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☪️ Quran: Chapter 6 The Cattle – Al Anaam سورة الأنعام

Writer's picture: Mohamed ElgayarMohamed Elgayar

Updated: Aug 18, 2024

Revelation place: Mecca

Revelation order: 55

Number of verses: 165

This entire chapter was revealed at one time during the last year of the Prophet's stay in Mecca to comfort and encourage the Prophet and his followers who were at that time suffering from the persecution of the disbelievers. The chapter addresses the major articles of faith: Belief in the One God Tawhid, life after death, Judgement Day, and Prophethood, and their practical application to human life. Answers to objections raised against the person and the mission of the Prophet. Prohibition of dividing the religion into sects.

I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the condemned.

With the name of Allah, the gracious the merciful.


1.     Praise to Allah Who created the heavens and the earth and made the darknesses and the light, then those who disbelieve in their God equate (and lean to other false Gods)


2.     He who created you from clay then decreed a term (End of days for all) and a named term (Individual death) with Him, and then you repeat (Reproduce, or dispute)


3.     And He is Allah in the heavens and in the earth, knows your secrets and what you reveal (Publicly) and knows what you are earning


4.     And still, come to them a sign from the signs of  their God, but they were from it siding (Turn away in refusal)


5.     They denied the truth when it arrived to them, therefore will come to them the news of what they were with mocking. (This chapter came when the believers were few and weak)


6.     Have they not seen how We have perished from before them many generations that We had  established in the earth that which We had not established for you , and We sent upon them the sky spinning (Rain, wind, tornados, storm), and We made the rivers flow from under them then perished them with their sins, and established from after them another generation


7.     And if We brought down writing (Quran) in a parchment that they touched with their, then would have said those who disbelieved, indeed this is but a magic shown


8.     And they said “If not were to come down upon you an angel” and if brought down an angel then the matter (End of days)would be decreed, then they would not be reprived


9.      And if We made him an angel, We would make him a man (Form of a human) and We would dress up  (Mix) on them what they are dressing (Their false understanding of the nature of an angel)


10.   And indeed, were mocked Messengers before you, so caught up with those who mocked among them, what they with mocking


11.   Say” March in the land then see how was the consequence of the deniers”


12.   Say” To whom in the heavens and earth” Say’ To Allah”, He decreed upon Himself mercy, Will gather you to the day of Rising (Resurrection) no doubt in it, those who lost themselves they do not believe


13.   And for Him what is housed in the night and the day (what exists, happens at all locations at all times) and He is The Hearing The Knowing


14.   Say” Is not other than Allah should I take a guardian, Creator (In innate common sense the Originator like no other) the heavens and the earth and He who feeds and is not fed? Say “I was ordered to be the first who submit (To Islam principles)and do not be among the polytheists (Take partners with Allah)


15.   Say” I fear if I disobeyed my God the torment of a great day”


16.   From whom is dispensed away, that day it had mercy on him, and that is the clear triumph


17.   And if touches you Allah with harm, there is no clearing for it but He, and if touches you with good, He is over everything capable


18.   And He is the subjugator (dominant, subduer, omnipotent) on top of his worshipers, and He is The Wise Aware (Allah alone created and allows life trials of hardship or ease, birth, death, health, sickness, responds to callings of His worshipers or dismisses it. Everything is subjugated to His power, powerless in His grip. He directs His creation to do what He wants, and they do it willingly or unwillingly, intentionally or unintentionally all allowed or disallowed under His control. Nothing has influence over Him, and all is based on His Wisdom and Awareness)


19.    Say “What thing is the greatest testimony?” say” Allah”, a witness between you and me, and was revealed to me this Quran to warn you with it and whoever reaches,  do you indeed witness that indeed with Allah other dirties? Say ”I do not witness”, say “But no He is One God, and I am indeed innocent from what you associate”


20.   Those (Rabbi and Priests)whom We have given to the Scriptures (Torah, Gospel) they recognize him (Muhammed pbuh) as they recognize their sons, those who lost themselves (By concealing the truth for cheap earthly benefit), so they do not believe


21.   And who is more unjust among slander (Intentionally made up lies) about Allah lies or lies about His signs, indeed will succeed not the wrongdoers


22.   The day We cram them all together, then We say to those who associated (Polytheist, idolators, and who associated partners with Allah), “Where are your partners that you were alleging”


23.   Then it was not their trial (Test their evidence of dishonesty), but they said” By Allah our God we were not associators”


24.    See how they lied upon themselves and went astray from them what they used to slander. (associate lies about Allah)


