Revelation place: Mecca
Revelation order: 69
Number of verses: 110
This chapter was revealed during the final period of the Prophet Muhammad’s time in Mecca, just before the Muslims migrated to Abyssinia (Habasha)
This Chapter was sent down in answer to questions posed by the disbelievers of Makkah in consultation with the Jews in order to test the Prophet about stories involved the history of the Jews, and were unknown in Arabia.
The Story of The Companions of the Cave: A group of young believers who fled persecution for their faith and sought refuge in a cave
The Story of Prophet Moses and Khidr: The importance of patience and understanding the deeper wisdom behind God’s plans
The Story of Dhul-Qarnayn (Gog and Magog): A powerful ruler who traveled across the land, helping people and solving their problems
This chapter was revealed to comfort and encourage the oppressed Muslims in Mecca, reminding them of the trials endured by the righteous before them and how steadfastness in faith ultimately leads to divine help and success.
The Parable of the Two Men: Wealth, the dangers of arrogance, and the importance of humility and reliance on God.
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the condemned.
With the name of Allah, the gracious the merciful.
1- Praise to Allah who sent down upon His worshiper the book (Quran) and did not make unto it crookedness
2- Straight, to warn severe misery from Him (Allah), and give good tidings to believers who do righteous deeds, that indeed for them good wages
3- Abiding in it forever
4- And warn those who said “Allah has taken a son”
5- There is no for them of it (Word, “Allah has taken a son”) knowledge, nor for their fathers, a mighty word that came out of their mouth, indeed they speak not, but a lie
6- It maybe, you (Muhammed) are wasting yourself on their traces (footsteps as they walk away following their distorted historical believes), if they indeed do not believe in this disclosure (Quran), out of sorrow
7- Indeed, We made that which on the earth an ornament for it, to try them which of them is best in work
8- And indeed, will make that which upon it dusty barren
9- Or have you considered that the companions of the cave and numbering (inscriptions on their cave), were among Our signs a wonder (Our only miracle worth contemplation)
10- When sheltered (retreated) the youth to the cave and said “Our God bring us from Yourself mercy and facilitate for us from our affairs right guidance”
11- So, we smote (firmly covered) over their ears in the cave for numbered years
12- Then We raised them, so We can show which of the two parties counted the period they lasted (The parties who differed in determining the duration of their sleep.)
13- We narrate upon you their news in truth, they are you who believed in their God and We increased them in guidance
14- And We fastened on their hearts (To keep unshakable within it the faith and belief in God) as they stood up (in rebellions) and said” Our God is God of the heavens and the earth, we will not invoke of those lower than Him any deity, then we would have spoken then a transgression”
15- These are our folks, who have taken that who is lower than Him as deities, is they only can bring upon them a clear authority, so who is most unjust than among who slander (forge) about Allah lies?
16- So, as they renounced them and what they worship, except Allah, so they sheltered to the cave, so will spread your God to you from His mercy, and establish for you from your affairs facilities (essential of life)
17- And you see the sun if it rises it visits away from their cave on the right, and when it sets it lends them (Some light and not enter the cave) from the left, and they are in a gap, that is of Allah’s signs (miracles), whoever guide to Allah then he is the guided and whoever strays you will not find for him a guardian guide (Everyone has his own choice to seek Allah’s guidance or not)
18- And you would think they are awake while they are asleep, and We turn them to the right and to the left and their dog stretching his forelegs at the entrance, if you looked at them you would have turned away from them in flight, and would have been filled from them with horror
19- And like this We resurrected (awakened) them, so they maybe ask between themselves, so said a sayer from among them “How long did you remained ?” they said we remained a day or part of a day” they said your God is most knowing of how long you remained, so send one of you with this paper (Sliver of silver) to the city so he can look (surreptitiously) for which is best of food and bring you a provision of it, and be attemper and let no one be aware of you
20- For indeed if they appear on you, they will stone you or return you into their way, and you will never succeed then ever
21- And like this We caused them to be found, so they (The companion of the Cave and the people who found them) can know that Allah’s promise is truth and that the hour (Resurrection) no doubt in it, as they disputed among themselves about their affairs, so they said “Build upon them a structure (To be an example for people of faith)” their God is most knowing about them, and said those who prevailed in this matter “We will sure take over them a place for prostration (Mosque)
22- They will say three and the fourth is their dog, and they say five and their sixth is their dog, throwing with the un-present (Guessing)and they say seven and their eights is their dog, say my God is the most knowing of their count, none know it except a few, so do not argue about them except with obvious arguments, and do not consult about them from among them (people of the scriptures) anyone
23- And do not say to anything “I am indeed doing that tomorrow” (The prophet answering their inquiries about the companion of the caves)
24- Except that indeed Allah wills (God Willing), and mention your God if you forget, and say “Maybe that my God will guide me to be near to that what is on what is right” (So do not start anything without saying “God willing” to have your intention and actions be guided by Him in the right)
25- And they remained in their cave for three hundred years and were added nine
