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☪️ Quran: Chapter 17 Al Israa – Night Journey سورة الإسراء

Writer's picture: Mohamed ElgayarMohamed Elgayar

Revelation place: Mecca

Revelation order: 50

Number of verses: 111

The Holy Quran (Period 609-632 CE) can only be in Arabic.

· Texts in Red & Blue are Quranic Scripture Translation

· Texts Between (Brackets are Quranic Interpretation Notes by the Translator).

· Texts Between <Is the Arabic pronunciation of the Quran>.

· The Holy Quran is the only revealed by God book that exists today unchanged and

preserved in its original revealed language.

The Arabic Holy Quran revealed upon the prophet Mohamed (PBUH) during the years 609-632 CE is divided into 114 chapters, of which 86 chapters were revealed in Mecca, and 28 chapters revealed in The Madinah

Those revealed in Mecca deal primarily with the "Islamic Creed" including belief in Allah, the Omnipresent and Eternal, His angels, His books, His messengers, the Resurrection and Judgment Day, and the divine preordination of good and evil.

Those revealed in The Madinah deal mainly with moral principles, legislation, community development, and warfare.

Allah Knows Best


I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the condemned.

With the name of Allah the gracious the merciful.

(Acknowledge and declare that Allah is the author of Quran)

Chapter 17 Night Journey :Translation and Interpretation

1- Glory (Glory is only to Allah, his actions are glorified whether we comprehend it, glorified or not)

Who took (walked and facilitated through)

His worshiper (Mohamed PBUH, true worshiper body, and soul)

by night (was not seen, became a matter of belief),

from the sacred mosque (Worship place, Kaaba at Mecca)

to the utmost mosque (similar far worship place, Aqsa Mosque at Al-Qds Jerusalem)

around which We blessed,

to show him of Our verses (signs, miracles, verses from nature)

He is (Allah) the hearer and the seeing. (It is a matter of belief, an unseen journey by unseen God)

2- And We brought unto Moses the book (Torah)

and We made it guidance to the children of Israel,

so they do not take other than Me (lesser than me) a guardian. (Partner, supporters)

3- Off-spring (The Children of Israel) are among those We carried with Noah (On the Ark with other believers), indeed he (Noah) was a thankful(always) worshiper.

4- And We decreed upon the children of Israel in the book (Torah)

that you would spoil in the earth twice,

and would rise to great haughtiness (worldly influence).

5- So when the first promise of them arrives,

We dispatched upon you, (Children of Israel)

worshipers of ours (devout only to me, Arabia Muslims), of keen tolerance (great might),

so they shall probe in between the homes (meticulously to weed out the spoilers), and it is a done promise.

6- Then We rebounded (bounced back) for you (Children of Israel)

predominance (supremacy, upper hand) upon them (Arabia Muslims).

And We supplied you with wealth and children,

and We made you more inducers. (Influencers, gaining power by lauding your voice, gaining more world support over them Arabia Muslims)

7- If you do good, you do good for yourselves,

and if you transgress (Allah’s boundaries) it's upon it

and when the second promise came (surely it will come, as the future is definite for Allah),

it will sadden your faces (your transgression will be exposed),

and they (Arabia Muslims) will re-enter the worship place (Temple – The Secret Mosque in Jerusalem)

as they entered the first time, (During the Caliphate Umar year 638)

and destroy (physically and stature) that haughtiness (what they ascended with aggression during the support of other nations)

with utter destruction.

8- Perhaps your God will have mercy on you,

But if you return (to transgression and disobeying)

We return (With more decrees).

and We made Gehinnom (hell, or valley of Hinnom as known to the Jews) for the disbelievers a matt. (Inescapable tight confining matt, that seals, restricts, and traps the dirt under it like the residence of hell, not as the Jews claim Hell is just a temporary maximum 12 months period for the shameful Jewish soul to cleanse and go to heaven).

Gehinnom - valley of Hinnom - is not mentioned In Torah.

in the Torah “Sheol” is the destination for sinners,

Torah offers no firm understanding of the hereafter, life after death, or heaven

and hell it’s described in vague terms).

9- This Quran guides to that which is most upright (Its commands is a straight path, helper, and savior for this life and the hereafter)

and foretell the believers who do good deeds that they will have great wages.

(Rewards by following Allah’s guiding verses-manual)

10- And those who do not believe in the hereafter

We prepared for them a painful (dire) torment.

11- And humans invoke evil (hateful, usually when angry) as invoking good (well-being),

and humans are hasty. (Be patient with Allah’s decrees)

12- And We made the night and day two signs (visual miracles),

We erased the night miracle (No sun, distinctive darkness)

and made the day miracle visible (Sun rays, clear light).

So, you may seek surplus from your God (Additional rewards by your effort over what Allah already gave you), and you might know the numbering of years and computation (The day sun cycle is the computation for the days, and the night moon cycle is the computation for the month, and the sum is numbers of years).

And everything (spiritually and physically) is separated with distinction.

(Made clearly classified, like day and night, e.g., Allah’s commands, prayers time, the cycle of the moon.)

13- And to every human, We attached his bird onto his neck (Deeds, so they cannot blame someone else), and will bring out to him on the day of resurrection a book,

Which he will find it widely published.

