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☪️ Quran Chapter 9: The Repentance – Al Tauba سورة التوبة

Writer's picture: Mohamed ElgayarMohamed Elgayar

Updated: Aug 18, 2024

Revelation place: Medina

Revelation order: 113

Number of verses: 129



It’s the Muslim’s year nine. The Muslims with overwhelming numbers returned to Mecca. Allah offered a four-month period to the Meccan polytheists to repent establish prayer and make Zakat.

Now it was necessary to establish a clear declaration policy for the newly formed Islamic state, to administer its local affairs and extend the influence of Islam beyond Arabia.


1-     An acquittal from Allah and his messenger to those whom you made a treaty with from among the polytheists (Relief command by Allah, from the  treaty, as polytheist of Mecca broke the treaty)


2-  So, tour (freely and safely, addressing the polytheist) in the land for four months, and know that you are not able to infirm (overpower) Allah, and indeed Allah will shame the disbelievers


3-  And an announcement (Loud publicly to reach the ears) from Allah and His messenger to the people on the day of the greater pilgrimage (Were both blavers and nonbelievers for the last time), that Allah is indeed free (of treaty) from the polytheist and his messenger (too), so if you repent it is better for you, and if took off , then know that you are not infirming Allah, and give tiding to those who disbelieved of a painful torment


4-  Except those with whom  you had a treaty from among the polytheist, and they did not short you anything, and did not back against you anyone, so complete to them their treaty to their term, indeed Allah loves the pious


5-  So, when the sacred month is skinned (the four-month protection period has ended, lifted), then fight the (Arab) polytheists wherever you find them, and take them, and besiege them, and sit for them every monitor (watch their movements), so if they repent and establish prayers and brought Zakat (Charity) so empty their ways, indeed Allah is forgiving merciful (The Arabs at that time had no excuse not to believe, as they knew the prophet character and the miracles of the Quran came in their Arabic language, so If they want to remain polytheistic, so they cannot mix with the believers)


6-  And if any one of the polytheists seeks your side (protection, advise) so side him, so that he can hear Allah’s words, then deliver him to his safety, that is because they are people who do not know


7-  How can that be a treaty for the polytheists at Allah and at his messenger! (As they did not honor their treaties), except those whom you made a treat with at the sacred mosque, so if they stayed upright to you then be upright to them, indeed Allah loves the pious


8-  How, and indeed if they back on you (have advantage over you) they do not observe on you any pact or conscious, they satisfy you with their mouths, and refuses their hearts, and most of them are transgressors


9-  They bought with Allah’s signs a small price, so they repelled from His way, indeed badness what they were doing


10-They do not observe towards a believer any pact or consciousness, those are the transgressors


11-So, if they repent and establish prayer and brought charity (Zakat), then they are your brothers in religion, and We detail the signs for a people who knows. (We detailed the verses for people truly searching for true knowledge)


12-And if they broke their oaths from after their covenant, and stabbed in your religion, then fight the leaders of the disbelief, indeed there is no oaths for them, that they might finish. (End their animosity)


13-Why not would you fight folks who broke their oaths, and move to expel the messenger, and they who had begun by you the first time (By now breaking their oaths, and initiating fight the first time ago), do you fear them? but Allah this more just to indeed fear, if you year believers


14-Fight them, will torment them Allah by your hands, and disgrace them and give victory for you upon them, and heals the chest (from prior oppression by the disbeliever) of  a believing people


15-And let go of the rage in their (Believers) hearts (Due to the disbeliever betraying their covenant), and Allah repents upon who He wills, and Allah is Knowing Wise


16-Or did you count on that you will be left, while not made Allah knowledge (clear evidence ) of those, who had strived among you and did not take from lower than Allah nor His messenger, and nor the believers as lining (secretive relation with the disbelievers),and Allah is acquainted with what you do


17-It was not for the polytheist to inhabit (and maintain) the mosques of Allah (Places dedicated for prostrations and worship Allah only)while witnessing among themselves with disbelief, those had disappointing deeds, and in the fire, they will abide eternally


18-But inhabits the mosques of Allah, who believes in Allah, and the last day, and established prayer, and brought charity (Zakat),and did not fear but Allah, so maybe those to indeed become among the guided. (who are given guidance by Allah)


19-Have you made watering the pilgrim and maintenance of the Sacred Mosque, the like who believed in Allah and the last Day and strived in the path of Allah? They do not level (equal) at Allah, and Allah dose not guide the wrongdoing people


