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☪️ Quran: Chapter 5: The Dining Table - Al-Maidah سورة المائدة

Writer's picture: Mohamed ElgayarMohamed Elgayar

Updated: Aug 23, 2024

Revelation place: Medina

Revelation order: 112

Number of verses: 120

Chapters revealed in Medina, deal mainly with moral principles, legislation,

community development, and warfare.


Now year 7 A.H. Hijra (Migration to Medina) the Muslims had become a ruling body, Therefore, there was a need to formulate Islamic civil and criminal laws.

This Chapter provides some guidelines to the believers in some of the aspects of their lives.

The Prophet also wrote letters to the rulers of Persia, Egypt, Rome, and the Chiefs of Arabia, inviting them to Islam, also admonishing the Jews and Christians to give up their attitude toward Islam and follow him on the right path to Allah.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the condemned.

With the name of Allah, the gracious the merciful.

1. O you have believed, fulfill contracts, It was allowed for you (Created obedient in nature to be eaten ) quadruped cattle (Calm grazing nonpredator, none fang e.g. cow, sheep, camel), except what is receipted on you, hunting not allowed while in sanctity (Ritual status of visiting Mecca for pilgrim and umrah), indeed Allah rules what He wills

2. O you have believed, do not disallow the rites of Allah, nor the sacred month, nor the offering (Cattel Gift to pilgrim), nor the garlands (That marks cattle as pilgrim offerings), nor those heading to the sacred house (Kaaba) seeking bounty from their God and satisfaction (At the early stages of Islam was allowed for nonbelievers to go Kaaba), and if you allowed (Ended pilgrim) then you can hunt, and do not incriminate your aversion against folks (Let you hatred lure you during pilgrim when you come across the disbelievers who had previously caused harm to you) that had repelled you from the sacred mosque(Forbade you previously when they had control of it) that you transgress (On those disbelievers), and cooperate upon what is pleasant and pious, and do not cooperate on iniquity and transgression, and be pious to Allah (Fend yourself against disobeying Allah), indeed Allah is firm in torment

3. Forbidden upon you the dead, and blood, and swine flesh, and what was lauded (invoke) to other than Allah, and the chocked, beaten to death, and the thrown (Killed by tossing e.g. from a high place), the gored (By another animal), and what the lion has eaten, unless you purified them(By slaughtering while still alive, of those animals that were thrown, gored and eaten by a lion), and what was slaughtered on the stone alter (Polytheist slaughtering spot in Mecca), and to divide by arrows (a form of raffle gambling by choosing marked arrows) that is debauch, as of this day has despaired those who have disbelieved from your religion, so do not fear them and fear Me, this day I have completed (No more to add) for you your religion and finalized upon you My boon, and contented for you the Islam as a religion, and whoever was compelled in starvation (Extreme life-threatening need) not bent to iniquity, then indeed Allah is Forgiving Merciful

4. They ask you, what is allowed for us, say” Allowed for you the good things (that Allah previously allowed) and what you have taught to the raptors hunting dogs that you teach them what Allah has taught you, so eat of which they have griped for you, and mention the name of Allah upon it, and be pious to Allah, indeed Allah is swift in reconning

5. This day has made allowed for you what good (food), and the food of those who were brought the book (Torah, Gospel) is allowed to you (which is now allowed by Allah) and your food is allowed for them, and the chaste among the believers and the chaste among those who were brought the book from before you, if you brought to them their wages (Dowery), chaste not fallen (sexual activity with anyone, hooking) and not taking friends (out of marriage, sexual friend, lover, companion), and whoever denies in the faith (commands), indeed has thwarted his work, and he in the. Hereafter among the losers

6. O you have believed if you rise up for prayers, then wash your faces, and hands to the elbows, and wipe your heads and your feet to the two heals, and if you were in a side state (Impure due to sexual act) then purify (Full body wash), and if you were sick or on a journey and come to one of the deep (urinate or feces) or touched women (Sexually) and did not find water, so seek a pure field (clean dry earth dust) then rub your hands and your faces from it, want not your God makes upon you any embarrassment (Difficulty), but He wants to purify you and complete His favor upon you (Prayer get you close to God) that you may be thankful

