Revelation place: Mecca
Revelation order: 39
Number of verses: 206
Al-Araf (Identifiers post, is the utmost top height part on the back neck of a horse ).
In this chapter Al-Araf is a barrier height post that is between Paradise and Hell and can overlook both sides, This height spot separates the people of Paradise from the people of Hell. The people of the Araf (Who can identify both sides) are people in this place in a temporary status of holding as their good deeds balance with their bad deeds and they are waiting and hoping for Allah’s Mercy to enter paradise.
The Prophet was about to migrate from Maccha to Medina after he had spent thirteen years admonishing the people of Maccha without any effect while he and his few followers endured harsh treatment and conditions by the pagan Meccans.
This Chapter mainly calls upon people to use their senses and intellect to reflect upon the signs of God in the universe, it also contains valuable lessons on monotheism, repentance, guidance from history, creation, the role of prayer, perseverance, the consequences of rejecting divine guidance, the need for a balance in one’s actions, and the hope for God’s mercy in this life and the Hereafter
I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the condemned.
With the name of Allah, the gracious the merciful.
1- Alif, Lam, Meem, Saad
(These “standalone names-letters”, are at the start of selected chapters, they are not part of a sentence that can guide us to understand their meaning or compare them to another similar sentence in other chapters to deduct their meanings, nor are these “standalone names-letters” are a continuation to another chapter that can give us insight in their meaning.
When a word is part of a sentence and that word is new or has multiple meanings, it helps to compare that word when it appears again in other sentences or sentences in the Quran, and by comparing them we can understand their meaning. But these “Stand alone names-letters” are not part of any sentence even if repeated they are still “stand-alone”, despite they are letters in the form of words no one could explain their meaning over the centuries since Allah did not guide us to their meanings like other new words in the Quran.
My point of view is without Allah’s guidance nothing can be understood, so these letters could be an example of our dependency on Allah's guidance in our life and via his "Straight path" The Quran.
Keep in mind the prophet was illiterate and, the Quran was verbally reviled to him and he relayed it verbally, so Alif, Lam, Meem, Saadwere the same way the prophet verbally said the message, And Allah knows best)
2- A book sent down to you, so let no be in your chest distress from it, to warn with it, and reminder for the believers
3- Follow what came down to you from your God, and do not follow from among that is lower than Him, as allies, few who remember (To pass on God’s true message to their descendants and others)
4- And how many towns We destroyed, that had come to it Our Might at night or when they were napping (Suddenly while unexpected and unprepared)
5- So was not their plea, as came to them Our Might except they said “Indeed we were wrongdoers”
6- So Will ask those who were sent to them (Our messengers to acknowledge and be witness upon themselves), and surely Will ask the messengers
7- And shall narrate to them with knowledge, as We were not absent
8- And the weight that day will be the just, so those whose scales are heavy, then those are the successful
9- And whose scales are light, then those who had lost themselves, with what with Our signs they used to wrong do
10- And We have certainly enabled you in the land and made you in it livelihood, little you thanking
11- And We have created you (All humankind were created and embedded at once in Adam’s gene at his creation see Quran7-172, and each human has a living particle of Adam) and imaged you (Gave you human visual form), then We said to the angels “Prostrate to Adam” (In respect and veneration) so they prostrated, except Iblis, was not among the prostraters (Iblis, Satan a proud Jinn who became leader of the devils who was present during the command and willingly disobeyed God’s command, see Quran18-50)
12- Said ”What prevented you from not prostrating as I commanded you”, said “I am better than him, You created me from fire and created him from clay” (Iblees is disobedient, arrogant, and racist)
13- Said “Descend from it (The high status in the presence of the angels), for it is not for you to be haughty in it (not worthy of this status), get out you are of the lowers (degraded in status, Humiliated, disgraced)
14- Said (Iblis) reprieve me (postpone, allow me to live) to the day they are resurrected
15- Said (Allah) you are among the reprieved
16- Said (Satan) “By what You let me desire (By creating me with the will to choose) I will sit for them (to ambush) Your straight path (To derail them away from God’s straight path so to join him in disobedient)
17- Then will come to them from between their hands (From the front, to create doubts about the future the resurrection the afterlife, and judgment day), and from their backs (From their descendants and children and one’s possessions and history, creating doubts, fear and pressure to disobey) and from their right (To lure people to become ascetic, monkish and distract them from doing good deeds and obedience, conservatives) and their left (To lure them to sin, liberals), and will not find most of them thanking. (Satan did not come from above and below sides as they belong to the worshipers the prostraters obeying God)
18- Said (Allah), get out from it despised and banished, whoever followed you from them, shall fill Gehenna (Hell) from you altogether
19- And O’ Adam dwell (Inhabit temporarily) you and your pair (wife) the garden (of trial, practice), and eat from wherever you wish and do not approach this tree, so you become among the transgressors
20- So whispered to them Satan (To both Adam and Eve), to make apparent to them what was hidden from them (From their senses or sight) of their indecency (private parts), and said to them “Has not forbidden you your God away from this tree, except that you become angels, or become among the immortals”
21- And swore to them, that I am to you is among the since advisors
22- So, he lowered them through temptation (from the status of obedience to disobedient), so when they tasted the tree, appeared to them their indecency, so they made to themselves stitching from the garden leaves to cover upon them (Private parts), so called them their God “Have not I forbid you away from this tree, and said to you, indeed the devil for you is a clear enemy?”