(Publicly in the open available to read and be inspected by all)

14- Read your book, enough today yourself is upon you a sufficient calculator.

( On Judgment day Human will lose willpower, so yourself will be a truthful witness and a just calculator of your good and bad deeds)

15- Whoever is guided, is guided for his own self, and whomever stray has strayed upon it (No impact to Allah, but the impact on the person himself and the society),

and no self-weight will be borne by other (Every self will carry its own burden only, no savior no ransom, no substitute),

and We would not punish until We send a messenger. (A messenger to alert and lay down Allah’s commands)

16- And if We want to perish a village,

We ordered its extravagant (Send our commands and allowed its lavish inhabitants, leaders, extremists)

So they transgress in it (disobey the commands).

So the true promise is justified. (commands come into effect to punish the transgressors)

So, We destroyed it destruction. (Utterly)

(An extravagant village is an unjust village, that will eventually perish, to set an example and reset the life cycle)

17- Much We perished of nations (tyrants) from after Noah,

and sufficient is your God of his worshiper’s sins,

knowing seeing. (It's sufficient for you that God knows the sins of his worshipers)

18- Whoever wants the hasty (this world immediate rewards)

We hasten for him in it of what We will,

to whomever we want. (speeded for him the rewards in this world only, and no saving for the hereafter that he disbelieves in).

Then We made (prepared) for him Gahanna (hellfire) to arrive it disgraceful rolled.

(Shoved rolled on his back to its backend & forgotten)

19- And whoever wanted the hereafter and sought (strived) to it

is sought while he believes (did what is commanded by Allah)

it’s those whose sought (attempts) were appreciated.

20- To each, We extend, to those (the worldly desires group)

and those (the hereafter rewards group) from your God’s grant,

and your God’s grant is not restricted. (Allah’s grant is for all whether they believe or not)

21- Look how We bestowed some above others (Human ranking some above others, In this world whether they believe or not),

and in the hereafter, there are greater ranks and greater bestowments.

(preferment, distinction)

22- Do not make with Allah another deity, so to stay (Collapse, remain) disgraced forsaken (letdown, abandoned to struggle alone).

23- Decreed your God

not to worship except him (IYAH, gender neutral),

and with your parent's (biological) kindness,

when they reach by you oldness (feebleness, old age)

one of them or both of them,

do not say to them Uph (sound of agitation)

and do not chide (scold) them

and say to them kind (generously courteous) saying.

24- And lower to them a humility wing of mercy (like a bird treating their newborn, do not be a high horse) and say God have mercy upon them

as they (biological and non-biological parents) have raised me little. (during childhood)

25- Your God is best knowing of what is in your selves

if you become righteous, (Parents and child, do not be a hypocrite),

He is to the atoners forgiving.

26- And bring to kinsperson (close relatives)

their just right,

and the poor,

and the son of the road (traveler, refugee, strayed),

and do not seed aimlessly. (do not squander or waste your seeds-assets-time, haphazardly where it does not righteously belong)

27- Surely the seeder were brothers of the devils (Clans in cause with the devil),

and Satan (first devil) was to his God ever disobedient.

(Satan disobeyed Allah, and he ever strives to recruit devil brothers/clans into his disobedient path)

28- And if you side from them (If a relative or a poor person, come to you and asks you for help and you do not have it, and you feel ashamed to face them)

seek mercy from your God

with anticipation (Seek God’s help, to help you, help them),

then say to them easing saying. (supporting wards, may God help you)

29- And do not make your hand shackled to your neck (like a miser),

nor extend it to its full extension (squander, hastily)

so you will drop (end up)

blameful (for being stingy)

strapped. (or insolvent for being a spendthrift).

(Best be moderate)

30- Indeed your God extends livelihood to whomever he wills (health, wealth, knowledge, beauty.),

and able (prorate, withhold livelihood).

He was to his worshippers All knowing All-seeing.

31- And do not kill your children out of fear of pauperism (out of future fear, of supporting them financially and physically)

We shall provide for them and to you,

indeed killing them was a considerable mistake. (Numerous mistakes in one)

32- And do not approach adultery, it is an ever vile obscenity

and an erroneous path.

33- And do not kill the soul that Allah forbid (to kill) except with just (cause),

and whoever was killed unjustly,

we made for his guardian authority (allowed retribution rights),

but not to exceed in killing (limit the guardian retribution to the criminal act)

so he can be supported.

(Guardian can be supported by Allah and believers)

34- And do not approach the orphan's property,

except with the best of interest,

until he reaches his strength (maturity),

and fulfill commitments,

indeed the commitment

is ever a responsibility

(will be questioned by Allah).

35- And be righteous in what you quantify

if you are measuring

and weight by the straight balance (accurate measurement method),

that is the best consequence.

36- And do not pursue

what you have no knowledge of

indeed the hearing, the sight

and the heart (intension, temperament, emotional acts)

all of those

you would be responsible for.

37- And do not walk on earth swaggering (haughty, loud proud, and arrogant),

you will not puncture the earth,

and will never reach the mountains in height.

38- All that (aforementioned 10 commandments),

its evil results at your God

is detested.