25.   And among them who listen to you (With pre-set intention to argue), and We made on their hearts casings lest they understand it (Not to elicit meaning, they just listen to argue or try to confirm their disbelieve) and in their ears deafness, and if they see every sign, they do not believe in it until they come to you, they say “Indeed this is not but myths of the first (Ancients)


26.   And they forbid about it and keep from it, and they but perish but themselves and they do not feel it.


27.   And if you see as they stand before the fire, they say “ Oh we wished we were rebounded (Back to the worldly life) and do not deny the signs of our God and be among the believers”


28.   But appeared to them what they had concealed from before (Forbidden to them, Their deceit to themselves and others), and if they were rebounded they would return to what they were forbidden from, indeed they are liars


29.   And they said “Indeed it is but our lowery life, and we will not be resurrected” (the


30.   And if you see as they stand before their God “Said (God) is not that the truth” they say “Yes, by our God” said “Taste the torment with what you used to disbelieve”


31.   Had lost (Sold their eternal life for cheap short worldly price) those who denied the meeting of Allah, until arrived to them the hour suddenly (Meeting God), they said “Oh our regret for what we had blundered in it (excessively wasted chances during their worldly life for that meeting with God ) while they carry their burdens (sins) on their backs, what an evil what they have bearing (Their sin upon themselves and among  the burden of those whom they influenced)


32.   And indeed, not the lower life but play and distraction (If you are not following Allah’s path), and that the hereafter home is best for those who are pious, cannot you reason


33.   We know that it saddens you what they say, indeed they do not deny you (Accuse you of lying), rather the wrongdoers with Allah’s signs are ungrateful (refuse to say the truth)


34.   And indeed, were denied messengers from before you, so they were patient over what they were denied and were harmed until came to them Our victory, and none can change Allah’s words, and indeed has reached  you information of the messengers


35.   And if gets bigger upon you (causes you Sorrow) their siding (Denial and turning away), so if are able to seek a tunnel in the earth or a ladder in the sky to bring them a sign (That is beyond your ability and roll as a messenger), and if Allah had willed, He would have gathered them upon guidance, so do not be among the ignorant  (You are bigger than to stoop to their level)


36.   Indeed, only responds those who listen (ear listen, brain analyze, and heart confirm) and the dead resurrect them Allah (the dead also will respond, or those who do not respond are like the dead) then to Him will be returned


37.   And they said” If not come down upon him a sign (a physical miracle besides the Quran) from his God”, say “Indeed Allah is able to bring down a sign”, but most of them do not know


38.   And there is no among the poundings (Walking, crawling, pulsing animal) in the earth (including oceans creatures on earth)or a bird who flies with its wings, but communities (By instinct) the like of  you, and We have not overplus (neglected, exceeded) in the book  (Quran) a thing, then to their God they will be crammed (human and Jinn for judgment and all others creatures to dust)


39.   And those who denied Our signs, deaf and dumb in darkness (away from guidance path), whomever Allah wills, Will let him astray (at the person’s free will and choice), and whoever He wills, keeps him on the straight path


40.    Say ‘Have you seen, if came to you Allah’s tournament or came to you the hour, do you other than Allah invoke, if you are honest. (If you are an honest disbeliever or polytheist, why call upon Allah when hardship strikes you)


41.   No, upon Him you invoke, so He clears that what you invoke, if He wills, and you forget what you have associated. (and only invoke Allah)


42.   And We have sent (Messengers) to nations from before you, so We seized them (When they disobeyed) with miseries (disasters, sickness, etc..) and harms (physical and emotional) so maybe they would humble ( Pray, approach, submit)


43.   So, if not have come to them Our might they were to humble, rather their hearts hardened and prinked (ornamented, beautified, varnished) to them Satan what they were doing


44.   So, when they forget what they were reminded of (Via the Messengers, or their innate self), We opened over them doors of everything (Worldly richness, luxury influence, false content, ego) until they rejoice with what they have received, We seized them abruptly (Suddenly, Unexpectedly) then they are despaired.