23- They said (both Adam and Eve), our God, “We wronged ourselves, and if you do not forgive for us and have mercy on us, we will surely be among the losers”
24- Said (Allah) “Descend (To earth, where your mission will start as successor and guardian for it) some of you to some will be enemies (in conflicts due to your nature), and for you in the earth settlement and enjoyment for a time
25- Said “In it, you live, and in it, you die, and from it you will be brought out (Soul out at death from the human earthly clay body)
26- O children of Adam, We brought down upon you, clothing to cover your indecency and feathers, and the clothing of piety that is best, that is from Allah’s signs, so they might remember
27- O children of Adam let not the devil tempt you like he outed you fathers from the garden (of trial, practice) while tearing off them their clothing to show them their indecency, indeed he sees you and his tribe from where you do not see them, indeed We have made (allowed) the devils allies to those who do not believe
28- And if they did immorality (circulating the Kabbah naked), they said “We found our fathers on it, and Allah has ordered us with it, say “Indeed Allah does not order immorality, do you say upon Allah what you do not have knowledge of”
29- Say” Has ordered Allah with justice, and set your faces towards every mosque (Prostration place), and call upon Him sincere to Him the religion (Purely For the sake of prayer not just asking for needs and possessions), as He started you, you will return. (with no possession but your deeds)
30- A group He guided (Willingly sought Allah’s message, so Allah assist them to guidance), and a group deserved to stray (Willingly rejected God’s message), indeed they took the devils as allies from among those lower than Allah (Willingly followed the devil instead of Allah), and they thought they were guided
31- O children of Adam, take your adornment at every mosque (Do not go indecent) and eat and drink and do not be excessive (is any spending on forbidden things), indeed Allah does not like the excessive
32- Say “Who forbade the adornment of Allah whom He had brought out for His servants (Both believers and disbelievers), and the good provision, Say” it (adornment) is for those who believed in the worldly life, purely on the day of resurrection (Allah’s adornment, is for both the believers and disbelievers to share in this life, but only for the believers at Resurrection), like this, We detail the signs for folks who knows
33- Say” But forbade my God, the immoralities what appeared of it and what was concealed, and sin, and oppression without right, and that you associate with Allah what He had not sent down with it authority, and that you say about Allah what you have no knowledge, about
34- And for every nation a term, so when their term comes, they will not be delayed an hour nor being put forward
35- O children of Adam when comes to you messengers from you (That you know, or humankind that you can follow as a good role model) that rely upon you My verses (precisely on the trail with what was given to them), so whoever become pious and reforms, there will be no fear upon them nor they will grieve
36- And those who denied or signs and were arrogant towards it, those are the companions of the fire, they are in it eternally
37- And who is more unjust than those who slandered about Allah lives (He harmed himself and others) or denied His signs, those will reach them their share of the book (Even if they are unjust they will get what livelihood and punishments written for them in this life), until has come to them Our messengers (Angels of Death) to term them (Their term to believe and do good has expired, died and time for Judgment), they (Angels) where are what you used to invoke from those lower than Allah, they said they had strayed from us, and they witnessed upon themselves that they were disbelievers.
