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☪️ Quran: Chapter 30 : The Romans - Al Roum سورة الروم

Writer's picture: Mohamed ElgayarMohamed Elgayar

Updated: Aug 18, 2024

Revelation place: Mecca

Revelation order: 84

Number of verses: 60

· The Holy Quran (Period 609-632 CE) can only be in Arabic.

· Texts in Red & Blue are Quranic Scripture Translation

· Texts Between (Brackets are Quranic Interpretation Notes by the Translator).

· Texts Between <Is the Arabic pronunciation of the Quran>.

· The Holy Quran is the only revealed by God book that exists today unchanged and

preserved in its original revealed language.

The Arabic Holy Quran revealed upon the prophet Mohamed (PBUH) during the years 609-632 CE is divided into 114 chapters, of which 86 chapters were revealed in Mecca, and 28 chapters revealed in The Madinah

Those revealed in Mecca deal primarily with the "Islamic Creed" including belief in Allah, the Omnipresent and Eternal, His angels, His books, His messengers, the Resurrection and Judgment Day, and the divine preordination of good and evil.

Those revealed in The Madinah deal mainly with moral principles, legislation, community development, and warfare.

Allah Knows Best


Roman–Persian Wars 54 BC – 628 CE lasted (681 years). The sudden emergence of the Muslim Rashidun Caliphate (632 CE) whose forces battled both empires and conquered them a few years after the end of the last Roman–Persian war.

The two most powerful empires in the early 7th century were the Roman-Byzantine, referred to by the Arabs as Al Roum, and The Persians, referred to by the Arabs as Al Furs.

In the years 613 - 614 C.E the two Empires went to war, with Al Roum suffering a severe defeat at the hands of Al Furs. Damascus and Jerusalem both fell to the Persian Empire.

In this Quran chapter, Al Roum, it is stated that Al Roum had met with a great defeat in the Lowest land but Soon will gain victory.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the condemned.

With the name of Allah the Gracious the Merciful.

(Acknowledge and declare that Allah is the author of the Quran)

Start: Translation and Interpretation

1- Alif, Lam, Meem.

(The name of the word ALM means Did You Not. These “standalone names-letters”, are at the start of selected chapters, they are not part of a sentence that can guide us to understand their meaning, or compare them to other similar sentences in other chapters to deduct their meanings, nor are these “standalone names-letters” are a continuation to other chapters that can give us insight in their meaning.

When a word is a part of a sentence and that word is new or has multiple meanings, it helps to compare that word when it appears again in other sentences or sentences in the Quran, and by comparing them we can understand their meaning. But these “Stand alone names-letters” are not part of any sentence even if repeated they are still “stand-alone”, despite they are letters in the form of words no one could explain their meaning over the centuries, since Allah did not guide us to their meanings like other new words in the Quran. My point of view is without Allah’s guidance nothing can be understood, so these letters could be an example of our dependency on Allah's guidance in our life and via his "Straight path" The Quran.

Keep in mind the prophet was illiterate and, the Quran was verbally reviled to him and he relayed it verbally, so Alif, Lam, Meem, was the same way the prophet verbally said the message, that is if it was written by him or a literate person it would be ALM (Did you not). Note in Chapter 105 starts with ALM means (Did you not) in writing form. And Allah knows best)

2- The Roum has been defeated. (The Romans were defeated By The Persians, year 620 CE).

3- In the lowest land

(The battle was in the Vicinity of the Dead Sea around the Rift Valley.

Science has discovered recently, with the help of satellite images, that the area around the Dead Sea (located in the Great Rift Valley) is at the Lowest altitude on Earth with an altitude of around 400 meters below sea level

No one could have known such a scientific fact in the 7th century, unless revealed by the creator Allah to Mohamed PBUH.)

and they (The Romans)

after their defeat will prevail.

4- In a few years (These verses, were revealed year 620 C.E in Mecca.

Then the Romans through Heraclius' campaigns from 622 to 626 CE, and

in the year 624 CE forced back the Persians/Sasanians onto the defensive,

allowing his forces to regain momentum on the Persians.

That coincided with the same time the Muslims defeated Meccan pagans in the Battle of Badr year 624 CE),

to Allah the command from before and from after

(Allah is in command at all time, from the first time the Roman lost to the second time they prevailed, and the defeat of the Meccan pagans, is all Allah’s will),

and on that day the believers will rejoice.

(Addressing Muslims of Mecca as they will rejoice not only for the victory of the religious people of the book The Romans, over the pagan Persians at that time,

but also for the believer Muslims victory over the Meccan pagans in Badr Battle 624 CE,

and also that the aforementioned Quranic verse predictions have been fulfilled.

And Allah knows best).