45.   So were cut off  their back (Eradicated, eliminated) the people who did wrong, and praise to Allah the God of the worlds


46.   Say “Have you seen if Allah takes your hearings and your sights and seals over your hearts, which deity but Allah can bring you it”, see how We disburse the signs, then they sharply turn away


47.   Say, “ If I show you, if came to you Allah’s torment abruptly (suddenly) or loudly (with prior signs), will any perish but the wrongdoers' folks? (As they have lost their afterlife too)


48.   And We do not send the Messengers but bringers of good tidings and warner, so whoever believes and repaired (strive to improve actions and behaviors), then no fear upon them and they will not grieve (In this world and the hereafter)


49.   And those who denied Our signs, will touch them torment with what they have been disobeying


50.   Say” I do not say to you I have Allah’s depositaries (Deny divinity), and I have no knowledge of the absence  (Unseen, unknown), and I do not say to you I am an angel, I am but follow except what was revealed to me, say “ Do the blind and the seeing equate (Went astray)? Cannot you think


51.   And warn with it (revelations) those who fear to be crammed to their God, have no for lower than Him (other than Allah) a guardian (In control of all creation affairs) nor an intercessor, maybe they will become pious 


52.   And do not oust those who call upon their God in the mornings and the evenings (send away those weak and poor, per the condition set by the Meccan wealthy and powerful disbelievers to meet you) wanting His face (asking nothing in return but God’s acceptance), nothing upon you among their accountability of anything, and nothing among your accountability upon them of anything to oust them then you become among the wrongdoers (Every person is responsible for their account and only Allah Judge that account and decides who stay and who leaves)


53.   And like that, we tried some of them with others (The powerful with the weak), so they (Powerful disbelievers) say (In mockery)  “Are those whom Allah had bestowed upon from among us”, is not Allah most knowing of the thankful (Content and thankful for Allah’s giving or taking)


54.   And if came to you those who believe in Our verses, so Say” Peace upon you, your God has written upon Himself mercy”, is that who has done among you what is wrong (Forbidden by Allah) while in ignorance (at a moment of weakness) then repents afterward and repaired (strive to cease and correct the harm ), so He is Forgiving Merciful


55.   And like this, We detail the verses to suit (manifest, recognize, make clear) the way of the criminals


56.   Sa” Indeed I was forbidden to worship those whom you claim that are lower than Allah, say “I do not follow your whims (Doctrine, ideologies, desires), then I would have strayed and would have been not among the guided”


57.   Say “Indeed I am on evidence from my God (My creator, My educator, My guide) and you have denied it, and I do not have what you hastened (I have no control or knowledge of Allah’s torment timing), indeed the judgment but for Allah, He snips the truth and He is the best of separators


58.   Say” If I had what you hasten for, the matter would have been decided between me and you”, and Allah is most knowing of the wrongdoers


59.   And with Him the keys of the absence (absolute absence from you and others, absolute unsensed, unexpected e.g timing of Day of Judgement), no one has knowledge of it except He and Knows what in the shore and the sea, and does not fall a leaf but He knows it, neither a seed within the darkness of the land nor a moist nor a dry but in a clear book (Register, manual)


60.   And He is Who collects you at night (Your soul when you sleep as should be at night, like dying) and knows what you have gushed (Did by your senses) by day, then He resurrects you in it (after your sleep) to spend to a named term, then to Him your return, then He inform you of what you have been doing


61.   And He is the subjugator (dominant, subduer, omnipotent) on top of his worshipers (Creators are subjugated by God to what they have no choice in it e.g some bodily functions, and are directed free willed for what they have free will in it), and send over you memorizers (Guardian recorders, registrars, Angels) until death reaches one of you, Our messengers collect him (Angels of death collect your soul), and they do not excess (Precise, do not overdue or underdo their limits, or any of their duties)


62.   Then they rebounded to Allah, their true guardian, is not for Him the judgment, and He is the swiftest of counting (All Deeds of All humanity at once)


63.   Say” Who rescues you from the darkness of the shore and the sea”, you call upon pleading (humbled) and in covert (within your sincere fearful heart), that if He saves us from this, we shall be (Honestly, surely, definitely) among the thankful


64.   Say “Allah saves from it and every distress, then you associate” (Partner with Allah other deities, or reasons for being saved)


65.   Say” He is The Able to resurrect upon you torments from above you or from under your feet, or dress you (Bond you) into sects (Each sect firmly believes they are right while both are astray) and taste some of you the misery of one another” see how We disburse the signs that they may understand (Firmly, critically, clearly understand so to return to God’s path)


66.   And denied it (Quran) your folks and it is the truth, say” I am not upon you an agent” (I am just the messenger)


67.   For every news (Quran announcement) there is a settlement (a term, a place, and time to materialize, do not hasten all in due time and place) and you shall come to know (you will realize these are true announcements in due time and place in this world or the hereafter)


68.   And if you see those who wade in our signs (offensively Go deep), so sideway from them, until they wade in a speech other than it, if Satan causes you to forget (To leave the discussion), so do not sit after this memory (event) with the wrongdoer folks


69.   And nothing upon those who are pious (who leave the offensive discussion) anything of their (Wrongdoers) accountability (No accountability or blame on the pious who leave the discussion), but a reminder for them that they may be pious