38- Said, enter among nations which had passed away from before you from among the Jinn and mankind in the fire, every time a nation entered it cursed its sister (As they led them to disbelief) until they fell (gathered in the bottom) in it, all of them, said the last of them to the first of them, “Our God those strayed us, so bring them double punishment of the fire” Said ”For each double, but you do not know” (will get exactly what they deserve)
39- Said the first of them to the last of them, “you had no favor over us, so taste from the torment, with what you used to earn”
40- Indeed, those who denied (lied about) our verses and turned arrogantly against it, will not open to them the gates of the heavens and will not enter paradise until the camel enters through the eye of the needle, and like this, We recompensate the criminals
41- For them from Gahanna (Hell ugliness) a cradle, and from above them coverings (Of surrounding Gahanna), and like this, We recompensate the wrongdoers
42- And those who believed and did righteous deeds, We do not charge a soul but its capacity, those are the companions of paradise, they are in it eternally
43- And We tore that what in their chest of fetter (wordily conflict, resentments), runs below them rivers, and they say” Praise Allah who guided us to that, and we would not have been guided if not indeed guided us Allah, indeed has come Allah’s messengers with the truth, and were called upon “This is paradise, inherit it with what you used to do”
44- And called the companions of Paradise the companions of the fire, indeed we have found what we were promised by our God true, so did you find what you were promised by your God true, so announced a caller between them (An Angel overlooking both of them), “Indeed, the curse of Allah is upon the wrongdoers”
45- Those who block away from Allah’s path, and desire it crooked, and they with the hereafter are disbelievers
46- And between them, (companions of Paradise and Hell) a veil (A see-through partition), and on the manes (height spot On which Araf people can overlook and identify both sides) are men who can identify both (The Araf a Third group whom their good and bad deeds are equal) and they called the companions of Paradise “ That peace upon”, they have not entered it but they are yarning (Aspire with greedy hopes to get some more unearned Allah’s Mercy to tip the balance and enter paradise)
47- And if their sights were dismissed to meet the companions of the fire they said” Our God, do not make us with the wrongdoing folks”
48- And called the companions of the manes (middle heights) to men they recognized by their features (Marks, during their worldly life),they said “has not avail away from you, your amassment (gatherings) and your arrogance
49- Are those (some Identified Companions of Paradise) that you swear that All will not reach them with Mercy, Enter (commanding the middle heigh people) Paradise (Commanded Allah) no fear upon you and you will not grieve
50- And called the companions of the fire to the companions of The Paradise to overflow upon them from the water, or from what Allah has provided them, they said “Indeed Allah has forbidden them on the disbelievers”
51- Those who have taken their religion to be a frivolous distraction and play, and arrogantly deceived them this worldly life, so today We forget them, the same they forget the meeting of this day of them, and with our signs they were ungrateful
52- Indeed, We have brought them a book (Quran), that We customized based on knowledge, guidance, and mercy for people who believe
53- Are they looking for what it leads to (The Quran final fulfillment), the day of its outcome, will say the ones who forget it from before, Indeed has come the messengers of Allah with the truth, so is there for us any intercessors to intercede for us, or we could we be sent back so to do other than what we used to do, indeed they have lost their souls and strayed away from them what they used to forge (Idols and false believes)
54- Indeed, your God is who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then He settled on the throne, cover the night with the day, asked it in haste (The night and the Day takeover each other in continuous fast motion), and the sun and the moon and the stars subjected by His command, is not for Him the creation and the commands (He is hands-on and can suspend them), blessed Allah the God of the worlds
55- Call upon your God in humility and covertly (in reverence not showing off ), indeed He does not like the transgressors (overdo in hypocrisy, and transgression)
56- And do not spoil in the land after its reform, and invoke Him in fear and aspiration (Of the attributes of God, or out of your call be denied), indeed Allah’s mercy is close to the good doers
57- And He, who sends the winds as good tiding between the mercy of His hands, until as it lifted heavy clouds, We drove it to a dead country (Land) and sent down with it water, and brought out with it from every fruitful, like this We bring out the dead, perhaps you may remember
58- And the good country (Fertile Land) emerges its vegetation with the permission of its God, and that which malicious does not emerge except distress, like this, We disburse our signs for people who are thankful
59- We had sent Noah to his folks, he said” O my folks, worship Allah, you have no Deity for you but Him, indeed I fear upon you the torment of a great (tremendous) day
60- Said the full-fed (Prestigious leaders) from among his folks, indeed we see you in clear stray
61- Said “Oh my folks, I have no stray in me, but I am a messenger from God of the worlds”
62- To convey to you My God’s messages and advise you, and I know from Allah what you do not know (unprecedented events. flood)
63- O did you wonder, that came to you a reminder from your God upon a man from among you, to warn you, and to become pious, and hopefully you receive mercy
64- So, they belied him, so We saved him and those with him in the ship, and drowned those who denied our signs, indeed they were blind folks
65- And to Aad their brother Hud, he said “O my folks worship Allah, you have none but Him as a deity, would not you become pious?”
