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☪️ Quran Chapter 11 Hud سورة هود

Writer's picture: Mohamed ElgayarMohamed Elgayar

Updated: Jul 24, 2024

Revelation place: Mecca

Revelation order: 51

Number of verses: 123


This chapter focuses on how Allah passes His judgement on the people


I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the condemned.

With the name of Allah, the gracious the merciful.



1-     Alif, Lam, Raa. A book (written speech) tightened its signs (Un corruptible, wisely well-sealed its signs) then detailed (Into chapters, and Verses, pronunciation and meaning. Sometimes Quran addresses, faith and sometimes prophecy and its messenger process, and miracles, sometimes about rulings, and sometimes about stories, ethics, and cosmology and about the science of religious duties.) from Wise Informed


2-  Not to worship (Actions required by life in light of  do and do nots) but Allah, indeed I am to you from Him a warner and bringing of good tiding


3-  And indeed, seek forgiveness of your God, then repent to Him, He will cause you to enjoy a good enjoyment to a named term, and bring to every of virtue his virtue, and if you turn away (Take matters in your own hands), so indeed I fear upon you the torment of a big day


4-  To Allah is your return, and He is upon all things mighty


5-  Behold, they fold their chests to hide from it (To hide their faces and senses from listening to the Quran),  if not as they membrane their cloth (Tightly seal and cover themselves), He still knows what they conceal and what they declare, indeed He is knowing of that within the breasts


6-  And there no of any pounding creature in the land except upon Allah is its provision, and knows its settlement and dwelling, everything in a clear book (Everything in life is according to what was written. You do what you want, but your will, will  not govern what is written. You can choose your way and actions to what is ultimately written)


7-  And He is who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and His throne was on the water, to trial you as to which of you is best in work, and if you said “Indeed, you are resurrected after death” will say those who disbelieved, “indeed that (Quran) is not but a encompassing sorcery”


8-  And if We delayed from them the torment to a counted generation, they would say what locked it up, indeed not, on the day it comes to them it will not be dismissed away from them, and surrounded them what they used to ridicule


9-  And if We give human a taste of mercy from Us then we teared it from him, indeed he is despairing ungrateful (Who has no God to believe and rely upon, feels that the mercy was just a coincidence that may not happen again)


10-And if We give him a taste of blessing after harm that touched him, he will say “ The bad has left me”, indeed he is joyful proud (Dose not acknowledge that Allah is who Gave the blessing and lifted the bad, but claim is given based on a knowledge he had)


11-Except those who are patient and did goodness, for those are forgiveness and great rewards


12-So maybe you are not (to incline) to leave some of what was revealed to you, and that restrains your chest (due to) that they may say” If not has come down upon him a treasure, or came with him an angel” indeed not, you are a warner, and upon everything Allah is guardian


13-Or they say “ He slandered it” (Invented a lie), say “So bring ten Surahs (Chapters) the like it, slandered, and call upon whomever you could that is beneath Allah, if you were truthful


14-And if they do not respond to you, so know that indeed it came down with Allah’s knowledge, and indeed there is no deity by He, so are you Muslims? (Stop fussing and become Muslims)


15-Whoever wants the lower life and its adornment, Will fully repay to them what they do in it, and they in it will not be unjust (Get what they deserve, not shortchanged)


16-Those (Who seek the world with no faith in Allah) are the ones that there are not for them in the hereafter, but the fire, and deflated what they made in it, and void what they were doing


17-Is it who is on clarity (Knowing, innate faith, and Proof in Quran) from His God, and is recited it (Quran) by a witness (Muhammed PBUH) from Him, and from before it (Quran) the book of Moses (Torah) leading and mercy, those believe in it (They should believe in The Quran), and who disbelieves in it (Quran) from among those parties (Who has evidence and proof from Allah e.g. Meccan Polytheists, Jews, Nazarenes Christians) so the fire is his appointment, so do not be in doubt from it (As your Message is based on clear evidence, commonsense and guidance), indeed it is the truth from your God, but most people do not believe (Out of stubbornness)