70.   And sow (Forsake) those who have taken their religion for play (mockery) and diversion (amusement) and deluded them (fed their ego) the lower life, and remind with it (Quran) that a soul would be banned with what it earned (the soul barred by torments for opposing the Quran), it has none among lower than Allah (Instead, as all is below Allah) as guardian (Supporter, savior) nor intercessor, and if it (soul) ransom all ransoms will not be taken from it, those are who were confined with what they have earned, for them scalding drink and painful torment with what they were disbelieving


71.   Say” Do we call upon from among lower than Allah what does not benefit us nor harm us (Idols), and rebound on our heels (fall back) after that had guided us Allah, like those who befallen (sinking, lost identity) by the devils in the earth, confused, for him companions calling him to the guidance, come to us, say” indeed guidance of Allah is The Guidance” and we were ordered to submit to The God of the worlds


72.   And establish prayers and be pious (Be obedient to fend from God’s torment), and He is Whom to you will be crammed


73.    And He who created the heavens and the earth in right (preciseness, constant laws) and the day He says BE It Becomes (The end Day) His true saying (BE at the beginning of creation and ending it) and for Him The Dominion, the day is blown in the horn (All dies then all resurrected) Knowing of the absent (unseen) and the witnessed (world) and He is the Wise all Aware


74.   And as said Ibrahim (Abraham) to his father Azar (His uncle Azar, Culturally if the name mentioned means uncle), O do you rake stone figures (idols) as deities, indeed I see you and your folks in clear stary


75.   And like that (Since Abraham realized freely that idols are not deities, start searching), We show Abraham the kingdom of the heavens and the earth (show and understanding beyond the visible) to be among the certain (Faith sure)


76.   So when the night covered him he (Abraham) saw a planet (star), he said “This is my God”, so when it faded he said “I do not like those that fad” (bringing his people that worshiped planets, stars, moon, sun attention, that these cannot be God)


77.   Then when he saw the moon rising, he said “This is my God” so when it faded, said “If my God does not guide me, I shall be among the gone astray folks” (advising and alerting his folk)


78.   Then when he saw the sun rising, he said “This is my God this is greater”  (taunting his people) so when it faded, he said Oh my people I am innocent (has nothing to do) with whom you associate (Associate idols, other deities, partners with the one God)


79.   Indeed, I have directed my face to Who has primed the heavens and the earth inclining (towards the path away from you stray folks) and I am not among those who associate


80.   And debated him (Argued in opposition) his people, he said: “You argue me in Allah and He had guided me” (By believe in Allah is firmed), and I do not fear what you associate with (Their false moon, sun, stars deities) unless God wills something (To happen to me by them) encompass my God everything in knowledge, do not you remember? (God’s belief is in your inborn innate self, also cannot you remember your true faithful ancestors since Adam, Noah, etc..)


81.   And how would I fear whom you associated, and you do not fear that you associated with Allah what He had not sent down on you any authority, so what two parties (Following God or you) is more rightful of security if you know?


82.   Those who believed and did not dress their belief with injustice, for those, to them security and those are the guided


83.   And that was Our argument We brought it to Ibrahim over his folks, We lift degrees whom We will, indeed your God is Wise and Knowing


84.   And We bestowed to him (Ibrahim) Ishaq (Isaac), and Yacoob (Jacob) and all We guided, and Noah We guided from before, and from his atom (seed, decedents) Daoud (David), and Soliman (Solomon), and Ayoub (Job), and Yousef (Josef), and Mousa (Moses), and Haroon (Aron), like this we reward (By guidance) the good doers


85.   And Zachariah and Yahya (John), and Issa (Jesus), and Elias, all among the righteous


86.   And Ismaeel (Ishmael), and Elissa (Elisha), and Younus (Jonah), and Lout (Lot) and each We sifted over the worlds


87.   And among their fathers and their descendants and their brothers, and We chose them (To be an example) and guided them to a straight path (Same straight path)


88.   That is Allah’s guidance He guides with it whom He wills among His worshipers (Who seek His guidance), and if they were to associate (Partners with Allah) so wasted away (worthless) from them, what they were doing


89.   Those whom We brought to them The Book, and kingship (e.g. David, Solomon), and prophethood (to be models for humans), so if it is disbelieved with it, (these guided messengers and prophets) those (Who are seeking guidance), so We would empower (assign, entrust) with it folks that are not with it disbelieving.