39- That is (the above commandments) from what your God had revealed to you of the wisdom,

and do not make with Allah another deity,

lest be thrown in Gahanna (valley of torment)

blamed (for disobeying Allah)

and banished. (from Allah’s mercy)

40- Has your God refined (selected, strained,) for you males and took females angels (Jews and polytheist Christians, claim angels are God's female daughters)

you (Jews and polytheist Christians)say a great saying.

(appalling that God discriminate among his creation, and also polytheists at that time degraded females)

41 - We have dispensed in this Quran so they may remember (to each human directly by examples and explained in various ways the Oneness of Allah and his path,

e.g., scientific way for scientists' minds, mathematical way, logical way, Jewish way, Christian way, spiritual way, innate way, etc),

but it does not increase them, except in grunt.

(Aversion, Instead of remembering and returning to the right path, they snort and became more disgusted and repulsed).

42 - Say “If there had been with Him (Allah) other deities, as they say,

they (other deities) would have perused a way to the throne".

43- Glorified and exalted, high atop what they say, by great (unequivocal, infinite) height.

(Up and above their grasp and what they say, and everything is beneath Allah)

44- Praise to Him the seven heavens and the earth and what is within them,

and there is nothing but praises by his gratitude,

but you do not comprehend their praises He was forbearing and forgiving.

(e.g., the seeds praises Allah by growing plants,

the sun by shining the fire by burning, dogs bark, etc. as they are obedient and has no free choice like humans.

Even the parts of the disbeliever Human and his limbs e.g., hands, legs praise and obey Allah by functioning as created, but disbeliever Human free will is that of the infidel, and these parts remain subject to the will of their owner until these parts renounce this will on the Day of Resurrection,

so these parts will testify against him for what he did and for what he forced them to do of disobedience to God.)

45- And when you (believer and prophet) read the Quran,

we put between you and those who do not believe in the hereafter a concealed veil.

Persistent on not believing in the Hereafter will veil the non-believer from the Quran’s wisdom,

Meanwhile, The Quran will also veil the believer from the non-believer's misguidance.

46- We made on their hearts coverings (layers resulted from non-believing) not to perceive it (Quran wisdom)

and in their ears heaviness,

and when you mention your God alone in the Quran,

they repel on their back in aversion

(Nonbelievers of the hereafter are content only with this life, they rebuff themselves from the afterlife truth

in the Quran,

that their hearts reflux from self-turmoil and fear of the mention of the hereafter,

and that they have to answer to anyone, nevertheless A One God)

47- We know best by what they hear with,

as they listening to you (In a state of amazement at the eloquence of the Quran)

and they secretly whisperer,

as the evildoers (wicked, polytheists)

say, “you are following nothing but a bewitched man”.

(As they cannot challenge the Quran, they accuse the messenger, of being a bewitched crazy man who is human and has lungs and breath like us)

48- Look how they strike similarities (feeble arguments and examples, you are crazy, bewitched, poet, priest, magician, etc.,)

that they all went astray,

so they cannot find the path. (Cannot convince others from following you with their arguments,

nor they can find the way back to God's path).

49- And they say (The disbeliever in the hereafter)

and when we were bones and remain (dead corps debris, dust, fragments),

shall we be resurrected as a new creation? (in challenge and denial mode),

50- Say become stones or iron. (Even if your corps turns into iron)

51- Or a creation of which enlarge in your chest (whatever feeds your egoistic heart desires eg. If they think they will reincarnate),

then they will say “Who will restore us?”

say “Who initiated you the first time”,

they will shrug their heads to you (To Mohamed, in sarcasm and mockery)

and say “ When will that be?” (Still in mockery)

say “Hopefully will be near (No one knows when Resurrection day except Allah, but definitely coming)”

52- The day He calls you (To judgment)

you will respond (rise from death)

parsing Him (Resurrection day all has no will but to praise Allah )

and you will think

that you stayed but a little. (in the worldly life)

53- And say to my worshipers

to say which is best, (utmost good between them and even among the disbelievers),

for Satan prod among them, (nudge and provoke to create sachem doubts, and conflict among the disbelievers to keep them away from Allah’s path)

indeed Satan is for humans a clear enemy.

54- Your God knows you best, (Even more than you know yourself, He knows who will choose to believe and who will choose not to believe)

if He wills,

He will have mercy upon you (by pointing to the responsive nonbeliever the way to the right path ),

and if He wills will torment you (leave the nonbeliever on his current wrong path he chose),

and We have not sent you (Mohamed) upon them as an agent.

(Not responsible for their belief, you are a messenger, not their representative).

55- And your God knows best of whoever in the heavens and earth,

and We have favored some prophets over others (E.g. saved Ibrahim, spoke to Moses, Jesus from mother only, gave Soliman powers, sent Mohamed as a mercy to all)

and We brought David the Zabour (Psalms prayer is a God praise book.