66- Said the full-fed (Prestigious leaders) from among his folks, indeed we see you in foolishness and we think you are among the liars
67- He said “O my folks there is no foolishness in me, but I am a messenger from God of the worlds”
68- To convey to you My God’s messages, and indeed to you I am an honest advisor
69- O did you wonder, that came to you a reminder from your God upon a man from among you, to warn you, and remember as He made you successors from after the folks of Noah, and increased you in creation stature (vast and height ), so remember Allah’s favor upon you that hopefully you might become prosperous
70- They said, did you come to us to worship Allah alone and toss (leave) what our fathers used to worship, so bring onto us what you promise, if you are among the truthful
71- Said had befallen upon you from your God filth and anger, are you arguing with me in names you named you and your fathers (Just made-up names of idols), which Allah has not given with it authority, so wait I am with you among those who wait
72- So, We saved him and those with him with Mercy from Us, and cut off their end (to the last one) those who denied our signs and were not believers
73- And to Thamud their brother Salih he said “O my folks worship Allah, you have none but Him as a deity, had come you a clear sign from your God, this is she-camel of Allah for you as a sign, so let it eat in the land and do not touch it with harm, lest will take you Allah with painful torment
74- And remember as He made you successors from after the folks of Aad and established you in the land you take from upon the plains castles, and carve from the mountains homes, so remember Allah’s favor upon and do not stagnate (spread) in the land with corruption
75- Said the full-fed (Prestigious leaders, full of themselves) who were arrogance from among his folks to those who were weakened and believed among them, Do you know that Salih is sent from his God, they said indeed we are with what he was sent with, believing
76- Said those who were arrogance, “we are in that what you believed in are disbelieving”
77- So, they slew the she-camel and got snooty (Arrogant) on the command of their God, and said “Bring on to us what you promised (warned) if you were among the messengers”
78- So took them the trembling (earthquake, shiver), so they became in their inhabitants crouched bodies
79- So, turn away from them and say” I had relayed to you the messenger of my God and advised to you, but you do not like the advisors”
80- And Luta (Lut) as he said to his folks, do you bring the immorality, which no one had beat you to (First to do) from among the worlds
81- You indeed bring the desire to men, who are among lower than women (Instead and not created for this purpose), Nay you are transgressing (Wasteful) people
82- Was not the answer of his folks but they said “ Expel them from your village, they are but folks who purify” (as Lut folks got accustomed to impurity and immorality)
83- So, We saved him and his family (including his followers), except his woman (wife) she was among those who stayed (In the village and perished)
84- And We rained upon them rain, so see how was the consequence of the criminals
85- And to Madyan (Descendants of Madyan who married one of Lut’s daughters), their brother Shuaib, said” O my folks worship Allah, you have none but Him as a deity, had come you a clear sign from your God, so fulfill in measurement and the scale, and do not splurge the peoples their belongings (squander and take other people properties and rights) and do not corrupt in the land from after its reform, that is better for you, if you were believers
86- And do not sit by every path promising and deflecting away from Allah’s way those whom had believed in Him (adopt deviant seductive paths e.g. money, corruption, power, women, etc. to deflect and stray people from Allah’s One straight path) desired it crocked (seek to dilute and mix-up to people Allah’s straight path e.g. allow what forbidden and vice versa ), and remember as you used to be few and He increased you, and see how was the consequences of the corruptors
87- And as a party from among you had believed with what I was sent with, and a party did not believe, then be patient, until Allah judges between us, and He is the best of Judges
88- Said the full-fed (Prestigious leaders) who were arrogance from among his folks, we shall drive you out O Shuaib, and those who believed with you from our village, or you return into our way, said even if we were detesting it (your way in our hearts)
89- We would have slandered against Allah’s lies if we returned in your way (Lying to Allah) after as He saved us from it, and it would not for us to return in it unless Allah wills, encompass Allah everything knowledge, upon Allah we relied, Our God open (judge, separate, ease) between us and our folks in truth, and you are the fairest opener
90- Said the full-fed (Prestigious leaders) who disbelieved among his folks, if you do follow Shuyeb, indeed you then will be losers
91- So, it took them the trembling (earthquake, shiver), so they became in their inhabitants crouched bodies
92- Those who belied Shuaib, as if they never prospered in it, those who belied Shuaib, they were the losers
93- So, he turned away from them and said “Indeed I have related to you my God’s messages and advised for you” So how should I sorrow upon disbelieving folks
94- And We did not send in a village a prophet except We took its people with hardship and harm (If they deny), hopefully, they might get humble (And turn to God)
95- Then We replaced in place of the bad, the good until they recovered (grew back In power, and wealth, etc..) and Said “had touched our fathers the hardship and ease” (It is a thing of the past, forgetting It is God’s ultimate call not theirs to inflict hardship or ease), so We took them suddenly while they do not perceive (feel it coming)
96- And if the people of the villages believed and were pious, We would have opened upon them blessings from the heavens and the earth, but they denied so We took them by what they were earning
97- Did they feel secure the people of the villages, that come to them Our might at night while they are asleep?
98- Or feel secure the people of the villages, that come to them Our might during the morning while they at play?
99- Did they feel secure about Allah’s cunning? Does not feel secure from Allah’s cunning except for the losing folks. (Allah’s cunning is a plan to protect existence and lead evil to loss)
100- Or has it not been clear to those who inherited the land after its inhabitants, that indeed if We willed, We strike them with their sins and seal on their hearts so they do not hear (Lock their hearts on disbelieve and listen to it over faith)
101- Those are the towns, We rely upon you from among their news, and indeed had come to them their messengers with the clear signs, then they were not to believe with what they have denied from before, so like this Allah seals upon the hearts of the disbelievers
102- And We did not find to most of them any covenant, but indeed We found most of them encrusted (oozing with disbelieve)
103- Then We sent from after them Musa (Moses) with Our signs to Pharaoh (Egypt Ruler) and his full-fed (Prestigious leaders, full of themselves), so they did unjust with it, so see how with the consequences of the corrupters
104- And said Musa “O Pharoah, indeed I am a messenger from the God of the worlds”
105- It’s true upon me (That I am messenger) and that I do not say about Allah except the truth, I have come to you with a clear sign from your God, so send with me the children of Israel
106- Said “ If you had come with a sign, so bring it forth if you were among the truthful”
107- So, he threw his staff, and be it became a clear serpent (manifested into a real serpent)
108- And he drew his hands so it became white (Radiant) for the observers
109- Said full-fed from among the folks of Pharaoh, indeed that is a learned sorcerer
110- He wants to expel you from your land, so what do you command?