7. And evocate Allah’s favor upon you and His covenant (Your innate self-submission to Allah, your logical observation of the existence of God, and your belief covenant with the messenger) that He bonded you with (Entrusted to keep tight and close), as you said we heard and obeyed, and be pious to Allah, indeed Allah is Knowing of what in the chests (concealed good and bad intentions)

8. Oh you have believed, be standups for Allah (Keep Allah always on your mind and action) witness in just, and let not criminalize you the aversion (Hate, anger, conflict) to folks, not to be just, to be just is closer to piousness (and just to yourself and others), and be pious indeed Allah is aware of what you are doing (Do it for the sake of God)

9. Allah has promised those who believed and did righteous, for them forgiveness and great wage.

10. And those who disbelieved and denied our signs, those are the companions of the hellfire.

11. O you have believed, remember Allah’s favor upon you as folks in vim determination to extend their hands onto you (To kill the prophet), so thwak Allah their hands from you, and be pious to Allah, and on Allah should rely, the believers

12. And Allah has taken the children of Israel covenant, and raised among them twelve pry delegate and said I am with you if you established prayer and brought forward Zakat (Charity) and believed in my messengers and supported them, and loaned Allah a good loan (Do excess good deeds to benefit all, for the sake of Allah), I will acquittal from you your misdeeds, and admit you to garden runs beneath it rivers, and who disbelieve after that from among you, so indeed has stary from the equitable path

13. So for the abolishment of their covenant, We damned them and made their hearts hard, they deviate the words from their places, and they forgot (missed, forgo) a portion (Boon) of what they were reminded of (God’s covenant and its rewards), and you (Muhammed (pbuh))still observe the betrayal from them, except for a little among them, so pardon for them and forgive (Turn new page onto how they treated you, and let it take its course), indeed Allah loves the goodness doers

14. And among those who said “We are Nasara (Nazarene, From Al Nasera where Jesus was born, the first supporters and believers of Jesus are called “Nasara in the Quran” as they originally supported the prophet Jesus then later became Christians dominations who worshiped the triune God of the Trinity (God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit), and further split into more denominations variations of Christians)”We took their (Nasara-Nazarene) covenant, but they forgot a portion of what they were reminded to (in Jesus’ Gospel To worship One God and follow the final coming messenger), so We enticed between them animosity and hatred to the day of Resurrection (Nasara-Nazarene became conflicting Catholic, Protestant, Mormons, Unitarian, etc.), and Allah will inform them of what they were fabricating

15. Oh people of the book, indeed has come to you Our messenger, to make clear to you much of what you were concealing of the Book, and pardon many things, there has come to you from Allah light and a clear book

16. Whereby Allah guides with it (Quran) who has followed its contentment, the paths to peace, and out them from darknesses to light, by His permission, and guide them to a straight path

17. Indeed, has disbelieved those who said that Allah is the Messiah, son of Mary, say then who owns against Allah anything (prevent)if He wants to perish the Messiah son of Marry and his mother and those on earth all together, and to Allah, the dominion of the heavens and the earth and what is in between them, creates what He wills (Adam with no male or female, Eve from male, Jesus from female, people from male and female) and Allah over everything capable

18. And said the Jews and the Nasara (Nazarene/Christians denominations) we are the children of Allah and his beloved (As did the Jews sect of Ezra and Denominations Christians Sect of Jesus that they claim them to be Gods), say” So why does He chastise you with your sins? (sins against oneself as a disbeliever)rather you are humans among whom He created, He forgives whom He wishes and torments whom He wishes, and for Him the dominion of the heavens and earth and whatever between them, and to Him is the destiny

19. O people of the book have come to you Our Messenger (Muhammed (pbuh)) to make clear to you after an interval of messengers (A period with no messengers since Jesus and with the same recurring message as all previous messengers before him (Muhammed (pbuh)), lest you say “has not come to us a bearer of good tidings nor a warner, indeed has come to you a bearer of good tidings and a warner, and Allah is over all things able.