18-And who is most unjust than who slander lies about Allah, those will be presented before their God, and will say the witness(Angels, and Prophets)” Those are the ones that lied about their God” Indeed the curse of Allah upon the unjust


19-Those that obstruct from Allah’s path, and desire it crooked, and they are by the hereafter disbelievers


20-Those will not be refraining (Causing failure) in the earth and was not for them that is beneath Allah any protector (Still under Allah’s control) will be doubled to them the torment (Doubled as they misguided themselves and others), they were unable to hear (The ear had no benefit from hearing the guidance), and they were not seeing (Allah’s signs)


21-Those who lost themselves, and strayed from them what they used to slander


22-It is not a crime that they are in  the hereafter they are the greatest losers


23-Indeed, those who believed and did righteousness and humbled to their God, those are the companions of paradise, they are in it eternally


24-The example of the two teams is like the blind and deaf, and the seeing and hearing, do they equate in example, do not you remember? (Do not you take an example from before)


25-And We sent Noah to his folks, indeed I am for you a clear warner


26-That not to worship but Allah, indeed I fear for you the torment of a painful day


27-  So said the full ups (High up, Nobel people, arrogant, proud, eminent, full of themselves) who disbelieved among his folks, “we do not see you but a human like us, and we do not see you followed but by the periphery of, us for a starter of opinion, but rather we do not see for you upon us any merit, but rather we think you are lairs”


28-  Said (Noah) “Oh my folks have you seen if I were upon clear evidence from my God, and brought me mercy from Him, and were blinded from you (Hidden the evidence and mercy), would I commit you to both of them (force you to see both that Clear evidence and Mercy) while you are for them averse. (No compulsion in Religion)


29-  Oh, my folks and I do not ask you for it, funds, indeed my reward is upon Allah, and I am not expelling those who believe, they will meet their God (And will witness on what Noah did), but I see you folks that are ignorant (Of that meeting)


30-  Oh, my folks who would protect me from Allah if I expel them? will you not remember (Do not be oblivious think and remember that)


31-  And I do not say to you that I have Allah’s vaults, nor I have knowledge of the what is absent (Unseen), nor I say I am an angel, nor I say to those that your eyes look down upon, that Allah will not get to them good, Allah is most knowing of what is within themselves, then indeed (if I did that, as only Allah knows) I will be among the unjust


32-  They said “Oh Noah you have argued with us and increased in our arguments, so bring on to us what you promised us if you are among the truthful


33-  Said, rather bring it you Allah if He wills, and you are not able to cripple it (Stop it)


34-  And will not benefit you my advice, if Allah wants to pervert you, He is your God and to Him you will return


35-  Or they say he slandered it (Invented it), say “If I slandered it, then upon me my crime, and I am innocent from wat you are committing”


36-  And was revealed to Noah, that will not believe among your folks except those who have believed (so far), so do not grieve for what they were doing


37-  And make the ship with Our eyes and Our revelations, and do not address Me in those who were unjust, indeed they are shall be drowned


38-  And he makes the ship, and every time his full ups among his folks passed by him, they ridiculed him, said if you ridicule us, then we ridicule form you, the like you ridicule


39-  And you would know who will come to him a disgraceful torment, and land on him a torment of an enduring day


40-  And when came Our command, and overflowed the oven (Sign of start of flood), We said “Carry in it from everything two pairs and your family, except those who has passed upon them the saying (disbelievers), and those who believed”, and did not believe with him but few


41-  And said “Embark in it , in the name of Allah its course and it’s anchorage, indeed my God is Forgiving Merciful


42-  And as it runs with them in waves like mountains, and called Noah his son, and he was  isolated “Oh my son, ride on with us and do not be with the disbelievers


43-  He said “I will refuge to a mountain to protect me from the water, said “ There no protection today from Allah’s command, except on whom He has mercy, and came between them the waves, so he became among the drowned


44-  And was said “ O earth, swallow your water, and O sky take off , and the water subsided, and settled the command, and leveled on the on The Judi (Mountain Judi), and was said “Away with the unjust folks”