David’s favor was the Prophet's ship and Psalm book, over kingship)

56- Say

Call to whom you claimed that is lower (You Polytheist Invoke to whom You claim As Gods

which they are beneath Allah e.g., idols, Jesus, Ezra, Uzza, angels,),

they do not possess the removal of adversity from you

or to divert it

57- Those whom you call,

also seek to their God a way

who is closer

and they hope for His mercy

and fear His torment,

indeed your God's torment is to beware of. (The Gods you Polytheist invoke. They seek God’s mercy, and they are his servants and even nearer to him than you)

58- And there is not a village (If not reformed to follow Allah’s path)

but We will eradicate it before the day of resurrection (e.g. Sodom and Gomorrah)

or torment it with intense torment,

that was in the book underlined. (Inscribed)

59- And We did not prevent the sending of signs, (visible physical miracles)

but was lying about it by the beginners (was denied by even who saw them from long ago),

and We brought Thamud the she-camel visible (clear evidence to open their eyes),

they abused it, (they still disobeyed Allah and slaughtered it)

and We do not send signs, but to frighten. (As a warning)

60- And as We told you (Mohamed),

that your God encompassed people (not to worry, all mankind believers and non-believers in his grip),

and We did not make the vision (The night journey miracle)

which We showed you,

but a trial (to distinguish between believers and non-believers)

and the cursed tree in the Quran (Another believes trial, as how a tree grows in hell fire, that burns all),

and We frighten them, (With more miracles)

but it does not increase them

but great transgression. (disobedient)

61- And when We said to the angels “prostrate to Adam”,

they prostrated,

except for Iblees (Satan who was among the angels, though he is a free-will Jinn),

said ( Satan in arrogance and disobedient)

“I prostrate to whom you created from mud”.(Iblees-Satan is racist)

62- Said (Satan) I will show You,

this that you honored above me (Adam the new clay creation)

if you delayed me to resurrection day (my sentence to hellfire for disobeying you),

I will bridle his offspring except a few. (Eliminate his offspring obedience and control them like a horse, and misguide them astray from your path)

63- Said (Allah) go

whoever followed you from them,

then hell will be your recompense,

with ample retribution. (with ample Place in hell saved with abundance torment for you and them).

64- And cut off whomever you can among them with your voice (deceiving voice and whisper)

and yell onto them with your horses (come onto them forcefully with a call like a war shout, and a sudden assault to disrupt, confuse and scare them)

and on foot (infantry, ongoing nonstop assault),

and partnership in their wealth (To make sure they allocate it away from God's path)

and children (spoil their offspring, and keep them away from God's path)

and promises them,

But Satan promises them nothing but arrogance (Embellish falsehood in the image of truth, vanity, lies)

65- As for My worshipers you have no authority over them,

and your god is a sufficient agent (guardian, supporter)

66- Your God is who flows the ship in the sea,

that you may seek from his bounty,

He was ever merciful with you.

67- And when touched by harm at sea (serious imminent adversity),

go astray whom you call upon except Him (vanish whom you pray to and call gods or saviors beside Allah, as at real danger real true self appears and plead to the true one God),

when He (Allah) saved them to out (from adversity),

they sided (turns sideways on themselves away from God, and go back to their fake Gods and forget of Allah’s help),

and humans were blasphemous (in their nature to be ungrateful and forgetful, except the poise believers who have God in mind all the time)

68- Have you believed secure that could not collapse this side out (destroy the current safe side you’re in now Like happen to Harron),

or send upon you pebble storm (like People of Lut),

then you will not find for yourself a guardian.

69- Or have you believed secure that He does not return you in it other time (again to adversity),

and send upon you bombardment from wind to drown you by what you disbelieved,

then you will not find upon Us with it (this avenging torments)

a follower (Avenger, savior, or protector).

70- And We have honored the children of Adam (Allah created Adam with his own hands

and breathed in him his spirit, while creating the universe with the word “Be”,

also made Adam and his offspring learning, speaking, understanding, free will creation with minds, and distinction to know right from wrong,

sent guidance to the children of Adam in the form of prophets and holy books,

made them a viceroy on Earth and commanded the angel to respect Adam etc...)

and carried them in land and sea, and provided them with goods (supported the children of Adam by setting all suitable living environments to serve them)

and preferred them above many we have created (Over matter, animals, plants, angels, Jinn )

with mush preferences.

71- The day We call all the people by their Imam (Messengers/prophet, that informed and guided them to Allah),

whoever is given his book by his right, those will read their book (Good news they hurry to read it) and will not be wronged a filament. (A thin thread layer in a date kernel)

72- And whoever was in this (Earthly life) blind (denier of Allah’s sign and path),

then he is blind in the hereafter and more astray from the path. (More blind and stray, as in the hereafter there is no chance to repent,)

73- And they (disbelievers) approached you (Mohamed) to tempt you

from that we revealed to you (Quran)

to make up against Us (in our name) other than it (Alter the Quran),

and then they would have taken you a friend. (A close companion, buddy)

74- And if We had not stabilized you (firmed you from swaying towards their deceptions)

you almost inclined to them something little. (leaned a little with hopes to guide them)

75- Then (If you had leaned to them a little)

We (Allah) would have made you taste double the life and double the death

then you would not find for yourself on Us a partisan. (If leaned, then you are an allay to the disbelievers, and, also you cannot use that altered text to guide and fend for yourself from Allah's torment)