20. And as said Moses to his folks, Oh my folks remember Allah’s boon upon you as He made among you prophets and made you kings (Lifted you to kings and patrons) and brought you which He had not brought anyone among the worlds. (The scriptures)

21. Oh my folks enter the secret land (after surviving the pharos army) which Allah has written (Assigned for a purpose) for you, and do not rebound onto your backs (Go back on your mission, covenant) then you will turn over (windup) losers

22. They said O Moses there in it mighty (oppressor) folks, and we will not enter it until they depart from it, so if they depart from it, then we will be entering

23. Said two men among those who fear (Disobeying Allah’s assignment), who blessed Allah upon them (By understanding if Allah had assigned to you, Allah will support if you obey), “Enter upon them by the gate, and if you enter it, then you are prevailing, and upon Allah rely if you are believers

24. They said O Moses indeed we will not enter it ever as long as they are in it, so go you and your God and battel (mocking tone), we are here sitting.

25. Said (Moses) my God I do not own except myself and my brother (only owns himself), so separate between us and between the scab (disobedient, Grave stray wrongdoers) folks

26. Said (God)Then it is forbidden upon them, forty years they wander in the land, so do not grieve on the scab (disobedient) folks

27. And recite upon the news of Adam’s two sons (Qabil Abel and Habil-Cain) in truth, as they offered offering (To Allah, a request of the marriage the prettier twin sister of Qabil Abel) so He accepted from one of them (Habil-Cain) and did not accept from the other, said (Qabil Abel) “I will kill you” said (Habil-Cain)” It is just Allah accepts from the pious”

28. If you stretched to me your hand to kill me, I am not stretching my hand to you to kill you, I fear Allah The God of the worlds. (Reasoning and rationalizing based on belief not just reacting based on instinct, that is what it means to be a human)

29. That if (You Kill me) I want to possess my inequity (For killing me) and your inequity (For defying God’s decision), then will be among the companions of the fire, and that is the recompense of the wrongdoers

30. So tamed (allowed, obeyed) for him, his-self (The evil part of it) the murder of his brother, so he killed him, so he became among the losers

31. So He sent a raven searching (Digging, scratching) in the ground, to show him how to hide the disgrace of his brother (The corps and shame of what Qabil Abel) did), said “My doom, have I failed to be like that raven and hide the disgrace (The corps and My evil action), and became among the regretful. (He regrated killing his brother, but he still did not realize regretting the cause of all which disobeying Allah decision)

32. And for that (The outcome Qabil Abel), We wrote (decreed) on the children of Israel (All humanity, and early on for children of Israel for the habit of killing God’s messengers and prophets), that who kills a soul without a soul (Justified) or corruption in the land, it is as if he killed the people altogether (Entire mankind), and whoever revive it (Maintained, protected its life and faith), it is as if he had revived the people altogether, and certainly had come to them (Children of Israel) our messengers with the clear signs, then many of them after that in the land is surfeit. (unjustly excessive)

33. It is but the recompense of those who fight Allah (His commands) and his messenger and seek corruption in the earth, to be killed or crucified or cut off their hands and legs from reverse or they be exiled from the land, that is for them a disgrace in this world, and for them in the hereafter great torment

34. Except those who repent before you overpower them, and know that Allah is Forgiving Merciful

35. O you believe be pious to Allah and desire to him the means (seek what pleases Allah) and strive in His path that you may prosper

36. Indeed those who disbelieved, if for them what is in the earth altogether and same with it to ransome with it the torment of the day of resurrection, will not be accepted from them, and for them painful torment

37. They want to get out of the fire, and they are not getting out of it, and for them residing torment

38. And the thief and the (female) thief cut off their hands as recompose for what they earned, abuse from Allah (exemplary punishment)and Allah is Mighty Wise

39. And whoever repents after his wrongdoing and repair (Set right, rectify, reform, amend), indeed Allah will repent on him, indeed Allah is Forgiving Merciful

40. Have you not known that indeed Allah has dominion of the heavens and the earth, torments whom He wishes and forgives to whom He wishes, and Allah is over everything able (Omnipotent)