20-Those who believed and migrated (From Mecca to Medina) and strived in the path of Allah with their possessions and themselves, are of greater rank at Allah, and those are the triumphant


21-Their God give them good tidings of mercy from Him, and blessing and gardens for them in it residing bliss


22- Abiding in it forever, Indeed Allah has with Him a great wage


23-O you that have believed, do not take your fathers or your brothers as guardians, (in charge of your affairs) if they loved the disbelieve over belief, and whoever take them as guardian from among you, then those are the wrongdoers


24-Say if your fathers, and your children’s and your brothers, and your wives, and your clan, and wealth that you strived for, and commerce that you fear its depression, and housings that satisfy you, are more beloved to you that Allah and his messenger and strive in His way, so ambush, (Waite, lurk) until Allah brings His command, and Allah dose not guide the disobedient folks (Allah does not guide a sinner who has departed from His faith, nor who put their love for worldly life above the love of God, nor the wrongdoers who persists on injustice, disbelief, immorality, disobedient, and do not seek repentance)


25-Allah has given you victory in many settlements, and the day of Hynayan, as you liked your multitude (And you said we are a lot and will not be defeated, forgetting that victory comes from Allah), but it  did not avail from you a thing, and tightened the land upon you with its vastness, then you turned back (Fleeing back to Mecca and leaving the prophet in battel with few companions )


26-Then brought down Allah His tranquility upon His messenger, and upon the believers (who flee back, so they re-grouped and rebounded), and brought down soldiers (Angels) you did not see, and tormented those who disbelieved, and that is the recompose of the disbelievers


27-  Then Allah will repent upon from after that, over whom He wills, and indeed Allah is Forgiving Merciful (Allah’s door of repentance is always open till death)


28-Oh, you have believed, indeed the polytheists are impure (corrupted in beliefs and doctrines), so let not approach the sacred mosque, from after their year this, and if you feared poverty (from loss of polytheist pilgrims to Mecca), then Allah will enrich you from His bounty, if He wills, indeed Allah Knowing Wise


29-Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the Last day, and do not forbid what Allah and His messenger had forbidden and do not owe the religion of the truth from among those who were brought the Book, until they give the jizya (Reward tribute penalty for not killing them or forcing them to convert) by hand, belittled (Capable to delivery it, and humbled)


30-And said the Jews “Uzir is the son of Allah (Could be Ezra who memorized the Tora according to a sect of the Jews at the time of the prophet (Pbuh), and Allah knows Best), and said the Nazarene (Christians)” The Messiah is the son of Allah”, that is their saying from their mouth (Fabricated) matching the saying of those who disbelieved from before, fight them Allah (It’s a curse), how they are confused? (How they turned away from the truth)


31- They took their scholars (Jewish scribes) and their monks (Christian Priests) like of Gods (That legislate, alter, permit, and forbid their commands) that are lower than Allah, and The Messiah the son of Mary (The Christians took Jesus the son of Marry as God), and they were not commanded but to worship one deity (obey in what He permits and forbids) no deity but Him, Exalted He over what they associate


32-They want to extinguish the light of Allah (His message) with their mouths, and refuses Allah but to complete His light, even if hates it the disbelievers


33-It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, to manifest it over all religions (Clear on top over the backs of all corrupted religions), even if hates it those who associate. (Disbelievers in the absolute Oneness of Allah, no deity but Him)


34-Oh, you who have believed, indeed many of the scribes and the monks they devour people’s money with falsehood and block away from the path of Allah, and those who hoard the gold and the silver and do not spend it in the path of Allah give them tiding of painful torment (This is before zakat was introduced)


35-The day it is heated on it in the fire of Gahanna and ironed with it their foreheads and their sides and their backs, that is what you have horded for yourself, so taste what you have been hoarding

36-Indeed, the count of the months with Allah is twelve months in the book of Allah the day He created the heavens and the earth among them four sacred (Ware is forbidden in order to give peace a chance to prevail) that is the responsible religion (just, clear, straight and worthy) and do not unjust in them (twelve months) yourself and fight those who associate  (Idolators, and who take partners with Allah) all together (all of you united) like they fight you all together and know that Allah is with the pious


37-Indeed procrastination (move the sacred months around for their benefit) is an increase in disbelieve, is strayed with it those who disbelieved, they allow it a year and disallowed a year (for their advantage) to connive the count that disallowed Allah (They in deceit move the months count around to totally equal to the count of Allah four sacred month), ornamented to them the ill of their doing, and Allah dose not guide the disbelieving folks