45-  And called Noah his God and said “My God, indeed my son is of my family, and indeed your promise is the truth, and You are the most just of Judges


46-  He said “O Noah, indeed, he is not of your family, indeed, he is not a righteous conduct (His act made him unfit to be of Noah’s saved believers family), so do not ask Me of what you have no knowledge of, indeed advise you, lest to be among the ignorant” (Vouching for disbelievers)


47-  Said “ My God, indeed I seek refuge in you, that I ask you that which I have no knowledge of, and if  You not forgive for me and have mercy upon my, I will be among the losers


48-  Said “Oh Noah, land with peace from Us and blessing upon you and upon nations from among those with you, and nations We will grant them enjoyment (tends to forget God and get arrogant), then will touch them (To remind and recourse them) from Us a painful torment (As they deviate from God’s path with time)


49-  That is from among the news of the what is absent (unseen to you Muhammed) We reveal it to you, you had no knowledge of it nor your folks from before that, so be patient, indeed the sequel is for the pious


50-  And to Aad their brother Hud he said” Oh my folks worship Allah there is no for you a Deity but Him, indeed you are not but slanderer


51-  Oh my folks I do not ask you for it any wage, indeed my wage is but upon Who originated me, will you not you reason?


52-  Oh, folks ask forgiveness from your God and repent to Him, He will send the sky upon you meaningfully (Sequential good rain)and increase you in strength to your strength, and do not turn away criminals (Is committing a crime against your selves)


53-  They said “Oh Hud you do not bring to us a clear evidence, and we are not leaving our gods on your saying, and we are not for you believing


54-  We say that only had inflicted some of our deities upon you harm, he said I call Allah to witness, and you witness that I am innocent of what you associate (of Idols)


55-  That is beneath Him, so plot all against me and do not wait


56-  Indeed, I relied upon Allah my God and your God, there no any pounding (creature, beast) but He is tacking it by its forelock, indeed my God is on a straight path (Has absolute justice)


57-  So, if you turn away (disobeyed and took matters in their own hands), “so I had conveyed to you what I have been sent with to you, and will give succussion my God to folks instead of you and you will not harm Him anything, indeed My God over everything, Guardian”


58-  And when Our command came, We saved Hud and those who believed with him by a mercy from Us, and We saved them from a harsh torment


59-  And that were Aad, they denied (Strong clear evidence) the signs of their God, and disobeyed  his messengers (As Hud was relaying same message like all the messengers before him) and followed the order of every stubborn tyrant


60-  And they followed in this lower life a curse and on the day of resurrection, surely indeed Aad disbelieved their God, surely away from Aad the folks of Hud (Aad of the time of Hud, not the Aad way before him)


61-  And to Thamud their brother Salih said “ O My folk worship Allah, there no for you a Deity but Him, He established you for from earth and reconstructed you in it (Asked you to construct and improve in the land),s o ask Him for forgiveness and repent to Him, indeed My God is near and responsive


62-  They said “O Salih you were among us a hopeful (person of high value and expectations) before that, do you forbid us from worshipping what our fathers worship, and indeed we are in doubt of what you call for, which is dubious


63-  He said “Oh my folks have you seen if I were upon clear evidence from my God, and brought me mercy from Him, so who would protect me from Allah if I disobeyed Him? So, you would not increase me but loss (More stray if I disobey)


64-  Oh, my folks this the she-camel of Allah for you as a sign, to leave her eat in Allah’s land and do not touch her with harm, lest He takes you with near torment


65-  So, they slaughtered her, so He said “Enjoy in your homes for three days” that is a promise not to be denied


66-  So, when came Our command, We saved Salih and those who believed with him by a mercy from Us and from the disgrace of that day, indeed your (Muhammed) God is Powerful Mighty


67-  And took those who were unjust the shriek, so they became in their homes prostrating corps


68-  As if they never prospered in it, surely, indeed Thamud disbelieved their God, surely, indeed away with Thamud (They deserve what happened to them)