5- In Allah’s victory (Help is from Allah in all battles as all victory is from Allah,

as Per Badr 624 CE battle

and same to the Romans and Persians 624 CE battle.)

He gives victory to whomever He wishes,

and He is the Mighty the Merciful.

6- Allah’s promise,

Allah does not forsake His promise,

but most people do not have knowledge.

(Of the unseen e.g. the. hereafter.

Allah is one and there are no other powers or partners to deviate his promised command)

7-They (most people barely)

have knowledge of the apparent of this worldly life (knowledge for their livelihood needs only)

and they from the hereafter they are oblivious. (Has distorted knowledge, despite the apparent evidence around them and constant reminder of the hereafter, still, most are either busy with their worldly livelihood and choose to be heedless regarding the hereafter or they are misguided.)

8- Have not they contemplated in themselves?

Allah has not created the heavens and earth and what in between except with the truth for a named term (All around and within yourselves are built in it fixed signs for people to reflect on them and be guided till the end of times),

and indeed many people (especially those who think they can get away with living their desires and causing havoc in this life)

with the meeting of their God (at resurrection for judgment),

are disbelieving.

9- Have not they (disbelievers)

walk in the earth and see how was the consequences of those before them,

they were enhanced than you in force,

they plowed the earth,

constructed it (established aspects of progress)

longer than they populated it (Its developments outlasted them, e.g., ancient Egypt),

and came to them their messengers with the clear signs (e.g., Moses to Pharos, People of Thamud)

and Allah was not to wrong them by they were wronging themselves.

(Allah provided them with all living elements to progress, and then they disbelieved the messengers and denied Allah’s help, deviated from Allah’s path, and drove themselves to perish in this world and to hellfire)

10- Then they followed what they wronged with wrong

as they denied Allah’s signs,

and with it, they used to ridicule.

(Those who came to the vile and created on top of it a new corruption,

they will be followed by no good in the world and the afterlife )

11- Allah begins creation (All creation e.g. Human from one soul),

then repeat it (Only Allah continues cycle of life. e.g., Human offsprings from the same soul),

then to Him

will be returned. (They All creation, will be individually returned after death)

12- And the day the hour rise (Doomsday),

will silence the criminals.

(All criminal disbelievers)

13- And there will not be for them

among their partners

intercessors, (No help from their false Gods)

and they (All criminal disbelievers)

will by their partners


14- And the day the hour is established (Judgment day),

that day they will be separated.

(Believers, and disbelievers)

15- As for those who believed and did righteously,

they will be in the meadow delighting.

16- As for those who disbelieve

and denied Our signs

and the meeting of the hereafter,

those into torment will be brought.

17- So glory to Allah

when you go into the night

and when you become in the morning

(No known laws apply to Allah, exceptional in himself, transcendent in his attributes, transcendent in his actions, does what he wants,

If we find a common characteristic between creation and God, we understand it in a framework of Nothing like him

Glory to Allah when you follow Allah's law into the night

Glory to Allah when you become by Allah's will, in the morning.

(E.g. God’s blessing on you when he takes your spirits at sleep

and then he returns it back to you when awake,

it is like resurrecting after death)

18- And to Him the praises in the heavens and the earth,

and the nights and when you are nooning.

(Praise to him at all times whether sleep which is a form of death, or in the daytimes, the time of movement, and life.

Death and resurrection are represented by sleep and awakening from it,

sleep and awake is a daily visible practice, so take from them evidence of resurrection after death)

19- Bring the living from the dead (create life from nothing),

and bring the dead from the living (take the soul from the living to die),

and revive the earth after its death (as you visibly can see, He revives the dry dead earth e.g., when it rains),

and like this, you are brought out.

(Will be Resurrected. Whoever denies the Resurrection, let him look at the process of reviving the dry dead earth with plants.)

20- And of His signs that He created you from soil (First Human Adam, from Soil-dust and water)

then you are humans spreading.

(As you can see the offspring of Adam and Eve reproduce)

21- And among His signs,

that he created from yourselves, pairs (Human type, males and female),

to tranquil in it (Male and female to find balance and tranquility among each other based on their creation and ability. Masculinity and femininity are two complementary necessities, like the complementarity of night and day, each has its necessary task, the night is for rest and day for working),

and placed between you affection and mercy

(A much, needed attribute to balance and help coexist the male and female when they are young

and when they grow old ),

in that is a sign for people who reflect.

22- And among His signs the creation of the heavens and earth,

and the differences of your tongues (unique tongue imprints like unique fingerprints)

and your colors,

these are signs for the knowledgeable

(Those who search not just stop at appearances, but probe to find meaning and reasons, e.g., Human Characters – fingerprints, sound, color, etc. must be distinguished to be able to determine responsibilities)

23- And among His signs your sleep by night and day

and your seeking of His bounty,

these are signs for people who listen

24- And among His signs

He shows you lightening for fear and aspiration,

and sends down from the sky water to revive with it the land after its death,

in those signs for people who reason.