38-Oh, you have believed what is with you, as it is said to you roar in the path of Allah you heavily stagnated on the earth, did you become content with the lower life than the hereafter, but indeed the enjoyment of the lower life in the hereafter is but little


39-I you do not roar He torment you painful torment and replaces you with other folks, and you do not harm Him anything, and Allah over everything capable


40-If you do not support him, Allah has already supported him, as He drove him those who disbelieved second of two, as they were in the cave, as he (The Prophet) said to his companion (Abu Bakr) “do not grieve, indeed Allah is with us” (as Abu Bakr thought that they have no hope to hiding from the disbelievers in the cave) so brought down his tranquility on him and supported him with soldiers you did not see, and made the word of the disbelievers the lowest, and Allah’s word the highest and Allah is mighty wise


41-Roar lightly or heavily and strive with your wealth and self in the path of Allah, that is better for you, if you were to know


42-And if it was near offer (easy gain) or a frugal journey they (the hypocrites) would have followed you, but become far for them the discomfort , and they will swear by Allah, if we could we would have gone with you, they perish themselves (as they swore falsehood in the name of Allah), and Allah knows that indeed they are lying


43-Allah has pardoned you that you gave them permission (to stay behind), so that will become evident to you those who were truthful, and to know the lairs


44-Would not ask you to be excused, those who believed in Allah and the last day, to indeed strive with their wealth or their selves, and Allah is knowing of the pious


45-But ask you to be excused, those who do not believe in Allah and the last day and doubted their hearts, as they are in their suspicion hesitating


46-And if they intended to go, they would have prepared for it the preparation’s, but Allah disliked their emission (going), so He kept them and said sit with the sitters


47-If they had gone with you, they would not increase you but frenzy, and they would put in-between you desiring dissension, and among you are listeners to them, and Allah is knowing of the wrongdoers


48-They have desired dissension from before (conspiring to kill the prophet back while in Mecca), and turned over matters for you (to be sway you away and kill you ), until came the truth and appeared Allah’s decree (Islam spread in Arabia), while they are hateful


49-And among them is he who says “excuse for me and do not trial me (by letting me go and get tested in war), indeed not in trial they have fallen (failed the trial of obeying Allah), and indeed Gahanna  is encompassing the disbelievers


50-If strikes you good, it distresses them, and if calamity strikes you, they say ” we have taken our matter from before” and they turn away while rejoicing


51-Say “ Will not strike us, except what Allah has decreed for us” He is our guardian and upon Allah should rely the believers


52-Say” do you lurk for us except one of two best things, and we lurk for you that Allah strike you with torment from Him or with our hands, so lurk, we are indeed with you lurking


53- Say spend willingly or hatefully, will not be accepted from you, indeed you have been wicked folks


54- And what prevented their expenditure from being accepted is but they have disbelieved in Allah and his messenger, and they do not come to prayer expect in laziness, and they do not spend except they are hateful


55-So will not please you their wealth or their children, rather Allah wants to torment them with it in this worldly life, and get expelled their selves (Their selves die with boredom and disgust) while they are disbelievers


56-And they swear by Allah that they are from among you while they are not from among you, but they are folks who parted (Out of fear they lie)


57-And if they find a refuge or a way in, they would have turned to while running wild


58-And among them who pokes you (reproach) in charities, and if they were given from it they are satisfied, and if they were not given from it they get disgruntled


59-And if they had been contenting with what Allah and His messenger had brought them, and said “sufficient for us that Allah, will bring us from His bounty and His messenger” we are for Allah indeed willing


60-Rather indeed Alms for the poor and the needy and for those who work on it (To collect and disburse) and for reconciling hearts (of the non-Muslims for protection or help them to Islam) and for the necks (To free salves) and the forfeiters (Borrowed for non sinful reason and could not pay), and for the path of Allah, and the son of the path (Stranded traveler), an obligation from Allah (all aforementioned), and Allah is Knowing Wise


61-And among them who hurts the prophet and they say” he is an ear” (Mocking as who listens and believes everything he is told) say” an ear for your goodness, believes in Allah and believes for the believers (support for them) and mercy for those who believed among you, and those who hurts the messenger of Allah for them painful torment


62-They swear by Allah to you to please you, and Allah and his messenger are more worthy for them to please, if they are believers


63-Have not then know that whomever edge from Allah and His messenger (Oppose and sever a boarder e.g. with a sword to fight), so indeed for him the fire of Gahanna, abiding in it, and that is the great disgrace