90.   Those whom Allah has guided, so by their guidance follow (Addressing Muhammed pbuh) their example (Each was an example, so Guide by All their example), say ” I do not ask you for it fee, indeed it (Message) is but a reminder for the worlds”


91.   They did not assess Allah, His due ability (To send messengers), as they said” Did not bring down on a human anything” (Denying prophesies, also some Rabbis denied a part in the Torah just to oppose Muhammed Pbuh message) say” Who brought down the book who came with it Moses (Torah) light and guidance to the people? You make it parchments (separate pages) you show it, and hide much (of the Torah scriptures that do not suit you, so you forget much of the hidden scriptures, alter what you disclosed, and fabricate more), and you were taught (by what is now revealed in the Quran) that what you knew not, neither you nor your fathers, then sow them in their plunging playing (To play and sink in their murky waters by their fabricated way)


92.   And that is a book (Quran) We brought down (Over some time) blessed (ever offering) and confirming what is between his hands (The original uncorrupted scriptures), and so to warn the mother of the villages (Maccha) and those surrounding of it (The entire world), and those who believe in the hereafter believes in it (Will follow the Quran commands, as they are conscious of judgment in the hereafter), and they are upon their prayers careful (keeping Prayers is the principle that unite the region for humanity)


93.   And who is most unjust than among who slander (Intentionally invent, fabricate) about Allah lies, or said was revealed to me and was not revealed to him anything, or said I will bring down the like to what Allah has brought down, and if you see as the unjust (Slanderers) in the submerging of death and the angels (of death and angels of torment) extending their hands, (Saying) discharge (Get out) your soul, today you will recompense the torment of humiliation by what you used to say about Allah other than the truth, and used to against His signs being arrogant


94.   And you have come (Presented yourself ) to Us individually, same as We created you the first time, and left what We have authorized  to you behind your backs, and We do not see with you your intercessors that those you claimed they are among you as partners, it was severed what between you, and stary from you what you used to claim


95.   Indeed, Allah cleaver the grains and the pits (seed), He brings out the living from the dead (To introduce life, even the dead used to have life), and extracts the dead from the living, That is Allah, so how do you turn in denial


96.   Cleaves the daybreak, and made the night a rest, and the sun and the moon for calculation, that is the predetermination by The Mighty and the Knowing


97.   And He who made for you the stars to guide with it in the darkness of the shore and the sea, We have segregated the signs for people who has knowledge (Made the signs distinguish clear for researchers who seek knowledge)


98.   He is who established you from a single soul to a settle (involuntarily life in this world) and a repository (Unwillingly to Heaven or Hell), We have segregated the signs for people who understand (Reflect, contemplate)


99. And He who had brought down from the sky water, So We brought out (All causality from God) with it the flora for everything (Leads to all life and growth), so We brought out of it greenery from which is produced from it heaped up grains, and among the palm trees from its spathe hanging clusters, and gardens of grapes and olives and pomegranates that are resemblant and not resemblant, look at its fruits as it yields and ripens, indeed in that are signs for people who believe


100.  And they made to Allah partners the Jinn (Hidden, unknown), and He created them and they tore (fabricated, tore reality)for Him sons and daughters with no knowledge, Exalted and High above what they describe


101.  Marveling of the heavens and earth, how could He have a son, and was not for Him a companion, and created everything and He is of everything knowing


102.  That is Allah, your God there is no deity by Him, created everything, so worship him, and He is over everything guardian


103.  Sights could not perceive (contain) Him, and He perceives the sights, and He is the All-subtle All-expert


104.  Had come to you sights (enlightenment) from your God, so whoever sight, it’s for himself, and who blinds, it’s over it, and I am(Muhammed pbuh) not over you a keeper


105.  Like this, we disburse the signs, and they would say you studied (Mouhammed learned the Quran from others not revealed to him from Allah), and will make it clear (Quran) to people who know


106.  Follow what is revealed to you by your God, there is no deity but He, and side away from those who associate (Idolaters, who associate others with Allah)


107.  And had wished Allah they would not have associated, and We did not make you upon them a keeper, and you are not upon them a guardian


108.  And do not curse those (Idolaters, who associate others with Allah or what they worship) who call upon from among those who are lower than Allah, so they then curse Allah with enmity and with no knowledge, like this We ornamented for every nation their doings (explained for them the clear way of conveying and following Allah’s path), then to their God their return, to inform that of what they have been doing


109.  And  they (unbelievers) swear by Allah their exerted oath, that if came to them a sign (another sign, despite the Quran that came to them, is the clear sign), they will believe in it, say “ Rather the signs are with Allah (The signs come as Allah wants it, not because I or anyone suggests) ”, and what makes you  (the believers who out of naive hope supported the unbelievers' idea of more signs to help them believe) feel (Out of naive hope) that if it (the signs) comes, they would (still) not believe