25- And among His signs that the heaven and earth remain by His command

(They obey and remain intact without deviation in total discipline and precision),

then when He calls you

a call from the earth

then you

will come forth.

(First, call from the heavens, all living will die. Second call all will resurrect and come forward for judgment),

26- And to Him what in the Heavens and earth

all to Him is obedient.

(All will obey Allah,

But that free will choice that humans have will be removed on judgment day.

In this life, we are all submissive to Allah, either out of choice to submit

or out of subjugation in matters in which we have no choice e.g., sickness, death, etc.

Allah gave us free will to choose to believe or disbelieve in Him.

Believers receive Allah’s decrees and destiny willingly

and try to make their choices within Allah’s path, leaving and accepting the results up to Allah.

Disbeliever receives Allah’s decrees and destiny with dissatisfaction and ungratefulness,

following their egos and own path.

Ultimately Allah will allow all humans free will choice decisions to manifest or not.)

Allah knows best

27- And He who re-begins creation (e.g. Adam’s off-springs)

then repeats it (He continues to create every moment, a new creation, a new child a new soul, not that the soul leaves one body and moves into another one)

and it's effortless for Him.

And for Him the highest attributes in the heavens and the earth

And He is the mighty the wise

28- He strikes to you an example from yourself (familiar to you, you know it’s race upbringing and history)

Do you have from among whom you possess any partners,

in what we supplied you,

that is equal.

Like this, we distinguish our signs for people who can reason.

(Allah supplied you with provisions/assets e.g. nature, air, money, workers, etc.., so do you go to these provisions/assets, and allow them a full partnership with absolute freedom to act like you and be equal to yourself?

If you do not accept this partnership on yourselves, so why do you want Allah to accept it

on Himself, to have partners of what he created and sustain).

29-But followed those who wronged, their desires with no knowledge

So who can guide, who has strayed from Allah

And for them no supporters. (Once Allah had abandoned)

30- So establish your face to the religion tilting (Faithfully heading tilting towards moderation and towards the direction of the truth, be steadfast straight and moderate)

Allah’s Innate creation (Fitra) that He has created people upon

(Fitra, The instinct that God deposited in human formation since He created Adam,

and is passed through his offspring.

This instinct/Fitra, is that you are created by Allah to Worship

That by following spiritually and physically what Allah commanded. (sura 51.v56)

But some choose to struggle and go their way, against their Fitra and worship their selfish desires.

No altering to Allah’s creation (No child is born except on instinct/Fitra, then his parents can help him stay on it or take him away from it).

But Allah’s instinct is never altered and is there to guide humans to Allah’s truth)

That is the worthy religion. (Stay on the Fitra faithfully in moderation )

But most people do not know

31- Turn to Him in repentance

And establish prayers

And do not be among the polytheist

32-Of those who divided their religion

And became sects

Every party with what they have rejoices.

33- And when harm touches people

They call upon their God repenting to Him

Then if He let them taste from Him mercy

A group from them (The same people who repented and God had mercy on them)

With their God take partners. (Associate Mercy to those other than their God, and go back to their way)

34- So they disbelieved of what We brought them (of Mercy from their harm)

So enjoy (further enjoy your desires in this world)

you will know (the consequences in this life or hereafter)

35- Or have We send down upon them authority

that he speaks of what they partner with.

(Revelation power or argument and proof that says according to their discretion)

36-And if We tasted the people mercy,

They rejoice with it

And if illness strikes them of what their hands had put forth

They despair

(To signify God’s justice in inflicting calamity, and His grace in bestowing his mercy,

Not to think that you will be saved by your actions only

No, but by God’s grace upon you, thought your actions can qualify you for Allah’s grace.

Allah knows Best)

37- Have not they seen that Allah spread sustenance to whom he wills and restricts

(Allah is the Sustainer, He gives with reasons, and sometimes He provides without obvious to you reasons, so do not be deceived by your reasons or despaired).

Indeed, these are signs for people who believe.

(The issue of sustenance requires a belief in the wisdom of Allah in giving and withholding).

38- So bring to relatives his rights

And the needy

And they wayfarer

This is best for those who seek Allah’s face

And those are the prosperous

(Donate with good intention seeking only God, not to showoff )

39- And whatever you received of inflated interest,

that inflated within people's capital

(Ribba-interest on capital loans that takes advantage of the needy or situations that causes hardship and inflation)

Does not inflate, with Allah.

And whatever you give, of Zakat

seeking Allah's face (Donate with good intention seeking only God, not to showoff )

those are the multipliers.