111- They said to postpone him and his brother and send in the town gathering
112- To bring you every learned sorcerer
113- And came the sorcerers to Pharoah, and said “indeed there will be for us a reward if we were victorious”
114- Said (Pharaoh) “ Yes, and will be among the close by” (selective and close to Pharoah)
115- They Said “ O Musa “ either you throw (The staff) or We will be the ones to throw”
116- Said “Throw”, so when they threw, they bewitched the eyes of the people and frightened them, as they came with a great magic
117- And We revealed to Musa to throw your staff, so it gabbles what they turned up (faked)
118- So realized the truth, and halted what they were doing
119- So, they got defeated right there and turned to belittling
120- And fell the sorcerers prostrating
121- And said “We believe in God of the worlds”
122- The God of Musa (Moses) and Haroon (Aaron)
123- Said Pharaoh “you believed before I permit you, indeed that is cunning that you conspired in the city to let go from it its people, so you will see”
124- Will surely cut off your hands and legs from the opposite side, then will crucify you all
125- They said “Indeed we are to our God, will be turned back”
126- And you do not resent us, except for believing in the signs of our God when they reached us, “Our God pour upon us patience and fulfill us (End our term in this world and collect our soul) as Muslims (surrendering In submission to you)
127- And said full-fed (Prestigious leaders, full of themselves), among Pharoah’s folks, do you let Moses and his folks to corrupt in the land, and toss you and your Gods (abandon), Said” Will kill their sons and let live their women, and Indeed we are above them, subjugators”
128- Said Moses to his folks “See support from Allah and be patient, indeed the land belongs to Allah He bequeaths to whomever He wills from among His worshipers, and the latter (consequence, outcome) is (ultimately) for the pious
129- They said” We were harmed before you came to us (The Bedouin children of Israel came from West Asia to Egypt before Moses, with their brother Joseph during the Hyksos occupation of Egypt delta 1640- 1523 BCE, and stayed after the expulsion of the Hyksos by the Pharoah around 1523 BCE, which left bad memories for the Pharoah of Egypt as a reminder of the Occupation, also for the killing of their first born son at the time before Moses birth), and after you came to us”, (Moses) said “ Maybe your God is indeed to perishes your enemy, and makes you successors in the land, and see how you will do”
130- And We seized the people of Pharoah with the years (God’s laws -Sunnah- e.g. year of the Locust, year of the drought, year of famine for disbelievers) and lack of fruits (with seeds), hopefully, they remember (God and that He is the ultimate control)
131- And if came to them good (prosperity) they said “This for us” (we deserve it, we made it happen due to planning and hard work etc.), and if strikes them calamity, they fly by Moses and those with him (They pessimism and blame it on Moses and his folks as the cause for calamity), but not, their bird (A superstitious practice to select good from bad) is indeed at you God, but most of them do not know
132- And they said “No matter how much you bring to signs to cast spell on us with it, we will not be believing in you (As God’s messenger)
133- So, We sent upon them the flood and the locusts and ticks and frogs and blood (water turn blood) as distinct (customized for them) signs, so they become haughty arrogant and were nefarious folks
134- And when dropped upon them horrors (of punishment), they said “ Oh Moses invokes for us your God by which He had covenant with you, that if you cleared from us the horrors, that we will believe to you, and we shall send with you the children of Israel
135- And when We removed from them the horrors, for a term they are reaching, then they reneged
136- So, We took revenge on them, so drowned them in the sea as they denied Our signs and were heedless folks. (Stubbornly turned away from God’s message and signs)
137- And We bequeathed the folks who were being weakened (oppressed) the eastern of the lands and its western that We blessed in it (with necessities of good living), and was fulfilled your God’s good word on the children of Israel by what they patiently (endured),and destroyed what was Pharoah making and his folks, and what they were trellising (erecting fragile Garden throne)
138- And We crossed with the children of Israel the sea, so they came upon folks who were retreated (devoted) to their idols, they said “ O Moses make to us a deity as for them a deity” said “You are indeed ignorant folks” (That after all what God did for you, you want to go back to worshipping idols)
139- Indeed, those are in the dust (destroyed) what they are in (Worshiping stone idols), and invalid what they were doing
