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☪️ Quran: Chapter 13 - The Thunder سوره الرعد

Writer's picture: Mohamed ElgayarMohamed Elgayar

Updated: Aug 24, 2024

Revelation place: Medina

Revelation order: 96

Number of verses: 43



The main theme in this chapter is that the message of Allah is the truth and the basic components of the Message are God is One, Prophethood and Resurrection. 


I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the condemned.

With the name of Allah, the gracious the merciful.


1- Alif, Lam, Raa.

(See Chapter 2-1)

These are the verses of the book,

 and what came to you from your God is the truth,

 but most people do not believe


2- Allah is who lifted the heavens without pillars that you can see them,

then leveled (Himself) on the throne and subjugated the sun and the moon each running to a named term, He arrangers the matter,

details the signs that you with the meeting of your God become faithfully certain


3- And it is He who spread the earth and placed in it anchors and rivers,

 and from every fruitful made in it two pairs,

membranes the night over the morning (causes the night to cover the morning),

 indeed, in these are signs for people who give thought


4- And in the earth are adjacent tracts, and gardens of grapes and plants and palm trees twins and none twins all watered with one water, and we favorer some of them over some to eat, indeed in that are signs for folks who reason


5) And if you (Muhammed) wonder (about their change of heart about you, that they say you are lying), then it’s astonishing (After all these signs for resurrection) their saying “ That if we were to become dust, then we will be into new creation”

those are the ones who disbelieved in their God,

and those have shackles on their necks, and those are the companions of fire, they are in it eternally


6- And they hasten you for the bad (Torment as proof) before the good (guidance),

while has already occurred from before them the likes (analogies),

and indeed, your God is of forgiveness for the people on their transgression, (Will not hasten the torment in hope of repentance)

and indeed, your God is severe in retribution


7- And says those who disbelieved “If only a sign comes down upon him (a physical miracle) from his God?”,

You (Muhammed) are but a warner (Quran is your Miracle),

and for every folk is a guide (With miracles that suit their time, e.g Moses and magic)


8) Allah knows what carries every female and what loses the womb or increases (in time or creation),

and everything by Him is with measurement (Exact, quantitative, qualitative, capacity, time etc.…)


9- Knower of the absent (Unseen of the past and future) and the witnessed (now), The Grand The Exalted


10) It is the same from you (makes no dereference to God), whether who (Human) conceal a speech or loud it, and who is hidden by the night (Plan something in the dark) and who swarm by the day


11- For him (Human) followers between his hands and behind him (Assigned angels who take turn to guard and protect him from things that he cannot avoid, also watch and record his deeds) to protect him by Allah’s command,

Indeed, Allah does not change what within the folks until they change what is in themselves (Their inner motivating senses) , and if Allah wanted for folks ill, there is no repel for Him, and there none for them that is lower than Him, any patron


12- It is He who shows you the lightning as fear and longing (Warning, bless or rain), and establish the heavy clouds


13- And exalts the thunder with His praise (glorify and exalts Allah) and the angels from fear of Him (Fear of glory and majesty),

and send the thunderbolts that strikes with it whom He wills,

while they dispute about Allah (useless waste of time),

and Allah is mighty in plans (cannot be disputed or over taken)


14- From Him (Allah) comes the true calling (Calling To believe in one God),

and those who supplicate to those that are beneath Him,

they (Other than Allah e.g. idols) do not respond to them with anything,

except as the one who stretches his hand towards water (calling it) to reach his mouth,

and He is not reaching it,

and the calling of the disbelievers is not but in stray


15- And to Allah prostrate (Ultimate submission and humility) those in the heavens and the earth,

willingly and by compulsion (All subjected to God’s commands, even rebellious humans with freewill are subjected but with choices), so do their shadows in the mornings and evenings


16- Say (Muhammed) “Who is the God of the heavens and the earth” Say (Muhammed) “Allah”, say “Then have you taken from among those lower than Him allies, who do not possess to themselves benefit nor harm?, do the blind equate to the seeing? Or does the darkness equate the light? or have they made to Allah partners who created like His creation, that this creation looked alike to them (They got confused between Allah’s creation and what they claim about their partners creation, looked alike),

Say “Allah is the creator of everything, and He is the One The Almighty


17- He sent down from the sky water, so it streamed (E.g. From the Mountains) to the valleys according to its capacity (So it did not flood and destroy the surroundings),

so bearded the flowing torrent risings foams (the impure filtered by the rain, e.g. for the villagers),

and from which they heat upon fire desiring ornaments or goods , is foams like it (Metal filtrations or Gold purifications when heated, e.g. for the City dwellers),

like this Allah strikes the truth and the falsehood, as for the foam (Impurities) it goes stale (washed off), and as for what benefits the people it stays in the earth, like this Allah strikes likeness


18- For those who have responded to their God in what is better, and those who did not respond to Him, if it was for them what in the earth in its entirety and the like of it with it they would have ransomed

with it (Themselves), for those are the worst of accounting, and their refuge will be Gahanna (Hell) and a miserable cradle


19- Is he who knows that what was send from your God is the truth, the like of who is blind,

Indeed, but only remembers those whom are of kernels (Functioning Understanding)


20- Those whom they fulfil Allah’s covenant (Of faith), and does not demolish the pact


21- And those who join that which Allah had ordered to be joined, and fear their God (Fear of reverence and glorification) and they fear (beware) the ill of the accounting (Outcome of judgment day)