41. O you Messenger, do not be saddened by those who hasten into (Further in) disbelieve among those who say we believe with their mouths and did not believe their hearts (Hypocrites), and among those who guided (Seek Jews Rabi), listeners to lies from other folks (The Jews Rabis) whom they did not come to you, they (Jews Rabis) displace the word (commands) from after its (proper)places (In the Torah), they say if you were brought (By Muhammed (pbuh)) that (ruling that pleases their whims) then take it, and if you did not get it, then beware (Do not accept Muhammed’s ruling), and whomever Allah wants to trail (test his belief) you will not possess to him from Allah anything (Out of your (Muhammed (pbuh)) control), those that Allah did not want to purify their hearts, for them in this world disgrace and for them in the hereafter great torment

42. Listers to the lies (falsehood), devourers of eradication (what is immoral, unlawful, wipe out the goodness, bankrupts, usury, bribes, theft, gambling.), if they (Those Jews) come to you judge between them or side away from them, and if you side away from them they will not harm you with anything, and if you judge then judge with equity (Balanced equitable clean measurement, justice)indeed Allah loves the equitable

43. And how come they seek your judgment (Regarding adultery), while they have the Torah in it Allah’s judgment, then they sponsor away from after that (They still go following their false rules), and those are not among the believers

44. Indeed, We sent down the Torah in it guidance and light, to judge with it the prophets who submitted (To Allah) to those among the guided (From the Jews), and the rabbis and the scribes (Also to Judge with the Torah) with what they retained (saved, kept in folders, asked to preserve) among Allah’s book (What they have been shown and taught by their messenger of Allah’s book), and they were on it witnesses (They were to be witnessed over it), and do not fear the people (In your task to be a witness over Allah’s book)fear Me, and do not buy with my signs (verses) little price (falsify my verses for a price), and whoever does not judges with what Allah has sent down, those are the disbelievers

45. And We prescribed upon them that (For clear Equity) a soul for a soul, and an eye for an eye, and a nose for a nose and an ear for an ear and a tooth for a tooth and the wounds (Injuries beyond that) retribution (Trace it to similar equitable retribution), and whomever handout (give up his right in retribution for Allah’ sake) it is forgiveness for him(Allah will forgive for that person equal to his charitable retribution handout ), and whoever does not judge with what Allah has sent down, those are the wrongdoers

46. And We followed on their trails with Issa (Jesus) son of Mary trueing (Confirming) that what is between his hands of the Torah, and We brought him the Gospel in it guidance and light, and trueing that is between his hands of the Torah (Commands and rulings) and guidance and sermons (Spirituality) to the pious

47. And would Judge the people of the Gospel (They should Judge by) with what Allah has sent down in it (To Judge by the rules of the Torah), and however does not judge with what has sent down, then those are the scabs (Disobedient, Grave stray wrongdoers)

48. And We brought down upon you The Book with the truth (Quran) confirming (verify, certify) to what is between his hands of the book (Previous One consistent message book of Abraham’s pages, Torah, Psalm, Gospel) and dominant, on it, so judge between them with what Allah has brought down and do not follow their whims away from what came to you of the truth, for every (Jews, Christian, Muslims) We made a path (Way in water, values in food with consistent set of beliefs) and a curriculum (Way on land, values in drinks with consistent set of beliefs), and if had wanted Allah He would have made you one nation (Obedient, no freewill, United in path and curriculums), but to impose (Test, trial, inflict) you in what He had brought you, so race to good deeds, to Allah your return altogether, and He will inform you of what you were in, differing

49. And judge between them with what Allah has brought down (Torah, Quran) and do not follow their whims, and beware they coax (lure, Tempt) away from some of what that came down upon you (Quran is dominant for judgment), and if they persist (On their opinion and turn away), then know that Allah wants to afflict (allow harm to strike, e.g. wipe usury gains) them with some of their sins, and indeed many among the people, are dissolute (Away from Allah’s pass)

50. Is it the judgment of ignorance (Staying on their wrong opinions) they desire, and who is better than Allah in judgment for folks who are of certainty (Certain in faith)

51. O, you have believed do not take the Jews or the Nasara (Nazarene/Christian denominations) as guardians (In-charge of your affairs, instead of Allah his messenger and the Muslim believers) some of them guardians to one another (In joining whims and misguidance against the truce), and whoever takes them as guardians from among you, then indeed he is of them, indeed Allah does not guide the wrongdoing folks. (From among you who disobeyed, and took them as guardians)

