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☪️ Quran Chapter 10 Jonah – Yunus سورة يونس

Writer's picture: Mohamed ElgayarMohamed Elgayar

Updated: Aug 18, 2024

Revelation place: Mecca

Revelation order: 51

Number of verses: 109


This Surah was revealed during the last stage of the Prophet's residence at Meccah. The Quran is the solution to mankind, prohibition of forcing conversion to Islam. Only Allah is worthy of worship. A Messenger was sent to every nation. Reward and punishment in the afterlife


I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the condemned.

With the name of Allah, the gracious the merciful.



1-     Alif, Lam, Raa. These are the verses of the Wise Book (Coherent, impervious)


2-  Was it an amazement for the people that We revealed to a man from them (A human that they knew), to indeed warn the people, and give good tidings to those who believed, and that indeed for them a footing of truth at their God (Precedent favor with their God), said the disbelievers “ Indeed this is but obvious sorcery”


3-  Indeed, your God is who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then leveled on the throne (Settled all things according to the essence of God), arranging the matters (Of His creations, managing, interfere, direct, intervene, guide, oversees), there is no intercessor except after His permission, that is Allah you God so worship Him, do not you remember (Ponder, consider, reason, contemplate, yourself and what around you)


4-  To Him your return all together, Allah’s true promise, indeed He begins the creation then repeats it (Recreate it after death and return them to Him), to reward those who believed and did good deeds in just (to themselves and others), and those who disbelieved for them scalding drink and painful torment for what they have been disbelieving


5-  It is He Who made the sun (self) shining and the moon (reflective) lighting and capable it into down phases, so you could know the enumeration of the years and computation, has not created Allah that except in truth (fact) He details the signs for people who know



6-  Indeed, in the differentiation of the night and day and what Allah has created in the heavens and the earth are signs for people who are pious (Everything ends)


7-  Indeed, those who do not hope to meet Us, and are content with the lower life and are assured with it, and those who are heedless of Our signs


8-  For those, their refuge is the fire, with what they used to earn


9-  Indeed, for those who believed and did righteous deeds, their God will guide them with their faith, run beneath them rivers in gardens of pleasure


10-Their call in it is “Exalted You Allah” (In recognition of grace) and their greetings in it is peace (In Serenity and satisfaction), and their last call is, indeed “Praise to Allah God of the all beings” (That we know of or do not)


11-And if hasten Allah to the people evil (what can lead to hardship), their hastening to good (Asking what appears good but Allah knows it leads to hardship), then would have fulfilled to them their term (be patient), so toss (leave them to accumulate bad deeds)those who do not hope to meet Us in their transgression wandering


12-  And if touches a human harm, he calls Us, to his side or sitting or standing, so when We clear from him his harm, he passes (from humility to arrogance) as if he never called upon Us to a harm that touched him, like this ornamented (Satan or themselves) to the exceeders (Extravagant, transgressors, go away) what they have been doing


13-  And We have perished the paired groups (united over the centuries) from before you when they wronged, and came to them Our Messengers with the clear proof, but they were not to believe, like this we recompense criminal people


14-  Then We made you successors in the land from after them to see how you would do


15-  And as receipted upon them Our clear verses, said those who hopes not to meet Us, “bring a Quran other than that, or replace it”, say” It was not for me to replace it by myself; indeed, I follow but only what is revealed to me, indeed I fear if I disobey my God, the torment of a great day


16-  Say “If He had willed, I would not have receipted it upon you, nor made you know of it” for I have stayed among you a lifetime from before it, cannot you reason (You know me well, I could not have made up that Quran)


17-So who is more unjust, than he who slanders lies about Allah, or denies His signs, indeed will not succeed the criminal


18-And they worship from among those beneath Allah, those who neither harm them nor benefit them, and they say “Those are our intercessors with Allah”, say” Do you inform Allah with what He does not know in the heavens and the earth” Exalted He, and high above what you associate (With Him)


19-And the people were not but one nation (One faith believers starting with Adam), but they differed (into believers and disbelievers), and if it were not for a word that preceded from your God (“And was not for Allah to torment them while you are in them, and was not for Allah to torment them while they are seeking forgiveness”. Quran 8-33) then it would have been judged between them in what they were deferring in. (Judged Immediately between the believers and disbelievers)


20-And they say “If it only were to come down upon him a sign for his God,” say” Indeed, the absent (unseen, unknown) belongs to Allah, so wait, I am with you among those who wait


21-And if we cause people to taste mercy from after harm that touched them, then they guile in Our signs (Go around and twist to strip away Allah’s signs), say” Allah is swifter in cunning”, indeed our messengers (Angeles) records what they conspire