64-Caution the hypocrites, that would come upon them a sura, that inform them of what is in their hearts, say “Mock, indeed Allah will bring forth what you caution” (fear to expose)


65-And if you ask them, they would say “ We were only wade and play” say “ Is it with Allah and His verses and His messenger you were mocking”


66-Do not apologize, you have disbelieved after your belief, if We pardon a faction from you (If they repent), We torment another faction as they were guilty (For staying in the disbelieve course)


67-The hypocrites (men) and the hypocrites (women) are one of another (alike), they command by what is denied and forbid what is known right and they close their hands (stingy), they forget Allah so He forgot them, indeed the hypocrites are the dissolute.(split away from Gods obedient)


68-Promised Allah the hypocrites (men) and the hypocrites (women) and the disbelievers the fire of Gahanna  (if they die unrepentant)abiding in it (eternally), and it is sufficed for them (For their disbelieve and hypocrisy) and cursed them Allah, and for them persisting torment


69-The like of those from before you, they were harder than you in strength, and more in wealth and children, they enjoined their share, so you enjoined your share the same like the ones from before had enjoined, and plunged the like those had plunged ( in the past wordily enjoyments), their works were a disappointment in this world and the hereafter, and they are the losers


70-Have not came to them (the hypocrites and disbelievers) the news of those from before them, the people of Noah and the people of Aad (Adites) and Thamud and the people of Abraham and the companions of Midian (Of Shuaib) and the inverted (People of Lut)came to them their messenger with the clear signs, and was not for Allah to unjust them, but they were unjust to themselves


71-And the believers (men) and the believers (women) are some allies to some, they command by what is defined (By Allah) and forbid what is denied, and establish prayer, and bring Zakat (Charity) and obey Allah and His messenger, those Allah will have mercy upon them, indeed Allah is Mighty Wise


72-Promised Allah the believers (men) and the believers (women) gardens beneath which rivers flow abiding in it eternally, and pleasant dwellings in gardens of stay (will not perish) and contentment from Allah that is greater, that is the great triumph


73-O Prophet strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites (By Allah’s allowed means) and be harsh upon them, their refuge is Gehenna , and a wretched destination


74-They (hypocrites) swear by Allah they did not say, while indeed they have said the word of disbelief, and disbelieved after their Islam, and attempted by what they did not attain (To try and kill the prophet in battel), and did not resent, except that Allah and His messenger enriched them from His bounty (Ungrateful for the guidance and the bounties while pretended as Muslims), so if they repent, would be better for them (than hypocrisy), and if they walk away, Allah will torment them painful torment in this wordily life and the hereafter, and there will be no alley for them in the earth or supporter


75-And among them who had made a covenant with Allah, if indeed He brought to us from His bounty, we will indeed give alms, and be among the righteous


76-And when brought then from His bounty, they became stingy with it, and turned away sideways (Averse)


77-So, He consequence (followed by penalizing) them hypocrisy in their hearts to the day they meet Him, by what they left behind what they promised Allah and by what they used to lie


78-Dis they not have knowledge that Allah knows their secret and secret talk, and indeed Allah is the Knower or the un-present


79-Those who shame (By signs, hand, mouth, eyes or otherwise) the volunteers from among the believers to alms, and those who find nothing but their effort, so they mocked them, mocked them Allah and for them painful torment


80-Seek (O Muhammed Ask)for forgiveness for them (Hypocrites)or do not seek for forgiveness for them, if (even) you seek for fogginess for them seventy times (Expression of numerous times), Allah will not forgive them, that is because they disbelieved in Allah and His messenger, and Allah dose not guide the disobedient folks


81-Rejoiced the leavers (the hypocrites) by their staying against the messenger of Allah (his request), and were averse  to strive by their wealth and selves in the path of Allah, and said “do not forth in the heat” say” the fire of Gehenna is more intense in heat” if they would understand


82-So let them laugh a little, and will weep much, as a recompense for what they have earned


83-And if returned you Allah (after the battel) to a faction among them, then they asked your permission to go out, say “ You will not go out with me ever, and will not fight with me an enemy”, indeed you were content by staying the first time, so stay with the stayers behind


84-And do not pray over anyone of them who died ever, and do not stand on his grave, indeed they have disbelieved in Allah and His messenger and died while they are disobedient


85-And will not please you their wealth (for their love of it over Allah’s command) and their children (for either following their parents in hypocrisy or discovering their parents hypocrisy, and Allah knows best), rather Allah wants to torment them with it in this worldly life, and get expelled their selves (Their selves die with boredom and disgust of their hypocrisy) while they are disbelievers