140- Said “An, other than Allah I desire for you as a deity, and He has favored over the worlds (By choosing the children of Israel to set a historical miraculous and moral example by saving them from Pharoah and his folk’s oppression, over other oppressed people in the world)
141- As, We saved you from the people of Pharoah, afflicting on you worst torments, killing your sons, and letting live your women, and in that (favor by saving you) is a great trial from your God. (Great trial as God interfered with clear miracles and favored, then, the Children of Israel, by responding to their request through Moses’ prayer and destroying Pharoah and his folks to save them, and trial them what would they do if they become free, would they believe be patient pious and carry God’s message or disbelieve and corrupt in the land like Pharoah and his folks. see 129)
142- And We appointed with Moses thirty nights and completed it with ten, so was completed the time at your God forty nights (until his people stared worshipping the calve), and said Moses to his brother Aaron, succeed me among my people, and do right, and do not follow the way of the corruptors
143- And, when came Moses to our appointed time, and spoke to him His God, said (Moses) “Show me (how) to look at You” said “You will not see Me, but look at the mountain, if it settled in its place, then you will see Me”, so when his God manifested to the mountain rendered it to collapse, and dropped Moses in shock, and when he woke up, said “ Glory to You, I repented to you (For asking more even after God had spoken to him), and I am the first of the believers”
144- Said “O, Moses, I have sifted you over the people with My message and My speaking, so take what I have brought you, and be among the thankful. (Do not ask for more as to look at Me)
145- And, We wrote to him in the tablets from among everything (required for his mission as successor at that time) and advising (How to implement) in detail for everything (Written), take it with strength (do not give in on it), and order your folks to take its best (Not just follow it but seek to the best of it, e.g. When able forgive for the sake of God), I will show you the habitation of the dissolute. (The outcome of God’s disobedient people)
146- I will dispense away My signs from those who act bigly (behave haughtily, arrogantly) in the land with no right (They have no right as their reason for arrogancy is not their personal property, it was bestowed to them by God who can take it back, e.g. health, wealth, knowledge, so the components of pride and arrogance in humans are not subjective), and if they see every sign they do not believe in it, and if they see the way of rectitude they do not take it and if they see the way of temptation (Error) they take it as a way, that is because they denied Our signs and were from it heedless. (they saw God’s signs but arrogantly dismissed it)
147- And those who denied Our signs, and the meeting of the hereafter (For Judgment by God), inflamed is their doings (their deeds are Inflated with error and sickness, as they are denying God the bestower of everything, that even allowed them to perform these works), will they be recompensed, except for what they were doing (Will be rewarded only in this worldly life for their effort e.g. fame, money, but will receive no reward for these deeds in the hereafter, which they do not even believe in)
148- And took the folks of Moses from after him from their ornaments (Gold) a body-shaped calf that lowed (Sounds Like a cow when air passes through it, Replicating Ancient Egyptians Calf Nile deity, which symbolized the flood and water wheels operated by calves which also was used to plow the land), Do not they see its dose not speak to them, nor guide them a way to follow, and they were wrongdoers. (Unjust to themselves, by giving rights to useless idols)
149- And when it dropped in their hands and saw that they had strayed (they bit their hands in regret), they said” If Our God does not have Mercy upon us and forgive for us, indeed we will be among the losers
150- And when returned Moses to his folks angry with grieve, said “ wretched what you succeeded (Calve) from after me, did you hasten your God’s order (were you impatient about my return with God’s commands, or you thought I died, or do you worship me instead of God), and cast down the tablets, and took his brother by his head, dragging him towards him, said” O, son of our mother, indeed the folks has weakened me (overpowered, Suppressed, belittled because I was alone) and almost killed me, so do not let the enemies gloat over me, and do not make me among the unjust people (As I stood my ground and did not worship the calve like them)
151- Said (Moses) “My God forgive me (For casting the tablets) and my brother (that hopefully Aaron tried his best), and admit us into Your Mercy, and You are most Merciful of the mercies”
152- Indeed, those who took the calve (in worship) will get them anger from their God, and humiliation in this lower life, and like this, We recompense the transgressors.