76- And they nearly chased you away from the land (Mecca) to depart from it (when you Mohamed did not lean to the disbeliever’s deception to alter the Quran),

then they would not remain behind you but a little. (they would have perished If they had succeeded in chasing Mohamed away and continuing their blasphemous practices)

77- It’s the way for those We sent before you of our messengers (That if the messenger was expelled by his people, Allah would torment the expelling disbelievers shortly afterward, e.g. people of Ibrahim and Lut, Moses and Pharoses),

and you will not find to Our way a deviation. (No breach or change to Allah’s way)

78- Establish prayer (Maintain connection with Allah at all times, not only by performing prayers at its times)

through the inclining sun to the darkness of night (from noon till sunset, at its allocated periods, starting from the declination of the sun from its peak at the center through shifting periods down the sky west till its vanishing sunset)

and The Quran of the dawn (Dawn prayer) is witnessed.

(You’re not alone, it’s a peaceful vouched for time watched by angels, so best wakeup and pray)

79- And from the night oust with it (Give up part of the night sleep to pray and read the “Quran”)

dignity for you (Additional virtue for you Mohamed)

hopefully (if you can keep up) your God will resurrect you in a praised spot. (On judgment day)

80- And say “My God make me enter in truth (when Mohamed migrated from Mecca, and enter Medina with truth, his message of Quran)

and let me leave a truthful exit

and make to me

from you a triumphant authority.

81- And say “ The truth has come (Quran) and the falsehood banished,

for falsehood is a vanishing. (Falsehood by nature vanishes when the truth arrives)

82- And We send down from The Quran that which is healing and mercy for the believers

(Comfort, offers mercy, and heals the believers from the burden of

falsehood, moral and physical diseases, clear their faculties, cure what is in their soul of confusion, malice, anxiety, ignorance, misconception, and other spiritual and material diseases,

thus increasing their faith for a better life and hereafter. God willing)

and it does not increase the wrongdoers but loss (Wrongdoers view The Quran with falsehood, corrupt their faculties that will lead to the further ailment of their soul and more loss by missing God’s mercy)

83- And when We bestow Our grace on a human

he sides (He then turns sideways) and distant to his side (depart further from our path),

and when is touched by evil

he is in despair. (Despairs as he had turned away from God's mercy to falsehood,

and has no faith and no one to call upon in distress)

84- Say “Each work upon his image (Their inner Image and deposition he formed and shaped, It's a praise to the true believers and an insult to the unbeliever. This means humans work in line with their likes of moral ways that they developed, as some will thank God for his grace and others will turn away)

your God most knowing of who is on the best-guided path. (do not be so judgmental, as only Allah is the best judge, as He can see the full picture of the person’s hidden inner image)

85- And they (Jews and the disbelievers) ask you about the spirit

say” The spirit is of my God’s command” (Is an affair that only God knows, that also agrees with the Jewish scriptures, which asked this tricky question)

and you (humans) did not receive of knowledge except a little.

86- And if We willed

We could have let go of what We reveal to you (Erase the Quran),

then you (Mohamed and humans) will not find for yourself with it (The Quran),

upon Us as an agent. (Allah’s commands in the Quran are the parameters of judgment, on judgment day).

87- Except for mercy from your God (otherwise you will completely depend on Allah’s mercy on judgment day), indeed His favor is great. (Upon Mohamed by revealing the Quran through him and preserving it to be guidance and support for judgment day)

88- Say (Declare publicly, challenging all, especially Arabs at that time, when poetry was their profession, pride, and a valuable commodity)

“If humans and Jinn (Believed at that time that gunnies humans especially Arab poets depended sometimes on Jinn for inspirations)

met (joined forces) in order to bring the like (not even the same) of this Quran,

they will not bring the like,

even if some of them were to other backers.

(Assistants, so if some have deficiency others will fill it)

89- And We have conveyed to the people in this Quran from every similitude (multiple examples in diversified styles, ways, themes, to address and reach multiple subjects, cultures, temperaments, classes of people, and time periods)

yet did not accept most people, except to disbelief.

90- And they (people of mecca) said “We will not believe to you,

until you gush to us from the ground a fountain”

91- Or that will be to you a garden of palms and grapes, then you gush rivers through them gushingly.)

92- Or you drop, as you had alleged, the sky on us in fragments (pieces from dark eclipsed sky as you promised will happen on judgment day, so hasten that in this world),

or bring Allah and the angels before us (To meet them face to face)

93- Or would be to you a house of embossing (embossed with ornaments, gold, and jewels)

or you ascend into the sky,

and we will not believe in your accession

until you bring down onto us a book we can read (they realized that ascending into the sky is something they cannot verify, so they needed proof)

say” Glory to my God was I not except a human messenger.

(By God, I am just a human messenger)

94- And nothing prevented people from believing,

when the guidance came to them,

except that they said “has God sent a human messenger” (Just being argumentative regarding Mohamed being human).

95-Say “if there were in the earth angels walking reassured

We would have brought down on them from the heavens an angel messenger”.

96- Say” sufficient is Allah a witness between me and you,

He is with His worshipers well knowing seeing.