22-It is He who eases it for you go through the shore and the sea until you become in the ships and speed with it by a good wind and they rejoiced with it, came to it a stormy wind, and came to them the waves from every place, and they thought that they have been surrounded (no way to escape), they call upon Allah sincere to His religion (Acknowledging His oneness) that is you saved us from this, we will surely be among the thankful


23-And when He saves them, then they transgress in the land with no right, Oh people indeed your transgressing upon your selves is but enjoyment of the lowery life, then to Us is your return, then We will inform you of what you used to do


24-Indeed that the example of the lowery life is the like water We brought down from the sky, so mixed with it the plant of the earth, from which eats the people and the livestock, until as the land took its glitter and adornment, and thought its people that they are able over it, came to it Our command at night or by day, and We made it as a harvest as if it did not flourish yesterday, like this We detail Our signs for people who give thoughts


25-And Allah invites to the house of peace, and guides whom He wills to a straight path


26-For those who have done the good and more, and does not exhaust their face any ashes (Bright faces, aura) nor humiliation, those are the companions of paradise, they will abide in it eternally


27-And those who earned bad deeds, the recompense of a bad deed is its equivalent, and exhaust them humiliation, there is no protecter for them from Allah, as if a part of the dark night covered their faces, those are the companions of paradise, they will abide in it eternally


28-The day We cram them all (Disobeyed Allah and His messengers, polytheist, ashiest etc.) and say to the ones who associated (partnered in worship with Allah his creation, the Angels, idols, Jesus, the sun, the stars, the moon etc.) “Your place (Stay where you are), you and your partners” so We separated between them, and said their partners “You were not worshipping us” (Who are you, we have no knowledge about you worshipping us)


29-Sufficient is Allah a witness between us and you, we were indeed about your worshipping us unaware


30-There, inflicts every self what had advanced (Exposed what it did in last life), and were returned to Allah their true master, and strayed from them what they used to slander (Those whom they worshiped beside Allah)


31-Say ”Who  provides to you from the heavens or the earth” Is that who owns the hearings and the sights, and who brings the living from the dead, and brings the dead from living, and who arrange matter (Of His creations, managing, interfere, direct, intervene, guide, oversees) they will say Allah, say “So why are not pious”?


32-For that is your God the truth, so what is after the truth except misguidance, so where do you leave to


33-Like this come to truth the word of your God upon those who transgressed, that they will not believe (As they strayed from God’s path, and associated with God partners)


34-Say” Is there among you partners who begins creation then return it” say” Allah begins the creation the returns it” so how do you slander? (Intentionally lie, or deny)


35-Say “Is there among your partners who guides to what is true” say” Allah guides to what is true”, so is not who guides to the truth is truly worthy to be followed, or that who does not guide but indeed need guiding, so what with you how do you judge?


36-And does not follow most of them but assumptions, indeed assumptions does not enrich from the truth anything, indeed Allah is Knowing of what they are doing


37-It was not for that Quran to be slandered (made up) from those who are lower than Allah, but veracity to what is between his (Muhammed) hands (Current and future events), and detail the book (All valid rulings till judgment day, unlike previous books which had valid rulings for its time and place only) no doubts (dubious, fishy) in it, from The God of the worlds (Unknown and unknown knowledge)


38-Or they say “He slandered it” (Made it up and claimed it is from Allah), say “So bring a Sura the like it, and call upon who you are able that are lower than Allah” if you were truthful (In your claim)


39-Rather they denied that which they did not encompass in knowledge (What they are ignorant of) and did not come to them its interpretation (Its goal, they just denied from the get go, with now knowledge, as Quran is guidance for those whose hearts are open for faith), like this denied those from before them, so see how was the consequence of the wrongdoers


40-And among them who believes in it (But hide their believe in their hearts out of hatred, envy, hypocrisy) and among them who does not believe in it, and Allah is most knowing of the corruptors


41-And if they deny you, say “For me is my doing, and for you your doings, you are innocent (not responsible) form my doings and I am innocent of what you are doing


42-And among them who hear you, but can you cause the deaf to hear even if they could not reason (They are deaf in reason even they can physically hear you, they are even worse than the deaf as they do not listen or reason)


43-And among them who looks at you, but can you guide the blind even they do not have insight (They can see but blind insight)


44-Indeed, Allah does not wrong the people anything, but the people wrong themselves


45-And the day We cram them, as if they did not stay but an hour of a morning getting to know among each other, had lost those who denied the meeting of Allah, and they were not guided


46-And either We show you some of what We had promised them, or We take you in death, so to Us their return, then Allah is witnessing upon what they are doing