110.  And We turnover (allow overturning, unsettling or search) their (unbelievers) hearts (Conscious, mind) and their vision, like the first time they did not believe in it (Quran), and We spill them in their transgression, wandering blindly


111.  And if We brought down to them the angels, and spoke to them the dead (As signs they asked for), and We crammed upon them everything (All sorts of clear sign) at their front (of their eyes), they would not have believed, unless Allah indeed wills, but most of them (believers and unbelievers) are ignorant. (of the fact that Allah wants believers who seek to believe based on their given by Allah free will choice and that ultimately all is with Allah’s will, not just by your hopes, what you feel like, or your actions alone)


112.  And like this, We made (allowed) for every prophet an enemy (To awaken, motivate, and excite faith in them and their followers) devils of humans and Jinn (The cursed, expelled, hateful person, whether he is a human or a jinn), inspiring some of them to some, the ornamented speech of arrogancy (superficial vanity no substance speech, inciting disobedience, lust, depicts, etc.. and showing delusional benefit), and had willed your God they would have not done it, so toss them (leave them) and what they slander. (Their slander, lies, and false claims will not change the truth but will fuel and intensify faith)


113.  And would listen (lean) to it (Ornamented speech of arrogancy) hearts of (self), those who do not believe in the hereafter, and be satisfied (in deluded conscious) with it, and would commit which they were committing


114.  O other than Allah I desire a Judge, and He is the one that brought down to you the book (recited Quran) in detail, and those who We brought to the book (Revelation Torah, Gospel) they know it is sent down from your God with the truth (As they know “Muhammed Pbup” characteristic and teaching as mentioned in their original revelations) so do not be among the chatters (Complaining about the people of the book position about the Quran)


115.  And completed your God’s word (Quran) in truth and just, there is no replacement for Allah’s words (Allah’s words will match the just He implements at judgment), and He is the all-hearing knowing


116.  And if you obey most those in the earth, will stray from the way of Allah, indeed they follow but guess and indeed they but conjectures


117.  Indeed, your God is most knowing of who stray from his way and He is most knowing of the guided


118.  So eat from what Allah’s name was mentioned upon, if you were with His verses believers


119.  And what with you, do not eat from what the name of Allah has mentioned upon, and had itemized for you what has been forbidden upon you except that you were compelled to, and indeed many stary by their whims with no knowledge, indeed your God is most knowing of the transgressors


120.   And toss away what apparent of the sinful and what it concealed, indeed those who earn the sin will be recompensated with what they commit


121.  And do not eat from which the name of Allah was not mentioned upon, indeed it is an abomination, and indeed the devils imply (lead, inspire, incites) to their allies to argue with you, and if you obey them, then you are polytheist. (Associate others like Satan with Allah, idolaters)


122.  Or who was dead, so made him alive, and made to him light to walk with among the people, the like example of who in darkness not exiting from it, like this was ornamented to the disbelievers what they were doing


123.  And like this, We allowed for every village their big criminals (Control people’s destinies) to plot in it (conspire, scheme, twist for their benefit only), and they do not conspire except with themselves (against themselves) and they do not feel it.


124.  And if came to them a sign, they said we will not believe, until we are brought to the same like what was brought to the messengers of Allah (claiming that they are of higher status so they should have been the chosen messengers), Allah most knowing of where to allow His messages, Will strike those who committed crimes, are little by Allah, and severe torment with what they used to scheme


125.  And whoever Allah wants to guide (who seeks belief), expands his chest to Islam (opens up and eases his heart, aids him on the path of submission and acceptance of the belief assignments with longing and reverence, not just guides him to the path), and whoever He wants to stray (Whom He messaged and he disbelieved) will make his chest tight constrained the like he is elevating in the sky (tight cannot breathe, due to resentment of belief and submission), like this Allah make (pile-up) filth (of sin and torment) on those who do not believe


126.  And this (aforementioned about Quran and Islam) is a path of your God, straight, We have detailed (All created straight for what it suits) the signs for folks who remember (So if one forgets Allah’s path others reminds him)


127.  For them home of peace at their God, and He is their guardian with what they used to do


128.  The day We cram them all (at the resurrection), O assembly of Jinn (the disobedient assembly of Jinn including and followers of The Jinn Iblees-Satan) you have increased (increased your numbers by luring) from among humankind and said their allies among the humankind, have enjoyed some of us with some (by disobeying Allah) and have reached our term that You have postponed for us (which is judgment day), Said (Allah)” Hellfire is your residence, eternally in it, except what Allah wills (To forgive you and avoid hell altogether)”, indeed your God is Wise Knowing. (knows who deserves hellfire and who does not)


