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☪️ Quran Chapter19: Marry – Sura Maryam سورة مريم

Writer's picture: Mohamed ElgayarMohamed Elgayar

Revelation place: Mecca

Revelation order: 44

Number of verses: 98


The condition of the Muslims had become unbearable In Mecca. The Meccan disbelievers persecuted, starved, inflicted physical torture, and coerced the Muslims to give up Islam. In the fifth year of the Prophet's mission, he advised his followers that they may migrate to Al-Habash (Around Ethiopia), for there is an Orthodox Christian King (Negus) who does not allow injustice to anyone.

Allah sent this Surah as a support to the immigrants for their journey to Al-Habash. Eighty-three men and eleven women migrated and forty Muslims were left behind with the Prophet at Mecca.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the condemned.

With the name of Allah the Gracious the Merciful.

1- Kahf, Haa, Yaa, Eiin, Saahd

(These “standalone names-letters”, are at the start of selected chapters, they are not part of a sentence that can guide us to understand their meaning, or compare them to other similar sentences in other chapters to deduct their meanings, nor are these “standalone names-letters” are a continuation to other chapters that can give us insight in their meaning.

When a word is part of a sentence and that word is new or has multiple meanings, it helps to compare that word when it appears again in other sentences or sentences in the Quran, and by comparing them we can understand their meaning. But these “Stand alone names-letters” are not part of any sentence even if repeated they are still “stand-alone”, despite they are letters in the form of words no one could explain their meaning over the centuries since Allah did not guide us to their meanings like other new words in the Quran. My point of view is without Allah’s guidance nothing can be understood, so these letters could be an example of our dependency on Allah's guidance in our life and via his "Straight path" The Quran.

Keep in mind the prophet was illiterate and, the Quran was verbally reviled to him and he relayed it verbally, so Kahf, Haa, Yaa, Eiin , Saahd, were the same way the prophet verbally said the message, And Allah knows best)

2- The mention of your God’s mercy of His worshiper, Zakaria

3- When he called to His God, a calling (pray for) in secretive

4- Said” My God, indeed my bones have weakened from me, and has flared up my head with graying, and I was not with my callings, (praying and request from before) my God in hardship (Always good to me)

5- And I feared the kinsfolk (none pious cousins) from behind me (after my death), and my woman (wife) was barren, so grant me from Yourself a custodian. (A pious son to follow your message and worshipping you)

6- To inherit me (My faith) and inherit from the family of Jacob (Prophethood), and make him my God, pleasing (Satisfactory to you and content)

7- O Zakaria, indeed We give you glad tiding of a child whose name is Yahya (The living, John), We have not made for him, from before such a name (Name, peer, likeness)

8- Said, “How will be for me a child, and my woman in barren, and I have reached among the age of toughness”. (Reached the tough unbeatable age)

9- Said “Like this said your God” It is for Me effortless, and I have created you from before, while you were nothing

10- Said “My God make for me a sign”, Said “ Your sign that you will not speak to the people three nights, intact. (straight, temporary mute condition)

11- So he exited to his folks from the sanctuary (place of worship) and revealed to them to praise morning and night

12- O Yahya take the book (Torah) with strength (Sincerity, with determination), and We brought him the wisdom (Understanding and obedience of the Torah) yet a boy

13- And affection from Ours and purity and he was pious

14- And regardful to his parents, and he was not a disobedient tyrant

15- And peace upon him, the day he was born, and the day he will die and the day he will be resurrected alive

16- And mention in the book (Quran) Maryam (Mary), when she renounced (withdrew) from her family to an eastern place. (East of Jerusalem)

17- And she took from them a cover, so We sent to her our soul (Angel Jabril, Gabriel), so was presented to her, as a same human. (Human form)

18- She said” I seek refuge with The Merciful from you if you are pious”

19- Said “I am but a messenger from your God, to grant you a pure child”

20- She said” How will they be for me a child and no human touched me (Intercourse), and I have not been a seeker (man seeker, harlot, unchaste)

21- Said (Gabriel)” Like this,” said your God, that is for Him is effortless, and We (God) will make him a sign (Miracle) to the people, and a mercy from Us (Mercy to those who believe in God, God’s Miracles, The All Mighty who can do what He wills, e.g.: create, resurrect, save, forgive, punish. etc..), and was a decreed matter.