26- Say ”Allah is the most knowing of how long they remained, for Him belongs the unpresented (Unknown in knowledge and to the eye) of the heaven and earth, see with Him and hear (How keen His sight is, and how keen his hearing is) they have not of who is lower than Him any guardian and He does not share in His ruling anyone
27- And recite what has been revealed to you from your God’s book, there is no changer for His words (As He is one God with no partners to override), and you will not find from among those lower than Him a refuge
28- And keep yourself patient with those who call upon their God in the morning and the evening seeking His face (People who are mainly dedicated to worship), and do not let your eye run away by them (Over pass, overlook them), wanting the adornment of this lowery life (People who are mainly dedicated to this life), and do not obey who We made His heart headless about Our remembrance and followed his desire and was his affairs an excess (Vain, Loss, lost his self)
29- And say what is just from your God“ Whomever wills, so believe, and whomever wills, so disbelieve” indeed We have prepared for the wrongdoers fire its canopy surrounded them, and if they cry for help, they are helped with water like murky oil which roast the faces, wretched is the drink, and a terrible resting place
30- As for those who believed and did righteous, indeed We do not lose the wages of who did well deeds
31- For those are gardens of permanent residence, runs beneath rivers, they will be adorned with braces of gold, and will wear green garments of fine silk and heavy brocade, reclining in it on coaches, best is the reward, and affair resting place
32- And strike for them a similitude of two men, We made for one of them two gardens of grapevines and boarded them with palm trees and placed between them crops
33- Each of the two gardens brought its yields and did not unjust of it anything, and We exploded through them a river
34- And was for him fruitfulness (Treasures and children’s), so he said to his companion while conversing with him “ I am more than you in wealth and mightier in men”
35- And he entered his garden while unjust to himself (With a possessive character), said “I do not think that this will perish ever”
36- And I do not think that the hour will come, and if I were to be returned to my God, I will surely find better than this a turnover (return)
37- Said to him his companion while conversing with him “ Have you disbelieved in He who created you from dust, and then from a sperm drop, then proportioned you into a man?”
38- But as for me, He is Allah and I do not partner with my God anyone
39- And if not as you enter your garden you say “What Allah willed, no power except by Allah”, if thought you see me less than you in wealth and children
40- It maybe my God to bring me better than your gardens, and send upon it a calculation from the sky (Special calculated lightning), so it becomes a leveled dust
41- Or its water becomes sunk (in the ground), so you would not be able to reach it
42- And got a surrounding hold by his fruits (with ruin), so he began turning his hands (stunned and astonished) for what he had spent on it while it is desolate ruin over its trellises , and say “I wish I had not associated with my God anyone”
43- And there was no host to aide him that are lower than Allah, nor he was victorious
44- There (Here you are), is the authority of Allah The Just, He is best in reward and best in outcome
45- And strike to them a similitude of the lowery life, the like of water we brought down from the sky, so mixed with the vegetation of the earth (Produce crops), so it becomes scattered, that sprinkles it the winds, and Allah was over everything able (In charge)
46- Wealth and children are the adornment of the lowery life, but the enduring good (every good thing that makes this world a farm for the everlasting afterlife) is better at your God in reward and hope (prospect to look for)
47- And the day We will walk (remove) the mountains, and you see the earth emerged (No mountains, no seas, no structures, just open space), and We crammed them, and We did not leave from them anyone
48- And they were displayed before your God in rows, “You have returned to Us just as We created you the first time” but rather you claimed, that We would not make for you an appointment
49- And the book (of deeds) was placed, so you see the criminals fear of what in it while saying “Woe to us, what this book does not leave a small of large but counted it, and they found what they did present, and you God does not do injustice to anyone
50- And as We said to the angels prostrate (In respect, and service) to Adam, so they prostrated except Iblees he was of the Jinn, so he debased from the command of His God, so do you (Humans) take him and his offsprings as allies from whom is lower than Me, and they are for you enemies, wretched it is for the unjust and as an exchange
51- I did not witness them the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor their own creation, and I did not take the mis guiders as support
52- And the day when He say “Call my partners whom you claimed” so they call them so they did not respond to them, and We made between them a valley of destruction
53- And saw the criminals the fire, and realized that they are falling in it, and did not find from it an outlet
54- And, We had certainly diversified in this Quran for the people from every example, but humans were the most thing contentious
55- And what has prevented the people to believe, as came to them the guidance and repent to their God, except (until, unless) that comes to them the way of the former people (God immediate wrath In the destruction of those who denied the messengers) for come to them the torment, before them
56- And We do not send the messengers but as bringers of good tidings and warners, and argue those who disbelief with falsehood to (attempt) refute the truth, and has taken My signs (verses) and what they have been warned, in mockery
57- And who is most unjust than the one who was reminded of the signs (verses) of his God then he sided away from it, and forgot what his hands had put forth (in bad deeds), indeed We have put over their hearts coverings lest they understand it (as they have chosen to disbelieve in God’s verses) and in their ears deafness, and if you call them to the guidance, they will not be guided then, ever (as their hearts and hearings have been sealed on disbelieve)