22- And those who were patient seeking the countenance of their God, and established prayers and spend from what We have provided them, secretly and publicly, and push (hard) with the good the evil , these for them the consequence of the abode


23- Gardens of Edan they enter it, and those who were righteous from among their fathers and their pairs (spouses) and their descendants, and the angels enter upon them from every door


24- Peace upon you for what you have been patient at,

and blessing is that the consequence abode


25- And those who demolish Allah’s covenant from after its pact,

and sever what had Allah commanded to be joined,

and corrupt in the land,

for them is the curse and for them the worst abode


26- Allah extends provision for whom He wills,

 and restrict it,

and they rejoiced with this lower life,

and this lower life is not in the hereafter,

but luggage (To carry in your deeds to the final destination, hereafter)


27- And say those who disbelieved” If only came down upon him (Muhammed) a sign (miracle) from his God” say” Indeed Allah stary whom He wills

and guides to Him, whoever goes back (To Him)


28- Those who have believed and whose hearts are reassured by the remembrance of Allah,

unquestionably indeed, in the remembrance of Allah,

 hearts are reassured


29- Those who have believed and did righteousness,

goodness for them

and return (Back to Allah)


30- Like this We sent you in a community, that had passed from before it other communities,

so you can recite upon them what We have revealed to you, while they disbelieve in the Merciful (while they are living in and by His Mercy),

Say “He is my God, no deity except Him, upon Him I rely, and to Him is my return”


31- And if it was a Quran that by which mountains were moved,

or severed with it the earth ,

or spoke with it to the dead (They still would not have believed),

but indeed, to Allah the entire command (up to Him)

Have not despaired (Known) those who had believed,

that if Allah had willed,

He would have guided the people altogether,

and would have still struck those who disbelieved a strike (loud calamity that knocks the life of the person) with what they have done,

or descended near to their home,

until come Allah’s promise, (Day of Judgement)

Indeed, Allah does not pass on His appointment



32- And certainly, had been mocked messengers from before you,

So, I gave time (another chance, postponed) for those who disbelieved,

Then I seized them,

So how as My follow up? (punishment)


33- Is who is a standup (Allah who watch maintain, guard, manage, nothing hide from Him) on every spirit on which it earned?

Then they made to Allah partners,

Say “give them names  (These partners can even name themselves),

Or do you inform Him (Do you likewise inform Allah) of what He does not know in the earth,

 it is just the apparent sayings (These partners has no capabilities, just appearance),

Rather was ornamented to those who disbelieved their deceit,

and they were averted from the path,

and whoever Allah leaves astray

there will be no from him no guide (in this world to meet his fate)


34- For them torment in this lower life,

and indeed, the torment of the hereafter is more severe,

and there will be for them no protector from Allah


35- The likeness of paradise that was promised to the pious,

Runs beneath it rivers,

Its feed is everlasting and its shade,

That is the consequence of those who were pious,

And the consequence of the disbelievers is the fire


36- And those whom We brought to the Scripture (Torah, Gospel),

rejoices at what was brought down to you (The Quran, which fulfilled the prophecies about Muhammad (PBUH) found in their books, and refuting the distortions aimed at gaining temporal authority. These distortions included claims of holiness, the trade in indulgences, the sale of Paradise, the receipt of confessions, and other practices not revealed in any divine scripture.)

And among the factions are who denies some of it, (To defend their authority in trading in religion)

Say” I have indeed, was commanded to worship Allah, and do not associate with Him,

To Him I call

And to Him is my return”


37- For that We sent it an Arabic legislation (Quran linguistic miracle that you and your people cannot deny, and that is quantitatively, scientifically and methodologically, easy for them to understand),

 then if (After that clear Miracle) you followed their whims  (The Denying factions of the Books), from after that came to you of knowledge, 

there would be no for you from Allah an ally or a protector


38- And We have sent messengers from before you , and We assigned for them pairs (spouses) and


And it was not for a messenger to bring any sign (Miracle) except with the permission of Allah,

And for every term period there is a book.


39- Wipes Allah what He wills (Period time limited commands in prior to the Quran scriptures, or gradual commands e.g. stages of forbidding Alcohol in Quran)

and affixes (Wipe of a previous rule and follow with firmed final one)

and with Him the mother of the Book


40- And whether We show you what We promise them (Disbelievers), or We take you (In death),

It is upon you (your duty) to report (Deliver the Message)

And upon Us to accounting  (Judgment day)


41- Have they not seen that We bring the land, reducing it from its boarders,

And to Allah commands, there is no follower (Saying, Overturning) to His command, and He is swift in account


42- And had plotted those from before them,

But to Allah is all the plotting’s,

He knows what earns each spirit

And will know the disbeliever for who the following home (In the hereafter)


43- And says those who has disbelieved “You are not sent (As a messenger)

Say “sufficient for me Allah a witness between me and you” and whoever has the knowledge of The book (scripture)


The Holy Quran, in its essence, is a divine revelation that can only be fully appreciated in its original Arabic language. Any translation or interpretation, including the one presented here, is not and cannot be a replacement for the Arabic Holy Quran. I intended to offer an English rendering that remains faithful to the original Arabic. I am neither a scholar nor do I possess any formal Islamic qualifications. My approach to this translation is empirical, drawing upon my readings of selected scholarly interpretations, personal experiences, and understanding of the Holy Quran as a Muslim native Arabic speaker. 

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