22- So she conceived him and withdrew with him to the furthest place

23- And came to her the birth pangs, by the trunk of the palm tree, she said “ I had hoped I had died and had become a forgotten trivial”

24- So, called her from below her (Just born Jesus)” Do not be sad (For being alone with no helper during birth), your God had made beneath you a streamlet

25- And shake toward you with the palm tree trunk, will drop on you reaped dates

26- So, eat and drink and curtail your eye (Content with your child), and if you see among the human someone, so say “I have vowed to The Merciful a fast, I will not speak today to a human

27- She came to her folks carrying him, they said “O Maryam, you have brought something aberrant

28- O sister of Aaron (Scolding Maryum, as how come you who resembled prophet Aaron in piety can commit such sin), your father was not a man of wrongdoing, and your mother was not a seeker (man seeker, harlot, unchaste)

29- She pointed to him (infant Jesus), they said “ How can we talk to who is in the cradle, a child”

30- Said (Infant Jesus) “Indeed I am Allah’s worshiper, He brought to me the book (Scripture to reveal in time) and made me a prophet”

31- And made me blessed, wherever I am, and behest me to pray and zakat, as long as I am alive

32- And dutiful to my birth giver, and did not make me an oppressing tyrant

33- And peace upon me, the day I was born, and the day I will die and the day I will be resurrected alive

34- That is Issa (Jesus) son of Maryum, the saying of truth which they falsely argue

35- Was not for Allah to take a son, exalted (Impeccable of no need), when He decrees a matter, He but say to it “Be” and it becomes. (Revealed)

36- And indeed, Allah is my (Muhammed (pbuh)) God and your God, so worship Him, that is a straight path

37- Then the parties differed among themselves (believers of Jesus differed among themselves, some said, He is God, others said the son of God others said Trion God etc..), then Woe for those who disbelieved (In what Jesus said as He is but a prophet worshiper of the one God) from the scene of a great day (Resurrection Day)

38- Now hear them and see (After they face the truth, e.g. they denied the One God, the nature of Jesus, and the corruption of his message)! the day they come to Us (Resurrection Day), but the wrongdoers this day (In this life) are in clear stray

39- And warn them of the day of anguish (Judgment day), when the matter was decreed, and they are oblivious (In this life about that day of judgment and the outcome of the disbelievers) and they do not believe (In the truth)

40- Indeed, We inherit the earth and whoever is on it, and to Us they will return

41- And mention in the book (Quran) Ibrahim (Abraham), Indeed he was a truthful prophet (True believer)

42- As he said to his father (To his uncle “Azer” who is like a father to him, per sura 5-74 (Allah knows best)) “O my father, why do you worship what does not hear or see and do not enrich (free you from dependence, benefit, avail, protect) from you anything

43- O, my father has come to me of the knowledge, that did not come to you, so follow me I guide you a level path. (show you a clear path)

44- O, my father, do not worship Satan (Follow Satan’s path), indeed Stan was to The Merciful disobedient

45- O, my father, I fear that an affliction from the Merciful touches you (If you do not believe, so Satan uses it to lure you ), so you become to Satan a companion (In Hell)

46- Said (His uncle) “Are you desiring away from my God, O Abraham” If you do not desist, I shall stone you, and desert me for long

47- Said “Peace upon you, I will ask forgiveness for you from my God (If you follow my path), indeed He was with me ever generous

48- And will isolate from you and whom you invoke, that is lower than Allah, and invoke my God, hopefully I will not by invoking my God, be in hardship

49- And when he isolated from them and whom they worship that is lower than Allah, We granted to him Isaac and Jacob and each We made a prophet

50- And We granted to them from Our Mercy (Means of living), and We made to them a tongue of high truth. (Trusted honorable reputation)

51- And mention in the book (Quran) Musa (Moses), indeed he was redeemed (Self-purified, righteous, true devote) and was a messenger prophet

52- And We called him from the side of the mountain on his right and brought him near to converse

53- And granted to him from our Mercy, his brother Harun (Aaron) as a prophet

54- And, mention in the book (Quran) Ismael (Ishmael), indeed he was true to his promise (To God’s commands, and His father’s Abraham promises Sura 37-102) and was a messenger prophet

55- And used to command his folks (family) to pray and Zakat (Charity), and was at His God amiable (Pleasing)

56- And mention in the book (Quran) Idris (Grandson of Adam, a prophet before Noah could be Enoch or Enos), indeed he was a trustworthy prophet

57- And We raised him a high place. (In status or to the heavens)

58- Those are whom Allah bestowed boon upon of the prophets, are among the offspring of Adam (Grandson Idris), and among whom We carried with Noah (Idris through Noah) and from the offspring of Abraham (Those who came after Noah, including Abraham's children Isaac and Ishmael and their offspring) and Israel (Jacob), and among whom We guided and chose, when recited upon the verses of The Merciful they drop prostrating and weeping

