They are to be drowned.

28- And when straightened, you and those with you on the ship

(Your heart is reassured that you and the believers will be saved)

Say” Praise to Allah who saved us from the wrongdoing folk”

29- And Say “My God land me a blessed landing, and You are the best lander.

30- Indeed in that are signs,

and We indeed to cause calamity.

(Affliction of hardship, just as it is revenge against the infidels and wrongdoers,

is also a benefit and scrutiny of faith to the believers.

When God afflicts the people of goodness and righteousness with hardship,

it is only to increase their reward, raise their status, and scrutinize their faith. Allah knows best)

31-Then we brought after them (The disbeliever folks who drowned)

a different generation

(A generation from the believer's descendant who survived with Noah on the Ark)

32- And We sent to them a messenger from among themselves.

(Prophet Hud to the people of Aad, descendent of Sam son of Noah)

Do worship Allah, you have no deity other than Him,

will not you be pious?

(The same message that was sent to Their grandfather Noah)

33- Said the dominant who disbelieved, from his people

and denied the meeting of the hereafter,

whom We gave them luxury in this lower life

“This is not but a man like yourself, who eats what you eat from

And drinks from what you drink

(The influential, disbeliever people in a society who lives in luxury, usually are the beneficiaries of inequality and corruption in it, and it is in their best interest that their status continues as is,

Therefore, they are the first to meet Allah's messages with denial)

34- And if you obey a human-like yourselves

then you are losers.

35- Dose he promises you that if you die and become dust and bones,

you will be re-brought. (Resurrected back)

36- Away Away, to what you are promised.

(Notation of arrogance,

but this time around they are not denying the Ones of Allah

but denying Resurrection)

37- There is nothing but our lower life,

we die and live

and we shall not be resurrected.

38- He is not but a man who culminates a lie about Allah

and we will not to him (Hud) become believers.

39- Said (Hud), “My God triumph me by what they denied”.

(Same appeal to Allah, as his grandfather Noah)

40- Said (Allah) “ After a little, they will become regretful”

41- Then took them the screech of truth

So We made them rubbish

(What withers and crumbles from the plant)

Then away with the wrongdoing folks

(Away from their luxury and the bliss that awaited them if they had obeyed and believed)

42- Then we brought after them different generations.

(Many generations after Add)

43- No nation will precede its term and they are not delayed.

(No nation can precede the term that God has set for it, nor can it end, before its set end comes.

44- Then We sent Our messengers in individual successions

Every time a nation gets its messenger, they denied him

So We followed some with the others

And we made them narrations (historical stories)

So away with folks who do not believe

(We destroy the deniers, then other generations come after them, and they again lied and denied, so we destroyed them too).

45- Then we sent Moses and his brother Aaron, with our signs and clear authority.

46- To Pharaoh and his nobles,

they scorned and they were haughtily folks.

(Pharaoh and his followers knew there is God but they refused to obey his commands,

as they felt egoistic at a special high status, that Allah’s commands do not apply to them)

47- They said” Should we believe in two men like ourselves, and their people for us are in servitude?

48- So they (Pharoah and his followers) denied them (Moses and Aaron),

and they were among the perished.

49-And We brought to Moses the scripture (Torah), perhaps they (Children of Israel) would become guided

50- And We made the son of Mary and his mother a sign

(Mary got pregnant with no human involvement, and Jesus was born with no father involvement)

And We sheltered them to a hill having visible provisions.

(The means of stability were available for them, such as water Mary can see with her eyes and food from palm trees that descended next to them.)

51- Oh messengers eat from what is good and do righteousness

I am of what you do, knowledgeable

(Follow Allah’s command in food and activities, for Allah is knowledgeable in all that is good and right for you)

52- And Indeed this is your community, one community

and I am your God so to me, be pious.

(You are but one nation, on one belief, following one God,

So only fear and obey Allah's commands and maintain your unity)

53- So they tore their commands among them into pieces, every sect with what they have rejoicing.

(Then the people who followed the messengers (Moses then Jesus), later divided themselves into groups and altered the scriptures, every group became fanatical about their own opinions, and rejoiced with it, even if it disobeyed Allah’s commands)

54- So let them in their submersion until a time.

Oh, Mohamed, Leave them in their dark negligence, they are like someone who is submerged underwater by his ignorance, and eventually, they will stop breathing and drown.

55- Do they think that We extend to them, wealth and children?

So These groups who disobey God, think it is good for them that God extend them of wealth and children)

56- We hasten to them in abundance, rather they do not perceive.