97- And whomever Allah guides He is guided (to the One True Path),

and whomever stray

you would not find to them custodians without Him (Misguidance and stray have no One Path, they have multiple conflicting paths, ways, approaches, and sects each following their own desire of misguidance)

and We will cram them on the day of resurrection on their faces blind and dumb and deaf,

their fate is hell,

every time it dwindles, we increased them blaze.

98- That is your recompense as they disbelieved Our signs,

and said “and if we become bones and remains, we will be resurrected a new creation.

99- Do not they see that Allah who created the heavens and earth is able to create the like of them?

and He made to them a deferral no doubt in it (Judgment day is differed to the end of human life, where he gets a chance to do good deeds and be tested during his life)

yet refused the wrongdoers but to disbelieve.

100- Say “if you own the treasure coffer of my God’s mercy,

then you will hold out of fear of it sapping (running out, depleting)

and humans are ever-tight. (stingy, even on oneself of fear of poverty, and even if he had owned God’s everlasting mercy)

101- And We brought Moses nine clear signs (To Pharaoh and his people,),

so ask the children of Israel, as it came to them (The story down from their ancestors),

so said pharaoh to him, I suspect O Moses that you are bewitched.

102- Said (Moses) you (Pharaoh) know that none sent down these (nine clear signs) but God of the heavens and earth eye-opening (proof to support Moses claim),

and I suspect O Pharaoh you are doomed.

103- He wanted to expel (bully, overpower, provoke) them from the land,

so We drowned him (pharaoh) and those with him altogether. (God expelled Pharaoh and those with him from the earth)

104- And We said after that to the children of Israel settle the earth (live in scattered places on earth), when comes the final promise (Second promise per verse 4 above, That God, decreed upon the children of Israel in the book (Torah) that you would spoil in the earth twice)

shall bring you wrapped. (Deliver you all of you mixed together from all over the earth to one spot, to face the second promise)

105- And with the truth, We sent it (Quran) down,

and upon the truth come down (upon Mohamed),

and We did not send you but good tidings and warner.

106- And A Quran We partitioned (made in parts over time, separating truth from wrong),

to recite on people slowly (clearly, and do not rush)

and sent it down gradually. (In stages over 23 years to contemplate it and practice it)

107- Say” believe with it (Quran) or do not believe,

those who were given knowledge before it (Jews, Christians, who have knowledge of the truth in the Torah and Gospel)

when it is recited upon them,

they drop to their chins prostrating.

108- And they say “exalted is our God it was our God promise performed.” (by sending the prophet Mohamed and the message of Quran)

109- And they drop to their chins weeping

and it increases them in reverence.

(They Know that The Quran is the truth when they hear it, so they weep out of humbleness happiness, and submission)

110- Say “Invoke Allah or invoke The Merciful,

whichever you call Him,

to Him belongs the best names (Nouns of the attributes that related to Allah)

and do not loud with your prayer nor dim with it, (hush, low, mumble)

and seek a path in between that. (Islam path of moderation to a middle nation in all matters of life)

111- And say “Praise to Allah who has not taken a son (Allah is everlasting does not need an extension of Him to immortalize him, nor a son for God to favor him over the rest of creation )

and had no partner in ownership (No partner that would lead to sharing in power conflicts and confusion)

and He has no guardian from humiliation (No Supporter to turn to, like humans when they tumble, He does not need anything to be a God)

so praise his greatness.

(Truth from Allah the mighty)

Chapter 17 Night Journey: Translation

1- Glory Who took his worshiper by night, from the sacred mosque to the utmost mosque around which We blessed, to show him of our verses He is the hearer and the seeing.

2- And We brought unto Moses the book and We made it guidance to the children of Israel, so they do not take other than Me a guardian.

3- Off-spring is among those We carried with Noah indeed he was a thankful worshiper.

4- And We decreed upon the children of Israel in the book that you would spoil in the earth twice, and would rise to great haughtiness

5- So when the first promise of them arrives, we dispatched upon you, worshipers of ours of keen tolerance so they shall probe in between the homes, and it is a done promise.

6- Then We rebounded for you predominance upon them And We supplied you with wealth and children, and we made you more inducers.

7- If you do good, you do good for yourselves, and if you transgress it's upon it, and when the second promise came it will sadden your faces and they will re-enter the worship place as they entered the first time, and destroy what haughtinesswith utter destruction.

8- Perhaps your God will have mercy on you if you return, we return And we made Gehinnom for the disbelievers a matt.

9- This Quran guides to that which is most upright and foretells the believers who do good deeds that they will have great wages.

10- And those who do not believe in the hereafter we prepared for them a painful torment.

11- And humans invoke evil as invoking good and humans are hasty.

12- And we made the night and day two signs we erased the night miracle and made the day miracle visible So you may seek surplus from your God, and you might know the numbering of years and computation And everything separated with distinction.

13- And to every human we attached his bird onto his neck, and will bring out to him on the day of resurrection a book, to find it, widely published.

14- Read your book, enough today, yourself is upon you a sufficient calculator

15- Whoever is guided, is guided for his own self, and whoever stray has strayed upon it and no self-weight will be borne by other and we would not punish until we send a messenger.

16- And if we want to perish a village, we ordered its extravagant They transgress in it. So, the true promise is justified. So, we destroyed it destruction.