47-And for every nation is a Messenger, so if came to them their Messenger, then it is judged between them in just, and they will not be wronged


48-And they say ”When is this promise, if you were truthful”


49-Say “I do not possess to myself harm or benefit except what Allah wills, for every nation is a term, when comes their term they will not be delayed an hour nor will be forwarded


50-Say “Have you seen if came His torment while housing (At night) or by morning, what part of it (torments) the criminals hasten


51-So, if then it drops, you would believe in it, now that you were with it hastening (Believing at the moment of torment is too late of no use)


52-Then was said to those who transgressed “Taste  the torment of eternity”, are you being recompensed but what you used to earn


53-And they as ask you to prophecy “is it true”, say” Yes, by my God , indeed its true” and you will not miraculous it (escape it, nor have intercessors to help or prevent it)


54-And if for every self which transgressed, what is in the entire land, it would offer it as ransom, and they confide regret, when they saw the torment, and was judged between them in justice, and they were not wronged


55-Is not indeed to Allah what in the heavens and the earth, is not indeed Allah’s promise is the truth but most of them do not know (All up to Allah’s will)


56-He gives life and cause death, and to Him you shall return


57-Oh people (mankind) had come to you an advisement from you God and cure for what in the chests and guidance and mercy for the believers


58-Say with Allah’s bounty and His Mercy (not just by your deed), with that so they should rejoice, that is better than what they collect


59-Say have you seen what have sent down to you of provisions, so you made of it forbidden and permissible, say “Did Allah permitted to you, or upon Allah you slander


60-And what do the ones who slandered upon Allah think of the day of resurrection (That Allah is oblivious about their actions, no judgment), indeed Allah is of bounty upon the people, but most of them are not thanking


61-And you (Muhammed) will not be in any matter (Related to the message and its application), and what you (people) receipt from any from the Quran, nor do any doing (public or concealed) , except We were upon you witnesses as you overflow in it, and does not absent (disappear) from you God of a weight of an atom in the earth or in the heavens nor smaller than that nor bigger than that but it is in a clear book


62-Surely, indeed Allah’s allies no fear upon them nor they will grief


63-Those who believed and were pious


64-For them good tiding in the lower life and in the hereafter, no replacement for God’s words, and that is the great winning


65-And let not sadden you their words, indeed the domination is to Allah entirely, He is the Hearing Knowing


66-Is not indeed for Allah what in the heavens and the earth, and they do not follow those who invoke among who is lower than Allah of partners, rather they follow but suspicions, and indeed they but guessing


67-He is who made for you the night to repose in it and the day seeing (Reflect light to see), indeed in that are signs for people who listen


68-They said “Allah has taken a son” Exalted He, He is The All-sufficient , for Him what in the heavens and what in the earth, do you have any authority of that, do you say about Allah what you do not know


69-Say ”Indeed Those who slander about Allah lies shall not prosper” (In faith)


70-Enjoyment in the lower life, then to Me their return, then shall taste them the severe torment with what they were disbelieving


71-   And recite upon them the news of Noah, as he said to his folks “ O folks if had grown upon  my stance (Became difficult what I am calling you for) and my reminding of Allah’s signs, so upon Allah I rely, so gather your matters (Decide on a unified opinion, make up your mind) and your partners (And also whom you Worshiped instead of Allah), then let not be your matter upon you hidden (Do what you wish publicly), then judge about me and do not delay (Do what you want with no delay)


72-If you turned away, I have not asked you for any pay, indeed my pay is but from Allah, and I was commanded to be among The Muslims (True submissives)


73-So, they denied him, so We saved him and those with him in the ship, and We made them successors and drowned those who denied Our signs, so look how the consequences of the warned


74-Then We sent from after him messengers to their folks, so they came to them with the clear signs, so they were not to believe in what they have denied from before, like this We seal upon the hearts of the transgressors


75- Then We sent from after them Moses and Arron to Pharoah and his full up (High up Nobel people) with Our signs, so they were haughty and were criminal folks


76-And when came to them the truth from Us, they said “Indeed that is but obvious magic”


77-Said Moses “Do you say that to the truth, when it came to you, Is that magic?” And (moreover) the magicians do not succeed


78-They say “Did you come to us to divert us from what we found our fathers on, and to be for you two the prideness in the land, and we are not for you both, believing


79- And said Pharoah “Bring to me every knowing magician”


80-And when came the magicians, said to them Moses” Cast down whatever you are casting”


81-So, when they casted, said Moses” What you brought of magic, Allah will invalidate it”, indeed Allah dose not uphold the doing of the corruptors’” (Allow Pharoah and his people to win and continue their corruption in the land)