69-  And, had certainly brought Our messengers (Angels) to Abraham with the good tiding, they said “Peace”, and he did not delay in bringing them a roasted crispy calve


70-  But when he saw their hands were not reaching for it, he disowned them (became Suspiciously strange), and conceived from them fear, they said “Do not be afraid, we have been sent to the folks of Lot”


71-  And his wife standing, so she laughed, so We gave her good tiding of Isaac, and from after Isacc, Jacob


72-  She said “Woe unto me, so I give birth, and I am an old woman, and this my hubby is old? Indeed, this is a strange thing


73-   They said “Are you amazed from the command of Allah (There is no wonder in what Allah commands), Mercy of Allah and His blessing upon you people of the house (Allah’s Mercy and blessing had always been extended to the House of Prophethoods), indeed He is Praiseworthy  Glorious


74-  And when the fright departed from Abraham and came to him the good tidings, he began to argue with Us concerning the folks of Lot


75-  Indeed, Abraham is forbearing groaning (Tender in the heart) returning (Revisit, reflect, and can return to the truth)


76-  “O Abraham side away from that, indeed had come your God’s command, and indeed is coming to them a torment, that is not repelled”


77-  And when came Our messengers to Lot, he was distressed by them and hand strait (At loss what to do) and said “That is a nervy day”


78-  And came his folks hastening, and from before that they were doing dad deeds, He said “Oh my folks, those are my daughters they are purer for you (In marriage), so be pious to Allah and do not disgrace me concerning my guests , are not there among you a man of reason (Straight in mind and action)


79-  They said “ You have known that we have in your daughters no concern, and you indeed know what we want


80-   He said “If only I had by you any power or I can take refuge in a strong corner (For protection)


81-  They said “ Oh Lot we are your God’s messengers, they will not reach you, so set out with your folks (family, and believers) in part of the night (After midnight) and let go of what is behind you, except your women (His wife could not let go of her old habit and life),indeed will strike her what struck them, indeed their time is in the morning, is not the morning near?


82-  And when came Our command, We made its highest the lowest, and We rained upon it stones of dried mud in a sequence system


83-  Market at your God (On target for disbelievers), and it is from the disbelievers not far (Allah’s punishment is available at any time to inflict on the disbelievers)


84-  And to Madyan, their brother Shuaib, he said “ Oh folks, worship Allah you have no deity but Him, and do not decrease the measure and scale, indeed I see you in prosperity, and indeed I fear for you a torment of an all-encompassing day


85-  Oh people give full measure and weight in justice and do not deprive the people of their belongings, and do not commit corruption in the land


86-  The (righteous) remains from Allah to you, is best for you, if you were believers, and I am not upon you a guardian


87-  They said “Oh Shuiab. Dose your prayer commands you, that we should leave what our parents worship or do in our wealth want we want? indeed you are the forbearing right minded


88-  He said” Oh folks, have you seen if I were upon a clear method from my God and He provided me with good provision, and I do not want to oppose you in that what  I forbade you (He dose not forbid them so he can do it and take advantage for himself), indeed I want to reform as much as I am able, my success is not but by Allah, upon Him I rely to Him I return


89-  And Oh, folks and let not your discord to me, to cause you to a commit a crime, that will strike you the like what had struck the folks of Noah, or the folks of Hud, or the folks of Saleh, and indeed the folks of Lot from you is not that far


90-  And ask forgiveness from your God, then repent to Him, indeed my God is Merciful and Amiable


91-  They said” Oh Shuiab, we do not comprehend much of what you say, and we see you among us weak, and if not for your group (small family), we would have stoned you, and you are not upon us of might”


92-  He said “ Oh my group is dearest to you than Allah, and you have taken Him behind you backs (Neglected Allah), indeed my God is with what you do is all-encompassing


93-  Oh my folks, work according to your position, indeed I am working, and you will know who will come to them a torment that will disgrace him, and who is the liar, and watch I am with you a watcher


94-  And when Our command came, We saved Shuaib and those who believed with him with a mercy from Us, and took those who were unjust the shout, so they became in their habitation prostrating (Corpses)