86-And if came down a surah to indeed believe in Allah and strive with His messenger, asked to be excused those of reach (wealthy)among them, and said “ Toss us  ( leave us) be with the stayers”


87-They were content to be among who fell behind, and was sealed upon their hearts, so they do not understand


88-But rather the messenger and those who believed with him strived with their wealth and selves, and for those belong the goods, and those are the prosperous


89-Prepared Allah for them gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding eternally in it, and that is the great triumph


90-And came the excusers (Who want to be excused for false reasons) from among the Arabs (Bedouins surrounding Mecca), so be permitted for them and stayed those who lied about Allah and his messenger, will strike those who disbelieved among them painful torment


91-There no upon the weak or the upon the ill or upon those who cannot find anything to disburse, if they advise (encourage) Allah and his messenger, and there is no upon the well-doers a path (No path of blame), and Allah is  Forgiving Merciful


92-Nor upon those who came to you to carry them, you said “I cannot find nothing to mount you upon, and they left while their eyes are overflowed with tears out of sorrow that they cannot find something to spend


93-Rather the path (blame, recourse) is upon those who ask permission while they are wealth, they were content to be among those who stay, and sealed Allah upon their hearts, so they do not know (As Allah sealed their hearts, they will not comprehend)


94-They make excuses to you if you returned back to them, say “Do not excuse, we will not believe you, Allah had informed us of your matters” and will observe Allah your doings and his messenger, then you will be returned to the world of the absent  and the witnessed (Hereafter) , so He will inform you of what you used to do


95-They will swear by Allah to you, if you were returned to them, they you will side from them (Scold them for not joining the fight), so side away from them (in contempt) they are filth, and their refuge is Gehenna a recompense for what they had been earning


96-They swear to you to become content with them, so if you become content with them, but indeed Allah does not get content upon the dissolute folks


97-The wandering Arabs (No land Bedouins) are stronger in disbelieve and hypocrisy and most likely not to know the boarders of what had brought down Allah upon His messenger (The are harsh by nature and always on the move and often isolated), and Allah is Knowing Wise


98-And among the wandering Arabs who takes what he spends as a fine (loss), and lurk by you, for it to turns to them (For opportunity to circle back to them), upon them the circle of misfortune, and Allah is hearing knowing


99-And among the wandering Arabs who believes in Allah and the last day, and takes what he spends as nearness to Allah and invocation of the messenger, surely it is a nearness for them, will admit them Allah in His mercy, indeed Allah is Forgiving Merciful


100- And the first forerunners (To Islam) among the Emigrants (From Mecca to Medina)  and the Helpers (Who supported the Emigrants in Medina) and those who followed them with kindness, please Allah with them and they are pleased with Him and He prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding in it forever, and that is the great triumph


101- And from among those around you of the wandering Arabs are hypocrites, and from the folks of Medina who are smooth on hypocrisy, you do not know them We know them, will torment them twice (e.g. being exposed, and at death), then they will be returned to a great torment


102- And others confessed to their faults, they mixed good doing with bad doings, hopefully Allah will turn them into forgiveness, indeed Allah is Forgiving Merciful


103- Take from their wealth a charity (for the needy) to purify (From the needy hatred towards the stingy and society) and grow them with it (In being in a supporting community of faith) and invoke upon them, indeed your invocation is a reassurance for them (Thatthey did the right thing) and Allah is Hearing Knowing


104- Did they not know that Allah is who accepts repentance  on behalf of His worshipers and takes the charities, and indeed Allah is The Repentance Forgiving (Ultimately all up to Allah, not the prophet)


105- Say do, so will see Allah your doing, and His Messenger and the believers then you will be returned to the world of the absent  and the witnessed (Hereafter), then He will inform you of what you used to do


106- And others (Who are indifferent and had no excuse not to join in the expedition) are postponed for Allah’s command (Will be marginalized, so others can observe them and take an example of the consequence of their non-action) either He torments them or forgives them, and Allah is Knowing Wise


107- And those who took a mosque of harm (a place to scheme harm) and disbelief and separation between the believers and a monitor for whom fight Allah and His Messenger from before, and they would swear that they indeed wanted nothing but good, and Allah testifies that they are surely liars


108- Do not sand (pray in this spot) in it ever (Spot, Mosque of harm), A mosque established on piety from the first day is more just to stand in it, in it men who loves to purify themselves, and Allah loves the purifiers