52. So you see those who in their hearts sickness (Hypocrisy), they hasten in them (Further with Nazarene/Christian denominations), they say we fear that a loop strike us (Turn on events), so may Allah brings opening (Facilitate, reasons that unlock life obstacles) or a command from Him, then they become on what they concealed in their heart (Hypocrisy and opposition to Allah’s path) regretful

53. And will say those who have believed, are those (Regretting Hypocrites) who swore by Allah a strenuous oath that they are with you, deflated (Kaput with frustration) their deeds, then they became losers

54. O, you have believed, whoever retracts from among you from his religion, Allah will bring with folks He loves them and they love Him (with knowledge, believe then heart), with humility (Tender) upon the believers, dignified (stern) over the disbelievers, they strive in Allah’s path and do not fear a blame from a blamer, that is (Allah’s path is) Allah’s bounty, bring it to whom He wills and Allah is All-Encompassing (abundant capacity) Knowing

55. Rather your guardians are (in charge of your affairs) Allah and His messenger and those who believed who establish prayers, and bring Alms, and they are prostrating (While in Obedience to Allah)

56. And whoever is guardian to Allah (Path and commands) and his messenger and those who believed, Indeed Allah’s party are the victorious

57. O you have believed do not take those who took your religion in mockery and play, from among those who were brought the book from before you and the disbelievers as guardians, and be pious to Allah if you are believers

58. And when you call for prayers, they took it in mocker and play, that is because they are folks who cannot reason (giving away the hereafter)

59. Say “O people of the book, do you resent us, but that we believed in Allah and what He brought down on us, and what He brought down from before, and that most of you are dissolute”

60. Say” Shall I inform you of what evil (worse) than that a recompense (penalty) at Allah, for that Allah cursed and wroth on, and made of among them (leads to characteristic ) of monkeys and swine, and worshipers of the oppressors (Idols, and Who lure them to evil, hypocrisy, dissolution, etc..), those are in evil (worse) position and further astray from the plain path

61. And when they come to you, they say “we have believed”, but they entered with disbelieve and they left with it, and Allah is most knowing of what they were concealing

62. And you see many of them hasten (Further and compete) into iniquity and aggression and devouring illicitness (Usury, bribery), wretchedness what they have been doing

63. Why not forbid them the clergymen (Priests) and the scribes (Rabbis) from saying iniquity and devouring illicitness, how wretchedness what they (Clergy and scribes) have been manufacturing (Fabricate In the business of religion)

64. And said the Jews “Allah’s hand is chained”, chained are their hands, and accursed with what they said, rather His hand (Giving, Bounty or Trail) is extended, spends as He wills, and would increase among many of them (Jews and Nazarene/Christians) what was brought down on you (Quran) in transgression and disbelieve, and We have cast among them enmity and hatred to the day of Resurrection, every time they ignite the fire for war, Allah extinguished it, and they strive corruption (Physically and spiritually luring away from Allah’s path) in the earth, and Allah does not love the corruptors

65. And if only the people of the Book (Jews and Nazarene/Christians) believed and become pious, We would have covered (Removed)from them their misdeeds and would admitted them to gardens of bliss

66. And if they had upheld The Torah and The Gospel and what had come down upon them from their God (Quran), they would have eaten from above them and from under their feet (Allover Bounty from Allah), among them destined folks (Who follows a moderate straight path to their destination) but many among them, ill is that what they do

67. O Messenger, notify that what was sent down upon you from your God (In its entirety), and if you do not then you have not conveyed His (Entire) message, Allah will infallible you (Protect you) from the people, indeed Allah does not guide the disbelieving folks

68. Say” O people of the book you are not on a thing, until you uphold the Torah and The Gospel and what was sent down to you from your God (Quran), and would increase many of among them what was sent down to you from your God (Quran) transgressions and disbelief, so do not despair over the disbelieving folks

