Revelation place: Mecca
Revelation order: 72
Number of verses: 52
This chapter was revealed during the last period of the Prophet Muhammad’s residence in Mecca when the persecution of Muslims was at its worst. It also serves as both an admonition and a warning to disbelievers who rejected Allah’s message and tried to thwart the mission of the Prophet Muhammad.
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the condemned.
With the name of Allah, the gracious the merciful.
1- Alif, Lam, Raa (See Chapter 2-1), a scripture We sent down to you that you can get out mankind from darkness to light, with the permission of their God, to the path of the Mighty and Praiseworthy
2- Allah, who to Him what in the heavens and what in the earth, and woe to the disbelievers from an intense torment
3- Those whom are loving of the lowery life over the hereafter, and repels from the path of Allah, and desire it crooked , those are in a far stray (From Allah’s guidance)
4- And We did not send a messenger except with the tongue (accent, pronunciations, sounds) of his folks, to clarify to them (Allah’s path), so stray Allah whom He wills, and guides whom He wills (Guidance is up to Allah beyond e.g. languages), and He is the Mighty The Wise
5- And We sent Moses with Our signs, to indeed bring your folks from darkness to light, and remind them of Allah’s days (The days related to the events that happened to the peoples who came before them, such as the people of Noah, Aad, and Thamud), indeed in that are signs for every steadfast patient grateful
6- And as said Moses to his folks “Mention the blessing of Allah upon you, as He saved you from the people of Pharoah afflicting upon you the worst torments, by slaughtering your sons and let live your women (In shame), and in that (Intervention to save you and destroy Pharoah’s people, as you requested) is a great trail from your God
7- And if permits (For sure) your God, that if you thank, I will increase you (In blessings), and if you disbelieve, indeed My punishment is severe
8- And said Moses “ If you should disbelieve you and those on the earth entirely, indeed Allah is praiseworthy of no need”
9- Have not came to you the news of those from before you, the folks of Noah and Aad and Thamud , and those from after them, no one knows them but Allah, came to them their messengers with the clear signs, so they (disbelievers) drove back their hands in their mouth (to conceal their the truth) and said “Indeed we disbelieve in that you were sent with, and indeed we are in doubt in what you are calling us for, in a dubious way”
10- Said their messengers ”Is there doubt in Allah, creator of the heavens and the earth? He calls you so to forgive you of among your sins (forgiveness of major sins: minor sins are only forgiven by performing obligatory duties and acts of worship) , and delays (give time to repent)for you to a named term (Resurrection day), they said “You are but humans like us, that wants to repels form worshiping what our fathers were worshipping, so bring to us a clear authority”
11- Said to them their messengers “we are but humans like you, but Allah bestows His favors upon whom He wills of his servants, and it was not for us to bring you any authority, except with the permission of Allah, and upon Allah should rely the believers
12- And way should we not rely upon Allah as He had guide us our ways, and indeed we will withstand that what harm you had caused us, and upon Allah should rely those who relies
13- And said those who disbelieved to their messengers” We will expel you from our land, or you return into our accustomed way”, so inspired to them their God that We will surely perish the wrongdoers
14- And We will surely inhabit you (In serenity) the land from after them, and that for whom fears my standing (presence) and feared my promise (threat)
15- And they got opened up (Into easement, victorious) and became disappointed every stubborn tyrant
16- From behind him (to follow) Gahanna, and shall be drinking (forcefully) from pus water
17- He takes it in doses, and can hardly swallow it, and come to him death from every place, and he does not die, and from behind him (to follow) stodgy torment
18- The similitude of those who disbelieved in their God, is their works (deeds, actions) is like ashes which forceful winds blew in it in a stormy day, they are unable on what they have earned a thing (will not receive any rewards for what they earned in this life), and that is the far stray
19- Have not you seen that Allah had created the heavens and the earth with truth? And if he wills, He can do away with you and brings a new creation
20- And that is not upon Allah, a forbidden (difficult to attain, or do with ease and no remorse)
21- And they germinated (Got Resurrected, stood up ) to Allah all of them, and said the weak to those who acted haughtily (in arrogance on them themselves, and others) “Indeed, we were for you followers, so can you avail us from Allah’s punishment anything” they said “If Allah had guide us, we would have guided you, it is equal for us whether we got terrified or are patient (On the outcome of Judgment), we have no refuge (Too late now)
22- And said Satan with the matter was judged (All go to their destination, paradise or Hell) “Indeed Allah had promised you the promise of truth, and I promised you and differed, and I had no authority upon you, except I invited you and you responded to me, so do not blame me and blame yourselves, I can not to your screaming (Com to the aid your screaming for help) nor can you come to my screaming, I had disbelieved (from before) in what you had associated me with (ascribed me to Allah) from before” indeed the wrong-doers (To themselves and others) for them painful torment