95-  As if they never prospered in it,  so then away with Madyan, the like was away with Thamud


96-  And We sent Moses with Our clear signs and clear authority


97-  To Pharoah and his Full ups (Nobels), so they followed Pharoah, and the command of Pharoah was not right-guiding


98-  He will precede his folks on the day of resurrection, and lead them in the fire, what a misery of a led to destination


99-  And they were followed in this a curse (Cursed throughout history) and also the day of resurrection, and wretched is a replenished cover (Ongoing fate)


100-    This is from the news of the villages, We narrate to you of them, some of is still standing and being harvested (standing Historical monuments)


101-    And We did not unjust them, but they unjust themselves, so it did not avail them their deities that they call upon that are beneath Allah, anything, when came the command of your God, and did not increase them but ruin


102-    And like this is the seizure  of your God, as He seized the villages while it is unjust, indeed His seizure is painful and severe


103-    Indeed, in that are signs for those who fears the torment of the Hereafter, that is a day for which people will be added, and that is a witnessed (All displayed for witnessing by All)


104-    And We do not delay it, but for a counted term


105-    They day it comes, no self will speak except by His permission, so among them will be wretched and happy


106-    As for those who were wretched, will be in the fire, for them in it exhaling and inhaling


107-    Abiding in it eternally, as endured the heavens and earth, except what your God wills, indeed your God is doer of what he wills


108-    As for those who became happy, so in paradise abiding in it eternally, as endured the heavens and the earth, except what your God wills, an uncut giving


109-    So do not be in an argument of what those worship, they do not worship except what their parents worshipped from before, and I will fulfill their shares undiminished


110-    And We had brought to Moses the book (Torah), but it differed in them (Moses and The Torah), and if it was not for a word that preceded from your God (Postponing God’s Reckoning till day of Resurrection), it would have been judged between them, and indeed they are in dubious doubt in it (Resurrection and Judgement)


111-    And indeed, each of them your God will fulfill their deeds, indeed He is with what they do aware


112-    So straighten up as you were commanded and those whom had repented with you, and do not transgress, indeed He is of what you do, seeing


113-    And do not incline to those who wronged, lest the fire touches you, and would not have other than Allah any guardians, then you would not be victorious


114-    And establish prayer at the tow tips of the day and at approaching of the night, indeed the good deeds do away with the misdeeds, that is a reminder for the mindful


115-    And be patient, indeed Allah does not lose the wage of the good-doers


116-    If not were from among the generations from before you those who were left forbidding away corruption in the land, except few of them of which We saved (who believed and followed Allah’s path), but followed those who wronged what they indulged in and they were criminals (severing and helping others away from God’s path)


117-    And was not for your God to perish a village unjustly, while their people are reforming


118-    And had willed your God, He would have made the people one nation (community), yet still they would differ (Disagree, varied in capabilities, interest and ways)


119-    Except those that your God had Mercy upon, and for that He created them (In diversity, to bestow His Mercy upon them when they conflict, disobey and repent), and was fulfilled your God’s word “That indeed I will fill Gahanna (Hell) from the Jinn and the people altogether”


120-    And each We relate upon you from the news of the messengers what We firm with it your heart, and came to you in that (Quran)the truth and exhortation and a reminder for the believers


121-    And say to those who do not believe “Do according to your position (Ability, space, stature), Indeed, We are working”


122-    And wait, indeed we are waiting


123-    And to Allah the absentia of the heavens and the earth, and Him returns all matters, so worship Him and rely upon Him, and your God is not oblivious on what you are doing    


The Holy Quran can only be read in its original Arabic language. No translation or interpretation of the Holy Quran can be used as a replacement for the Arabic Holy Quran. I am not a scholar nor do I have any Islamic diplomas. I have tried to provide a Quran translation and contemplations that are faithful to the Quranic Arabic language, based on my readings of selected scholars’ interpretations and my understanding of The Holy Quran as a Muslim, native Arabic speaker.

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