17- Much we perished of nations from after Noah, and sufficient is your God of his worshiper’s sins, knowing seeing.

18- Whoever wants the hasty we hasten for him in it of what we wills, to whomever we want. Then we made for him Gahanna to arrive it disgraceful rolled.

19- And whoever wanted the hereafter and sought to it, its sought while he believes it’s those their sought was appreciated.

20- To each, we extend, to those and those from your God’s grant, and your God’s grant is not restricted.

21- Look how we bestowed some above others and the hereafter is greater ranks and greater bestowment.

22- Do not make with Allah another deity so to stay disgraced forsaken

23- Decreed your God not to worship except him and with your parent's kindness, when they reach by you oldness one of them or both of them, do not say to them Uph and do not chide them and say to them kind saying.

24- And lower to them a humility wing of mercy and say God have mercy upon both as they have raised me little.

25- Your God is best knowing of what is in your selves if you become righteous, he is to the atoners forgiving.

26- And bring to kinsperson their just right and the poor, and the son of the road and do not seed aimlessly.

27- Surely the seeder were brothers of the devils, and Satan was to his God ever disobedient.

28- And if you side from them seeking mercy from your God with anticipation then say to them easing saying.

29- And do not make your hand shackled to your neck nor extend it to its full extension so will drop blameful strapped.

30- Indeed your God extends the livelihood to whomever he wills, and able He was to his worshippers All knowing All-seeing.

31- And do not kill your children for fear of pauperism We shall provide for them and to you, indeed killing them was a considerable mistake.

32- And do not approach adultery, it is ever vile obscenity and erroneous path.

33- And do not kill the soul that Allah forbid except with just and whoever was killed unjustly, we made for his guardian authority but not to exceed in killing so he can be supported.

34- And do not approach the orphan's property, except with the best of interest, until he reaches his strength and fulfills commitments, indeed the commitment is ever a responsibility

35- And be righteous in what you quantify if you are measuring, and weight by the straight balance that is the best consequence.

36- And do not pursue what you have no knowledge of, indeed hearing, sight, and heart all of those you would be responsible for.

37- And do not walk on earth swaggering you will not puncture the earth, and will never reach the mountains in height.

38- All that its evil results at your God is detested.

39- That is from what your God had revealed to you, of the wisdom, and do not make with Allah another deity, lest be thrown in Gahanna blamed and banished.

40- Has your God refined for you males and took females angels you say great saying.

41 - We have dispensed in this Quran so they may remember, but it does not increase them, except in grunt.

42 - Say “If there had been with him other deities, as they say, they would have perused a way to the throne".

43- Glorified and exalted, high atop what they say, by great height.

44- Praise to him the seven heavens and the earth and what is within them, and there is nothing but praises in and by his gratitude, but you do not comprehend their praises he was forbearing and forgiving.

45- And when you read the Quran, we put between you and those who do not believe in the hereafter a concealed veil.

46- We made on their hearts coverings not to perceive it and in their ears heaviness, and when you mention your God alone in the Quran, they repel on their back in aversion

47- We know best by what they hear with, is they listen to you and they secretly whisperer as the evildoers say, “you are following nothing but a bewitched man”.

48- Look how they strike similarities that they all went astray, so they cannot find the path.

49- And they say and when we were bones and remain shall we be resurrected as a new creation.

50- Say become stones or iron

51- Or a creation of which enlarge in your chest then they will say “Who will restore us?” say “Who initiated you the first time”, they will shrug their heads to you and say “ When will that be?” say “Hopefully will be near

52- The day he calls you, you will respond parsing him and you will that you stayed but a little.

53- And say to my worshipers to say which is best for Satan prod among them, indeed Satan is for humans a clear enemy.

54- Your God knows you best, if he wills, he will have mercy upon you and if he wills will torment you and we have not sent you upon them as an agent.

55- And your God knows best of whoever in the heavens and earth, and we have favored some prophets over others and we brought David the Zabour

56- Say Call to whom you claimed that is lower they do not possess the removal of adversity from you or to divert it

57- Those whom you call, also seek to their God a way who is closer and they hope for his mercy and fear his torment, indeed your God's torment is to beware of.

58- And there is not a village but we will be eradicated before the day of resurrection or torment it with intense tormentthat was in the book underlined.

59- And we did not prevent the sending of signs but was lied about it the beginners and we brought Thamud the she-camel visible they abused it and we do not send signs but to frighten.

60- And as we told you that your God encompassed people and we did not make the vision which We showed you, but a trial and the cursed tree in the Quran and we frighten them, but it does not increase them but great transgression.

61- And when We said to the angels “prostrate to Adam”, they prostrated, except Iblees said, “I prostrate to whom you created from mud”.

62- Said I will show you, this that you honored above me, if you delayed me to resurrection day, I will bridle his offspring except few.

63- Said go whoever followed you from them, then hell will be your recompense, with ample retribution.

64- And cut off whomever you can among them with your voice and yell onto them with your horses and on foot and partnership in their wealth and children and promises them, But Satan promises them nothing but arrogance

65- As for my worshipers you have no authority over them, and your god is a sufficient agent

66- Your God is who flows the ship in the sea, that you may seek from his bounty, he was ever merciful with you.