23- And was admitted those who believed and did the repairing’s (Towards the good deeds) gardens beneath which rivers flow, eternally in it by the permission of their God, their greeting in it is peace
24- Have not you seen how Allah had strike (affirmed) an example, a good (peaceful, settling to yourself and others) word is like a good tree, whose its origin is fixed (sturdy in the earth) and its branches in the sky (Clear above open air and source)
25- It gets is produce (edible or functional to help life)every moment (designated moment) with its God’s permission, and Allah strikes the examples for the people that hopefully they will remember (reflect, be mindful)
26- And the example of a bad (malignant, sneaky) word,
the like of a bad tree that has been eradicated (uprooted) from above the land, for it there is no stability (standing)
27- Affirms Allah those who have believed with their firm sayings in this lower life (wordily life) and in the hereafter,
and stray Allah the wrong doers (To themselves and others), and Allah dose what He wills
28- Have not you seen those who replaced Allah’s blessing with disbelieve, and allowed (replaced) to their people a non-fertile home
29- Gahanna, they reach it (Suffer its heat), and wretched pit hole (Settlement, decision, choice)
30- And they made to Allah peers to mislead from His way, say “ Enjoy, indeed your destiny to the fire”
31- Say to my worshipers, those who believed to establish prayer and spend from what We provided them, in secret and in public, before a day come in which there will be no trading (exchange, bargaining, conflict, opposition) nor permeates (Friendship, concession of wrongdoing, loss of good deeds, nonsense, crap)
32- Allah who created the heavens and the earth and sent down from the sky water, thereby brought out with it from plough (Fruits, vegetables, provisions, etc.) as livelihood for you, and subjected for you the ships to run in the sea with His command and subjected for you the rivers
33- And subjected for you the sun and the moon monotonously, and subjected for you the night and day
34- And brought you from all you have asked (As needed wether you asked or not, withholding from Allah is also giving) and if you enumerate the blessing of Allah, you cannot count it (Ability to absorb it, its compounded, countless), indeed the human is unjust (To himself and others) ungrateful (Disbelieving)
35- And as said Abraham “God make this country secure, and side me away (spare me) and my sons (children In faith) from worshiping idols
36- My God Indeed they (Idols) had led astray many among the people, so whoever follows me so he is from me, and who disobeys me, then You are Forgiving Merciful
37- Our God I have settled from among my offspring in a valley with no vegetation (hopeless to plant in it) by your scared house, our God so they stablish prayer, so make hearts from among the people to incline to them, and provide them from among the rewards (Sustenance, returns) that hopefully they might be thankful
38- Our God you know what we declare and what we conceal, and nothing is hidden from Allah from among the earth or the heaven
39- Praise to Allah who granted me in old age Ishmael and Isaac, indeed my God is The Hearer of supplications
40- My God make me an establisher of prayer and from among my offsprings, and Our God accept supplications
41- My God forgive for me and my parents and the believers on the day the account is established
42- And never count that Allah is oblivious of what the wrongdoers do, rather indeed He is postponing them for a day the sights do not turn in it (stare in horror)
43- Racing stretched forward (Neck) with raised up heads (from astonishment), dose not bounce back to them their eye lids (stare, cannot blink) and their hearts are falling
44- And, (Oh Muhammed) warn the people of the day that comes to them the torment, so will say those who were unjust “Our God delay us for a near term, so we can respond to Your callings and follow the messengers”
Have not you sworn from before that there will be for you no demise
45- And inhabited in the dwellings of those who were unjust to themselves, and was made clear to you what We have done to them, and We had stroke for you the examples
46- And they have plotted their plot, and with Allah is their plot, thought their plot was such that would cause the demise of the mountains
47- So never count that Allah will leave behind His promise to His messengers, indeed Allah is Mighty and of retribution
48- The day the earth is replaced with other earth and the heavens, and they jutted out before Allah, The One The Almighty
49- And you will see the criminals that day bridled in shackles
50- Their shirts of tar, and cover their faces the fire
51- To recompense Allah every spirit what it earned, indeed Allah is swift in account
52- This (Quran) is a notification to the people, that they would be warned with it, and they should know indeed, that He is but One Deity, and would remember those of kernels (Minds, understanding, and essence)
The Holy Quran, in its essence, is a divine revelation that can only be fully appreciated in its original Arabic language. Any translation or interpretation, including the one presented here, is not and cannot be a replacement for the Arabic Holy Quran. I intended to offer an English rendering that remains faithful to the original Arabic. I am neither a scholar nor do I possess any formal Islamic qualifications. My approach to this translation is empirical, drawing upon my readings of selected scholarly interpretations, personal experiences, and understanding of the Holy Quran as a Muslim native Arabic speaker.