69. Indeed, those who have believed (Not by heart, hypocrites) and who were Jews (Followers of Moses) and the Sabians (Followers of Noah’s message who then moved to other or mix of beliefs, mainly in believing in Reincarnation, No Actual Heaven and Hell, No Omnipotent, Omniscient GOD/Creator, followed no specific prophet, and worshiped Stars, nature, idols, matter, Allah’s creations, etc.. e.g. Hindus, Jainism, Buddhists) and the Nasara (Nazarene/Christians), who believed in Allah and the Last day and did righteousness, on them shall be no fear (From the hereafter torments) nor they will be saddened (about this world)

70. And We have taken the covenant of The Children of Israel, and sent to them messengers, every time came to them a messenger with what themselves does not fancy, a team they denied, and another team they killed

71. And they figured that it (the coming of more messengers) would not be a tribulation (Trial, as they thought they were excused from trials as God’s favorite people), so they blinded and deafened (Intentionally ignored in sight and hearing the messengers), so Allah repented upon them (After worshipping the Clave), then many of them blinded and deafen (Still many of them persisted in their disobedient to God), and Allah is seeing of what they do

72. Certainly, has disbelieved who said ”Indeed that Allah is the Messiah son of Maryum”, and said The Messiah ”Oh children of Israel, worship Allah my God and your God” Indeed who partner with Allah then has forbidden Allah upon him paradise, and his shelter is the fire, and will not be for the wrongdoers any supporters

73. Certainly, have disbelieved who said “ Allah is the third of three”, there is no any Deity except one Deity, and if they do not desist away on what they say, surely will touch those who disbelieved among them, a painful torment

74. Will not they repent to Allah and seek His forgiveness, and Allah is Forgiving Merciful

75. Was not but the Messiah son of Maryum, but a messenger, who had left from before him messengers (similar to him e.g. Noah, Abraham, Moses), and his mother is trusting (In God and The Gospel), they used to eat the food (As any other human depends on food for sustenance), look how We make clear to them the signs, then look how they are deluding

76. Say” Do you worship who is lower than Allah, that does not own for you harm or benefit, and Allah is The Hearing The Knowing”

77. Say” O people of The Book do not exaggerate (Jesus to Jews is a hieratic imposture and for his followers a God) in your religion other than the truth, and do not follow the whims of folks who have gone astray from before, and misled many, and has gone away from the straight path

78. Cursed those who have disbelieved from the children of Israel, on the tongue of David and Jesus the son of Maryam, that by what they have disobeyed and were transgressing

79. They used not to seek to halt unrighteous they did, what a misery what they were doing

80. You see many of them ally (Backs) those who disbelieved, what a misery what their selves (wicked self) have put forward for them, indeed Allah’s discontent on them, and in the torment, they will abide eternally

81. And if they had believed in Allah and the prophet (Muhammed phub), and what was brought down upon him(Quran), they would have not taken them (Disbelievers) as allies, but many of them (Children of Israel) are scabs (obscenely far stray)

82. You will find the most intense of people enmity towards the believers, the Jews and those who associate (others with Allah, Polytheist), and will find the nearest of affection to those who believed, those who said “we are Nazarene (Followers of Jesus)”, that is because from them priests and monks and they do not behave arrogantly

83. And if they hear what was brought down (Quran) to the Messenger, you see their eyes overflowing with tears of what they have known of the truth (Of the part they heard of the Quran), they say “ Our God we have believed so inscribe us among the witnesses” (bearing witness on the truth, Joining the believers and passing it onto others)

84. And why should we not believe in Allah, and what has come to us of the truth, and covet that our God admit us with the righteous folks

85. So rewarded them, Allah, with what they said, gardens beneath which rivers flow abiding in it eternally, and that is the recompense for the well-doers

86. And those who disbelieved and denied our signs, those are the companions of the inferno

87. O you have believed do not prohibit the goodness that Allah had made allowed for you, and do not transgress (Allah’s boundaries),indeed Allah does not love the transgressors