(God extends to those who seek, but these groups do not perceive it,

as it is a temptation that will drown them further in their ignorance).

57-Indeed those who are out of fear of God are in pity.

(Those believers who are humbled out of fear of God, that they pity themselves by obeying God

and doing righteous deeds)

58- And they who believe in the signs of their God

59- And those who do not associate partners with their God

(Not just polytheism, but acknowledging that everything is from God and by his permission)

60-And those who bring forth, what they have been brought

and their hearts are in awe,

as they will be returning to their God

(Those who give others what is owed to them, whether these rights are for God such as charity, or to humans such as deposits, trusts, etc.

Doing that knowing in their hearts that they will meet God on judgment day)

61- Those who hasten to good deeds, and in it, they race.

62- And We do not charge a self but its capacity

and with Us, a book (Book of deeds) that speaks with the truth,

and they (All humans selves) shall not be wronged.

63- But, their hearts are submerged from this,

and they have deeds beside that,

and they are for it, doing.

(These groups who disobey God, their hearts are blinded to these aforementioned attributes,

and it is not only an issue of beliefs, but with blind hearts, they will do actions that will further stray them away from God’s path)

64- Till We seized their affluent with torment, then they cry out.

(Cry out in despair to God, for help)

65- Do not cry today, you are by Us,

will not be saved.

66- Already my verses have been recited unto you

but on your heels, you backed away.

67- In arrogance and mockery deserting it

68- Have they not contemplated the saying (Recited Quran),

or has come to them, that which have not come to their forefathers

(Allah is addressing the people of Arabia, who were proud of their linguistic eloquence,

and their lineage to their forefathers, Ibrahim and Ismail)

69- Or they did not know their messenger, that they deny him.

(Mohamed PBUH is not alien to his people, he is of their race, kind, and tribe,

and his behavior, his life, and his manners are well known to them.)

70- Or they say “within him, madness”,

rather came to them the with truth,

but most of them to the truth are averse.

71-And if the truth followed their whims,

that would corrupt the heavens and the earth and whom in it.

(For stability, matters do not follow the whims of the creation, but rather the will of the Creator)

Rather we brought to them their reminder

but they from their reminder side away.

(The disbelieving people during Mohamed's times should have embraced Mohamed PBUH, and the Quran, as their legacy, their honor, and their glory, is that the Quran was revealed first to them, and in their own language)

72- Or you (Mohamed PBUH) ask them for disbursement, but the reimbursement of your God is best, and He is the best of providers.

73- And you (Mohamed PBUH) most certainly invite them to a straight path.

74- And those who do not believe in the hereafter, from the path they are adrift.

75- And if we grant them mercy, and revealed what in them of afflictions,

they would still persist in their transgression, wandering.

76- And We had seized them by torments, but they still would not settle to their God, nor supplicate.

77- Until We opened on them a door of severe torment, then in it they in despair.

78- And He is the one who created for you hearing and visions and hearts, but few are thankful.

(Human has no excuse, for God have given them hearing to hear his message, eyes to observe his signs in the universe, and hearts to think and reflect with, all necessary tools to lead them to the existence of God, but few are thankful)

79- And He who scattered you throughout the land, and to Him you will be cramped

(Spread you and spread provisions throughout the earth for you to inhabit it all,

and to Him you will be returned on judgment day)

80- And He is the one who gives life and causes death, and to Him the differ of the night and day,

cannot you reason?

(He made the differences between night and day, two complementary creations that follow each other so that each of them performs its function in the universe. They are like male and female, complementing each other, not opposite to each other)

81- But they said as said the beginners (Their ancestors)

82- Said, (said in contempt) “So if we died and became dust and bones, we will be resurrected”.

83- We and our forefathers have been promised that before, this is nothing but fables from the beginners.

(Resurrections never happened before, and they are stories and legends considered long by people as meaningless myths. But they oversaw the precondition of Resurrection that all in the heavens and earth but Allah will perish first)

84- Say (Mohamed PBUH) to who belongs the earth and what in it, if you have knowledge

(Mohamed PBUH addressed his people of Arabia who have some knowledge from their forefathers)

85- They will say “to Allah”,

Say” Do you not remember”

(That Allah is the One who is capable of creation, in the beginning, is also capable of resurrecting after death)

86- Say” Who is the God of the seven heavens and God of the mighty throne”

87- They will say “to Allah”,

Say” Do you not be pious” (God-fearing)

88- Say” Who in his hand (command) the dominion everything, and He can help (from distress) and none can help against him if you had knowledge. (Experienced that before)

89- They will say “to Allah”,

Say” So are you bewitched”

(Are being deluded, or you are just arrogant, and stubborn)

90- But We brought then the truth, and they are liars.