67- And when touched by harm at sea, go astray whom you call upon except Him when He saved them to out, they sided and humans were blasphemous

68- Have you believed secure that could not collapse this side out or send upon you pebble storm then you will not find for yourself a guardian.

69- Or have you believed secure that He not return you in it other time, and send upon you bombardment from wind to drown you by what you disbelieved, then you will not find upon us with it a follower

70- And we have honored the children of Adam and carried them in land and sea, and provided them with goods and preferred them above many we have created with mush preferences.

71- The day we call all people by their Imam whoever is given his book by his right those will read their book and will not be wronged a filament.

72- And whoever was in this blind then he is blind in the hereafter more astray from the path.

73- And they approached you to tempt you from that we revealed to you to make up against us other than it, and then they would have taken you a friend.

74- And if We had not stabilized you, you almost inclined to them something little.

75- Then We would have made you taste double the life and double the death then you would not find for yourself on us a partisan.

76- And they nearly chased you away from the land to depart from it then they would not remain behind you but a little.

77- It’s the way for those we sent before you of our messengers and you will not find to our way a deviation.

78- Establish prayer through the inclining sun to the darkness of night and The Quran of the dawn is witnessed.

79- And from the night oust with it dignity for you hopefully that your God will resurrect you in a praised spot.

80- And say “My God make me enter in truth and let me leave a truthful exit and make to me from you a triumphant authority.

81- And say “ The truth has come and the falsehood banished for falsehood is a vanishing.

82- And we send down from The Quran that which is healing and mercy for the believers and it does not increase the wrongdoers but loss

83- And when we bestow Our grace on a human, he side and distant to his side and when is touched by evil he is in despair.

84- Say “each work on his like your God most knowing of who is on the best-guided path.

85- And they ask you about the spirit say” The spirit is of my God command” and you did not receive of knowledge except a little.

86- And if We willed let go of what we reveal to you then you will not find for yourself, with it upon US as an agent.

87- Except mercy from your God indeed His favor is great.

88- Say “If humans and Jinn met in order to bring the like of this Quran, they will not bring the like, even if some of them were to others backers.

89- And we have conveyed to people in this Quran from every similitude yet did not accept most people expect disbelief.

90- And they said “We will not believe you until you gush to us from the ground a fountain”

91- Or that will be to you a garden of palms and grapes, then you gush rivers through them gushingly.

92- Or you drop, as you had alleged the sky on us in fragments or bring Allah and the angels before us

93- Or would be to you a house of embossing or you ascend into the sky, and we will not believe in your accession until you bring down onto us a book we can read say” Glory to my God was I not except a human messenger.

94- And nothing prevented people from believing when the guidance came to them, except they said “has God sent a human messenger”

95-Say “if there were in earth angels walking reassured, We would have brought down on them from the heavens an angel messenger”.

96- Say” sufficient is Allah a witness between me and you, He is with his worshipers well knowing seeing.

97- 97- And whomever Allah guide He is the guided and whoever strays you would not find to them custodians without Him, and We will cram them on the day of resurrection on their faces blind and dumb and deaf, their fate is hell, every time it dwindles, We increased them blaze.

98- That is your recompense as they disbelieved Our signs, and said “and if we become bones and remains, we will be resurrected a new creation.

99- Do not they see that Allah who created the heavens and earth able to create the like of them and made to them a deferral no doubt in it, yet refused the wrongdoers but to disbelieve?

100- Say “if you own the treasure coffer of my God’s mercy, then you will hold of fear of it sapping and humans are ever tight.

101- And we brought Moses nine clear signs so ask the children of Israel, as it came to them so said pharaoh to him, I suspect O Moses that you are bewitched.

102- Said you know that none sent down these but God of the heavens and earth eye-opening and I suspect O Pharaoh you are doomed.

103- He wanted to expel from the land, so We drowned him and those with him altogether.

104- And we said after that to the children of Israel settle the earth when comes the final promise shall bring you wrapped.

105- And with the truth, we sent it down, and upon the truth come down and we did not send you but good tidings and warner.

106- And A Quran we partitioned to recite on people slowly and sent it down gradually.

107- Say” believe with it or do not believe, those who were given knowledge before it when it is recited upon them, they drop to their chins prostrating.

108- And they say Exalted is our God it was our God promise performed.

109- And they drop to their chins weeping and it increases them in reverence.

110- Say “Invoke Allah or invoke The Merciful, whichever you call Him, to Him belong the best names and don not loud with your prayer nor dim with it, and seek a path in between that.

111- And say “Praise to Allah who has not taken a son and had no partner in ownership and He has no guardian from humiliation so praise his greatness.

(Truth from Allah the mighty)


The Holy Quran can only be read in its original Arabic language. No translation or interpretation of the Holy Quran can be used as a replacement for the Arabic Holy Quran. I am not a scholar nor do I have any Islamic diplomas. I have tried to provide a Quran translation and contemplations that is faithful to the Quranic Arabic language using an empirical approach that is based on my readings of selected scholars’ interpretations, my personal experiences and understanding of The Holy Quran as a Muslim native Arabic speaker.

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