40- Allah who created you

Then provided to you

Then will cause you to die

Then cause you back to life

Are there among your partners who dose of that anything

Exalted and above and high beyond, of that what you partner

41- Corruption had appeared

In the land and the sea, by what the hands of people earned.

(The tide of corruption rose over righteousness)

Will let them taste some of what they have done

Perhaps they will return

(Allah is omnipresent and will interfere and reprimand these people to taste the consequences of what their hands have done, perhaps they will choose to return back to righteousness.

When corruption overcomes righteousness Allah’s reprimand will come)

42- Say (Oh Mohamed) travel through the land,

and observe how was the consequences of those before

most of them were associators (associated partners with Allah, polytheists, idolators )

43- Establish your face toward the worthy religion

Before comes a day no repel to it from Allah (Prevent, pushback)

That day they crack. (split, divide, The people who associated partners with Allah, polytheists, idolators)

44- Whoever disbelieves, upon him his disbelieves (It's his choice, it's on him )

And whoever does righteousness

It's for themselves paving. (He who does good does not do it only for himself,

but for him and his descendants, paving his way and to his followers in righteousness

in this world and for the hereafter)

45- To reward those who have believed and done good deeds

from His bounty.

Indeed, He does not love the disbelievers. (Does not bestow His surplus)

46- And among his signs

that He sends the winds with tidings, (He only sends destiny/good tidings)

and to let you taste His mercy. (When the tidings, turn into hardship)

And the ships, sail by his commands (God is omnipresent, always in control)

and to seek from his surplus.

so that you be thankful.

(Despite the hardship in life and the emanant death,

God inmate in us the desire to live,)

47- And We did send before you messengers to their folk.

And they brought to them the clear evidence.

So We took retribution from those who transgressed

And it was rightful upon Us to support the believers.

48- Allah who sends the winds that excites the clouds,

then spread it in the sky however He wishes

then scatter it

so you see the estrous (In heat rain)

emerge from within them (the scattered clouds)

and if He hit with it (the rain) whomever he wishes

from His worshipers

they rejoice. (thankful to God)

49- Although before it came down upon them, they were in despair.

50- Look at the effect of the mercy of Allah

How He revives the land after its death.

Indeed, That (Allah) will revive the dead.

And He is over everything able.

(Do not despair, God by his mercy will provide, and when you die will revive you,

Just look how He supplies rain to revive the dead land)

51- And if We send wind (dry wind/hardship)

That they saw it yellow (dried their tilth)

They would remain (mainly in the active morning times)

After that disbelieving. (They despair in Allah’s Mercy, that is a form of disbelieving)

52- Indeed you (Mohamed PBUH) do not make the dead listen (the dead in the heart)

Nor make the deaf hear your calling (the unconscious listener)

If they turn their back away. (walk away and not even look at you)

(Oh Mohamed do not despair, just convey the message, the fault in them

They are dead in heart, deaf in consciousness, and blind)

53- And you can not guide the blind away from their straying

You make listen, except those who believe in Our revelations

so they are submissive.

(you only reach those pure in heart and instinct)

54-Allah who created you from weakness,

then made after weakness strength

then made after strength weakness and old age

He creates what He wills

And He is all-knowing all able.

55-And the day the hour rises (Reckoning time)

Swears the culprit (criminal aggressor disbelievers deceivers)

They did not linger except an hour

Like this, they used to delude.

(Lie, manipulate the truth to their benefit e.g. will last forever, no afterlife)

56- And said those who received the knowledge and faith (Accepted Allah’s knowledge that led to faith)

You (culprits) have lingered in Allah’s book till resurrection day (Lived as was decreed and written by Allah)

This is the day of the resurrection,

But you had no knowledge (Refused to accept God’s given knowledge, that the messengers brought you)

57- So that day,

dose no benefit those who wronged, their excuses

Nor they will be reproached. (Will not be lightly blamed, But justice will be served as promised)

58-And We stroke to the people in this Quran from every example

And if you brought them a sign

They will say those how disbelieved

You are but a falsifier.

(Even if you bring them a clear sign/miracle, like the disbelievers before them, they will still not believe)

59- Like that Allah seals on the hearts of those who have no knowledge. (Refused to accept God’s given knowledge, and with time they suppress their innate feeling and stray far from God’s path)

60- So be patient

Indeed, Allah’s promise is right (due to All)

And do not be wavered, by the oblivious (stay firm and steady on Allah’s path)


The Holy Quran can only be read in its original Arabic language. No translation or interpretation of the Holy Quran can be used as a replacement for the Arabic Holy Quran. I am not a scholar nor do I have any Islamic diplomas. I have tried to provide a Quran translation and contemplations that is faithful to the Quranic Arabic language using an empirical approach that is based on my readings of selected scholars’ interpretations, my personal experiences and understanding of The Holy Quran as a Muslim native Arabic speaker.

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