91-Allah has not taken any child, e.g. ( Jesus, Uzair, and the daughter angels)

and had never been any deity with Him, (no God partner)

Then would have gone each deity with what they created,

and some of them would have risen above others,

exalted is Allah of what they describe. (of lies)

(Conflict of powers between God would have destroyed the heavens and earth )

92- Knower of the unseen and the visible, so high of what they associate.

(Knower of what is and what is seen and unseen from you and others)

93- Say (Mohamed PBUH) My God, if you would show me what they are promised.

(If You torment them as promised)

94- My God, do not place me among the wrongdoer folks.

(If you torment them in my life, do not torment them while I am among them)

95- And indeed, We are to show you, what We promised, are able.

96- Pushback by what is better, the wronging,

We are the best knowing of what they describe

(Repel the wronging with what is decent and better based on your ability,

and leave the wrongdoers to Us, We know their lies)

97- And say “My God, I seek refuge in You from the whispers of Satan

(Remember that Satan whispers and incites conflicts and evil away from God’s path)

98- And I seek refuge in You, that they attend.

(I do not want Satan and his followers to even attend in my presence)

99- Until when comes to one of them, death,

Says” God return me”

(When the throes of death come to the deniers of the hereafter,

they ask God to return his body and soul back to his worldly life)

100- That I might do righteous in that which I left,

No, it is just a word he is saying,

And behind them a barrier

Till the day they are resurrected.

101- When blown in the trumpet, there will be no kinship between them that day,

And they will not be asking.

(On Resurrection day, No one can ask for help from another even close kinships)

102- Those whose scales are heavier are the prosperous

(Scales are heavier on the good deeds side)

103- And whose scales are lighter, those are the ones that lost their souls,

In Ghanem eternally

(Will be in hell fire forever)

104- Sears the fire their faces, and they are in it disfigured.

105- Were not My verses recited upon you, then with it, you denied.

106- They said “our wretchedness overcame us, and we went astray.

(The deniers claim “It's not our fault, that our whims overcame us, as God have written misfortune upon us, and gave us also rouge choice, and if He had willed, He would not have let us go astray)

107- Our God, bring us out of that, and if we were to return, then we are indeed transgressors.

108- Said (God) “Despise in it, and do not speak to me”

(Shut up and stay in hell, with despise and humiliation)

109- There was a group of my worshipers who said” Our God, we believed, so forgive for us, and have mercy upon us, you are the benevolent merciful

110- So you took them in mockery, till they cause you to forget my reminders,

and you were from them laughing.

(So their mockery and ridicule occupied them from contemplating at God’s reminding signs and warnings)

111- I have rewarded them this day for their patience, they are triumphant.

112- Say “how long have you lingered in the earth, by the number of years?”

(God addressing all resurrected from the beginning of time, how long have you been dead till resurrection day)

113- They said, “ we lingered for a day or part of a day, ask the counters”

(The dead as the sleeping are not aware of time to count it, so ask the ones who were able to count ie: angels)

114- Said (God) “you lingered but a little if only you had known.

(You stayed in the earth a little if you knew its relation to your stay in the fire)

115- Did you think that we created you in vain and that you to Us will not be returned?

116- Above that, Allah,

The Sovereign,

The Truth

No deity but He,

God of the generous throne.

(Exalted He above that, to create in vain,

And also above that, that you can stray from His Sovereign,

Because there is no deity besides Him to contradict his will

He is the Truth and Just for his creation,

and His throne is of giving in generosity, not oppression.

117- And who invokes with Allah another deity, which he has no proof for him,

then his reckoning with his God

Indeed the disbelievers shall not prosper

(Who follows another false deity who has no proof of divinity and that does no good nor harm

then those disbelievers and their deeds were lost on the false deity)

118- And say ”My God, forgive and have mercy, you are the benevolent merciful

(Forgive our past sins and have mercy on us if we fall into later sins, you are the benevolent merciful)


The Holy Quran can only be read in its original Arabic language. No translation or interpretation of the Holy Quran can be used as a replacement for the Arabic Holy Quran. I am not a scholar nor do I have any Islamic diplomas. I have tried to provide a Quran translation and contemplations that is faithful to the Quranic Arabic language using an empirical approach that is based on my readings of selected scholars’ interpretations, my personal experiences and understanding of The Holy Quran as a Muslim native Arabic speaker.

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