82-And entitle Allah the truth with His word, even if hated it the criminals


83-And did not believe to Moses but a minuscule among his folks (few youngsters), out of fear (who concealed their belief) of Pharoah and his full ups (Nobels and enforcers), that he (Pharoah) might tempt them (With force carried out by his enforcers)


84-And said Moses “O my folks, if you have believed in Allah, so upon Him rely, if you were Muslims (Submissive in faith to Allah)


85-So, they said “Upon Allah we rely, our God, do not make us a trial for the transgressing folks (Go through the test hardship and temptation, if pharaoh defeat and force them to abandon the faith)


86-And save us with Your Mercy from the disbelieving folks


87-And We revealed to Moses and his brother to “seek refuge for your folks in the city (Of Egypt, outskirts) as houses, and make your houses as a front (Spot to perform prayers away from the oppressing folks, and front of each other for extra protection) and establish prayer, and give good tidings to the believers”


88-And said Moses “Our God you have brought to Pharoh and his full ups (Nobels) ornamentations and wealth in this lower life, our God to stray (themselves and others) from Your path, our God wipe over their wealth, and tighten over their hearts so they do not believe until they see the painful torment


89-Said “Is answered your supplication” (Moses and Aaron), so straighten up and do not follow the path of those who do not know. (Follow Allah’s path and do not interfere in what you do not know of)


90-And We crossed with the children of Israel the sea, so followed them Pharoah and his soldiers with desire and hostility, until drowning caught up with him (Pharoah), he said “ I believed that there is no deity except that what has believed in the children of Israel, and I am among the Muslims” (Submissive in faith to Allah)


91-Now, and you have disobeyed from before and were among the corruptors


92-Today We save you with your body, so you be for those behind you a sign, and indeed many among the people of Our signs are heedless


93-And We resided with the children of Israel a residence of rightness’s, and provided for them from among the goods, so they did not differ (About Muhammed’s prophesy) until came to the knowledge (Of Muhammed claim as a prophet), indeed Allah will judge between them (Who believed in Muhammed prophecy and who did not) on the day of Resurrection, in what they used to differ


94-And if you (addressing Muslims through the prophet) were in doubt what We brought down upon you, so ask those who read (Have knowledge of The Torah)the book from before you, and do not be among the waverers


95-And do not be among (addressing Muslims through the prophet) among those who denied Allah’s signs, so you be among the losers


96-And those upon which your God’s words were true, they will not believe


97-Even if come to them every sign, until they see the painful torment


98-If only not a village had believed (Before they saw the torment), so it would have benefited from its belief (We would have saved it),except the folks of Jonah when they believed We cleared from them the torment of disgrace in the worldly life and gave them enjoyment for a span


99-And if had willed your God would believe all in the earth all of them, entirely, and do you force the people until they become believers? (You Muhammed cannot force them to believe)


100- And it was not for a self to believe except with by the permission of Allah, and He places the detestation upon those who do not reason (Because if the issue of religion is presented to a reasonable mind; it must lead to faith)


101- Say “Look to what in the heavens and the earth” but it does not avail the signs or warnings to folks who do not believe


102- So, would they wait, except for the like of the days of those who vacated from before them, say “ Wait I am with you among those who wait”


103- Then We save Our Messenger and those who believed like this is a right upon Us to save the believers


104- Say” Oh people if you were in doubt about my religion, so I do not worship what you worship that is beneath Allah, but I worship Allah that gathers you (At death), and I was commanded to be among the believers”


105- And, indeed direct your face to the religion in inclination (Centered towards the truth), and do not be among those who associate (Idolaters, polytheists, disbelievers)


106- And do not call upon those beneath Allah who do not benefit you or harm you, and if you do that so then you are among the unjust


107- And if should touch you Allah with harm, there is no remover to it but He, and if He wants you with good, there is no repeller to His bounty, He strikes with it whom He wills from among his worshipers, and He is The Forgiving, The Merciful


108- Oh, people have come to you the truth from your God, so whoever is guided is guided for himself, and whoever strays so had strayed upon it, and I am not over you a guardian


109- And follow what is revealed upon you, and be patient until Allah judges, and He is the best of judges





The Holy Quran can only be read in its original Arabic language. No translation or interpretation of the Holy Quran can be used as a replacement for the Arabic Holy Quran. I am not a scholar nor do I have any Islamic diplomas. I have tried to provide a Quran translation and contemplations that is faithful to the Quranic Arabic language using an empirical approach that is based on my readings of selected scholars’ interpretations, my personal experiences and understanding of The Holy Quran as a Muslim native Arabic speaker.

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