153- And those who did misdeeds then repented (renewed their faith) after that, and believed, indeed your God if from after it forgiving Merciful
154- And when the anger silenced away from Moses, he took the tablets, and in its inscriptions guidance, and mercy for those to their God are terrified (Fears only God)
155- And choose Moses from his folks seventy men for Our appointment (To repent for worshipping the calf), so when it took them the shiver, said (Moses)” God, if You had willed You could have perished them from before and me, do you perish us with what our fools did, indeed it is but your trial (Testing, afflictions, or temptations, and allowing humans free will to choose their actions) you stray with it whom You will (If they act in disbelieve, as human through their free will choice, can stary or follow guidance) and guide with it whom you will (who Seeks belief), You are our guardian, so forgive for us and have mercy upon us, and You are the best of the forgivers
156- And write for us in this world good and the hereafter, Indeed we are guided back to you, said (Allah) “ My torment I strike with it whom I will, and My mercy encompasses everything (Mercy available for all believers or not In this worldly life), so I will write it (For the hereafter) to those who are pious, and bring zakat (Charity), and those whom in our signs believes”
157- Those who follow the unlettered messenger prophet (Muhammed pbuh), who they find written (By naming, attributes, and epithets)in what they have in The Torah, and the Gospel, command them with what is commonly upright (To them, and by the innate nature),and forbid them from what is denied, and allow for them the good and prohibits the malignant (bad, harm), and put down from them the heaviness and the shackles which were upon them (Punishments for their doings, and also the fabricated by them), so those who believed in him, and honor him and help him, and followed the light that was brought down with him (The Quran), those are the prosperous
158- Say (Muhammed),” O people, I am the messenger of Allah for you all, to Whom (Allah) belongs the dominion of the heavens and earth, there no deity but Him, He causes life and death, so believe in Allah and His messenger the unlettered prophet who believes in Allah and His words and follow him, that you may be guided”
159- And from among the folks of Moses’ nation, that guides by the truth, and with it (The truth) rule in justice
160- And We cut them (God Separated children of Israel) into twelve descendants nations (Groups based on Jacobs’s twelve children descendants), and revealed to Moses as his folks asked him for a drink to hit (Strike, beat) with your staff the stone so it dropped from it twelve eyes (Springwater), had known every people their drinking (their eye of water), and We shaded upon them the blinders (Clouds), and brought down upon them the manna (Drops of white like maple that tastes like cream of honey) and quails, eat from the goods of which We provided you, and they did not unjust Us (By being rebellious ungrateful) but they were unjust to themselves
161- And as it was said to them (Relayed to each group through their chain of authority), “Live in this village (Jerusalem), and eat from it wherever you willed and say “God Remove our sins” and enter the gate prostrating, forgive to you (By God), your wrongdoings and increase for the good-doers
162- So replaced those who wronged from among them sayings instead of what was said to them (So a group of them disobeyed), so We sent upon them torment from the heavens by what they were wrongdoing
163- And ask them (O Muhammed) about the village which was present by the sea, as they transgressed in the Sabbath as came to them their fish in the day of the Sabbath sailing ( waving their fins like boat sails), and the days they do not Sabbath they do not come, like this We ordeal them with what they used to transgress
164- And as said, a community from among them (The ones that kept the Sabbath) “Why do you (The advising ones that also kept the Sabbath and wanted to advise the others) advise the people (Those are the ones that transgressed or plans to transgress in the Sabbath) that Allah will perish them or will torment them with severe torment, they said (The advising ones) “An excuse to your God (that we did our best by advising them), perhaps they (The transgressors) will fear Him (And Obey)
165- So, when they (The ones that were advised but still transgressed) forgot what they were reminded of (To keep the Sabbath, and not to go fishing on it), We saved those who forbid away from the bad and seized those who did unjust, with miserable torment with what they were transgressing. (They brought it on themselves by disobeying)
166- And when they disdained that which they were forbidden about (insolent, arrogantly dismissed, disobeyed and did not keep the Sabbath), We said to them be “Despicable apes” (was viewed by others who obeyed as detested apes, Allah knows best)
167- And as declared your God, to indeed raise upon them (Those disobedient from among the children of Israel) to the day of resurrection that who would drive upon them (Request additional) the worst torment, indeed you God is swift in retribution, and indeed He is forgiving Merciful
168- And We cut (fragmented) them in the earth into groups (Isolated groups and districts even in the country they reside in, e.g. Jewish district) among them the righteous and among them lower than that, and We tried (Afflict) them with what is good (Prosperity) and what is bad (adversity) perhaps they would return (To obedience)
169- So it succeeded from after them successors (their dependents) who inherited the Book (Torah), they take the displayed (current, materialistic, forbidden and perishable) of this lower (wordily life) and saying “will be forgiven for us”, and if came to them a similar display (Forbidden offer) they take it, have not been taken upon them a covenant of the book, not to say about Allah but the truth, and they studied what is in it (Torah), and that the dwelling of the hereafter is better for those who are pious, cannot you use reason?