109- Is it who establish his building on piety from Allah and content better, or who establish his building on a collapsible detached lip edge that collapses with him in the fire of Gehenna, and Allah does not guide the wrongdoing folks


110- Still that building that they built cause suspicion in their hearts (That the Prophet will punish them for it) until it tears their hearts, and Allah is Knowing Wise


111- Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers  their selves and wealth, for that for them paradise, they fight in the path of Allah, so they kill and be killed,  a just promised upon Him in The Torah and The Gospel and The Quran, and whomever fulfil his covenant that is from Allah, so be optimistic at the transaction you transacted with, and that is the great success


112- The repentant, the worshipping, the praising, the wandering (Observers of Allah signs and doing good deeds) , the bowers and prostrating with what is right (in prayers), and forbid what is denied, and keep the orders of Allah, and give good tiding to the believers


113- Was not for the prophet and those who believed to ask forgives for the polytheists (disbelievers) even if they were close relatives from after has become clear to them, that they are companions of Hellfire


114- And it was not for Abraham asking forgiveness for his father (his uncle Aazr), except for a promise he promised him it, and when he realized that an enemy to Allah , he disavowed him, indeed Abraham was compassionate gentle


115- And was not for Allah to let astray folks, after He had guided them (pointed them to path of guidance), until makes clear to them what they to be pious about (The commands and prohibitions), indeed Allah with everything is Knowing


116- Indeed, to Allah the dominion of the heavens and the earth, He cause life and cause death, and  you have no among that beneath Allah any guardian or helper


117- Indeed, Allah had relieved the prophet and the immigrants and the supporters, and those who followed him in the hour of hardship from after the hearts of a party of them evaded them (in doubts), then He forgave them, indeed He is with them Kind  Merciful


118- And upon the three who stayed behind, until the land tightened upon them despite its vastness and tightened upon them themselves (They stayed behind with no reason, and were boycotted by others to the point of life became tight for them), and they thought that there is no refuge to Allah except to Him (The way out is to join others in their expedition), so He forgave them so they repent, indeed Allah is the Repentance Merciful


119- O you who have believed , be pious to Allah, and be among the truthful


120- It was not for the people of the Medina and those surrounding them from the wandering Arabs (Bedouins) to stay behind from The Messenger of Allah  desire themselves upon his self (The Messenger), that is because it does not strike them thirst nor fatigue nor hunger in the path of Allah, and do not tread a foot place that enrage the disbelievers (capture their valuable land), or gain hold of an enemy with infliction, but was written to them as a righteous deed, indeed Allah does not let lost the reward of the good-doers


121- And do not spend an expenditure, small or large, nor cut a valley (travel in the path of Allah), but was written for them, that Allah may recompense them for the best of what they are doing


122- And it was not for the believers to spread forth altogether (On religious missionary or expeditions), if it was not for persons from a group among them to stay behind to get knowledge (Preserving and learning religion jurisprudence from the prophet and teaching others), and (The other group who left) to warn their people (who stayed behind to learn) if they return back to them (From their religious missionary or expedition), so they be cautious (In safety, and other belief, stay In touch of the other world beyond Meccah and spreading Islam)


123- O you have believed fight those who are near to you from the disbelievers, and let them find in you harshness, and know that indeed Allah is with the pious


124- And when came down a Sura , so among them (Hypocrites) who says “Who of you has this increased in faith”, as for those who believes, it increased them in faith, while  they are rejoicing


125- As for those who in their hearts sickness it in creased them filth over their filth, and they died while they are disbelievers


126- Do not they see that they are tried in every year once or twice but still they do not repent nor they do remember


127- And if when it came down a Sura, then looked some of them to some (saying in signs) “Did any one saw you” then they scram (the believers presence), scram Allah their hearts, as they are folks who do not comprehend


128- Has came to you a Messenger from among yourselves (A human that you knew), grievous upon him what you suffer assiduous upon you (eager, concern for you) with the believers kind and merciful


129- And if they turned away (ignored and took matters in their own way), so Say (Muhammed) “Sufficient  for me is Allah, no deity but Him, upon Him I rely and He is the God of the Great Throne”


The Holy Quran can only be read in its original Arabic language. No translation or interpretation of the Holy Quran can be used as a replacement for the Arabic Holy Quran. I am not a scholar nor do I have any Islamic diplomas. I have tried to provide a Quran translation and contemplations that are faithful to the Quranic Arabic language using an empirical approach that is based on my readings of selected scholars’ interpretations, my personal experiences, and my understanding of The Holy Quran as a Muslim native Arabic speaker.










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