88. And eat from what Allah has provided you lawful good, and be pious of Allah whom you are With believing

89. Does not take on you (charge, blame) Allah by the voiding in your oaths (Void, inflated, empty words), but will take on you with what you had tied (contracted sealed in the heart) in oaths, so its expiation is feeding ten needy from the average of what you feed your families or clothing them or freeing a neck ( Slave), and whoever does not find then fasting three days, that is expiation to your oaths if you had sworn (that rule apply if you only confirmed you oath intention by swearing), and guard your oaths (Do not give them lightly unless you intend to do your best to perform) like this Allah make clear to you his signs, that you may be thankful

90. O you have believed, indeed the intoxicants, facilitation (Gambling, easy winning, and losing), the shares (future odds), the holds (The loser pays all) is filth of Satan doing, so sided (Stay away) that you may prosper

91. But only Satan wants to drop in between you enmity and hatred in the intoxicants and the facilitation (Gambling, easy winning, and losing) and block you (intoxicated, and busy gambling) from the remembrance of Allah and from prayers, so are you desisting?

92. And obey Allah and obey the Messenger and beware if you turned on you own (ruled by your whims), then know that upon Our Messenger is the clear notification

93. There is nothing upon those who believed and did righteousness blame on that they tased (Eaten and drank in the past), if they become pious and believed and did righteousness, then they became pious and believed, then became pious and do good (Beyond the required minimum), and Allah loves the good doers

94. O you believed will inflict Allah upon you (Test) with some catch (From hunting) that will reach your hands and your spears (Within easy reach, but disallowed during pilgrim season), so would make evidence Allah who fears Him while unseen, and whoever transgresses (Cross Allah’s borders) after that, so for him painful torment

95. O you have believed, do not kill the hunted (chased animals for food or game) while

In sanctity (State of pilgrimage or in the area of pilgrim), and whoever kills it from you intentionally, his recompense is equivalent to what he killed in offerings, that are judged (evaluated) by two just from you, as offering delivered to the Kabbah, or an expiration feeding the needy or a just fasting (Fasting a day per feeding person), so to taste the consequence of his matter, Allah has pardoned what has passed (Prior to this command) and whoever return, then Allah will take retribution from him and Allah is Mighty, of Retribution

96. Allowed for you the catch of the sea, and its eat is enjoyment for you and the travelers, and disallowed for you the catch of the land while you are in a state of sanctity (State of pilgrimage or in the area of pilgrim), and be pious to Allah whom to Him will be crammed

97. Have made Allah The Kabbah the Sacred House, a foundation for the people (Foundation of valuable Human principles, e.g. equality, restrain, sharing), and the sacred months (At which fighting is disallowed), and the offerings (Scarified animals for the poor),and the garlands (Marking animals for offerings), that you may know that Allah knows what in the heaven and the earth, and Allah with everything Knowing. (Allah has planned and set the foundation for all needs of all humans)

98. Know that Allah is intense in penalty, and Allah is Forgiving Merciful

99. And not upon the Messenger but to inform, and Allah knows what you reveal and what you conceal

100. Say” Is not even (Alike) the malicious and the good”, even if marvel you the abundance of the malicious, be pious to Allah Oh you of minds, maybe you will prosperous

101. Oh, you have believed do not ask about things, if it appears to you will worsen you (Cause you Hardship), and if you ask while the Quran is coming down will appear to you (The answer in the Quran) had pardoned Allah about it (If the answer is not presented it’s for your own good), indeed Allah is Forgiving Forbearing

102. Had asked about it folks from before you ( Jesus followers asking for a meal from God to affirm their beliefs), then became with it, disbelievers

103. Have not appointed Allah a Baheera (Camel, marked to roam freely untouched), nor Saaba (Camel allowed to roam freely, offered as a vow by a person for recovering from sneakiness ) nor Waseela (Twin delivered Male and female camels that leads to let both of them roam free, as Arabs used to eat only male camels) nor a Haam (Stallion, to roam free and not to be domesticated), but those who disbelieve slanders upon Allah lies (By inventing these false Camel, Stallion, and other rules, heresies, aberrances not commanded by Allah), and most of them do not reason. (By inventing their own delusional heretic stray paths away from Allha’s path)

104. And if told to them” Come to what have brought down by Allah (Quran), and to the Messenger”, they say “Sufficient what we found our forefathers upon” even if their forefathers did not know anything nor were on guidance