129.  And like this, We make allies some of the wrongdoers with some, with what they used to earn


130.  Oh, you assembly of Jinn and humans, have not come to you messengers from among you (Your kind), relaying (Overtime Tracking with no deviation) upon you My verses and warning you of your this get-together day, they said we witness upon ourselves (admit and acknowledge), and had ego deluded them the lowery life (as they have been ego deluded by their past wordily life), and they witness upon themselves that they were disbelievers


131.Like is, indeed would not perish your God the villages, with wrongdoing, while its inhabitants are heedless. (Out of fairness, God sent messengers over periods, tracked with no deviation, God’s verses and warn, so Jinn and humans would have, no argument of being heedless and unaware of the importance of judgment day)


132.  And for all degrees of what they have done, and no you God is not heedless of what they are doing


133.  Your God is All-Sufficient (Absolute, of no need), The Mercy, if He wills can let go away of you, and give succession to whatever He wants from among after you, The like He constructed (Produced you) from the seeds (descendants) of other folks


134.  Indeed, what you are promised shall come, and you are not crippling it


135.  Say,” oh folks do according to your spot (location, your ability), I am doing, you shall know  to whom shall be the succussion of the abode, indeed proper not the wrongdoers


136.  And they (Polytheist) assigned to Allah from among what He propagated from the crops and the cattle, a share, and said “This is for Allah, by their claim, and this for our partners (Idols) and will not reach Allah, and what was for Allah will reach our partners, flawed what they rule


137.  And like this (The same flawed belief, that is harming them and will impact future generations) was ornamented to many of the idolators the killing of their children by their partners (Idols beliefs, human scarifies) from Pershing (Kill your children as human scarifies to protect from poverty, perishing, get wishes, forgive sins) and dress up (mix-up) on them their religion (False beliefs that was passed along from their ancestors), and had willed Allah they would not have done it, so toss them (leave them) and what they are forging


138.  And they said these are cattle and crops quarantined (allocated only) that will not eat it but who we will, by their claim, and cattle is forbidden its backs (From eating), and cattle upon with the name of Allah will not be mentioned on it, slander about Him (Untruth claim), He will recompense them with what they were slandering


139.  And they said “What in the belly of these cattle is reserved for our males, and forbidden upon our pairs (wives and females), and if it is dead (Born Dead) they (their pairs) are in it as partners, He will recompense them what they ascribed, indeed He is Wise and Knowing


140.  Had lost those who killed their children by foolishness with no knowledge, and they prohibited what has been provided to them by Allah, by slandering about Allah they had strayed and they were not guided


141.  And He is who founded gardens trellised and not trellised and the palms and crops of different food and the olives and the pomegranate similar and dissimilar, eat from its fruits if it yields, and give it its due rights on its day of harvest and do not exceed (Allah’s boundaries, be moderate), Indeed He does not like those excesses (Waster, extravagant)


142.  And among the cattle’s carriers and spread (covers), eat from what Allah has provided you, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan, indeed he is for you a clear enemy


143.  Eight pairs, from the sheep two, and from the goat two, say The two males He has forbidden or the two females, or which what enclosed in the wombs of the two females, inform me with knowledge (support) if you were truthful?


144.  And from the camels two, and the cattle two,  say “The two males He has forbidden or the two females, or which what enclosed in the wombs of the two females”, or you were witnesses as Allah had commandment you with this, so how is most unjust that among those who slander about Allah lies to stray the people with no knowledge, indeed Allah does not guide the unjust folks


145.  Say, I do not find forbidden in what was revealed to me in food to eat except that it becomes dead animal or spilled blood (liquid blood, unlike the liver and spline which is solid blood), or swine flesh as it is filth or debauch dedicated to other than Allah with, and who was compelled not desiring and not returning (willingly), so indeed your God is Forgiving Merciful


146.  And upon those who are Judah (Jews tribe), We forbade upon them all un hoofed (Its fingers are not separated or spread, split  like camels and ostriches), and from among the cows and sheep’s We forbade upon them its fat, except what adheres to its back or the containing (Large intestine), or what mixed with bones, that We recompensated them by their violating (Crossing Gods allowed boundaries, e.g. taking usury), and indeed We are truthful


147.  So if they deny you, Say” Your God is of The vast Mercy, and His might is not repelled from the guilty folks”


148.  Will say those who associated (Polytheist), if willed Allah we would not have associated, and neither our forefathers and would have not forbidden us from anything, Like this denied those before them, until they tasted Our might, Say” Do you have any knowledge (message from God) to present to us, indeed you do not follow but guess, and you but conjecturing