59- Then succeeded (Procreated, Viceroy) from after them successors who lost prayer and followed the desires, they shall meet a rescind (Void, will meet in the hereafter their fate empty-handed)

60- Except for those who repented and believed and did righteously (Do right and try to fix what wrong he did), then those will shall enter paradise, and will not be wronged anything (Blame free)

61- Everlasting Garden which promised The Merciful his worshipers metaphysically (of the unseen), indeed was His promise to come to. (The promise already exists and will be reached by those who are on Allah’s path)

62- They will not hear in it chatter except peaceful (greetings), and for them their provision in it, morning and evenings (All the time)

63- This is the paradise that We will give as an inheritance to our worshipers who were pious

64- And we (Angels, Gabriel) do not descend except by the order of your (Muhammed (pbuh) ) God, for Him belongs what between our hands and what behind us and what is in between that, and never you God was forgetful. (As the disbelievers claimed when the revelations were delayed that God forget about Muhammed and his message)

65- God of the heavens and the earth and what is in between, so worship Him and be patient in His worship, do you know for Him a name (An equal in name, attributes, ability, etc..)

66- And said the human (Disbeliever in mockery) “If when I am dead, I will be brought out alive“

67- Does not remember the Human, that We created him from before when he was nothing

68- So by your God, We will cram them and the devils (Resurrect and stuff them, and their devils), then We shall bring them around Gahanna(Hell) on their knees

69- Then will pluck from every sect, who of them was the toughest against The Merciful (Merciful God gave chance to repent) in audacity

70- Then surely, We are most knowing, of whose priority in it to burn

71- And none among you (All believers and disbelievers)but shall advent it (approaching Hellfire), was upon your God an inevitable decreed

72- Then We save those who were pious, and commit the wrongdoers in it, kneeling

73- And when Our verses are recited upon them clearly, said those who disbelieved to those who believe “Which of the two teams is better established and best assembly”

74- And how many We perished from before them of a horn (Long lasting nations), they were better furnished and appearance

75- Say” Who was in the stray, will extend to him The Merciful further until they see what they have been promised, either the torment (In this life) or the hour (End of time and judgment), so they will know who was in the worst position and weakest in soldiers

76- And Allah increase those who were guided in guidance, and the well lasting (deeds) better at your God, is of better reward and better destine

77- Have you seen who disbelieved in Our signs and said” I will be brought wealth and children” (Say in arrogance, If there is Resurrection, I will surely get wealth and children)

78- Did he observe the unseen, or has taken from The Merciful a covenant

79- No, will write what he says, and extend to him from the torment further. (Add on top of his disbelieve)

80- And will inherit him what he says, and will come to Us individually. (Alone no wealth or children )

81- And they took among who is lower than Allah for deities, so they (These deities) be for them might

82- No, they (These deities) will deny their (Disbelievers) worship, and be upon them as contras

83- Have not you seen that, We sent (Allowed) the devils upon the disbelievers, to sizzle them with fizz. (Incite them to evil)

84- So do not hasten for them, We but count for them (Their actions) ongoing

85- The day We gather the pious to The Merciful, in delegations

86- And drive the criminals to Gahanna, herding

87- They do not own intercession, except for who has taken at The Merciful a covenant (Obedient who had a covenant with God, to intercede for them e.g prophets )

88- And they said “The Merciful has taken a son”

89- You have brought a reprehensible thing

90- Almost the havens rupture from it, and the earth splits, and drops the mountains in demolishment

91- That they claim to The Merciful a son

92- And it does not behoove to The Merciful to take a son

93- Indeed, all in the heavens and earth but coming to the Merciful (On judgment day) as a salve (No choice or will)

94- He has enumerated them and counted them a counting

95- And all of them coming to Him, The Day of Resurrection as individuals (Alone)

96- Indeed, those who have believed and done good deeds will make The Merciful for them affection (Among each other)

97- We have facilitated it (The Quran, to recite, memorize, perform, and in meanings) in your tongue (Arabic Language), so to give good tidings with it to the pious, and warn with it, ferocious folks

And how many We have perished from before them, a horn (Long lasting tough loud nations), do you feel from them anyone, or hear for them a whisper


The Holy Quran can only be read in its original Arabic language. No translation or interpretation of the Holy Quran can be used as a replacement for the Arabic Holy Quran. I am not a scholar nor do I have any Islamic diplomas. I have tried to provide a Quran translation and contemplations that is faithful to the Quranic Arabic language using an empirical approach that is based on my readings of selected scholars’ interpretations, my personal experiences and understanding of The Holy Quran as a Muslim native Arabic speaker.

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