105. O you have believed, upon you yourselves, will not harm you whoever went stray if you are guided, to Allah is your return altogether (Believers and disbelievers), then He will inform you (altogether) of what you used to do

106. O you have believed, witness between you (Matters that can cause conflict between you) if death came to one of you at the time of bequest, then (Witness) two just from among you (Muslims), or other from not among you if you were striking in the lands (Traveling) and you were stricken by the calamity of death, then you detain them after prayers and they swear by Allah if you had a suspicion (About their testimony) that they do not purchase with it a price (They are not perjuring for a price) even if they were near relatives, and we (Witnesses) do not conceal Allah’s witness, indeed we are among the sinful

107. And if found (By chance) that they deserved a sin (Perjury), so another (Two) stands in their place from among those first (Closest relatives to the deceased), and they swear by Allah that their testimony is truer than their testimony and that they did not transgress (On the first witnesses) then indeed we are among the wrongdoers

108. That is the least to get the testimony at its face value, as they fear that oaths be overturned after their oath (Fear future dispute)and be pious to Allah and listen, and Allah does not guide the scabs folks

109. The day (Judgment day)when Allah will gather the Messengers and Say “What was the response?” (Also directed to the people of the Messengers) they (The Messengers) said “ We have no knowledge of us, indeed You are the Knower of the absence

110. As said Allah “O Issa (Jesus) son of Maryum (Mary), mention my blessing upon you and upon your mother, as I supported you with sanctified spirit, you speak to the people while in the cradle and in maturity, and as I taught you writing and the wisdom and the Torah and The Ingeel (Gospel), and as you create (Design) from the clay the like of a bird with My permission, so you blow in it so it becomes a bird with My permission, and you heal the blind (Born blind) and the leper with My permission, and as you bring forth the dead with My permission, and as I restrained the children of Israel from you as you brought them what is clear (proofs), so said those who disbelieved among them, indeed that is nothing but shown magic

111. And as I inspired the refined (To goodness, The disciples) to believe in Me and My Messenger” they said” We believed and bear witness that we are Muslims (Submitters to Allah)

112. As said the refined (Disciples) “O Issa son of Maryum, will your God respond and indeed bring down upon us a table (spread with food, feast) from the heavens?” said “Be pious to Allah if you were believers”

113. They said “We want to eat from it to assure our hearts and know that you have been truthful, and be on it among the witnesses” (Eye witness, not just by belief)

114. Said Issa son of Maryum “O Allah our God bring down upon us a table (spread with food) from the heavens, to be for us a feast for our first and the lats, and be a sign from You, and provide to us and You are The best of providers

115. Said Allah” Indeed I will bring it down upon you, and however disbelieve afterward from among you, indeed I will torment him torment, the I will not torment anyone from among the worlds”

116. As said Allah “O Issa son of Maryum, did you say to the people take me and my mother as deities, who are beneath Allah (instead, besides, part) “ said” Praise to you, it was not for me to say what I have no right to, if I had said it, then you have known it, You know what in myself, and I do not know what in Yourself, Indeed you are the All-Knower of the unknown

117. Did not say to them except what You have commanded me with, to worship Allah my God and your God, and I was a witness over them as long as I was among them, then when you collect me (lifted me to You), You were the watcher over them, and You to everting a witness

118. If You torment them, indeed they are Your slaves (Their willpower stripped at Resurrection Day, all obedient), and if You forgive them, indeed You are The Mighty The Wise

119. Said Allah” This is the day that benefits the truthful their truthfulness”, for them gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding in it eternally, pleased Allah about them, and they pleased with Him, that is the great triumph

120. To Allah the dominion of the heavens and the earth and whatever in them, and He over everything able


The Holy Quran can only be read in its original Arabic language. No translation or interpretation of the Holy Quran can be used as a replacement for the Arabic Holy Quran. I am not a scholar nor do I have any Islamic diplomas. I have tried to provide a Quran translation and contemplations that are faithful to the Quranic Arabic language using an empirical approach that is based on my readings of selected scholars’ interpretations, my personal experiences, and my understanding of The Holy Quran as a Muslim native Arabic speaker.

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