149.  Say to Allah the reaching support (conclusive Evidence), and if He willed would have guided you all


150.  Say bring forward you witnesses, those who will witness that Allah has prohibited this, so if they testified do not testify with them (As they are liars, perjuring), and do not follow the whims of those who denied our sings, and those who do not believe in the hereafter, and they by their God equate. (Make others equal to God, and deviate from recognizing Him as the only Deity)


151.  Say” Come will recite what has forbidden Allah upon you”, do not associate with Him anything, and with parents’ kindness, and do not kill your children out of fear of poverty, He will provide you and them, and do not approach immoralities what is apparent of it or concealed,  and do not kill the soul that has forbid Allah, except for just, that is what Allah has commandant (entrusted) you, perhaps you can reason


152.  And do not approach the orphan’s property except by what is best until he reaches his strength (maturity) and be loyal in measuring and weighting in justice, We do not charge a soul except its capacity, and if you say (testify) then be just, even if it was for a near relative, and with Allah’s covenant fulfill, that is what He commandant you (entrusted) by, hopefully, you will remember (These aforementioned ten commandments)


153.  And indeed, that is My straight path (Allah’s slim sharp path To Him) so follow it, and do not follow the ways (Jews, Christians) so it separates you from his way (Muhammed (pbuh) Way (Sunnah) to Allah’s Straight Path, especially in allegorical Quran verses or matters that require contemplations to Allah’s path), this has He commanded you with, hopefully, you will become pious


154.  Then (in addition) We brought to Moses the Book firm upon who did good (Followed the Torah, and believed in the final prophet Muhammed pbuh), and detailing to everything (For its time) and guidance and mercy, hopefully with the meeting of their God they would believe


155.  And that is a book (Quran) We brought down blessed (Endless bliss till judgment day), so follow it and be pious, perhaps you may receive mercy. (As ultimately You get into Heaven by Allah’s Mercy not just your deeds or being pious)


156.  Lest you say, but Allah has brought down the book upon two sects from before us, and we were from their study heedless


157.  Or you say if He had brought down upon us a book, we would have been more guided than them, so has come to you a clear sign from your God and guidance and mercy, so who is more unjust than from those who deny with Allah’s verses and turned away, We will recompense those who turn away from our verses the worst torment with what they were turning away (And strayed others too)


158.  Do they wait except to come to them the angels (At death) or comes your God, or comes some of your God’s signs, the day comes some of your God’s signs will not benefit any soul it believes (belief by seeing only) if it had not believed (Belief by faith) from before (God’s signs come), or earned in its faith good, say” Wait we are indeed waiting”


159.  Indeed, those who separated (divided) their religion and became sects, you (Muhammed pbuh) are not among them in anything, but their affair is to Allah, then He will inform them of what they used to do


160.  Whoever came with a goodness (good deed) to him ten similar to it, and whoever came with the badness (bad deed) so will not be recompensated except a similar to it, and they will not be wronged (misjustice)


161.  Say” Indeed, has guided me my God to a straight path, a valuable religion (Valuable religion, that guides and corrects people’s lives by giving them straight up values to live by), the way of Abraham inclining (on the straight path), and he was not among those who associate (Idolaters)


162.  Say” Indeed my prayers and my rituals and my living and my dying are to Allah, the God of the worlds”


163.No partner to Him, and like this I was ordered and I am the first of the Muslims (Among his nation,  or Top Muslim of all believers messengers)


164.  Say” How will I desire other than Allah a God, He is the God of everything”, and does not earn any soul but what is upon it, and does not bear a burden for another burden, then to your God is your return, to inform you of what you were in differing


165. He is who made you successors of the earth (In-charge, viceroys, tasked you) and lifted some of you above some in degrees (e.g Talents, wealth, health, knowledge, beauty, etc… all in a balance to be dependent on each other, each is assigned a task), to inflict you (Try you, to be a witness upon yourself on judgment day on your assigned task as successor) with what He brought you, indeed (beware) your God is swift in punishment (e.g at death which can come any time), and He is surely Forgiving Merciful




The Holy Quran can only be read in its original Arabic language. No translation or interpretation of the Holy Quran can be used as a replacement for the Arabic Holy Quran. I am not a scholar nor do I have any Islamic diplomas. I have tried to provide a Quran translation and contemplations that is faithful to the Quranic Arabic language using an empirical approach that is based on my readings of selected scholars’ interpretations, my personal experiences and understanding of The Holy Quran as a Muslim native Arabic speaker.

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