170- And those who hold on to the book, and establish prayer, indeed We do not lose the wages of the right reformers
171- And, as We tore (extracted) the mountain to be above them, to make it shade, that they thought it is falling on them (As punishment), take what We brought you (Torah) with strength, and mention (always mention and remember )what is in it, that you might be pious
172- And as taken your God from the children of Adam, from their backs (loins) their (unborn yet, gene) offspring’s and made them witness on themselves “Am I not your God” they said “Yes we testify” (That is the inborn innate common-sense testimony, of all the children of Adam, till end of times), lest you say on the day of Resurrection, we were about this unaware heedless
173- Or to say, rather our parents had associated (with Allah partners) from before, and we were but offspring’s from after them, so do you perish us for what have done the invalidators (Who failed to pass on Allah’s message, to the next generation)
174- And thus, We detail Our verses, and hopefully, they might return
175- And recite upon them the news of him (Could be any human) whom We brought to Our signs so he skinned (Allah’s signs were abundant and surrounding him so he had to skin or stripped himself) from it, so followed him Satan (Sins sometimes come from the lust of the soul, and sometimes from the embellishment and seduction of Satan), and become among the seduced
176- And if We had willed, We would have elevated him (In status into paradise heaven), but he immortalized (adhered) to the earth (Preferred this lower life) and followed his whims, so his example is like the dog if you bear on him (rebuke) he pants, or you leave him he pants, that is like the folks that denied Our signs (That follows his desires, panting whether he is safe or not, thirsty or not thirsty, and is possessed by desire and his whims all his times), so relate the stories, maybe they will give thoughts
177- Worse of example the folks who denied our signs, and to their selves they were straying
178- Whoever guides to Allah (seeks guidance), he is the guided (Assisted further in guidance by Allah), and whoever He stary (Seeks to straying, will assist him to stray), those are the losers
179- And We have spread to hell a lot of among the Jinn and humankind, for them hearts with which they do not understand with, and for them eyes with which they do not perceive with, and for them ears with which they do not hear with, those are the like of chattels, rather indeed they are more astray, and those are the heedless
180- And to Allah the best of names, so call upon Him with them, and toss away those who apostate in His names (relating His names to others, or making up names), they will be recompensated for what they have been doing
181- And from among whom We created a nation that guides by the truth and with it establish justice
182- And those who denied Our signs, We will step for them (Lure them step by step) from where they do not know
183- And I delay for them, indeed My scheming is solid
184- Have they not give thought, that their companion has no within him madness, indeed his is not but a clear warner
185- Have not they looked in the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and that what have created Allah among everything, and maybe that their terms have approached, so in what statement afterward they believe? (What more do you want)
186- And whoever stray Allah (seeks to stray from Allah), there is no guider for him, and Will toss them (leave them) in their transgressing wandering blindly
187- They ask you about the hour when its embarkment, say rather its knowledge is with my God, dose not reveal it to its time except He, laid heavily in the heavens and earth, does not come to you except unexpectedly, they ask you as if you are aware of it, say rather its knowledge is with Allah, but most people do not know. (that Allah had concealed its time)
188- Say I do not possess to myself benefit or harm except what Allah has willed, and if I had known the absent (unseen), I would have increased from among the good and would have not touched me bad, indeed I am but a warner and bringer of good tiding to folks who believes
189- And He is Who created you (Humans) from one, self (Human self), and made from it (that same Human self), its pair (female pair) to rest to her, so when he (The male) covered her, she carried a light load (Pregnancy) and got through with it (unnoticeable), so when she became heavy, they called upon Allah their God, “If You should get us good, we will surely be among the thankful”
190- But when He brought them good, they ascribed to Him partners (e.g. idols) in what He brought them, Exalted Allah above what they partnered with.
191- Do they partner, (With Allah) who does not create anything? and they are created
192- And they cannot give them help, neither they can help themselves
193- And if you invite them to guidance, they do not follow you, it is the same for you whether you call them, or you are silent
194- Indeed, those that you call upon, that are lower (instead), than Allah, are worshipers (servants) like you, so call upon them, so let them respond to you, if you were truthful
195- Do for them feet by which they walk with? Or for them hands by which they brutalize with it? or for them eyes by which they see with it? or for them ears by which they hear with it? Say “call upon your partners, then conspire against me, and do not delay”
196- Indeed, my guardian is Allah who brought down the book, and He supports of the righteous
197- And those you call upon that are lower than Him, cannot support you, nor they can support themselves
198- And if you call them to guidance they do not hear, and you see them looking at you and they do not perceive (see)
199- Take the easy (Comes free your way), and command by what is known (Behavior that the minds know is correct, souls are reassured by, and agree with God’s law), and side away from the ignorant
200- And if a poking from Satan pokes you (from a distance), then seek refuge in Allah, indeed He is hearing knowing
201- Indeed, those who were pious, if touched by a vision from Satan, they remembered (Allah), so then have sight (See clearly)
202- And their brothers (The unpoised ones) they (the devil) extend them in seduction, and they do not fall short
203- And if you do not bring them a sign (miracle), they say “Why not make it happen”, say “I but follow what is revealed to me from my God” That is insight from your God and guidance and mercy for a people that believe”
204- And when the Quran is recited, then do listen to it, and silently pay attention, hopefully you will receive mercy
205- And remember your God in yourself with intense supplication and with fear, and with lower than lauding your saying in the morning and evenings, and do not be among the heedless
206- Indeed, those that at your God do not act large (Haughtily, arrogant) from His worship, and they exalt Him, and to Him they prostrate.
The Holy Quran can only be read in its original Arabic language. No translation or interpretation of the Holy Quran can be used as a replacement for the Arabic Holy Quran. I am not a scholar nor do I have any Islamic diplomas. I have tried to provide a Quran translation and contemplations that are faithful to the Quranic Arabic language using an empirical approach that is based on my readings of selected scholars’ interpretations, my personal experiences, and my understanding of The Holy Quran as a Muslim native Arabic speaker.